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Show SH SH g. Not fetching a compalfs So foon as ever they were gotten out of the hear ing of the cogk the lio and tore him to pieces 4y turned Jhart upo him L' Eftrange He feiz'd the helm ; his fellows cheer'd Tu}n‘dflJort upon the fhelfs, and madly fteer'd D':)‘(fz'n For, turhing fhor, he fruck with all his migh Full on the helmet of th" unwary knight. Dryden 10, Not going fo far as was intended As one condemn'd to leap a preeipice Who fees before his eyes the depth below Stops fbort Dryden 11. Defetive as to quantity. When the flezce is thorn Then their defencelefs limbs the brambles tear Shor of their wool, and naked from the fheer Dryden 12, Narrow; contratted Men of wit and parts, but of fbort thoughts an little meditation, are apt to diftruft every thing fo a fancy Burnet They, fince their own Short underftandings reac - No farther than the prefent, think ev'n the wif Like them difclofe the fecrets of their breafts Rowe 13. Brittle ; friable His fleth is not firm, but/«'.'ox'/ and taftelefs Walton Marl from Derbythire was very fat, though i had fo great a quantity of fand, that it was f Joorty that, when wet, you could not work it into ball, or make it hold together Mortimer 14. Not bending The lance broke fhort5 the beat then bellow' loud . And his ftrong neck to a new onfet bow'd, Dryd $HORT. 2. /. [from the adjective. A fum mary account The fhort and long is, our play is preferr'd Shake[peare In port, the makes a man of him at fixteen and 2 boy all his life after L'Eftrange Repentance is, in Jkort, nothing but a turnin from fin to God 5 the cafting off all our forme evils, and, inftead thereof, conftantly practifing al thofe chriftian duties which God requireth of us Duty of Man If he meet with no reply, you ma conclud that I.tmfi to the goodnefs of my caufe : th fbor on't is, 'tis indifferent to your humble fervan Whatever your party- fays Dryden From Medway's pleafing ftrea i To Severn's roar be thine In foort, reftore my love, and fhare my kingdom Dryden The proprieties and delicacies of the Englifh ar now to few: 'tis impoflible even for good wi -t underftand and pradife them, without the hel 3 Of: liberal education and long reading in fhort : Withoyt wearing off the ruft which h contracte While he was laying in a ftock o learning. Dryd Jgy eedPert i, to fpealk all in 2 word, the pofitbifigeztlbel(r']g found in Sou falvable ftate cannot be fuffecured, without a poflibility of alway pelfevenng in it Norris. t';ll;';'lf.E? whole ‘bodics of men brea}cin a conftidangcr; l;://mr?. to be encompafied wit the greatef clean.sh data import.tsv out README fa&ioom \kfthgut, to be torn by man viru t}':: 1:";{";'1,{ t]hcn to be fecure and fenfe - ficknefs ypt, d-:ath.l aenin fizgfé HORT. ady, [It is, T think, only ufed i comPDfithn.] Not long Bli Beauny and youth nsr&ghtly hope, and fhort-enduring joy. Dryd Ol'a/})a,;a?,ge draught preferibed by Hippocrate ey, Wi-threat!\ed man, is half a gallo of hy a little vinegar Arbutbnot lf'?‘go RTEN, o, a. [fro fhors. make fhort, either in time or {pace Becaufe th ¥ fee itit isi not fit or B poffible tha Fhurches fould frame thankfgivings anfwerable t 2 45 1 each. petition, they fhorten fomewhat the relgns o their cenfure Hovker Would you have been fo brief with him, he woul Have been fo brief with you to forten you For taking fo the head, the whole head's length Shakefpeare To fhorten its ways to knowledge, and mak each perception more comprehenfive, it binds t e inte bund.es Locke None thall dar With forten'd fword to ftab in clofer war But in fair combat Dryden War, and luxury's more direful rage Thy crimzs have brought, to /borten mortal breath With all the num'rous family of death Dryden Whatever /bortens the fibres, by infinuating themfelves into their parts, as water in a rope, contraéts Arbuthnot 2. To' contra®t ; to abbreviate \Nc/];orh-;z'd days to moment 3. Toconfine Suckling to hinder from progrefiion able to ftir bu that it fhoul be known an they fhortened according to their demerits. Spenfer T My boo Here Sbortene forbidde be known, fbortens my laid intent I make it, that you know me not. Shak where the fubjeét is fo fruitful, I a by my chain, and can only fee what i me to reach Dryden 4. To lop Difhoneft with lopt arms the youth appears Spoil'd of his nofe, and fhorten'd of his ears. Dryd SHO'RTHAND. . /. [ fbort and band.] method of writing 1n compendious charalters Unlefs cach vice in fborthand they indite Ev'n as notcht 'prentices whole fermons write Dryden Boys have but little ufe of fberthand, and fhoul by no means practife it, till they can write perfeé ly well Locke In fhorthand {killd, where little marks comprif a fentence in a letter lies Creech As the language of the face is univerfal, fo 'ti very comprehenfive: no laconifm can reach it *tis the fhorthand of the mind, and crowds a grea deal in a little room Collier SHO'RTLIVED. adj. [ fbort and live. living or lafting long No Unhappy parent of a fbort/iv'd fon Why loads he this embitter'd life with fhame Dryden The joyful fbortliv'd news foon fpread around Took the fame train Dryden Some vices promife a great deal of pleafure i the commiflion; but then, at beft, it is but /bortliwed and tranfient, a fudden flafh prefently extinguifthed Calamy's Sermons The frequent alterations in publick proceedings the variety of fhortlived favourites that prevaile in their feveral turns under the government of he fucceflors, have broken us into thefe unhappy diftin&ions Addifer's Frecholder A piercing torment that jbortlived pleafure o yours muft bring upon me, from whom you neve received offence Addifon All thofe grace The common fate of mortal charms may find Content our fhortliv'd praifes to engage The joy and wonder of a fingle age Addifon Admiration is a fhortliwed paflion, that immediately decays upon growing familiar with its objeét, unlefs it be fill fed with frefh difcoveries Shall finifh what his fbort/iv'd five begun more rejoice for that little you have expended fo the benefit of others, than in that which by fo lon toil you fhall have faved Calaimy He celebrates the anniverfary of his father's funeral, and fhortly after arrives at Cumee. Dryden I could exprefs them more fborely this way tha in profe, and much of the force as well as grace o arguments depends on their concifenefs /14{"@&11 Pope Pope SHO'RTNESS, 7. /. [from Jhort. 1. The quality of being fhort time or {pace either i Il make a journey twice as far, t' enjo A fecond night of fuch fweet fbortnefs, whic Was mine in Britain Shakefpeare's Cymbeline They move ftrongeft in a right line, which i caufed by the /bortnefs of the diftance Bacon's Natural Hiffory I will not trouble my readers with the fhortnef of the time in which I writ it Dryden May they not juftly to our climes upbrai Skortnefs of night, and penury of fhade Prior Think upon the vanity and fbortnefs of huma life, and let death and eternity be often in you minds nefs Are tir'd, and cannot fcore them on the ftage Then palaces fhall rife the joyful fo I muft leave thee, love, and fhortly too. Shakefp Thou art no friend to God, or to the king Open the gates, or I'lL fhut thee out fhertly Shakefpeare's Henry V The armies came fbortly in view of each other Clarendon The time will fbortly come, wherein you fhal 2. Fewnef Your follies and debauches chang With fuch a whirl, the poets of your ag Whole words I 1. Quickly ; foon; in a little time is commonly ufed relatively of futur time, but Clarendon feems to ufe it abfolutely z. In a few words; briefly The Irith dwell altogether by their fepts, fo a they may confpire what they will ; whereas if ther were Englith placed among them, they fhould no b adv. [from fhort. Ev'n he, whofe foul now mielts in mournful lays Shall fhortly want the gen'rous tear he pays. Pope by love's art Whilft our two foul Perceiv'd no paffing time, as if a par Our love had been of fill eternity Suo'rRTLY Th Law of words; brevity ; concife neceffity of fbortuefs caufeth me to cu oft impertinent difcourfes, and to comprife muc matter in few words Hooker Sir, pardon me in what I have to fay Your plainnefs and your fhortnefs pleafe me well Shakefpeare The prayers of the church will be very fit, a being moft eafy for their memories, by reafon o their /bortnefs, and yet containing a great deal o matter Duty of Max 3. Want of reach; want of capacity Whatfoever is ab#ve thefe, proceedeth of fbort nefs of memory, or of want of a ftayed attention Bacon 4+ Deficience ; imperfection Another account of the JPortnef of our reafon and eafinefs of deception, is the forwardnefs o our u=derftanding's affent to flightly examined conclufions Glanwille's Scepfis From the inftances T had given of human ignorance, to our fhortnefs in moft things elfe, it i an eafy inference It may be eafily conceived Glanwville by any that can al low for the lamenefs and Jbortnefs of tranflation out of languages and manners of writing differin from ours Temple SHORTRI'BS. n. / [ fhort and ribs. Th baftard ribs ; the ribs below the ffernume A gentleman was wounde pier entered into his righ JFortribs under the mufcles in 2 duel the ra fide, flanting by hi Wileman's Surgery SHORTSI'GHTED. adj. [ fbort and /fight. 1. Unable by the convexity of the eye t fee far Shortfighte men fee remot objects bef in ol age; therefore they are accounted to have the mo lafting eyes Neawton z. Unable by intelleftual fight to fee far T e foolith and fhortfighted die with fea That they go nowhere, or they know not wheze L Denbam Othe |