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Show UN UN Uxpi'sCIPLINED. adj 1. Not fubdued to regularity and order adj To be difpenfed withal is an argument of natural infirmity, if it be necefiary; but if it b not, it fignifies an wxdifciplined and unmortifie Taylar's Rule of Holy Liing {pirit Divided from thofe climes where art prevails, Undifciplin'd by precepts of the wife Our inborn paflions will not brook controul' We follow nature Philips 2. Untaonght ; unipftrudted A gallant ma had rather fight to great dif advantages in the field, in an orderly way, tha fkuffle with an wndifciplined rabble. King Charles Dry is a man of a clear head, but few words and gains the fame advantage over Puzzle fmall body of regular troops woul numberlefs uxdifciplin'd militia that gain over Spectator Unprsco'rpine. adj. Not difagreeing not jarring in mufick We on earth, with andifeording voice Jarr'd againit nature's chime Milton. Uxp1sco VERABLE. adj. Not to be found out to make up his accounts an by a fifcoverable cheat, he could provide again the im ¢ diftrefs Unprsco'verEp Rogers adj Not feen no defcried ;3 not found out Coming into the falling of a way, which led u into a place, of each fide whereof men might eafily keep themfelves undifeovered, I was encompafled fuddenly by a great troop of enemies Sidney When the griefs of Job were exceeding great his words accordingly to open them were many howbeit, ftill unto his feeming they were wadifcovered Hooker Time glides, with #ndifcover'd hafte The future but a length behind the paft. Dryden By your counfels we are brought to vie A rich and undifcvver'd world in you Diyden In fuch paffages I difcover'd fome beauty ye undifcover'd Unpiscree'r, adj Dryden Not wife impru dent If thou be among the undifcreet, obferve the time Eeclus. xxvil Unpiscui'sep adj plain ; expofed to view Open artlefs evident You, by an undifputed title, are the king of poets Dryden. That virtue and vice tend to make thofe men happy, or miferable, who feverally pra&ifc' them ig a propofition of undoubted, and by me undifputed Atterbury truth UNDISSE'MBLED. &dj 1. Openly declared Ye are the fons of a clergy, whofe undiffemble and unlimited vencration for the holy fcriptures hath not hindered them from paying an inferiour but profound regard to the beft interpreters of it Atterbury the primitive writers No adj fcattered not difperfed Such little primary maflfes as our propofitio Boyle mentions, may remain zndiffipated [ uz and difol adj wable.] 'That cannot be diffolved Unpisso'Lvine. adj. Never melting UxpisTE'MPERED. adj 1. Free from difeafe 2. Free from perturbation UxpisT1I'NGUISHABLE. adj 1. Not to.be diftinétly {een things feem fmall and wadiffinguifbable off mountains turned into clouds. Skak quaint mazes in the wanton green of tread, are zndiftinguifpuble Shake/p Its linearnents are deftroyed, and the material mixt in an undiftinguifbable confufion Rogers 2. Not to be known by any peculiar property No idea can be wrdiffinguifpable from another it ought to be different Locke UNDISTI'NGUISHED. adj 1. Not markedout {o as to be known fro each other The undiffinguift'd feeds of good and ill adj No difho Keep then fair league and truce with thy truebed ¥ live diftain'd, thou wadifbonoured Shakefpeare Unprsma'yep. adj. Not difcouraged not depreffed with fear *Tis longer fince the creation of angels than o the world, by feven hundred years: whereby w would mark out fo much of that undiffinguifp'd duration, as we fuppofe would have admitted feve bundred annual revolutions of the fun Locke 2. Not to be feen otherwife than confufedly 5 not {eparately and plainly defcried "I'is like the milky way, all over bright But fown fo thick with ftars, 'tis uadiff 3. Not plainly difcerned All this he would have expatiated upon, wit connexions of . the difcourfes, and the moft eafy urdifobliging tranfitions Broome Unpispe'rsep adj Not feattered We have all the redolence of the perfumes w burn upon his altars; the fmoke doth vanifh er Wrinkles undiflinguifb'd pafs For I 'm afham'd to uie a glafs Savift it can reach the fky ; and whiltt it is undifperfed, i but clouds ijt Uxpisro'sep Th adj employment Not beftowed wer lef _ Boyle undifpofed of, t keepalive thehopes of impatient candidates. Swif? Oh undiftinguify'd fpace of woman's willl Shak Sleep to thofe empty lid Is grown a firanger: and day and night As undiftinguif'd by my fleep, as fight Denbam 6. Not treated with any particalar refpect Sad chance of war! now deftitute of aid Falls zmrlij}.?nguyb'd by the victor fpade Unp1sTI'NGUISHING difference adj Pope Making n The promifcuous and undifinguifbing diftribu tion of goo an Without dif the latter bein at liberty to devote themfelve more undifiraétedly to God UxpisTRACTEDNESS evil, whic 7. / By Freedo from interruption by different thoughes, L: Th firang confufion that calmnef thoughts of this nation diftur of mind UNDISTU'RBED and wndifiraGedndfs o Boyle 2dj f. Free from perturbation; calm; tran "That undiffurbed fong of pure content The peaceful cities of th' Aufonian fhore Mill Lull'd in their eafe, and undifturb'd before Aiterbury To be undiffurbed in danger; fedately to confide what is fitteft to be done, and to execute it fteadily is a complex-idea of an a&ion, which mayexift But to be undiffurbed in danger, without ufin one's reafon, is as real an idea as the others Lacke 2. Not interrupted by any hindrance moleftation wa Nature ftints our appetite And craves no more than undifturb'd delight Which minds, unmix'd with cares and fears, obtain A foul ferene, a body void of paim Di;'dffl Unvex'd with quarrels, m:d;r'iurb'd w1_th noife The country king his peaceful realm enjoys. Drg 3. Not agitated A good confcience is a port whiclis Jand-lock' on every fide, where no winds can poffibly invade may not only fee his own image There a ma but that of his Maker, clearly reflected from th Dryde undiffurb'd and filent waters fully o e n e t a t d k Our mi are {o we all the afliftances can be procured, to lay befor them wndiflurbedly the thread and coherenceof a: difcourfe Locke Not feparable;no Unbpivi‘pasLE. adj fufceptive of divifion The beft actors in the world forl_tra.ge%)'» patio 1Cen {ce e,e t vidab av unaid o te m un poede ,s a, k#eim Hamk comes it, hu!b;md, That thou art thus enftranged from fhyfdf 5. Not marked by any particular property Inoffenfive adv B@; §t. Paul. tells us, that there is difference b twixt married and fingle perfons; the affe@io s o Ho Arbuthnot adj undiffraéied communion with himfelf l'lé}lt 4. Admitring nothing between ; havin no intervenient fpace Unprsorri'cine d waiked with God, he wy; far fron} be‘mgfl_ tired with that lafting a fiduity th' he admitted him to a more immed ate and‘,mo ra ral, He in the midf thus undifmayed began. Milton Though oft repuls'd, agai They rally undifmay'd Philips Heaim'd a blow againft his undifmay'd adverfary UnD1sTRACTED. adj. Not perplex d contrariety of thoughts or defires When "E.noch_ h UnD1sTU RBEDI Y. adv, Calmly ; peace Dryden Difguis'd in habit, undifguis'd in fhape O help us captives from our chains t' efcape. Dryd If once they can dare to appear openly and undifguifed, when they can turn the ridicule upon fexioufnefs and piety, the contagion fpreads like peftilence Rogers ! : Wg,,?}i Are all on fire Dryden A ftate where our imitation of God fhall en in the undiffurbed fruition of him to all eternity Some fuch laws may be confidered, in fome parliament that fhall be at leifure from the urgenc of more prefiing affairs, and fhall be cool and #zndiftempered Temple whic To our high rais'd phdntafy prefen Nor the parch'd Lybian fands thy hufband bore - Addifon on Italy But mild Paithenope fro vi quil ; placid Not cold Scythia's andiffolving fnows Thef Like fa Th For lac tafte of the readers wi wi turbance from contrariety of fentimen z. Honeft, not feigned Unpi'ssipaTED Undiftinguifbing complaifanc UnbpisTrRACTEDLY Heav'n in his bofom from our knowledge hides If thou art Venus UnpisHo'nourED noured Incontrovertible Uxp1sso'LVABLE May rightly anfwer that melodious noife As once we did, till difproportion'd fi He wa Uxprspu'TED U N neceffar fo carrying on the defigns of providence in this life will be rectified in another Addifon Thyfelf, I cali it, being ftrange to me That undividable, incorporate, partsbnkefpc‘fl" delff's's better }ZS ter than thy - deadearr fe Am betSR Unpivi'DED Unbroken ; whole &dj not parted Love is not divided betsccenwnth_Godgll omfand'}bG &ion, enemy: w muf love Go de iv un an ho a: hi gi is tha Taylor's Rule QfHOI o extends through all extent Spreads undivided, operates unfpent Unpivu'LGEep mulgated adj _g Pupt Secrets OG ir0 Let the greatgods o OINE Findout theiroy enemies now. . Tremble,ime That haft within thee undivulged Cim ing Lea Unwhippd of jufticc Shakefpear ‘%K UnpO0 |