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Show ME /. I Sy fleep. Shakefs Winter's Tale Thoughts my tormentors arm'd wit ftings Mangle my apprehenfive tendereft parts Exafperate deadl exulcerate and raif ., | Dire inflammation, which no cooling her Y4y Nor medicinal liquor can affuage. Milton's Agoniffes The fecond caufes took the fwift command The medicinal head, the ready hand Yo Me'piTATE ditor, Lat. Som knows Lik & Replete with ftrane hermetick powder That wounds nine miles point-blank with folder P Butler /1. forbi th ufe of medicine : bu it is mof o T bed; but times are to be governed by the fymptom and aggravation of the diftemper RQuincy dEDI CINALLY adv of [from medicinal. Th witnefie leech -like liv'd on blood v Sucking for them tha were med'cinall good Dryden NEe"DICINE. z./. [medicine, French; me dicinay Lat as if onl fyllables my dear father reftauration han clean.sh data import.tsv out README Thy medicine on my lips; and let this kif "Repair thofe violent harms. - Shake[t. King Lear e A merr heart dot goo like a medicine; bu [ 'Latin. Shak:[peare [medieté Fr medictas Middle ftate; participation o Brown's Vulgar Errours Aep1o'criTY mediocritas w4 #./. [mediocrité, French Latin Moderate degree ; middle rate Men of age feldom driv full period » ="' but conten bufinefs hom to th themfelves with a medio crity of fuccefs Baco There appeared a fudden and marvellous converfion in the duke's cafe, from the moft exalted t the moft deprefled, as if his expedition had bee Wotton capable of no mediocrities He liken th mediocrit mean fortune, wh of wi manage t on fear of runnin int living Diryden's State of Inugcence profufenefs never arrive to the magnificence o Getting and improving our knowledge in fubftances only by experience and hiftory, is all tha the weaknefs of our faculties in this ftate of medio¢rity, while we are in this world . Moderation; temperance can attain to Locke to ftud his will / to meditat all thefe being pleaTillotfon [meditation there is none Fr con Bentley 2. Thought employed upo His name was heavenl Of God and goodnefs wa Thy thoughts to noble And ftudy how to die, no 3. A feries o any objeét o are books of MEDITATIVE 1. Addi&ed t facred objeéts contemplation his medization. Fairy 2 meditations give how to live. Granwville thoughts, occafioned b occurrence In this fenf meditations adj. [from meditate. meditation Ainfavorth 2. Exprefling intention or defign MEDITERRA'NE adj MEDITERRANEAN [mediu terra MEDITERRA'NEOUS 1. Encircled with land an mediter ranée, French. 2 Inland ; remot fro the fea It is found in mountains and mediterrancous parts and' fo it-is a fat and unétuous fublimation of th Brozon earth We have taken a lefs height of the mountain than is requifite, if we refpect the mediters mountains from the fea o thof tha tried Bacon 1 muft bring togethe All thefe extremes ; and muft remove all mediums ‘That each may be the other's objeét Denban Seeing requires light and a free medium, and right line to the objeéts; we can hear in the dark and by curve lines are at a grea di Burnet Holder He, who looks upon the foul through its outward actions, often {ees it through a deceitful medium, which is apt to difcolour the objeét Addifon's Spectaior The parts of bodies on which their colour depend, are denfer than the medium which pervade their interftice Newton Againtt filling the heavens with fluid medinms unlefs they be exceeding rare, a great objectio arifes from the regular and very lafting motion of the planets and comets in all manner of courfe through the heavens Neavtor's Opticks 2. Any thing ufed in ratiocination, in order to a conclufion ; the middle ter n an argument, by which propofition are connetted This cannot be anfwered by thofe mediums whic have been ufed Dryden's Fuvenals We, whofe underftandings are thort, are force to colle¢t one thing from another, and in that procefs we feek out proper mediums. Baker on Learning 3. The middl tempcratur place or degree betwee the juf extremes The juft medimn of this cafe lies betwixt th pride and-the abjeétion, the two extremes MEz"DLAR L' Eftrarge #. /. [mefpilus, Latin. BsAtree The-leaves of the med/ar are either whele, an thaped liké "thofe of tke laurel, as in the manure forts ; or lacigiated, as in the wild forts : the flowe confifts of five [€aves, which expand in form of rofe : th fruits are umbilicated and are not eatabl till they "decay ; and have, for the moft part, fiv hard feeds in each Miller Now will he fit under a med/ar tree And wifh his miftrefs were that kind of fruit Which maids call medlars.Shake[p. Romeo and Ful 2. The fruitof that tree You'll be rotten ere you be half ripe And that's the right virtue of the medlar. Shakefp O&ober is drawn in a garment of yellow an carnation; with a bafket of fervices chefnuts No rotten med/ars, whilft there b medlars, andPeacham ‘Whole orchards in virginity Cleaveland Men have gather'd from the hawthorn's branc Large medlars, umitating regal crowns Philips 7o MEDLE % . a. 'To mingle.. Spenfer 7o Me‘pLY MepLY. #. fo [from wmeddle for mingle. A mixture; a mifcellany; a mingle Itis commonly ufed with fom mafs degree of contempt imagine Som tha the p approached dow one upon anotie tower ditch Love is a me In all that part that lieth on the north fide o the wmediterrane fea, it is thought not to be th Brercawood vulgar tongue his ftore with grea wit Taylor a man may poflibly be fo ftupid as not to hav God in all his thoughts, or to fay in his heart of parfimony; ' but who t o That mufing meditation moft affe& The penfive fecrefy of defert cell Milton Some thought and mcditation are neceflary; an two extremes ; half They contained no fithy compofure, but wer made up of man and, bird; the human medier clean.sh data import.tsv out README varioufly placed not only above but below ME'DITATE @. # 'To think mufe; to contemplate to dwel 20 I left the meditations wherein I was, and fpak to her in anger 2 Efd. x.'5 *T'is moft true » Shall ever medicine thee to that fweet-flee Which thou owedft yefterday xiv meditatio, Lat. 1. Deep thought; clofe attention trivance; contemplation Not all the drowfy fyrups of the world n. [ Euc/uf Mepira‘rion .o ME'DICINE. w. &. [from the noun. ' To operate as phyfick Not ufed e AEDIETY K. Charles to revolve in the mind upon him, and to love him fure and peace 2% a broken fpirit drieth the bones Prow. xvil. 22 I wiih to die, yet dare not death endure " Deteft the med cine, yet defire the cure Dryden Go and watchful to betray To worthip God med'cine. " Phyfick; any remedy adminiftered by phyfician O I did not then think of war alion that unheeded lay ragements to virtue ltis generally pronounce of tw a war His delight js in the law of the Lotd, and i his law doth he meditate night and day. Plalm i. 2 I will meditate alfo of all thy work, and talk of all thy doings Plaim Ixxviis 12 Meditate till you make fome a& of piety upo the occafion of what you meditate; either get {fom new arguments againft a fin, or fome new encou . Phyfically T I meditate Whether any other liquors, being made mediums caufe a diverfity of found from water, it may b immured with intenfe thought Itis commonl ufed of pious contemplation in the morning fafting, about an hour before dinner, about four hours after dinner, and going t me Them amon There fet a man of ripe and perfeé® age Who did them meditate all his life long. Fairy Qu Blefled is the man that doth meditate good thing in wifdom, and that reafoneth of holy things pro » with Quincy Medicinal-hours are thofe wherein it is fuppofe that medicines may be taken, commonly reckone %4 tha 2. To think on perly ufed for thofe days wherein purging, or an other evacuation, is more conveniently complie Fr meditated the fetting up a falfe religion at Babel Forbes Such are call'd medicinal-days by fome writers wherein no crifis or change is expeéted, fo as t ST [mediter With inward rage he meditates his prey. Dryden. Before the memory of the flood was loft, me Learn'd he was in med'cinal love For by his fide a pouch he wore affirme Diffembling fleep ".. Belonging to phyfick w. a 1. To plan ; to fcheme; to contrive All but cternal doom was conquer'd by their art Diyden teacheth mediocrity i 1. Any thing intervening . whic we owe obedienc n f. [medium, Latin. o R0 is meet meats and drinks Hooker When they urge us to extreme oppofition againf the church of Rome, do they mean we fhould b drawn unto it only for a time, and afterwards return to a mediocrity Hooker Honeft aseither ; to purge him of that humou That prefles him fro whic to that law of reafo Come with words as medicinal as true . tha Mrc'pivM us beyon in the ufe of food, fhould lea Left appetite R healing ; hav & o Y, Having the powe ing phyfical virtue ME Sufpicions The peac The qu ag ey of ende els, reconcile |