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Show 7o LOVE Ulyffes blds his friends to caft lots, to fhew that be would not voluntaril imminent danger them to f Broowe expof Goo And of his friends there, it is /ots to blank My name hath touch'd your ears; it is Menenius Shake[peare leaves of th 4. LO'TOS /Jote tree are like thofe of th n./. [Latin. See LoTEk The trees around them all their food produce Pope Lotos, the name divine, nectareous juice Lo'rioN . / Jotion, Fr. [lotio, Latin A lotion is a form of medicine compounded aqueous liquids, ufed to wath any part with o 2. To regar friend Let high-fighted tyranny range on Shakefpeare Till each man drop by lsttery The lottcry that he hath devifed in thefe thre chefts of gold, filver, and lead,. will. never be chofe Shake/p by any. but whom you fhall rightly lave. Fortune, that with malicious jo Does man, her flave, opprefs Still various and unconftant fill 4. To be pleafed with ; to delight in Fith ufed to falt water delight more in frefh we fee that falmons and fmelts /owe to get int rivers, though againft the ftream. Bacon's Nat. Hift Lovage. z v, ol it - - Plant el LlOUD. ady 1. Noify ftrikin th to offend Lowe the Lord thy God with all thine heart Deut, Vie § ' Love. n. /. [from the verb. 1. The paflion between the fexes Hearken to the birds /sve-learned fong Spenfer's Epithalam /The dewie leaves among. While idly I ftood looking on 1 found th' effeé of Jowe in idlenefs. Shakefpeare My tales of /ove were wont to weary you I know you joy not in a/swe difcourfe. Shake[pearc I Took'd upon-her with a foldier's eye That lik'd, but had a rougher tafk in lan Than to drive liking to the name of lwe. Shakefp What need a vermil-tin&ur'd lip for that Lowe-darting eyes, or trefles like the morn ? Milton Lowe quarrels oft in pleafing concord end Milton Not wedlock treachery, endang'ring life A Iove potion works more by the ftrength o Collier on Popularity charm than nature You know y' are in my pow'r by making /ove Dryden Let mutual joys our mutual truft combine And /love, and /owe-born confidence be thine. Pope Cold is that breaft which warm'd the world before And thefe /ove-darting eyes'muft roll no more. Pope force Contending on the Lefbian fhore M His prowefs Philomelides confefs'd - And Joud acclaiming Greeks the victor blefs'd. Poge The numbers foft and clear w Gently fteal upon the ear Now:/Jouder, and yet louder rife And fill with fpreading founds the fkies ..2 Clamorous turbulent She is Joud and frubborn her houfe "Lo'upLy 1. Noifily adv Pope 2. Kindnefs ; good-will her feet abide not i Proveids [from Jozd. Th Denbam 2. Clamoroufly ; with violence of voice I read above fifty pamphlets, written by a »many prefbyterian divines, loudly difclaiming toleration Savift _Eo'upnEess. #./. Noife; force of found turbulence; vehemence or furioufnefs of | 3 clamour Had any difafter made room for gricf, it woul have moved according to prudence, and- the pro it woul fallied out inso complaint or Joudnefs What love, think'ft thou, I fue fo much to get My Zlowe till death, my bumble thanks, my prayers That /owe which virtae begs, and virtuc grants God brought Daniel into favour and tender Jov Daniel, 1s 9 with the prince fo as to be heard far portions of the provocation friendfhip Shakefpeare The foldier that philofopher well blam'd ‘Who long and /sudly in.the {chools declaim'd Cowley 5. To regard with reverent unwillingnefs grea ear wit Cowley Would find out fomething to.commend Latin. and poetry He /sv'd my worthlefs rthimes, and, like a friend Dryden's Horace [levifficum eloquence Arts which I ov'd Every warriour may. be faid- to be a foldier o fortune, and the beft commanders to have a /tter Soyth for their work ~ of that loveth me fhall be Joved of my father and I will 4we him, and will manifeft myfelf t Fobn him Promotes, degrades, delights in. ftrife And makes a /ottery of life kind, which is the moft powerful argument to th H Wit no hav South one preach Chrift of contention but th Phile ie 17 other of lowe By this fhall all men know that ye are my difciples, if ye have /owe one to another Fobny xiiis 3 Unwearied have we fpent the nights Till the Ledean ftars, fo fam'd for /lowe Vonder'd at us from above Bacon Tillotforne love of God affetio th ferenceof it ; and the belief of truth, the enjoyin of it, is the fovereign good of human nature No religion that ever was, fo fully reprefent the goodnefs of God, and his tender /swe to man 3. To regard with parental tendernefs In Jotions in women's cafes, heorder tions of hellebore macerated i two cotyle of water Arbuthunot on Coins CSSULo'TTERY. 7 i [lotterie, Fr. from lot. A game of chance; a fortilege; diftriE bution of prizes by chance; a play i which lots are drawn for prizes wit } pre~ or wooingg of it; 5 the knowledge& of truth, ' th 4. Tendernefs ; parental care None but his brethren he, and fifters, knew Whom the kind youth prefer'd to me And rauch above myfelf I /o2°d them too Cowley Ruincy two por od i fhepherd, tell this youth what 'tis to /e Shakefpeare All purity, all trial, all obfervance I could not &swe I'm fur Cowley One who in loye were wife The jealous man wifhes himfelf a kind of deit to the perfon he /owes; he would be the only emAddifon ployment of her thoughts The fruit of this tree is not fo temptin nettle to us, as it was to the companions of Ulyfles the wood is durable, and ufed to make pipes for wind infiruments: the root is proper for hafts of knives, and was highly efteemed by the Roman Miller for its beauty and ufe & a All adoration, duty, and obedience All humblenefs, all patience, all impatience 4. A portion; a parcel of goods as being drawn by lot: as, what /or of filk had you at the fale ".s. Proportion of taxes: as, to pay fco s and SLoTE #ree or nettle tree. n./. A plant Th w. a. [lupian, Saxon. ~It is to be made all of fighs and tear It is to be made all of faith and fervice It is to be all made of fantafy All made of paflion, and all made of withes If you have heard your general talk of Rome h The enquiry of truth, which is the Lve-makin 1. To regard with paflionate affetion that of one fex to the other to fignif N\g. It feems in Shakg/pear lucky or withed chance M4 LO LO LO ey Courtfhip 5. Liking; inclination to: as, the /oweo one's country In youth,. of patrimonial wealth pofieft The love of {cience faintly warm'd his breaft Fentona 6. Objeét beloved Spenfir Open the temple gates unto my lbwe If that the world and love were youn And truth in every thepherd's tongue Thefe pretty pleafures might me move Shakefpeare.To live with thee, and be thy lwe The banifh'd never hopes his /ove to fee. DrydenaPope The lover and the /ove of human kind. 7. Lewdnefs He is not lolling on a lewd /owe bed But on his knees at meditation 8. Unreafonable Iking Shotefpeare. The /lsve to fin makes a man fin againft his ow reafon Men in love with their opinions may not onl fuppofe what is in queftion, but allege wrong matters-ocke of fact concord 9. Fondnefs Come, /sve and health to 21 Then I'll it down : give me fome wine; fill full Shake[peare Shall I: com unto you with a red, or in /love 1 Cors iVe 21 and in the fpirit of meeknefs 10. Principle of union Lowe is the great inftrument of nature, the bon and cement of fociety, the {pirit and fpring of th univerfe: /we is fuch an affetion as cannot f properly be faid to be in the foul, as the foul to b in thats it is the whole man wrapt up into on Soutb defire 11. Picurefque reprefentation of love "The lovely babe was born with ev'ry grace ¢ Such was his form as painters, when they fho Their utmoft art, on naked /swes beftow Drydes 12. A word of endearment *Tis no dithonour, truft me, lowe, 'tis none Dryden's Don Sebafiian I would die for thee 13. Due reverence to God I kno you that yo have not the /owe of God i obri Lowe is of two forts, of friendthip and ef de fire; the one betwixt friends, the other betwix lovers; the one a rational, the other a fenfitiv love : o our love of God confifts of two parts, a efteeming of God, and defiring of him. Hammond The /ove of God makes a man chafte withou the laboriou art o fafting, an exterior difcip lines 5 he reaches at glory without any other arm Taylor but thofe of /swe 14 A kind of thin filk ftoff Ainfavorth This leaf held near the eye, and obverted to th light, appeared fo full of pores with fuch a tranf parency as that of a fieve, a piece of Boyl lovehcod { , O S -Miller Lo'vEaPPLE. n. /. A plant Lo'vexknor. #. Jo [lowe and Azot. complicated figure, by which affeftia interchanged is figured Lo'VELETTER. #. /. [love and letter.] Letter of courtfhip Tave I efcape Joweletters holyday time o t for them Demetriu Made Zwe to Nedar's daughter Helena And won her foul. Shakefp. Mid[. Night's Dream If you will marry, make your My lady #s befpoke _ Shake[peare's King Lear whil the d to their mo ion's S Lo‘vernird |