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Show S SU I cannot call this piece Tully's nor my own being much altered not only by the change of th not be appealed to a fuperior but to an. inferio judge, yet a cuftom may be introduced againft th Ayliffe ‘accidentals of an appeal < Jtance. [from /ub @. 7o SuBSTA'NTIATE Parergo to exift To mak The accidental of any aét is faid to be whateve advenes to the aét itfelf already fubflantiated Ayliffe's Parergon Su BSTANTIVE. . /. [ fubfRantif, Fr. fubA noun betokenin flantivum, Lat. the thing, not a quality ftyle, but by addition and [ubftraction 2. [I lefle kind ber golden, or two fubwith a verb betwix them to keep the peace Dunyden SuBSTA'NTIVE. adj. [ fubflantivus, Lat. 1. Solid ; depending only on itfelf. No in ufe SussTY LAR JSiylar lin SuBsTA'NTIVELY tive.] As a {ubftantive 7o Su'BSTITUTE. . a. [ fubfituer, Fr _fi(:';fiz'tuz‘m fro /u an /iatuo Lat, To put in the place of another In the original defign Jubflitute none for the to his honour If a fwarth Is underneath his humi Reje) ct him then, an of fpeaking, a man ca that can equally conduc Government of the Tongue tongu palate hung fubfitute another. J#2 Dry 7y en Some few verfes are inferted or fubfiituted in th room of others Congreve Su'BSTITUTE. 2. /. [ fubftitut, Fr. fro the verb. 1. One placed by another to act with delegated power Were you {worn to the duke, or to the deputy w=--To him and his [ubflitutes Shakefpeare You 've taken up And here upfwarm'd them. Shakefp. Henry IV Haft thou not made me here thy [ubfitute And thefe inferior far .beneath me fet Milton Providence delegates to the fupreme magiftrat the fame power for the good of men, wh rich tha fupreme magiftrate transfers to thofe feveral Jub Addifon Pitutes who a&t under him as on medicine is a fubffitute for another SvsstiTu'TION. 7 /. [ fubflitution, Fr from fubffitute.] The atk of placing an perfon or thing in the room of another the ftate of being placed in the roo of another He did believ He was the duke, from fubfitusion And executing th' outward face of royalty Shakefpeare's Tempefi With all prerogative or mercury ca Nor fal, fulphur from any perfe€& metals be feparate for every part, {o fepa rated, may eafily be reduced into perfe& meta without fubflitution of that which chymifts ima Bacon's Phyfical Remains gine to be wanting v, a4 [ fubtrako SuBsTrA'CT Souftration, Fr. Lat 1. To take away part from the whole 2. To take one number from another. SussTra'cTiON. 2 [ [ fouftraire, fouSfrattion, Fr. 3. The a&t of taking away part from th whole from the change n.;ade" the ‘neighbouring fubterrancal par s by tha onflagration th and then th ancients cal Let my foft minutes glide obfcurely o [fub and fiylus.] Sub This fubterrancou Ere¢t the ftyle perpendicularly over the fuéfila line, fo as to make an angle with the dial-plan equal to the elevation of the pole of your place Moxon's Mechanical Exercifes wa not at fizr\;:rsg SUBTERRA'NITY. 7. /. [ fub and terra Lat.] A place under ground. Not in ufe We c mmonly confider fubterranities not i contemplations fufficiently refpeétive unto the cr a } adj [ jubfultus, Lat. Bounding; moving b tion Brown T Sussu'LTORY. ftarts SuBSUILTORILY. adv. [from fubfultory. In a bounding manner; by fits; b ftarts SUBTILE. adj. [ fubtile, Fr. fubtilis, Lat "This word is often written /udtle, The fpirits fpread even, and move not [ubfultorily5 for that will make the parts clofe and pliant Dryden's Georgick 1. Thin Yo tion of the tangent in the axis prolonged 2 Dié& made of the fide that fubtendeth the right angle is equal to the fquares which are made of the fide Brown Muft three times touch the round, and meet thre figns 4 Where'er they meet in angles, thofe are trines Creech acute not coarfe while. Dawies and her pow'rs define Dawies face Dawies Pafs we the flow difeafe, and Jubtile pain Which our weak frame is deftin'd to fuftain The cruel ftone, the cold catarrh Prior Cunning ; artful ; {ly; fubdolous. I this fenfe it is now commonly writte was difcontente SUBTERFLU'ENT. ) adj.[ fubterfluo, Lat. SUBTERFLUOUS. } Running under [Se that one fhould be placed befor him in honour, whofe fuperior he thought himfel in defert, becaufe through envy and ftomach pron unto contradiction Hooker Think you this York SU'BTERFUGE. . /. [ fubterfuge, Fr. fubter and fugio, Lat. A fhift; an evafion 3 a trick Was not incenfed by his fubt/e mothe To taunt and fcorn you Shakefp. Richard 1 O [ubtile love, a thoufand wiles thou ha@ The king cared not for fubterfuges; but woul ftand. envy, and. appear in, any thing that was t By humble fuit, by fervice, or by hire To win.a maiden's hold his mind Bacon Notwithftanding all their fly fubterfugesand ftudied evafions, yet the produét of ail their endeavours is but as the birth of the labouring moun Fairfan A woman, an harlot, and fubtile of heart Prow. viis 10 Nor thou his malice, and falfe guile, conteran Subtile he needs muft be, who could feduc Glanwille Milton's Paradife Loff Angels to avoi Watts. 5. Deceitful Like;a- bowl-upon a fubtle ground Shakefps Coriclanus T've tumbled paft the throw SUBTERRA'NEAL. ) adj. [ fub and terra Latin ; foufterraine Sunterra'NEOUS. ( Fr. Swbterranean or 6 SU'BTERRANY JSubterraneous is th word now ufed.] Lying under theearth ; S placed below the furface ‘1 Metal are wholly fubterrany; wherea are part above earth, and part under delicate Arrius, a prieft in the church of Alexandria, Jfubtile-witted and a marvellous fair-fpoken man nifies under SUBTERRA'NEAN Nice ; fine Jubtle.. Milton feems to have both SUBTLE. SusTE'NSE. #. /. [/ub and tenfus, Lat. The chord of an arch SU'BTER. [Latin.] In compofition, fig Affet not little fhifts" and fubterfuge the. force of an argument Prior air, which, after the air was drawn out, remaine in che vacuum Neawton's Opticks 3. Piercing now fince the line tains, wind and emjptinefs fire nor water The fubtile motions we forget th Thou only know'ft her natur Her fubtile form thou only canf I do diflinguifh plai Each fubtile line of her immorta In re@angles and triangles, the fquare which i An equal triangle But of the clock, which in our bfeafts we bear tendo containing the right angle leave him neithe Is not the heat conveyed through: the vacuu by the vibrations of a much [ubtiler medium tha SUBTA'NGENT. 7 / In any curve, i the line which determines the interfecSusTE'ND. w. a. [/ub an Lat.] To be extended under not grofs Deny Des Cart his fubrile matter Bacon's Natural Hiftory 7 not denfe From bhis eyes the fleeting fai Retir'd, like fubtle fmoke diffolv'd in air plant Refin'd ; acute beyond neceflity Things remote from ufe, obfcure, and fubtle Milton BT ILELY. adv. [from fubtile. In a fubtil denfely 2. Finely Bacon's Natural Hiftory paffag figned fo much for a highway as for a q arry e Addifon Rous'd within the fubterranean world Th' expanding earthquake unrefifted fhake Afpiring cities. Thomfo line Di& SuBsU'LTIVE Bgr?[at Like fubterraneons ftreams, unhe rd, unkr;own Wotton's ArchiteGiure dialing, a righ Tell by what paths, \vhatf bberranean wa 30) Back to the fountain's head t e fea conveysy The refluent rivers Blackms In the fame round, and let that line fubten The fubjeés of his [ubfitute, my father likewife for things Sublim'd with mineral fury, aid the wind 2 Alteration proceede From Aries rightways draw a line, to en Under the counterfeited zeal of God 2. It is ufe is, i or the fhatter'd fid And fuel'd entrails thence c ngeiving fir whereon the gnomen or ftyle of a dial i erected at right angles with the plane particulars in on adwv. [from jfubfan adj i mb Na!uml}]!fi Of thund'ring ZEtna, whof combuftibl the num habitation firmly, examin R z. Betokening exiftence propofition, becaufe the repetition of the fubffantiv verb would be tedious Arbuthnot ou rn from Pelorus Underbuilding bed of earth upon which we build underfillings, or fubftruZion, as th He confidered how fufficient and fulffantive thi land was to maintain itfelf, without any aid o Bacon the foreigner One is obliged to join man foun Of fubterrancan wind tranfport a hil T Gocker's Arithmetick 7. [. [ fabftruttio, fro Jub and ftruo, Latin. on The forZ arithmetick. The taking of number out of a greater of lik whereby to find out a third numbeing or declaring the inequality bers given SuBSTRU'CTION T In fubterranies, as the f thers of thejy are brimftone and mercury Ba Denham excefs, or difference betwee Claudian perpetually clofes his fenfe at the en of a verfe, commonly calle frantives and two adjectives SU manner thinly no not grofsly The |