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Show RI RI fro Befote she plague of London, inflammations o the lungs were zife and mortal Arbutbnot on Air iy RI‘FELY. adv. [from rife. I wa comin Wy rifel reported that th wer in a gieat flL'f:t Knolless Hiftory RIFENESS. 2. /. [fromrife. Prevalence abundance by, Turk He afcribes the grea 79 RUFLE @. a ! Tsz1. To rob i 1. T Men, by his fuggeftion taught Ranfack'd the centre, and with impious hand Rifled the bowels of their mother eart Miltor's Paradife Loft %12 .For treafures better hid You have riffed my mafter; who fhall maintai me L'Efirange A commander in the parliament's rebel arm rifled and defaced the cathedral at Litchfield. Souzh y. To take away; to feize as pillage Mine is thy daughter, priet, and fhall remain And pray'ss, and tears, and bribes fhall plead in vain .. " Till tinte {hall »iffe every youthful grace Pope ~ " MPLER. 7. /. [from rife. Robber "/ @ plunderer; pillager Wrn i [from rives] A cleft; breach ; an opening Shakefp 0l St. James's fields is a conduit of brick, unt unt which joineth a low vault " makes a fearful roaring at the window Bacon They have an idle tradition, that a miffel bird feeding upon a feed fhe cannot digeft, expellet i it whole; which, falling upon a bough of a tre that hath fome rift, putteth forth the mifieitoe Bacon 'Gan thunder, and both ends of heav'n From many a horrid 7ift abortive pour' " Fierce rain, with lightning mixt Th the cloud " ToRiFT. @. 4 cleave . Inor [from the noun. to fplit Wit A Rifte O The green reed trembles ,##To R1FT. 2, 2 1. Fit wind RIG. . / Rig, ridge, feem to fignif theVor.top II ofa hill falling on each fide proper underftandeth ledge But in a bull's raw hide they fheathe the right 8 Strait DI)'[:.'L','Y not crooked The idea of a right lined triangle neceffaril carries with it an equality of its angies to two righ ones Locke RicHT. adv t. Properly; jultly; exadly to truth, .or juftice The it fro all me an 3 Dryden Ye fhall be driven out »ight forth, and none fhal gather up him that wandereth Feremiab, xlix. 5 The people paffed over right againft Jericho Infeét true judg according t You are right, juftice, and you weigh this well Thesefore ftill bear the balance and the fword Shakefpeare hav voluntar Fofbua, iii. 16 motion, and therefor imagination; for ants go right forward to thei hills, and bees know the way from a flowery heat to their hives Bacon This way, right down to Paradife defcend Milton 4. In a great degree; very Now obfo lete I gat me to my Lord right humbly Right noble princes I'll acquaint our duteous citizens Pardon us the interruptio Pfalm xxx. 8 Shakefpeare Of thy devotion and right chriftian zeal Shakefp I cannot joy, until I be refolv' ‘Where our right valiant is become Shakefpeare When I had climb'd a heigh Rough and right hardly accefiible; I migh Behold from Circe's houfe, that'in a grov Set thicke with trees ftood, a bright vapour mové Chapman The fenate will fmart dee For your upbraidings : I fhould be right forr To have the means fo to be veng'd on you Ben Fonfom As I fhall fhortly on them Righkt many a widow his keen blade And many fatherlefs, had made Beattie ment ; pafling judgmen the truth of things is a ftate o Let thine eyes look 7ight on, and let thine eyelids look ftraight before thee. ~ Prowerds, iv. 2 tha ftat 3. In a direé line; in a ftreight line tional day at the end of every hundred and thirtyHolder on Time four years If my prefent and paft experience do exaétl coincide, I fhall then be difpofed to think the paflin in, an wha And in 2 moment finks you no law of nature, nor pofitive l determines which is the right heir i right of fucceflion could not hay Locke determined miftaken confide This calm of heav'n, this mermaid's melody Into an unfeen whirlpool draws you faft True ; not erroneous; not wrong No are naturally muf Take heed you fteer your veffel right, my fon If there be no profpect beyond the grave, th inference is certainly right, let us eat and drink Locke for to-morrow we die Our calendar wants to be reformed, and the equinox rightly computed; and being once reformed an fet right, it may be kept fo, by omitting the addi 4 w Rofcommon right to them that find knowProverbs, viii both right its original You with ftriét difcipline inftructed right Have learn'd to ufe your arms before you fight Genefis, xxive 48 There bein of God, tha all cafes, th been certainl ‘g 2. According to art or rule fuitable 2. Rightful ; juftly claiming thunder-bolt perfe@t freedom to order their actions, and difpof of their poffeflions and perfons . Locke [from rig, an old wor Wanton ; whorith becoming fhall the right-aimin accordin abroad, and from the clouds, as from a well-draw bow, fhall they fly to the mark Wifdom, v. 21 To underftand political power righs, and defiv fail A time there will be, when all thefe unequa diftributions of good and evil fhall be fet »ight, an the wifdom of all his tranfa¢tions made as clear:a the noon-day Arterbury ‘The Lord God led me in the right way Pope's Meffiab To belch; to brea "The left foot naked, when they march to fight The words of my mouth' are plain to him tha not apt to rift with ordnance Bacon's Natural Hiftory ;2 [_Reé',ruer, Danith. Th D:& tha Yo Ri'GGLE. @w. a. [properly toavriggle. To move backward and forward, a thrinking from pain RIGHT. adj. [pigz, Sax. recht, Dutch ritto, Italian ; reffus, Latin. To rive is perhap When ice is congealed in a cup, it will fwell infiead of contralting, and fometimes rift Bacon's Natural Hiftory It is not with certainty to be received, concerning the right and left hand, that men naturail make ufe of the right, and that the ufe of th other is a digreffion Browh Become themfelves in her, that the holy prieft Blefs her, when fhe is riggi/b Shake[peare I'd fhrick, that even yourear Should 7ift to hear me. Shakefpeare's Winter's Tale Some trees are beft for fhip-timber, as oaks tha g1ow in moift grounds; for that maketh th an 7. Not left Vileft thing 1. To burft; to apen tmber tough and found nothing more difagreeable in the hufband, than fhe difcovered in the lover Zddifsx fhall fet forth like a fhip launche Ri'ceisu. adj for 4 whore. ~T his own bolt Shakefpeare's Tempeft fight of him the people with a fhou the air Milton's Agoniftes rifted rocks, the dragon's late abodes The lady has been difappointed on the righe fid ar To plow the deep Tomake fit rigging, or to build a fhip Creech His batter'd rigging their whole war receives All bare, like fome old oak with tempefts beat He ftands, and fees below his fcatter'd leaves Dryden Dryden To the dread rattling thunde HaveI giv'n fire, and rifted Jove's ftout oa not crimin 6. Happy; convenient Milton's Agoniftes Rica'rion. n. [ [rigatio, Latin. a&t of watering Ri'cGer. z. /. [from 7rig.] On rigs or drefles Rr'ceinG. z. /. [from 7ig. 'Th or tackling of a fhip Milton proper equitable into the wide fea, not only well built and rigged; 9. Perpendicular; dire@ but alfo carried on with full wind South R crr. interj An expreflion of approHe bids them 7ig the flect Denbam bation He rigged out another fmall fleet, and th Right, cries his lordthip, for a rogue in nce Achzans engaged him with theirs Arbuthnot. To have a tafte, is infolence indéed Ricapoo's. #. /. [rigadon, French.] I m 'tis noble, fuits my birth and Rate Pope dance through each feam and 7if7 Some drive old oaku finne honeft Their heart was not right with eit were they ftedfaft in hiy covenant. P/a/nixxviii. 57 and a pretty figure h L'Eftrange My veflel glorioufly rigg'd _Some pick out bullets from the veflels fides J Cloath He, like a foolifh pilot, hath fhipwreck' at the end of thatis .. . round houfe, with a fmall {lit or 7if?; and in th "'"_conduit a window: if you cry out in the rift, i Either tropic th My minde for Egypt ftoode When nine faire fhips, I rig'd forth for the flood She did confine the Into a cloven pine, within which rif % Imprifon'd, thou didft painfully remain accoutre 2. 'To fit with tackling # He pluckt a bough, out of whofe #ift there com . Small drops of gory blood Spenfer Gibfon's Camden rig or ridge 5. Jult Chapman Shake[peare t with a feather in his cap made in the world Stand, Sir, and' throw us what you have abou you 3 if not, we'll make you, Sir, and rifle you drefs both fignifyin th _Jack was rigged out in his gold and filver lace to plunder A [fro an proverbially faid to be for the back, an vi&uals for the belly to pillage Ariggur @.a back. Latin. [riffer, rifler, French riffelen, Dutch. To R1G Arburhuot on Air L SRI'PPRAFF. 7. /. [recrementum The refufe of any thing ppugx back rifenefs of carbuncles i tothe great heats the fummer s Saxon HMlandick Prevalently abundantly th RI1 5 Icis ftill ufe in titles as Hudibras righ Ao nourable 5 right reverend I mention the right honourable Thomas Howar lord high marfhal Peacham on D awing RIGHT #. / 1 No |