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Show MA M. A 2. To fuit; to be proportionate; to tally Ma'rcHABLE. adj. [from match. 1. Suitable; equal; fit to be joined Ye, whofe high wosths furpafling paragon Could not on earth have found one fit for mate Ne but in heaven matchable to none Spenfer Why did ye ftoop unto fo lowly ftate 2. Correlpondent Thofe at land that are not matchable with an tipon our fhores, are of thofe very kinds which ar found no where but in the deepeft parts of the fea Weodward's Natural Hiffory Ma'rcuLESS. adj ing no equal. Hav [from match. Waller Mouch lefs, in arms, oppofe thy matchlefs force When thy fharp fpurs fhall urge thy foaming horfe Dryden @dv Parnaflus is its name; whofe forky rif f l t t m a d o c t Mounts throu fkies High on the fummit of this dubious cliff Deucalion wafting moor'd his little fkiff Dryden 3. To oppofe; to equal 11 th' way of loyalty and truth b c e r S a t m d u f t m Dar L I V n H e a S s i l f h v l And all tha T h i a S r t m r t a [ 4 fubdue No to confound ; to crufh in ufe That is good decei i c d n t i f fi a t ft fi h t m Whic S})fl]u.‘/]) This happy day two lights are feen A glorious fainty a matchlefs queen Ma'TCHLESSLY M A# In a manner no to be equalled MA'TCHLESSNESS. #. /. [from matchlefs. State of being without an equal f m an c a [ / 7 E A E C MA' 1. One who contrives marriages You came to him o kno 1f you fhould carry me, orno And would have hird him and his imps To be your matchmakers and pimps Hudibras 2. One who makes matches to burn MaTE. x. /. [maca, Saxon; maet, Dut. 1. A hufband or wife I that am frail flefh and carthly wight Unworthy match for fuch immortal mate Myfelf well wote, and mine unequal fate. Fairy M fenfe fhe 'as mated, and amaz'd my fight Shakefpeare e t h f b a t ca g e n r f i Why thi p e a S d m a f o d t m al a y I thin The great effets that may come of induftr t c d a F t n e o k w c a e e r p an dot bin almof minds 1. Confiftin {piritual mat adj MATERIAL rialis, Lat. an th weake for o Bacon's Natural Hiftory [materiel of matter Fr mate corporeal ; no When we judge, our minds we mirrors make And as thofe glafles which material be Forms of material things do only take For thoughts or minds in them we cannot fee Dawvies That thefe trees of life and knowledge were 72aterial trees, thoug figures of the law and the gof pel, it is not doubted by the moft religious an Ra/'a'g/: learned writers ia en ef o n m m an or Im 2 al 2. A companion, male or fe are c wh t n th th or be z wi Go, bafe intruder ! over-weening flave tion is noted Beftow thy fawning fmiles on equal mates, Shake[p My competito 1In top of all defign, my smate in empire Friend and companion in the front of war. Shakef You knew me once no mat For you; there fitting where you durft not foar Milton Damon, behold yon breaking purple cloud Hear'ft thou not hymns and fongs divinely loud ‘There mounts Amyntas, the young cherubs pla About their godlike mate, and fing him on his way Dryden Leave thy bride alone Go, leave her with her maiden ates to pla At fports more harmlefs, till the break of day Dryden 3. The male or female of animals Graz Part fingle, or with mate the fea-weed their pafture, an throug grove Milton's Paradife Loft Of coral ftray Pliny tells us, that elephants know no copulatio with any other than their own proper marte. Ayliffe 4. One that fails in the fame fhip What vengeance on the pafiing fleet fhe pour'd The mafter frighted, and the mates devour'd Rofcommon . One that eats at the fame table 6. The fecond in fubordination in a fhip as th mafter's mate the chirurgeon' mate 7% MaTE. @. . [from the noun. 1. To match ; to marry Enfzmple make of him your haplefs joy And of myfelf now mated as you fee Whofe prouder vaunt, that proud avenging bo Did foon pluck down, and curb'd my liberty Fairy Queen The hind, that would be mated by the lion Muft die for love. Shak. All's wvcll that ends well 2. To be equal to Some from feeds inclos'd on earth arife For thus the maftful chefnut mates the {kies Dryden We muft propofe unto all men certain petition incident, and very material in caufes of this nature Hooker Hold them for catholicks or hereticks, it is no a thing either one way or another, in this queftion Hooker material What part of the world foever we fall into, th ordinary ufe of this very prayer hath, with equa continuance, accompanied the fame, as one of th principal and moft material duties of honour don Hooker to Chrift It may difcover fome fecret meaning and intent therein, very material to the ftate of that goSpenfer vernment The queftion is not, whether you allow or difWhitgift allow that book,, neither is it material He would not &ay at your petitions made His bufinefs more material. Shakefps Winter's Tale Neither is this a queftion of words, but in finitely material in nature Bacon's Natural Hiftory 1 pafs the reft, whofe every race and name Dryden And kinds arc lefs material to my theme As for the more material faults of writing, thoug I fee many of them, I want Jeifure to amend them Dryden I fhall, in the account of fimple ideas, fet dow only fuch as are moft material to our prefent purLocke pofe In this material point, the conflitution of th Savifi Englith government far exceeds all other 3. Not formal : as, though the materia altion was the fame, it was formall different MaTerR1aLs. 2. /. [this word is fcarcel ufed i th fingular materiaux The fubflance of which an made Fr. thin i The Weft-Indians, and many nations of th Africans, finding means and materials, have bee taught, by their own necefiities, to pafs rivers in boat of one tree Intending an accurate enumeratio Raleigh of medica materials the omiffion hereof affords fom B,%, bability it was not ufed by the ancients David, who made fuch rich provifion of mate for the building of the temple, becaufe he ha his bands in blood, was not permitted to lay a fon Sul in that facred pile That lamp in one of the heathen temples tfi art of man might make of fome fuch materig] the ftone aibeftus, which being once enkindled Wilkin burn without being confumed Th material of tha building very 'fortunate‘} ranged themfelves into that delicate order, thati'{ muft be a very great chance that parts them Tillotfom Simple ideas, the materials of all our knowledge are fuggelted to the mind only by fenfationand f§ Lack refle€tion Such a fool was never found Who pull'd a palace to the ground Only to have the ruins mad Matcrials for an houfe decay'd [fro 2. / MAaTE RIALIST Swif material, One who denies {piritual fubftances mafe Memmiau Dryden makin He was bent upo rialift MAaTeERIA'LITY. #. /. [materialité, Fr Corporeity; materia from material. exiftence ; not {pirituality Confidering that corporeity coyld not agree wit thi nature univerfal fubfiften abftrating fro all materiality in his ideas, and giving themg aCual fubfiftence in nature, he made them lik angels to be the effence, an effences wer whof to give exiftence to corporeal individuals; and'f each idea was embodied in every individual ofit Dighy. fpecies MATE RIALLY. adv. [from material. 1. In the ftate of matter I do not mean, that any thing is feparable fro a body by fire that was not materially pre-exiften By in it z. Not formally Though an ill intention is certainly fufficient t fpoil and corrup itfelf materially good, i ac a ¥ yet no good intention whatfoever can recify orinfufe a moral goodnefs into an a& otherwife evil South 3. Importantly ; eflentially All this concerneth the cuftoms of the Irifh very materially; as well to reform thofe which are evil as to confirm and continue thofe which are good Spenfer on Ireland MATE RIALNESS [from mat_erial']; #. / MAaTE RIATE [materiatus, Lat. % adj Confifting of matter MATE RIATED After long enquiry of things immerfe in mattet interpofe fome fubject which is immateriate orlef materiace th fuch as this of founds intelle& ma be reified partial MaTERIA'TION Lat. 7. / [fro materit ; Brow MATE RNAL. adj. [materne, Fr. maternv befitting or pertaut ing to a mother The babe had all that infant care beguiles And carly knew his mother in her fiiles At his firft aptnefs the maternal lov D'J'M Thofe rudiments of reafon did improve MatTe'RNITY. %. /. [maternité, ET: from maternus 1 Bacon's Natural Hiffary el it e t m o e e i a r t m a form Lat. and become po The a& of forming matter Motherly to the end tha Creation is the produ@ion of all things 0"t9 nothing; a formation not only of matter but o Lat. A State of being material Th character or1 lation of a mother 317& kill 1 [matter / 'LON MaT-r Jelon, a thief. A fpecies of knap-weed growing }Vild' MATH |