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Show S SU at er fu o [f / # O T T N r r S ] n t L Svrerra'rion. . [ [ fuperlatio th o min fwi o a Th . Lati o t tr on be Exaltation of any thin top of any thing ropriety [ /fuperlarif adj SUPE'RLATIVE Juperlativus, Latin. Fr or exprefling the higheft de 1. Implyin grec t is an ufual way to give the fuper/ative unt things of eminence; and, when a thing is ver greal, prefently to define it to be the greateft of all Broawn's Vulgar Errours Some have a violent and turgid manner of talking and thinking; they arealways in extremes, an pronounce concerning every thing in the fuper/ative Watts 2. Rifing to the highef degree The high court of parliament in England is fuBacon's Adwice to Villiers perlative Martyrdoms I reckon amongft miracles; becaufe they feem to exceed the firength of huma nature; and I may d admirable holinefs The generality of it perfuading argument o common judges meafur the like of fuper/ative an Bacon reception is with many th its [zperlative defert; an excellency by numbers Glanwville Ingratitude and compaffion never cohabit in th which fhews the fuperlative malignit fame breaft of this vice, and the bafenefs of the mind in whic South it dwells SUPE'RLATIVELY [from fuperia adv tive. 1. In a manner of fpeec highef exprefling th Chriftian world Bacon In the higheft degree Tiberius was bad enough in his youth; but fuperlatively and monftroufly {o in his old age. South The Supreme Being is a {pirit moft excellentl glorious, fuperlatively powerful, wife and good, Creator of all things Bentley SuPE'RLATIVENESS, 7. /. [from fuperlative.] The ftate of being in the highef degree SwrPERLU'NAR adi [jupe an luna Not fublunary; placed above th Lat. moon ; not of this world ])o/h.' SuPE'RNAL. adj. [ fupernus, Latin. 1. Having an higher pofition; Iocall above us By heaven and earth was meant the folid matte as well of all the heaven Jupernal, as of the globe of the earth and orb and water Raleigh which covered it 2. Relating to things above; placed above ; celeftial; heavenly That fupernal Judge that ftirs good thought In any breaft of ftrong authority To look into the blots and ftains of right. Shak He with frequent intercourf Thither will fend his winged meffengers On errands of fupernal grace DMilton Both glorying to have'fcap'd the Stygian flood As gods, and by their own recover'd firength Not by the fuff'rance of fupernal pow'r. - Milton SUPERNATANT Latin. Swimmin adj [ jupernatans above Whilft the fubftance continued flyid, T coul fhake it with the fupernatant menftruum, withou amaking between them any true union When fupernatural duties are neceflarily exacted Hooker natural are not rejected as needlefs The underftanding is fecured by the perfedtio of its own nature, or by [upernatural afliftance Tillotfon No man can give any rational account how i is poffible that fuch a general flood fhould come And if it be fupernatural by any natural means that grants the thing I am proving, namely, fuc a fupreme being as can alter the courfe of nature Wilkins What mifts of providence are thefe Through which we cannot fee So faints by fupernatural power fet fre Are left at laft in martyrdom to die Dryden [from fuperna Boyle city, which requires ag grea; fupa-proportion in the caufe, ca be overcome in a i ftant SUPERPURGA'TION. . / [Juperpurga tion, French; fuper and purgation, More purgation than enough There happening a fuperpurgation, he declined th repeating of that purge Wifeman's Surgery SUPERREFLE'XION 7 /. [fuper and re JSexion. Reflexion of an image reflefte Place one glafs before and another behind, yo fhall fee the glafs behind with the image within the glafs before, and again the glafs before in that, ane divers fuch fuperreflexions, till the fpecies fpecie; at laft die Bacon's Natural Hi/i;,y SuPERSA'LIENCY. 7./, [fi;per and /ali Latin. This were better written /upe Jiliency.] 'The act of leaping upon an thing Thei horfes ( Brown 75 SUPERSCR1I'BE. w. a. [ fuper and feribs Latin. fide To infcribe upon the top or out. Fabretti and others believe, that by the two For tunes were only ment in general the goddefs whi fent profperity or afftictions, and produce in the behalf an ancient monument, fuperferibed Add SUPERSCRI'PTION 7. /. [ Juper and ferip., tio, Latin. 1. The aét of fuperfcribing.2. That which is written on the top or ou fide The Son of God came to do every thing i miracle, to love fupernaturally, and to pardon infinitely, and even to lay down the Sovereign whil he affumed the Saviour South Read me the fuperferiptio know ot which is which ing above a ftated, a neceflary, an ufual or a round number Well if thrown out, as fupernumerar To my jult number found ! Milton's Paradife Lop In fixty-three years there may be loft eightee days, omitting the intercalation of one day ever fourth year, allowed for this quadrant or fix hour Brown odd or fupernumerary fix hours are not acHolder Befide occafiona and fupermumerar addrefles Hammond's certain perpetual returns exceeded David's feven times a-day Fell The produce of this tax is adequate to the fervices for which it is defigned, and the additiona tax is proportioned to the jupernumerary expence thi year Addifon's Freebolder Antiochus began to augment his fleet; but th Roman fenate ordered his fupernumerary veflels t be burnt Arbuthnot A fupernumerary canon is one who does not receive any of the profits or emoluments of th church but only lives an ferves there on a futur e)fpccfh':ion ot fome prebend Ayliffe SU'PERPLANT. n. [ [ fuper and plant.] plant growing upon another plant No Juperplant is a formed plant but mifletoe Bacon SU'PERPLUSAGE. n. /0 [ fuper and plus Latin.] Something more than enough After this there yet remained a fuperplufuge fo the affiftance of the neighbouring parifhes, = Fell 70 SUPERPO'NDERATE. w. a. [ fuper an pondero, - Liatin. To weigh over an above Dig coition is by fuperfaliency, like that o Doth this churlith fuperfcriptio Portend fome alteration in good will SUPERNU MERARY. adj. [ fupernumeraire French ; fuper and numerus, Lat. Be Dty tural.] In a manner above the courfe o power of nature counted in the three'yzars after the leap year Pois'd with a tail, may fteer on Wilkins® wings and fubftance rily 5 for which caufe we term it the myftery or feHooker cret way of falvation Th head that turns at fuperlunar things if any, then furely a way which is fupernatural, way which could neverhave entered into the hear of a man, as much as once to conceive or imagine if God himfelf had not revealed it extraordina Jupernumerary The mind, in metaphyficks, at a lofs May wander in a wildernefs of mofs Th ture There refteth either no way unto falvation, or SuPERNA'TURALLY.adv degree 1 fhall not ipeak fuperlatively of them ; but tha I may truly fay, they are fecond to none in th z SuPERNA'TURAL. adj. [fuper and znatural.] Being above the powers of na No defeét o Overplus of proportiog, vel Shakefp Henry VI No fuperferiptions of fame of thefe letters Shakefpeare's Timan Of honour or good name I learn of my experience, not by talk % Suckling in How counterfeit a coin they are who friend Bear in their fuperfcription; in profperous day They fwarm, but'in adverfe withdraw their head Milta It is enough her fton May honour'd be with fuper/criptio Ot the fole lady, who had pow'r to mov Walle The great Northumberland Zo SUPERSE'DE. w. a. [ fuper and fedeo; To make void or inefficaci Latin. by fuperiour power; to fet afide Paffio i the drunkennef of the mind, an therefore in its prefent workings not confroulab. by reafon, for as much as the proper effet of 1% is, for the time, to fuperfede the workings of rea Ben Fonfon mean the diffolution will not bear a flint as big as a nutBacor's Natural Hiftory meg Bodies are differenced by [upernatation, as floating on water 5 for chryftal will fink in water, a carrying in its own bulk a greater ponderofity tha the fpace of any water it doth occupy; and wil therefore only {wim in molten metal and quickBrown's Vulgar Errours filver tio, Lat. Sout fon In this genuine acceptation of chance, nothin is fuppofed that can fuperfede the known laws' Bentley's, natural motion SUPERSE'DEAS. n. /. [Inlaw.] Isawr which lieth in divers and fundry cafes £7 PTkI)‘crv are words that as much raife a ftyle a others can deprefs it; fuperlation and overmuchnef amplifies : it may be above faith, but not above Touching the fupernatation of bodies, take o aquafortis two ounces, of quickfilver two drams Svpsgp ROPO'RTION. 7. /. [ fuper ndpm;]'f% po in all which it fignifies a command 0. requeft to ftay or forbear the doing of th which in appearance of law were t0 b done, were it not for the caufe whereu on the writ is granted: for example, \ t\ ea of et fu v h t 1 man regular th ea fi wi h o w o h againf he is afraid an the juftice requir hereunto cannot deny him: yet if t party be formerly bound to the peacé, t li wr th e e w f e chancery o ftay the juftice from doing that, whi A Gow Th otherwife he might not deny |