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Show UP Savifr 2. A fuftainer in being to the knowledge and admiration of the infinit wifdom of the creator and wpbolder of them. FHale 3. An undertaker funerals 2. Not within ; being on the outlide provides fo Blood that is #pen the altar I hav One who furnifhes houfes ; on againft him Urranp ground n /. [#p and Jland. Highe Men at firft, after the flood, lived in the wpland and fides of the mountains, and by degrees funk into the plains Burnet U'pLaND. adj 1. Higher in {ituation Thofe in Cornwal do no more by nature tha others elfewhere by choice, conceiv themfelves a eftranged fociety from the upland dwellers, and carr an emulation againft them. Carewv's Surv.of Cornze Sometimes with fecure deligh - The upland hamlets will invite Milton 2. Rude; favage. This is the meaning i Chapman; probablybecaufethe uplanders having lefs commerce, were lefs civilized And long'd to fee this heap of fortitude ‘That fo illiterate was, and upland rude ‘That fawes divine nor humane he had learn'd Chapman Urra'spisH. adj. [from upland. Moun Shakepeare's Macboth or executed ufo Lion-like, uplandifp, and mere wild Slaye to his pride; and all his nerves being naturall compil' Of eminent ftrength ; ftalks out and preys upon filly fheep Chapman's lliads Zo UpLa"Y. w. a. fup and lay.] To hoard to lay up We are but farmers of outfelves 5 yet may If we can ftock ourfelves and thrive, upla Much, much good treafure for the great rent-day Donne 20 UrLYFT. v. 2. [up and lift.] To raif aloft Upon the love, and truth, and vows, whaich Have made to thy command !-1I, her |-her blood Shake[peare 6. It is ufed to exprefs any hardfhip or mifchief If we would neither impofe #pon ourfelves, no others, we muft lay afide that fallacious method! o Bu cenfuring by the lump ble from fuits, b That is not a fault it lies not naturally zpo the fin of the managers the thing, but only #poz the contingent circumKettlequorth ftances and manner of doing 7. In confequence of Let m Now little in ufe you before me again wpon an not fin complaint whatfoever Shakefp. Meaf. for Meafure Then the princes of Germany had but a dull fear of the greatnefs of Spain, #pon a gencral apprehenfion of the ambitious defigns of that nation Bacon I wif con it ma not be concluded Thefe forces took hold of divers difcontent in fom zpoz ambition % hat fparkling blaz'd Milton's Paradife Lof When by juft vengeance guilty mortals perifh "The gods behold their punithment with pleafure And lay th> plifred thundec-bolt afide. Add. Cato Songs, fonnets, epigrams, the winds #p/ift And whifk them back to Evans, Young, and Swift Pope U'pMosT. 2dj. [an irregular {uperlativ formed from #p.] Higheft; topmoft Awa ! ye fkum That @il rife upmoft when the nation boils That have but juft enough of fenfe to kno The mafier's voice, when xated 10 departs Dryden in fome #po in fom zpo levity and' defire of change, and in fome few wpo confeience an belief, but in moft #pon fimplicity upon fome of th better fort, who did in fecret favour thefe bruits Bacon He made a great difference between people tha did rebel wpon wantonnefs, and them that did rebe #pon want Bacon Upon pity they were taken away, #pon ignoranc they are again deinanded Hayzward Promifes can be of no force, unlefs they be believed to be conditional, and unlefs that duty propofed to be inforced by them, be acknowledged t be part of that condition, #pon performance of whic thofe promifes do, and upor the neglect of whic thofe promifes fhall not, belong to any. Hammsnd account fhal Uplift us to the view. Shak. Antony and Clespatra ‘The banifh'd Bolingbroke repeals himfelf And, with wplifted arms, is fafe arriy' At Ravenfpurg Shakef s Richard 11 "Together beth, with next t° aimighty ar Uplifted imminent, one firoke they aim'd. Miiren Satan talking to his ncareft mate ‘With head #p/ift above the wave, and eye fe as rememberin zgon an ol the part he ha acte againft the earl of Strafford Clarendon Though fin offers itfelf in never fo pleafing an alluring a drefs at firft, yet the remorfe and inwar regrets of the foul, wpon the commiflion of it, infinitely overbalance thofe faint and tranfient gratifications South's Sermons The common corruption of human rature, #po the bare ftock of its original depravation, does no ufually proceed fo far South's Sermons When we male judgments «pon general prefumptions, they are made rather from the temper of ou ow 8. In immediate confequence of Wft fpirit, than from reafon Burnet *Tis not the thing that is done, but the intention in doing it, that makes good or evil. Ther is a great difference betwixt what we do zpon force and what zpon inclination L' Effrange The determination of the will upon enquiry, i following the dire€tion of that gnide Lacke There broke out an irreparable quarrel betwee their parents; the one valuing himfelf too muc upon his birth, and the other pos his pofieffions Spectator The delign was difcovered by a perfon, as muc o k:r thould not make advantage npo tha terprize, to find the way open t him g ma;c; i::; the weft louder kin Clarendsy was produced b th ‘s of foun ympetuous eruptions of the h l t o s flames gf th falt-petie, upon c . So far. fro fiing a live coal thereop takin little advantage B ‘[ againfi' for every failing, that he is wil ing to pardon ‘ou moft wilful mifcarriages, #por Our r pentance au amendment ‘I'illatfr Upon leflening intereft to four per cent you fal . s pr he pric th of e your nativ: e commoditi or leffen you trade Lacke The mind, zpon the fuggeftion of any new ;; tion, runs immediately after fimiles to malke it th T clearer If, #pon the perufal of fuch writings, he does not find himfelf delighted; or if, upoit teading th admired paffages in fuch authors, he finds a cold nefs and indifference in his thoughts, he ough to conclude, that he wants the faculty of difcoyer Speciator ing them This advantage we loft #pon theinvention of fire Addifn arms 9. In a ftate of view Is it #pon record or elfe reporte Succeflively, from age to age ? Shakefp. Rich.1iI The next heroes we meet with upon record wer Romulus and Numa Templ The atheifts taken notice of among the antient are left branded #pon the records of hiftorys Locke 10. Suppofing a thing granted If you fay neceffity is the mother of arts an inventions, and there was no neceflity before, an therefore thefe things were flowly invented, thi is a good anfwer #pon our fuppofition Burnet's Theory of the Earth 11. Relating to a fubjedt Ambitious Conftance would not ceafe Bacon The king had no kindnefs for hi Mechanick flaves ‘With greafy aprons, rules and hammers left, upo cogitations, there fhould be caufe to alter and in divers out of dependanc tainous ; inhabiting mountains Kettlezvorth How ? that I thould murder her Pope he 5. It exprefles obteftation, or proteftation Ifa corner of the hanging wants a fingle nail Savift {end for the uphalfierer ere wax as yet, you fafhion him with eafe thro from the world' Hard-heart d Clifford ! ta My foul to heav'n, my blood #pon your heads. Shak No man, who had a mind to do wrong, would b awed from doing it by a law that is always to be never be pleade fword in a fcabbard, and muf who fits up apartments with beds an furniture her bed 4. By way of imprecation or infliction Gay Your barber, cook, uphalftcrer her rife fro fee night-gown #pon hex UrHOLSTERER. 7. /. [a corruption of zpbolder. Bible 3. Thrown over the body, as clothes The company of upholders have aright upon th Arbuthnot bodies of the fubjetts Where the brafs knocker wrapt in flannel ban Forbids the thunder of the footman's hand Th upholder, rueful harbinger of death Waits with-mprtience for the dying breath ing money by Wagers As I did ftand my watch wpon the hill I look'd toward Birnam ; and anon methough Shakefpeare's Macbeth The wood began to move The knowledge thercofis fo many manuduétion one wh noted for his fkill in gaming, as i up ck it po ge o en a e r m e ba th Uro'n. prep. [up and on. 1. Not under ; noting being on the top Till fhe had kindled France, and all the world Upon the rightand party of her fon. Shak. K. Fo Yet when we can intreat an hour to ferve Would fpend it in fome words upon that bufinefs If you would grant the time. Shakefp. Macheth Upon this, I remember a ftrain of refined civility, that when any woman went to {ee another o equal birth, fhe worked at her own workin th Temple other's houfe 1z. With refpe to The king's fervants, who were fent for, erecxas mined zpon all queftions propofed to them, Drydens 13. In confideration of matter, and humanly fpeaking Upo the whol Upon the whole Dryden I doubt there was a fault fomewhere it wil be ncccfi'a'r)' to avgx that perpetual repetition of the fame epithets which Popa we find in Homer 14. In noting a particular day Conftantia he looked upon as given away o hi rival, upon the day on which their marriage was( Adéifor be folemnized 15. Noting reliance or truft We now may boldly fpend upon the hop V Shakepeare's Hetr Of what is to come in God commands us, by our dependance #por bi w th fa b l t e w r h l hi a trut do not underfrand : and this is no more th \" }? # n we do every day in the works of turc credit of men of learning 16. Near to: noting fituation Th enem thofe fro an lodge wift themfelves at f}]dern.'lafiOfl Newberry and Reading, 18 V villages upon the river Kennet, °"F,r "'d‘ a n nisi he was to E pafs for hun.tmfg othe The Lucquefe plead preferiptio th i up li th fo ef s d k ' one of th Addifo tiers 17. In the ftate of o They were entertaine with the greateft mag reater wgmmg nificence that could be, upes wo gr 18, O Too long upon his fingle thoulders Sink down be muft, or find upholders u® e U |