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Show S-E St E- well, a feraiceable villain March' As duteous to the vices of thy miftref Shakefpe King Lear "As badnefs could defire To welcome brother ferv Jerwiceables governors thie apter to rule with con{cience3 inferiors, for confcience fake, the will] Hooker inger to obey So your father charg'd me at our parting Ll [peare (e Shak Be ferwiceatle to my fon His own inclinations were to confine himfelf t his own bufinefs, and be ferwiceabls to religion an Atterbury learain to juftify the revolugion archbiihop TilA boo Yotfo wiceable treatif that coul St'rRViTOR 2. f 1. Servant attendant hav bee publ then Thu he #. /. [from fervice [ ferwil, French ; ferwilis SE'RVITUDE tus Ev'n fortune rules no more a ferwileJand NMhere exil'd | tyrants ftill by turns command. Poge frame The moft fervile flattery is odged the moft eafil ceit draweth a yielding to the not wit.to difcer duty She muft bend the fe E'RVILELY. adv, [from fervile. flavifhly hanging news they chang' Jy fro ffeéts fate i y th ftat Unjuftly tho T homfon SEsQUITERTIAN of Jerwitude tity or numbe S and 8 v'ft it with the nam Mean affetion worl fhoul be i love with a fplendi cefs charged ; tax His army was fo iil paid and governed, as th Englifh fuffered.more damage by the fis of hi foldiers, than they gained profit or fecurity b abating the pride of their enemiess Dawvies's Hiffory of Irdued Se'ssiow. n. /. [ feffion, Fr. feffio, Lat 1. The a& of fitting He hath a dominion ove afcenfion int hand of God Many, though they concede a table-gefture, vil Brown's Vulgar Errours 2. A ftated affembly of magiftrates orfe They are ready t' appea Where you fhall hold your feffion. Sblalz.K.LedrSummo Savift flcs, is really as much abridged in hi as } e that waits to prefent one South freedom Serva vant ve t 1 co le iv ly coliectivel V Th Not in ufe nb'rous trai I numerous fervitud Milton Ccu 1 l m f a a i w fo 3. The fpac parliamchfr, o f u c It was contrary- tor th o l o f that any bill' that had been l'eleé?e Clirend watery. part that {feparate again preferred the fame feffion th ] urs o the dulke's Jeru- chion me peare's Tawelfth Nights LTER T B feveral "othe Arbuthno Y adj.[ fefguialtere, Fr SESQUIALTERAL. fe/quialter, Latin. In geometry, is a ratio where one quany or number contains another onc o o z) f. [ ferve and man Sba 1 y Skakefps Henry V ESQUI ands th and half as much more, as 6 and Di& o plestif P" Ut_ or af nc co n c N on fe T me xe wh zo fg fir ‘th afliftance i ine ord wa u et Me th e la de a vi que ination was sellngfe never bifhops and yet hisi ordin the lymph.fro without intermiflion or receis 2./. [Latin. thin an f} from the reft in any liquor, as.in mil the whey from the cream 2. Lhe part of the blood which'ia coagu ing-man than ever ih Shakefprare Our mott difloyal lady Of their feffion ended they bid cr S The great refult es fra ai Ac th al nc co t l' Ca i im ci pr {' 0{{ t p on f¢ff fef fwornrn theth r herheralal fw NoJo SE‘RuM Your niece did mot a feffion, that we may arraig arly, and goes to bed late, only to re to a practice fervant nators th fro "ean pofli A menia hardly allow this ufual way. of feffor yet certainly they muft be much beholding to thei own f ancy, that they can be j afed at it; for h Of herds, an SERVING-MAN man, not as God only, a fuprem quick and dead; for {o much hi heaven, and his foffion at the righ Hokers do import "The old man, mindful &ill of moan or fef th pa be th g Weepi dfl f.l/ Cba‘bmflfl,-‘ RINg na Iree ferwitude 2 ¥or p Dig SEess. z.. [for afefs, cefs, or cenfe.] Rate The peare's Henry V contains another omc and one third part more, as between nature hat faying [In mathematicks, Having fuch a ratio, as that one quan Of ferwitude, to ferve whom God ordains Or nature: God and nature bid the fame When he who rules is worthieft Milton Though it is neceflary that fome perfons in th ing. Dryd. Aur his aétions an to cop fo who have reafon fo far forth as to conceive when other direct them Hooker You would have {old your king to flaughter His princes and his peers to ferwitude His {ubje@s to oppreffion and contempt heir ordinar And fawning take the fp Cheyne's Philofiphical Princighs Sawift Ariftotle fpeaketh of men the planets cannot be carried abou by an harmonically circulating fluid 1. Slavery; ftate ofa flave; dependance 2. Fawning ; cringing have the confequentl 7. /. [ fervitude, Fr. ferwi Lat. of ti‘;c difivf::cus from the center or the radii a Dawics from his college Acteptance of large grace, from ferwile fea To filial Milton Is the proportion one Quantit The periodical times of the planetsar i plicate proportion, and not a fupli :t:r;rl:pjgfiiz His learning is much of a fize with his birth an education; no more of either than whata poo hungty ferwitor can be expeéted to bring with hi Fight and die, is death deftroying death Where fearing(o dying death ferwi /e breath GRREEL) pay R S hake (7[[peare From impofition of ftrict laws to fr c [In mather one half 4. One of the loweft order in the univerfity mean adj or number has to another, in the ratioo My noble queen, let former grudges pais And henceforth I am thy true ferwitor Shake[peare's Henry V1 Norris fo ticks. 3. One who profefles duty and obedience Serwiceablenefs or differviceablenefs to fome end in the grofieft capacity Sg :S(?\‘UIflZ'LlCAT E are poor ferwitors his invafion commanded or forbidden muft be founded upon it .4rburbma»"dgl;or ttxc Jefguipedalian pigmy tors the lands and pofieffions of fuch as did op All a&ion being for fome end, its aptnefs to b Latin. 1. Slavifh ; dependant Our Norman conqueror gave away to his [erawi 2. Ufefulnefs ; beneficialnefs adj Guargn Haft 'thou ever meafured¢ he gigantic B p'xan,. \fivhofeif':atufs is above eig'ng E:‘Eggkhfihm 2. One who a&s under another; a follower ing more humble ferviceablencfs and joy to conten her than ever before Sidney i difor' kef He might continually be in her prefence, thew SE'RVILE gining to be more, me of Jupiter; in the air arful com Is leaden ferwitor to dull delay Delay deads impotent and fnale-pac'd 1. Officioufnefs ; a&ivity ng only fix foot and a hahj‘;flat u able. h i lmofih'e As for my own part, T a but hav When others fleep upon the (‘lhi beds Conftrain'd to watch in darknefs, rain ined ropo;t ‘a foot and a half A word obfolete of Juno; in the water, of Neptune ; in t of Vefta and Ceres vift SE'RVICEABLENESS Sz [ ferwiteur, French. only one, the him in the fk atU SEsQuUIPE‘DAL ! adj. [ f SESQUIPEDALIAN, } Lat.] This workma n, whofe Jerwitor nature is, bein as the moft fer to the king recommende dical motions to their orb fun, fo the fecondary ones are moved aboyg in) the fam! e Jefguialtera Except a bottle, now and then in publick affairs, the mor them mak t Suckling With Dennis you did ne'er combine Not you, to fteal your mafter's wine Religion hath force to qualify all forts of men dn portion to the mean di tance " 4% As the fix primar planets revolye boldly up, like our train'd band Prefented, and awa beneficial 2. Ufefnl e fecondary planets and of the feconda ones, the periodical time a?g";i.:é. And all the waiters in a tric His fummons did obey an, with difh in hand Each fer ing withal more than was trueof his conjgctures Sidney I know the In all the vevolutions o fun Jnftin the pick5 the cook knock'd thrice diligence in difcovering fo great a perfonage; add :hich at the 19ex Many decrees are enadted, wh ‘tioned + feffran are.repealeds 4. A meeting of joftic § 1 as, the/!fi"" of i the peace c e f f [ SelsTERCE. n Latin.]' Amon about § L/1's c e t r u w e t 'o Sever ¢ Jifper X |