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Show Y MO MoCKING-BIRD. #./o [mocking and bird. An American bird, which imitates th note of other birds Ao'ckiNGLY. adv. [from mockery.] I contempt; petulantly; with infult an [mockin 7. [ A0CKING-STOCK A but for merriment JSock. VIo'DAL. adj. [modale, Fr. modalis, Lat. Relating to the form or mode, not th eflence The modal. [fro #. / accident difference; moda cidenta Ac by which the voic The motions of the mout is difcriminated, are the natnral.elements of fpeech communication of notions Holder is artificial An As he who prefume allo Fe to be called a being in the {am #od verfet fenfe as a fubftance. is, and fome modes hav 5. In Shakefpeare it feems to have tw unexampled fenfes Something repre{entative I have commended to his goodnef The model of our.chafte loves, his young daughte Skakefpeare 6. Somethin module . Manner ner The duty itfelf being refolved upon, the wode o Laylor's Guide doing it n:xay eafily be found .. State quality My deat Changes the mode 5 for what in me was purchas'd For thou the garland wear'ft fucceflively s. [Mode, French. There are certai whic var wit th Fafhion garb Shakefp cuftom th fafhio As we fee on coins the different faces o perfons we {ee too their different habits and dreffes, accord-ing to the mode that prevailed. Addifon on Medals Tho' wrong the mode, comply5 more fenfe i thew In wearing others follies than your own. © Young If faith itfelf has diff'rent drefies worn ‘What wonder modes in wit fhould take their-turn Paope MO'DEL. S [modele Fr modulus 12 i %) 3. A reprefentation in little of fomethin done o mad s o anls contriver adj [moderatus V La tn ; bu E z. Not hot of temper A number of moderate members managed wit fo much art as to obtain a majority, in a thi houfe, for paffing a vote, that the king's con cefiions were a ground for a future fettlement Sift Fix'd to one part, but mod'rate to the reft 3 Pope Not luxurious ; not expenfive There's not fo much left as to furnifh. ou niple agt Plan Sound fleep cometh of 77 pangs of the belly are with an in of ou clothes being not more fubjeét to alteration tha Denbam that of our fpeech We are to prefer the bleflings of Providence before the fplendid curiofities of mode and imaginaL Eftrange tion They were invited from all parts; and the favour of learning was the humour and mode of th {chemer model. 1. Temperate ; not exceflive and miodes of {peaking times 7./. [fro MO'DERATE moderé, Fr. fairer fort ¥alls upon thee in 2 muc per Our great modellers of gardens have their zines of plants to difpofe of Sp Miltor's Paradife Regained With dithes pil'd which When they come to mode/ heav'n And calculate the ftars, how they will wiel The mighty frame Milron's Paradife Loff ‘The government is modelled afier the fame manner with that of the Cantons, as much as {o {mal a community can imitate thofe of fo large an extent Addifon on Italy Mo DELLER Our Saviour behel A table richly fpread, in regal mode meafure fo Yo Mo pEL. w. a. [modeler, French.] T plan ; to fhape; to mould; to form to delineate Pope method ; form ; fafhion a {mal diminutive England! model to thy inward greatnefs Like little body with a mighty heart. Shakefpeare What modes of fight betwixt each wide extreme And hound fagacious on the tainted green fmall an haps, 1s likewife the meaning of th example affixed to the third fenfe . Gradation ; degree The mole's dim-curtain, and the linx's beam Of fmell, the headlong lionefs between providence b South A moderate table 4 Shakefpeare's Timon of Athens Not extreme in opinion ; not fanguin in a tenet Thefe are tenets whic th moderatc Romanifts will not venture to affirm 5. Placed between extremes mean of th Smalridge holding th uietly confider the trial that hath been thu long had of both kinds of reformation; as wel this moderate kind, which the church of Englan hath taken, as that other more extreme-and rigorous, which certain churches elfewhere have bette liked Hooker Spenfer Ye fwarthy nations of the torrid zone How well to you is this great bounty known For frequent gales from the wide ocean rif To fan your air, and msderate your fkies Blackniore By its aftringent quality it moderates the relaxin quality of warm water Arbuthnot on Aliments ett Mo' pErATELY. ady into the throme o God, fo he that defpairs meafure his own little contraéted model Purts é\'idcm]y more of real entity than others ftep to reprefs 2. To make temperate; to qualify Wahich ferves as pafte and cover to our bones Shakefpeare meafured to flill; t The ftrong extremities of their rage that fmall mode/ of the barren earth 4. Standard; that by which any thing i regulate ; to reftrain With equal meafure the did moderat fee fin in thofe means they ufe King Charles Dryden @. 4. [moderor, Latin pacify; to quiet Nothing can we call our own but death nation; accident fitting by, the help of fome fubftance, which, fo that reafon, is called its fubje¢t. - Watts's Logick canno 3. A mould ; any thing which fhews o gives the fhape of that which it inclofes 2= IODE. . f. [#iode; French 5 modus, Lat. , External variety ; accidental difcrimiA mode is-that which cannot fubfift in and of itfelf, but is alwaysefteemed as belonging to, and fub Zo Mo'DERATE Hooker religion and the application of them in their feveral com ofitions, or words made of them, to fignify things or the muwdalities of. things, and fo to ferve fo Too early fitted for a better ftate 1. T with intent to reform to their models what they cal When we fpeak of faculties of the foul, w affert not with the fchools their real diftinctio Glanwille from it, but only a moedal diverfity Aopa'Liry date A fault it would be if fome king fhould build hi manfion-houfe by the madel of Solomon's palace Pope's Mifcel To midnight dances moderate gifts might have prolong'd hi moderer, Fr. 2. A copy to be imitated And bear about the mockery of wo Of the middle rate Mor e To have done, is to hang quite out of fafhion Shake[p Like rufty mail in monumental mockery What thougl no friends in fable weeds appear Grieve for an hour, perhaps, then mourn a ycar e .. Imitation ; counterfeit appearance; vai fhow e Limit each leader to his feveral charge And part in juft proportion our fmall firength Shake[peare You have the models of feveral ancient temples though the temples and the gods are perifhed Addifon Shakefp And our vain blows malicious nockery 6 ett 5 Pll draw the form and mode! of out battle Tuisas the air, invulnerable e e e B A e --------------------------- %% MO [from moderate. 1. Temperately ; mildly 2. In a middle degree Each nymph but moderately fair Commands with no lefs rigor here Bloo in a health Waller ftate, whe let out, its re part thould congeal ftrongly and foon, in 2 maf moderately tough, and {wim in the ferum Arbuthnot on Aliments Mo'pErRATENESS. 7. /. [from moderate. State of being moderate ; temperatenefs Moderatene/s is commonly ufe of things, and moderation of perfons MobErA TION #./. [moderatio, Latin. 1.. Forbearance of extremity;. the contrary temper to party violence; ftate of keeping a due mean betwixt extremes Wa it the purpofe of thefe churches, whic abolifhed all popifh ceremonies, to come back agai to the middle point of cvennefs and maderation Hooker A zeal in-things pertaining to God, accordin to knowledge, and yet duly tempered with candou and prudence, is the true notion of that much talked of, much mifunderftood virtue, moderation Atterburys In-moderation placing all my glory While tories call me whig, and whigs a tory Pope z. Calmnefs of mind; equanimity. [mo deration, Fr. By moderatio Profperous 3 F rugm! ~11 i I e ex en MepErRA"TOR 7. / moderatenr 1. Th ftra French. perfo or thing that calms or re g -was, after tediou iy, a calmer o unquiet thoughts, a moderator of § i110ns, ana procurer of contentednefs Walton 2 On who prefides.i a difputation t reftrain the contending parties from in decency, and' confine them to the que ftion Sometimes the muoderator is more troublefom than the ator Bacon's Efays How does Philopolis feafonably commit th opponent with the refpondent, like a long-praétife moderator More The ficft perfon who fpeaks when the court i fet; opens the cafe to the judge, chairman, o derator of the aflembly for his opinion MO'DERN modernus and gives his own reafon Watts 7. /. [moderne, French ; fro low Latin ; fuppofe corruption of bodiernus adverbio zodo modernus nus, . dinfworth. Ve a cafua potiu a ut a 4z¢ diur 1. Lat |