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Show RE RE Shakefpeare If all our levies are made in Scotland or Ireland parts of the monarchy be to may not thofe tw powerful for the reft, in cafe of a rowolt Addifor's State of the War Thou fingle haft maintain' Againft rewvolted multitudes the caufe of truth Milton t tel A murderer him that he had received advice of his rewocation H Hoavel's Vocal Foref 3 Whitz If a grievance be inflicted on a perfon, he ma appeal5 it is not neceflary to pray a rewscation o fuch a grievance Ayliffe intention Without my Aurengzebe I cannot live Sj)cr).i,()‘ Rewoke his doom, or elfe my fentence give."Dryden 2 To check to reprefs Cheyne If the earth rewolve thus, each houfe near th equator muft move a thoufand miles an hour Watts's Imprewement of the Mind Each revolwing year The teeming ewes a triple offspring bear Pope 2. To fall back On the ‘defertion of an appeal, the jurifdictio does ipfo jure revolwe to the judge a guo Ayliffe's Parergon 70 REVO'LVE 2 Yo 3. To draw back 7 /. [from revoke. vocation ; repeal afe recall Litcl Re i w. n [rewolter, French rewoltare, Italian. I 1. To fall off from one to another denotes fomething of pravity or rebel}ion All wil rewol ma from me and turn to him Shake[peare Oyr difcontented counties do rewelt QOur people quarrel with-ebedience Shaksfpeare a rebelliou This people hath a revolting an heart5 they are rewolted and gone. Ferermiah, Vo §9 rewvolve wha tales I told yo of princes, of the tiicks of war Revorvu'rion rewolytus . At N 1 5. violenc et e #. /i [revolution, French Lat. the heavens 2 Space meafure it had don before, was not to b Fell Thou haft rewarded me good, whereas Iihav 1 Samuely Xxivs 17 rewarded thee evil They rewarded me evil for good. Pfaimxxxvaiz 2. T repay to recompenfe for fome thing good Go rewards thofe that have made ufe of th fingle tzlont, that lowelt proporcion of grace which he is pleafed to give; and the method o his rewarding is by giving them more grace Hanmneds To judge th' unfaichful dead, butto rewar His faithful, and receive them iato blifs. Wilton There is no more reafon to rezvard aiman fo elieving that four is more than three, than fo being hungry or fleepy ; becauie thefe things dono proceed from choice, but from natural pecefllty-. Wilkins ct‘per\j.'zfc d h ca no fo d muf ma puan juft th reward Bein The Suprem Brocine on the 0 nifhes the unjuft REwa'RD. #. /. [from the verb. perform goo fo give 1. Recompenf 7 not an benefi i Hodker good,J yet.t then it is onl ward To myfelfT owe this due regard Not to make love my gift, but my reward: 20 £ o lmmortz'llh]) th t Men have confente zf(e _w(f;m: apothe o recompenfe th an fou mifing to themfelves fome rewards of V3 Tillotf by fome revolution lois ufed among us xe oy tha Reavards and punifhments (lllo alwq}l‘ls prefupp ho wi 4 fomething willingly done well or JtH receise fometime ma w tl;o)(\g which :'c?pc& At certain rewolutions are they brought And feel by turns the bitter change Milton Meteors have no more time allowed them fo their mounting, than the fhort rewolution of a day Dryden The Perfian wept over his army, that within th rewolution of a fingle age, not a man would be lef alive Wake country 70 REWA'RD. w. a. [reand sward, 1 give in return Skiuzer. 1. To give in return Watts 3. .Change in the ftate ofa government o adj. - Having the power o of any kind Shakefpeare On their orbs impof Such reftlefs rewolution, day by da Repeated Miltow's Paradife Loff They will be taught the divrnal rewolution o of rewulfion tol let blodd in z EBacon's Natural Hifly fome ftrange cuses of frenzies, b of fire to the lower parts, whic fropped by outward appiications, nor the resulfa 1. Courfe of any thing which returns t the point at which 1t began to move Let it be nois'd That through our interceffion, this rewokemen Shakefpeare's Henry V11 And pardon comes 70 REVO'LT confider ; to meditate on Of courts Shame were to revok The forwaid footing for an hidden thade. Spenfer Seas are troubled, when they do rewok Their flowing wayes into themfelves again. Dawivs. Revo'keMENT T Wfernan of Tupmours His flux of blood breaking forth again with greate 1. To roll any thing roand Milton revulfion v. a. [rewolvo, Latin. Then in the Baft her turn fhe fhines Rewolv'd on heav'n's great axi She ftrove their fudden rages to rewoke "That at the laft fuppreffing fury mad They 'gan abftain They do not rewo/ve about any common centre privileges fhould be rewoked, or reduced to the firf REvu'rLsive whic [revolvo, Latin. @. 2 lution and up of it with overfight and error Hooker What reafon is there, but that thofe grants an teuth th 1. To roll in a circle; to perform a revo th braid ourfelves with folly, yea all that were maker a rewolter fro Haoyi feems reafonabie encugh, by the violent revulfion i may make of humours from the head. : Temple ‘\S‘u{/} 7o REVO'LVE whole caufe for which it was made fill remaining do we not herein rewoke our very owndeed no Milten rifhe 7o REVOKE. @. a. [revoquer, French revoco, Lat. 1. To repeal ; to reverfe ‘When we abrogate a law as being ill made wa a rewvolter, and a robber he had once embraced Atterbury's Serimois ‘Thofe, who are negligent ov rcwolters, fhall pe Repeal ; reverfal A law may ceafe to be in force, without an exprefs rewocation of the lawgiver ‘There is a wa adverfe part 1 had heard o cafual application 8, Chenandr commande He will accept thee to defend his caufe e kin in truftin e 2. State of being recalled Elaiana' we call it derivation o 788 e Fair honour that thou doft thy God to V0mi Berivation differs from ‘revulfion only in th meafure ‘of the diftance, and the force of th medicines ufed: if we draw it to fome voyr mote or contrary part, we call it revaifion; if onl to fome neighbotring place, and by gentle means gade e et One, that faw the people bent for. the rezocatio of Calvin, gave him notice of their affetion Hooker REVO'LTER. 2. f. [from rewolt. On who changes fides ; a deferter ; a rene To vomit Revu'Lsion. z. /. [revulfion, Fr, revalfi Lat.] The a& of revelling o drawip humours from a remote part of body et ett Daniel's Civil War 1. A& of recalling Hav ing {werved from duty Latin. revocatio [from revolt. wvomit. [revomiy, French ing and revormiting what they drink . Tying her duty, beaaty, wit, and fortune To an extravagant and wheeling ftranger. Shakefp @. 4 . They might caft it up and take more, yomi Your daughter hath made a grofs rewolt a /. [revocation, French Revoca'rioN fides change 3. Grofs departure from duty REVO'LTED. part His fuccefior, by order, nullifie Many his patents, and did rewocat And re-affume his liberalities wh on You ingrate rewvolts You bloody Neros, ripping up the wom Shakefpeare Of your dear mother England Bacon's E fJays recall ; to call back revolter Not in ufe do not a&k an 2. That may be repealed REe'VOCABLENESS. 7. /i [from rewocable. The quality of being revocable Zo RE'VOCATE. . 4. [revoco, Latin.]. T re an again ett thing that is not rewocabl Revo'MIT e fhew bitternefs Comes thund'ring back with die adfal regpllrss On my defencelefs head revilti 3o S M T yo Fea He was greatly firengthened, and the enemy a Raleigh much enfeebled by daily revolts 2 5. Motion backward Howfoeve 4. Rotation ; circular motion 1. Defertion ; change of fides 7o REun1'TE. @. 7. To cchere again ReVvocarLE. adj [revocable, French 1. That may be recalled [revolte, French ; fro n f the verb. thofe at va revoco, revocabilis, Latin. the good it had produced, wil b» a lamng'mf,v:n to mak And cannot foon rewelt and change your mind 2. To reconcile ; riance one fion of king William ad ({u:i': The late revolution, julified by its necefi; ary You are already love's firm votary Revo'Lt produced by ih By this match the line of Charles the Grea Was reunited to the crown of France Shaksfpeare for the chang 7o REUNI'TE. @. 2. [re and unize. 1. To join again; to make one whole fecond time; to join what is divided Not in ufe 2. 'To change. this life 2 It is fometime ufe S with 2 mxx:t;fe FeCOMP o punihmen fo of irony of evil REwa'RDABLE. &dj Worthy of reward Men's actions are judged e She, that fhould all parts to rewnion bow She that'bad all magnetick force alone To draw and faften fundred parts in one Donre RE [fro pewar whet oot oW o 3 in theirHmk" nagure rewardable or punifim})l The aion that is but indifren an wi;bcut XEW |