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Show UN UxBa'ckED The merits of Chrift will make up the zrawoid Then I beat my tabor At which, like unback'd colts, they prick'd thei ear Advanc'ci their eyelids, lifted up their nofes Shakefpeare's Tempeft As they fmelt mufick is felf-evident, bethe things that w firft caufe of thei and of themfelves They flinch like unbacked fillies. Demnis's Letters 2. Not countenanced ; no z /. Inewitability Inevitably agj Inevitable We fee the very wreck that we muft fuffer Shakefpeare And unawvoided is the danger now authority ; not properly commiflioned To kifs in private An unauthorized kifs Shakefpeare's Othello it is for you'to ravage feas and land Unauthoriz'd by my fupreme command. Dryden. UnawaRe. ) adv. [ fro Unawa'res. § avary. 1 Withou thought aware withou meditation bottom .and let his net that he hath hid, catch himfelf The mean Una'wep adj Unreftrained by fear o reverence The raging and fanatic diftemper of the houf of commons muft be attributed to the want o fuch good minifters of the crown as, being uz awed by any guilt of their own, could have watche other men's Clarendon Unforc'd by punifhment unaww'd by fear &lis words were fimple, and his foul fincere Dryden adj Bacon Impudent of weaknef fhame date. Not re Where is the horfe, that doth untread agai His tedious meafures with th' unbated fir That he did pace them firtt ? Shak. Merch.of Ven UNBA'THED. adj. [from bath. Not wet Fierce Pafimond, their paffage to prevent Thruft full on Cymon's back in his defcent Bfi . COV6£{ 2. Not trodden ‘We muft tread unbeaten paths, and mak 5 where we do not find one; but it fhall be alys with a light in our hand Bdcai' If your bold mufe dare tread unbeaten paths, Virtue, to crown her fav'rites, loves fifi{cgnm Some new, unbeaten paflage to the tky Suifs adj Indecent; unfyit Th blad bent return' unbath'd an None of retreat, no unbecoming dee That argu'd fear Miltor's Paradife Lof I fhould rather believe that the nofe was th feat of wrath in beafts than in mankind; an that it was unbecoming of any but Pan, who ha very much of the beaft in him, to wrinkle up hi nofe in anger Dryden My grief lets unbecoming {peeches fall I fhould have dy'd, and not complain'd at all Dryden This petulancy in converfation prevails amon fome of that fex, where it appears the moft unbecoming and unnatural Addifor's Freeholder Men of wit, learning, and virtue, might ftrik outevery offenfive or unbecoming paflage fromsylawp wift Such proceed upon debates without unbccom{;: Swift Uxseco'MINGNEss # Indecency indecorum If words are fometimes to be ufed, they ough to be grave, kind and fober, reprefenting the ill e unbeconiingnefs of the fault Locke 7o Uxse'p w. a Eels unbed themfelves thunder To raife from a bed and ftir at the noife o Walton's Angler All wanton as a_child, {Kipping in vain. Shakep Far be it that I fhould write thee fin, or blame Milton Or think thee unbefitting holieft place He might feveral times have made peace wit his difcontented fubjeéts, upon terms not at all un befitting his dignity or intereft; but he rather chof to facrifice the whole alliance to his private p'g(fic;_ and debility. Shakefpeare UnBA'TED. adj. [fro prefled; not blunted '3+ In this fenfe I believe at unawares i the proper ufe And, like a midnight wolf, invades the fold. Dryd No Nor did I with unbafbful forehead wo at the Wake. And then at laft turn'd tail towards I\}ewe;ttg; {UxBEFI'TTING. 4dj. Not becoming no {ui abl DecorLove is full of unbefitting ftrains lefs Pfalm xxxvi. 8 My hand, unawares to me, was, by the force o thatendeavour it juft before employed to fuftai the fallen weight, carried up with fuch violence thatI bruifed it Boyle Though we live never fo long, we are ftill furprized : we put the evil day far from us, and the His mare was truer than his. chronjcle For fhe had rode five miles unfpurrd, d, 4,unb warmth and fo fet in the ground, hath grown Unsa'surur Left deffruction come upon him at unawares He breaks at unawvares upon our walks To open A branch of a tree, wnbarked fome {pace at th of; fuddenly profpeét @. a. [from bar. UnBAa'RKED. adj. [from bark. ticated ; ftripped of the bark 2. Unexpettedly; when it is not though trembl Want Muft I go fhew them my wnbarbed {conce Muft my bafe tengue give to my noble hear A lie Shake[peare's Coriolanus *Tis a fenfation like that of a limb lopped oft one is trying every minute #nawares to ufe it, an finds it is not Pope w @dj. [from band. UNBA'RBED. adj. [barba, Latin. fhaven. Out of ufe Of opium : to his keeper this he brought Who {wallow'd unawares the fleepy draught And fnor'd fecure Dryden an Caft to and fro, the fport of winds and tides So, in the bounding chariot tofs'd on high The youth is hurried headlong through the fky Add:fon *Tis not fecure, this place or that to guard If any other entrance ftand unbarr'd. ~ Denbam Thefe rites the king refus'd Deaf to their cries ; nor would the gates ynba Of facred peace, or loofe th' imprifon'd war. Dryd A pleafant beverage he prepar'd before Of wine and honey mix'd; with added ftor unawares As at fea th® unballaft veflel rides by removing the bars ; to unbolt It is my father's face in this confli&, 1 unawares have killd u Milton. 7o UnBA'R Shakefpeare Firm we fubfift 5 yet pofiible to fwerve And fall into deception unaware Milton it catche climate anothe Your hofe fhould be ungartered, your bonne unbanded, and every thing demonftrating a carelef defolation Shake[peare Take heed left you fall znazvares into that ineonvenience you formerly found fault with, Spenf & hom unde ing a ftring, or band previou D'J&n UNBE'ATEN. adj 1. Not treated with blows They having but newly left thofe grammatic flats, where they ftruck unreafonably, to learn few words with lamentable conftruétion ; and no UnBA'NDED or i Here's our chief gueft,m- --1If he had been forgotten It had been as a gap in our great feaft And all things unbecoming. Shakefpeare's Machep No thought of flight Not kept ftead ing UnavrHORISED. adj. Not fupported by | He with his prun"i/ng hook d%joigan Unbearing branches from their head And grafts more happy in their ftead UNBECO'MING to be toft and turmoiled with their unballafted wit in fathomlefs and unquiet deeps of controverfy do, for the moft part, grow into hatred of learn- Ben Fonfon Their unavoided fubje@, feweft fee able ; indecorous on the fudden tranfporte Rare poems afk rare friends Vet fatyrs, fince the moft of mankind b UNBEA'RING. adj. Bringi Planets and funs run lawlefs through the fky. Pope Unsa'LLasTED. adj by ballaft ; unfteady The moft perfe€t adminiftration muft unawoidably produce oppofition from multitudes who ar made happy by it Addifon Unavo'ipEp Not poifed ; not i Let earth unbalanc'd from her orbit fly Glanwille adw Daniel's Ciwil War Unsa'LaNcED. adj equipoife How can we conceive it fubjeét to materia impreflions ? and yet the importunity of pain, an unawoidablenefs of fenfations, frongly perfuade tha UnavoipaBry aided Let the weight of thine own infam Fall on thee unfupported, and wnback'd exiftence, to have the notion of an eternal, wif Locke being, who had no beginning we are fo convey thee to th filly may giv Suckling A well-wayed horfe will fafel journey's end, when an wnbacked thee a fall T illatfon one of them is unawoidable I think it #nawvoidable for every rational creature, that will examine his own or any othe Unavo'ipasBLENESS not taught to bear th rider 2. Not to be miffed in ratiocination of itfelf are; an had fom always adj 1. Not tamed able deficiencies of our fervice; will prevail fo Rogers pardon to our fincere repentance All fentiments of worldly grandeur vanifh a that unawvoidable moment, which decides the defClariffa £ tiny of men That fomething i caufe we {ee thing fee muft cither hav being, or have bee UN UN to the handl Dryden UnBa'TTERED. adj. Not injured by blows I cannot ftrike at wretched kernes, whofe arms Are hir'd to bear their ftaves: or thou, Macbeth Or elfe my fword, with an znbatter'd edge I fheath again undeeded Shakefpeare 7o UnBa'y. @. 2. To fet open; to fre from the reftraint of mounds 1 ought now to loofe the reins of my affeions to unbay the current of my paffion, and love o without boundary ox meafure, Norris's Mifcellany 7o UNBEGE'T. @. # wift 'To deprive of ex iftence Withes each minute he could unbege Thofe rebel fons who dare t> ufurp his feats Dryd UnBEGO'T . [from begot. d } UNBEGO'TTEN 1. Eternal ; without generation Why fhould he attribute the fame honourf matter whic is fubjeé to corruption, as t.O th eternal,'uvbegotten,'and immutable God ? Stilling fl 2. Not yet generated God omnipotent, muft'rin Armies of peftilence ; and they fhall firik Shakefp Your children yet unborn, and unbegot In thy pow' It lies yet, ere conception, to preven The race unbleft, to being yet unbegot 3. Not attaining exiftence Miltons Where a child finds his own parents his perver ers, better were it for him to have been t_mb:;: |