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Show DP QR O'rraBLE. adj. [optabilis, Latin. firable De He had been a perfon not only of great opulency but authority Atterbury to be wifhed O'PTATIVE. adj [gptativas, Lat. Ex [In grammar. preflive of defire he ver i undergoe a different form Gree etion to fignify wifhing, .which is called the gprative moad | Clarke O'purLenT lentus t Relatin Opricar. adj. [ixlxe. the fcience of opticks It feem There in full opulence a banker dwelt Who all the joys and pangs of riches felt His fide-board glitter'd with imagin'd plate And his proud fancy held a vaft eftate Sawift Bacon Bayle Opri‘cian. #. /. [from optick.] One ikilled in opticks O'prick..adj. [lal:6®-; optique, French. 1. Vifual; producing vifion; fubfervien to vifion May not the harmony and difcord of colour arife from the proportions of the vibrations propagated through the fibres of the optick nerves int the brain, as the harmony and difcord of found arife from the proportions of the vibrations of th air To begin with the fuppofed policy of gratifyin only the rich and opulent ;-does our wife man thin that the grandee whom he courts does not fe through all the little plots of his courtfhip ? South OPULENTLY. adv. [from opulent.] Richly; with fplendour ORr. conjunét. [oBen, Saxon. Inquire what the antients thought concerning thi world, whether it was to perith o no; whether t be deftroyed o7 to ftand eternally Burnet He my mufe's homage fhould receive IfI cou'd write, or Holles could forgive G By intenfe fludy, or application to bufinef tha requires little altion, the digeftion of foods will foo proceed more flowly, and with more uneafinefs Blackmore Every thing that can be divided by the min into two or more ideas, is called complex. Watts 2. Relating to the fcience of vifion Where our mafter handleth the contractions o pillars, we have an optick rule, that the higher the ar¢, the lefs fhould be always their diminutio aloft, becaufe the eye itfelf doth contra& all objeéts according to the diftance Wotton Can any thing efcape the perfpicacity of eye which were before light, and in whofe opticks ther is no opacity Brown Our corporeal eyes we find Dazzle the gpricks of our mind Denbaimn You may negle€t, or quench, or hate the flame Whofe fmoke too long obfcur'd your rifing name z. It correfponds to either : he muft eithe fallor fly At Venice you may go to any houfeeitber by lan or water Why has not man a microfcopick eye Prior For this plain reafon, man is nota fly Say what the ufe, were finer opticks giv'n T infpet a mite, not comprehend the heav'n Pope O'pTiCKS. 7. J. [¢sxn. For thy vaft bounties are fo numberlef No fpherical body of what bignefs foever illuminates the whole fphere of another, although i illuminate fomething more than half of a leffer, ac-ording unto the doétrine of gpticks Brozn Thofe who defire fatisfattion muft go to the admirable treatife of gpticks by Sir Haac Newton O'primacy z. [ [optimates Nobility; body of nobles He decrees to punifh the contumacy finally, b afligning them their own gptions Hammond Tranfplantation muft proceed from the o 4he people, elfe it founds like an exile; fo the codonies muft be raifed by the leave of the king, an not by his command Eacon Which of thefe two rewards we will receive, h hath left to our option Smallridge. O'purence. | #. f. [opulence O'puLency. lentia, Lat. Fr. op Wealth it [On, or =pe, Saxon. Before ever, 1s before ever Obfolete s fums of mone ficd unlamented an great wealt gotten h Clarendon. o Or we go to the declaration of this pfalm, i thall be convenjent to the pfalm Is there fcarce afk' live wh di write thi Fifber The dead man's knel for whom an goo OR. a. /. [French. heraldry Wit Gold men' A term o The fthow'ry arc lifted colours gay or, azure gules Delights and puzzles the beholders eyes O'racH. #. /. [atriplex. Philips There are thir teen fpecies; garden orach was cultivated as a culinary herb, and ufed a fpinach, though it is not generally like by the Englifh, but fill efteemed by th French Miller O'BACL". n. /. [oracle, French, oracutum, Latin. 1. Somethin wifdom 2 main< Th delivere by fupernatura .ciple whereupo pri And fends his fpirit of tru h hencefo;uh todi In pious hearts, an inwar oracl T all truth‘rc:;ulfize for men to 'know Milty 3. Any perfon or place wher cerpi cifions are obtained "There mighty nations fhal enquire theidor g The worl 's great oracle in times to come 4+ On fame for wifdom o;m ope whef det,crmiuations are no to be difpmee;J 90 O'RACLE. @. n, [fro t e noun No more fhal The gentiles Ora'cuLar S A word not receiyed. tho by oracling abuf M } adj. [from oracl 1. Uttering oracles; refemblin o a l ; T Uri y couniel would be as the oracle o and th.ummim thole sraculoys gem On Aaron's breaft, or tongue of feefs o Infallible . Mhlun's Paradif; Regaing Here Charles contrives the ‘ord'ring of his flate Here he refolves his neighb'ring princes fates n fhall have peace, whete war be mat rmin'd is in this orac'lous thade Waller They have fomething venerable and araculry i that unadorned gravity and fhortnefs in the er prefiion o Proteus a name tremendous o'er the main P "Th? erac'lous {zer frequents the Pharian coa z. Pofitive ; authoritative; magift dogmatical their genera acknowledgments of th weaknefs of human underftanding look like cld and fceptical difcouragements5 yet the particu expreflions of their fentiments are as oracubus if they were omnifcient Glanville's Seepf 3. Obfcure ambiguous fwers of ancient oracles like the an He fpoke oraculous and fly He'd neither grant the queftion, nor deny Ki Ora'curousry. adv. [from oraculous. In manner of an oracle Th pal teftimonie oraculoufl of antiquity amongf and fuch us, were not al.way: exact as to examine the doctrine they delivered Brown's Vulgar. Errgur Where jove of old oraculoufly fpoke The place where, or perfon of who Dryden Ora'cuLoUSNESS. #. /. [from orarular-l = The ftate of being oracular, O'ratson. . /. [oraifon, Fr. oratio, Lat. Prayer 5 verbal fupplication; or ot worfhip : more frequently written orifom This word is pronounced fhort poth.b Shakefpeare and Dryden ; orifon 1S fometimes long and fometimes fhort Stay, let's hear the oraifors he makes Sba/flf? Bufinefs might fhorten, not difturb her prayf Heav'n hud the beit, if not ;hebg;eatel‘ fhare An attive life lon oraifon forbids Yet ftill fhe pi‘;\y'd% forJi'cill the pray'd by d;;‘;} O'RAL. Latin. ch Fre l [or udj Delivere mouth; 1 b written o S Oral difcourfe, whofe tranfient fgults dym? the found that gives them life, 2nd fo not I o a ftriét review, more ealily chC'fl5olfl:§;nb§ryati en iké our belief of al things therein containe d p ndetS h, oolisis, that th Icriptures are the oracles of God himfelf Hooker Hence rife the branching beech and vocal oak Expire before the flowers in their caps Dying or ere they ficken Shakelpeare's Macheth Learn before thou fpeak, and uie ph ylick or ewe thou be fick Eeclus. xviile 19 It muft be a difcovery of the infinite Hatterie ‘ w: you routhh andand ‘,;m ohulin‘fn) s Sha R p efp that {oll are's e Tim After-right years {pent in outward cpulercy an 1w 70 rro P A inward musmur, that its wa not greater ~after vaf unteforme he died fo his fins, o death Hammond Latin. ‘OpT1'MITY. 2. /. [from optimus. Th ftate of being beft O'prioN. 7./. [optio, Latin. Choice elettion riches; afluence; How great foever the fins of an perfon are, Chrift died for him becauf all5 only he muft reform and forfak elfe he fhall never receive benefit of hi Cheyne In this high court of parliament there is a rar co-ordination of power, a wholefome mixture betwixt monarchy, optimacy, and democracy. Howel Cogoley 4. Or is fometimes redundant, but is the more properly omitted 5 nd et me up in hope o God hath npow f:n? his ]ivffgaie}u:s;" 'Ml Into the ‘-.'_Jorld to teach h s fina] wille Thoug That them or to conceal, or elfe to tell Is equally impofible The fcience o the nature and laws of vifion Addifon 3- It fometimes, but rather inelegantly ftands for either And quickly cold indiff'rence will enfue When you love's joys thro' honour's optick view y, by the verities o thee mage ll\fay trh;:y not bt? mhy oraclgs a5well, § i ‘ utter oracles 1. A disjun&ive particle, marking diftribution, and fometimes oppofition Newwton's Opticks ‘OPrick, #. /. An inftrument of fight an organ of fight French ; gpuwealthy; af He made him his ally, and provoked a might and opulent king by an oftenfive war in his quarrel touching the relation of th two eyes to each other [opulent Latin. Rich fluent not agreeable to what anatomifts an eptical writers deliver adj the determination k aired # hme:_n, ‘W oratl Ste John was appealed to as th Living _‘, the church; and as his ora/ teftimon firft centur_y,, many have Ob(e'?'edz_'t.h?.t: dl;'; ticular providence feveral of our Saviou §. X |