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Show VA VA r w a e f g th o n r & d o gt not an ti n c b r m a al ar i w r h gnee with o Spratt ent o 70{ ‘}V ARIEGATE differenc riation, Fr 1. Change ; mutation fro itfelf After much wariatio of opinions prifone th was acquitted of treafon, but by moft voices foun Hayward guilty of felony The operation of agents will eafily admit of intention and remiffion ; but the effences of thing are conceived not capable of any fuch wariation Locke The fame of our writer is confined to thef two iflands; and it is hard it fhould be limited i time as much as_place, by the perpetual wariation Savift of our fpeech There is but one commo verfified by accidents; an matter, which is dithe fame numerica quantity, by wariations of texture, may conftitut Bentley fucceffively all kinds of body 2. Difference other chang fro to an on In fome other places are more females born tha males; which, upon this wariation of proportion I recommend to the curious Graunts Bills of Mortality Each fea had its peculiar fhells, and the fam wariation of foils ; this tra& affording fuch a ter reftrial matter asis proper for the formation of on fort of fhell-fith; that of another Woodward's Natural Hiftory 3. Succeflive change Sir Waiter Blunt Stain'd with the wariation of each foi Betwixt that Holmedon and this feat of ours Shakefpeare 4 [In grammar. of nouns Change of terminatio an and ufeful examples o the peculiar form o fpeech, are often appointed to be repeated Watts on the Mind 5+ Change in natural phenomenons _The duke ran a long courfe of calm profperity Wlt'hout any vifibl eclipf o wan amidft divers wariations in others §, Deviation i himfelf Watton's Life of Buckingham He (Oobferved the wariation of our Englith fro the original, and made an intire tranflation o th whole for his private ufe Woodaward on Foffils '} hey had fountains of wariegated marbl i their rooms Arbuthnot Ladies like wariegated tulips thow *T: is to the1¢ chchanangegess haha lff ththee cha char ms we owe S‘L'IC]\ happy fpots the nice admirers ¢ ake Fine by defeét, and delicately weak Varieca'rion 7 [from wariegate. Diverfity of colours Pope l'l;lx)t your choice tulips in natural earth, fomewhat impoverithed with very fine fand ; elfe the will foon lofe their wariegations Ewelyn's Kalend Varr ETY 2. [warieté Fr varietas Latin. 1. Change; fucceflion of one thing to another ; intermixture of one thing wit another All forts are here that all th' earth yields Pariety without end Milton's Paradife Loft Variety is nothing elfe but a continued noveity South If the fun's light confifted of but one fort o rays, there would ke but one colour in the whol world, nor would it be poflible to produce any ne colour by reflections'or refrations; and by confequence that the wariety of colours depends upo the compofition of light Neawton's Opticks z. One thing of many by which wariety i made In this fenfe it has a plural Th inclofed warmt itfelf, ftirred u which the earth hath i by the heat of the fun afliftet nature in the fpeedier procreation of thofe warietie which the earth bringeth forth Raleigh's Hiftory of the World 3. Difference diffimilitude There is a wariety in the tempers of good men with relation to the different impreffions they receive from different objects of charity, F. Aterb 4. Variation ; deviation ; chang former ftate It were drawn fro anfier thof things, fro from great vanity to reje@t thofe reafon the nature of things, or to go about t reafons by fuppofitions of a wariety i what they now appear Hale's Origin of Mankind 5. Many and different kinds He now only wants more tim If we admit a wariation fro creation, that waeriation muft b #n eternal duration, and therefor pafs of time : I may feem fometimes to hav Fell the flate of hi neceflarily afte within the com Hale varied from hi fenfe5 but the greateft wariations ma deduced from him be fairly Dryden. VA'RIOUS adj to do that wa Then were they known to men by warious names And warious idols, through the heathen world Milton 2. Changeable; uncertain ; unfixed; un Va RIC0US. adj. [waricofu eafed ith dilatation Dif There are Inftances of one v in only beingg vabe ritous, which ma | belowthe daarion, ) VB itSharpbov pe 3. Unlike each other He in derifion fet Upon their tongues a warious {pirit BMilton To rafe quite out their native language So many and fo waricus laws are given. Milton Vaft crowds of vanquifth'd nations march along Dryd Various in arms, in habit, and in tongue Various of temper, as of face or frame Each individual: his great end the fame Opening their warious colours In ulcers of the legs tations of th o affifted by the bandage accompanied with warice veins, the wariz can only b Sharpe VA'RLET, n. /. [varlet, old French, no valet. 1. Anciently a fervant or footman Such lords ill example do give ‘Where warlets and drabs fo may live, Tuffe Hufb They fpy' A warlet running towards them haftily Spenifer This word ha 2. A{coundrel; a rafcal deviated from its original meaning, a Jur in Latin 1 am the verieft warlez that ever chew'd Shakefpeare's Henry IV. Where didft thou leave thefe warlets € Shakelp ‘Thou, warlet, doft thy mafter's gains devour Thou milk'ft his ewes, and often twice an hour Dryden When the Roman legions were in a difpofition t mutiny, an impudent warlet, who was a privat centinel, refolved to try the power of his eloquence Addifon Va'RLETRY. 7 /[ [from warls ble; crowd; populace Rab Shall they hoift me up And fhew me to the fhouting warletr Of cens'ring Rome ? Shakefp. Antony and Cleopat VA'RNISH #. /. [wernis, French ; wer [from warious. 1. matte lai wood upo metal o other bodies, to inake them fhine ‘We'll put on thofe fhall praife your excellence And fet a double warnifb on the fame Shakefp The fame of Cicero had not borne her-age f well, if it had not been joined with fome vanity Like unto warsifp, that makes ceilings not onl fhine, but laft Bacon This the blue warnifb, that the green endears The facred ruft of twice ten hundred years. Pope 2. Cover; palliation To Va'rRNISH. w. a Fr. fro [werniffer wernir the noun. O vanity To fet a pearl in fteel fo meanly warnifp'd. Siduey Clamber not you up to the cafements Nor thruft your head into the publick ftreet To gaze on Chriftian fools with warnifp'd faces 2. To cover; to conceal or decorate wit fomething ornamental Specious deeds on earth, which glory excites Or clofe ambition warnifh'd o'er with zeal. Milton Young people are ufed to warnifb over their nonperformance and forbearance of good ations by pretence unto humility Fell His manly heart was ftill abov Diflembled hate, or warnifp'd love Dryden Men efpoufe the well-endowed opinions in fa Pope fhion, and then feek arguments to make good thei beauty, or warnifl over and cover their deformity Locke's Works WMilton 3. To palliate ; to hide with colour o rhetorick In Having been warioufly toffed by fortune, directe Buacon his courfe to #.fafe harbour Variaus-objects frpm the fenfe Varionfly reprefentin latation of the/ vein Shakefpears The names of mixed modes want ftandards i nature, whereby to adjuft cheir fignification ; therefore they are very warious and doubtful Laocke VA'R10USLY, adv various manner A di Fr. warice [Lat n. / VARIX 1. To cover with fomething fhining 1. Different ; feveral ; manifold }Il'ariation of the compafi 3 deviatio o 14. Variegated; diverfified Herbs fudden flower'd he magnetick needle from an e act par'allel with the meridi n Laww [warius, Latin. like itfelf Thofe various fquadrons, wario Each veflel freighted with a fev feveral wind Each fquadron waiting for All find but one, to burn them in the road: Dryd Different aliments, while they repair the fluid and folids, a& warisufly upon them according t Arbutbnot their different natures nix, Latin. riety of good which his foul thirfts after The rules of grammar the wariation of words [ wariey patus To diverfify ; 5to flaio n witA Waterland « VaRIA'TION. 7. /. [variatio, Latin3 wa Stim l.he fhells ave filled with a white fpa , whic varicgates and adds to the beauty of t e frone If the learned would not fometimes fubmit to th jgnorant; theold to the weaknelies of the youn there would be nothing but everlafting varianc Swift in the world Many bleed By thameful warignce betwixt man and man amicably together « different colours p P s. cy a fe h ar c a r How much at w chool Lat. es fl u r p h a c a g n k While She runs, but hopes fhe does not run unfeen Thomfon Who are they that fet the firft and fecond articles at wariance with each other, when for fourteen centuries, and more, they have agreed mof A VA Milton They warnifb all their errors, and fecur The ills they a&, and all the world endure. Denb Cato's voice was ne'er employ' To clear the guilty, and to varnith crimes, 4ddil Speak the plain truth, and waruif not you crimes 3A Philips Va'RNISHE T |