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Show S O S of faith, hath occafioned that great fcandal in th church of God, at which fo many myriads of folifidians have ftumbled, and fallen irreverfibly, b conceiving heaven a reward o true opinions Hammond Sor1LoQuY. #. /. [ folilogue, Fr. folus an loguor, Lat.] A difcourfe made by on in folitude to himfelf Ihe whole poem is a foliloguy: Solomon i the perfon that fpeaks: he is at once the her and the author; but he tells us very often wha Prior others fay to him He finds no refpite from his anxious grief Then fecks from his foliloguy relief Garth's Difp If I {hould own myfelf in love, you know lover are always allowed the comfort of foliloguy. Spect So''L1PEDE. 7. f. [ folus and pedes, Latin. An animal whofe feet are not cloven Solipedes, or firm footed animals, as horfes, afles and mules, are in mighty number Brown's Vulgar Errours SoviTA'tRE. n. /i [ folitaire, French. Often have I been going to take pofieflion o tranquillity, when your converfation has f{poile me for a folitaire 2. An ornament for the neck So'rLiTarILY. adv. [from folitary. Pope I {olitude; with lonelinefs; without com any How fhould that fubfift folitarily by itfelf whic hath no fubftance, but individually the very fam Hooker whereby others fubfift with it Feed thy people with thy rod, the flock of thin heritage which dwell folitarily in the wood Mic. viis 14 So So'LyTarinNgss. z /. [from folizary. litude ; forbearance of company ; habi tual retirement There is no caufe to blame the prince for fometimes hearing them : the blame-worthinefs is, tha to hear them he rather goes to folitarinefs, tha makes them come to company Sidney You fubject yourfelf to [o/itarinefs, the fly enem that doth moft feparate a man from well-doing Sidney At home, in wholefome [olitarinefs My piteous foul began the wretchednef Donne Of fuitors at the court to mourn adj. [ folitaire, Fr. folitarius SO'LITARY Latin. 1. Living alone not having company Thofe rare and folitary, thefe in flocks Milton 2. Retired; remote from company; don or pafled without company In refpect that it is folitary, I like it very well but in refpet that it is private, it is a very vil Shakefpeare life Milton Satan explores his [o/itary fight Him fair Lavini Shall breed in groves to lead a folitary life Dryden's Aineid 3. Gloomy; difmal Let that night be fo/itary, let no joyful voice com Fob therein 4. Single Nor did a folitary vengeance ferv the cuttin off one head is not enough; the eldeft fon mui King Charles be involved Relations alternately relieve each other, thei mutual concurrences fupporting their folitary inftabilities So'LiTarY Browwn 7z / [fro th adjedtive. One that lives alone ; an hermit You defcribe fo well you life, that none of the ancien beyond you, for a cave wit the accommodations that befi Se‘vitupe, u / tudo, Latin. hermitical ftate o anchorites could g a fpring, or any o a folitary Pope's Letters [ folitude, French; foli di rather involve an any way folve it It had been hard to have put more truth an untruth together, in few words, than in that fpeech Bacon wild beaft or a god What call't thou folitude2, Is not the eart To come and play before thee Such only can enjoy the country, who are capable of thinking when they are there: then the are prepared for fofitude, and in that folitude is preDryden pared for them z. Lonelinefs ; remotenefs from company The folitude of his little parifh is become matte of great comfort to him, becaufe he hopes that Go has placed him and his flock there, to make it thei Law way to heaven 3. A lonely place ; a defert In thefe deep folitudes, and awful cells Where heavenly-penfive contemplation dwells the fake of anfwering and filving them SO'LO. . /. [1talian.] A tune played b a fingle inftrument So'Lomon's Loaf. n. /. A plant to pay SO'LVENT. adj. [ fokvens, Latin 1. Having the power to caufe diffolutiop Whe The fun, afcending unto the northern figns begetteth firft a temperate heat in the air, whic by his approach unto the /o/ffice he intendeth, an by continuation increafeth the fame even vpon deBrown's Vulgar Errours clination Intellective memor [ folfticial, Fr 2. Happening at the {folftice, or at midfummer From the north to cal Decrepit winter; from the fouth to brin Milton's Paradife Loft Solflitial fummer's heat The field Labour'd with thirft ; Aquarius had not fhe His wonted fthowers, and Sirius parch'd with hea Philips Solftitial the green herbs [ folubilis, Latin. 1. Capable of diffolution or {feparation o parts Sugar is a fal oleofum, being foluble in water and fufible in fire Arbuthnot 2. Producing laxity; relaxing Sovuri'LiTy. . /. [from foluble. ceptivenefs of feparation of parts accoun fo Suf the indiffolvabl co berence of fome bodies, and the fragility and folubility of others Glanwille 70 SOLVE. . a. [ folvo, Latin. T clear; to explain; to untie an intellectual knot He would folve high difput With conjugal careffes Hale's Origin of Mankind Fkno but his bill longer, and fomewha Drops into Styx, and turns a foland-gosfes Cleau Sorurrox. z. /. [ folution, French; fils I Milton tio, Latin. Difruption ; breach; disjunction; fepa ration In all bodies there is an appetite of union and evitation of folution of continuity Bacon's Natural Hifty 2 Matte diffolved; that which contain any thing diflolved Aretzus, to procure fleep, recomm_ends a filation of opium in water to foment the forehead Arbuthnot Whe th falt of tartar per deliquiurn, poured int fo/ution of any metal, precipitates the meu}, lith oi to bo th t w d fal i k and m quor in the form of mud, does not this argu ftrongl mo te ra at ar le ti pa ac th th th b an al me th b th ta ta o fa by th tion alone are exempted a hundred days Broawn's Pulgar Errours canno Jolvible pointed; his wings alfo .much longer, being tw yards over Grew A Scot, when from the gallow-tree let loofe fro Obferving the dog-days ten days before and afte the equinoétial and fo/ffitial points, by this obferva T'hi ‘;:‘ a tame goole 1. Belonging to the folftice SO'LUBLE. adj telle&tive faculty, becaufe it is wroftghtby i, thoug A [olund-goofe isin bignefs and feather very fik /}/Z/Iz::fé'. \ I call an aét of the in S0'LUND-GOOSE. 7. /. A fowl not whether /olund or foland Be for moift fo/flices, and winters fair May's Virgil adi th I do not inquire how or where, becaufe it is not Let the plowmen's praye Sousti'riavr in water, it is not b 2 So'Lv1BLE. adj. [from folve.] Pofibl be cleared by reafon or inquiry A plant Latin 1. The point beyond which the fun doe not go; the tropical point; the poin at which the day is longeft in fummer or fhorteft in winter 2. It is taken of itfelf commonly for th fummer folftice diffolve diftinguithable from the jalv'ent body,am{:g;;y; B@'"\f‘gx flu as fluid v Able to pay debts contradted So'romon's Seal. n, [. [polygonatum, Lat. SO'LSTICE. n. /. [ folftice, Fr. folfiitium 1 SOLVENCY. 7 /. [from folvent,] Abllit garret And fome on a follar, oft turning them wels Tu/fer It is"meré trifling to raife objections, merel Some fkilfully drieth their hops on a kel e And 3nake all wife and beautiful appear Pope [ folarium, low Latin. l difpenfations clear With various living creatures, and the air Replenifh'd, and all thefe at thy command Milt. Pars Loft perp e Do thou, my foul, the defin'd period When God fhall fofve the dark dessess o:afl:é His now unequ Whofoever is delighted with fo/itude, is either So'Lrar. 7. f i. A reclufe ; a hermit Tl;gdlimi}tt\ing of the regale onltoy ces 1. Lonely life ; ftate of being alone o fal th t a me th fr g fronger attra&io ck Opt n' wt Ne tartar 3 a o v m r o Refolutio intelle@ual difficulty Something yet of doubt r;n]lains folve Whici h onnllyy thy fooluuttioion n can r s h u i t i ' n w t i r t v g The ' l v i e t x l r p o e t Till, b They rave! more, ftill lefs refolv'd o t l f n y s t f l f n f But neve With hope and fea a h o t l f n t d m w Th r g a o h i e i f d The ma And doubts M Dryden fouti plaine v g t This will inftruét y a theme th n t a de of any difficulties that m refute objections x L t L o l S r [ j a So'LuTIVE tive » caufin relaxation ? : ‘ g z i v r fi a f b 'l"hc:ugh it woguld no l w i y a v Bacit t l bea and f fharp difeafes SoOMATO LOG do&rine of bodies SomEe A termination c &}v? ): f thing. Itisgen fr | |