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Show ai a i t l o i a p fomething a Aei vg, o tion the interim i Al e a p e a S m e d o d h o f Like a phant . i r h e k a t : i a S i d m This A coutt o f k m a t o a o c } n m f t a p "To the prince and his book-j'n;'l.tes They believe, apd they l)L:ll'CV ) amifs the I'.(:y()i\l If the great ones were in h?rw.;u'duclx a p o d b r a i t n n a r t e r f ), were i e t o o l r p i C f a l i e c i t %\t safpe w 14 oreat devotie to th of Y ork houf Why In this infernal vale firft met partly ou Bacow's Henry VI of proud humour thou call'f \in . Me father, and that gphanta'm call'ft my'fon. Milt Affaying, by his devilith art, to reac _' The organs of her fancy, and with them forg "% Tilufions, as helift, plw:ra]}ns and dreams. AMilton . 'HANTA'STICAL. % See FANTASTICAL gANTA'STiCK "mA'NTOM. 7.f. [ phantome, French. " 1+ A fpeftre 5 an apparition ' If he cannot help believing, that fuch things h U faw and heard h ma ftill have roo that what this airy phantoi i unndy; o be relied on v, umé to believ is not abfolutel Aterbury fai A conftant vapour o'er the palace flies wivStrange phantoms rifing as the mifts arife . Dreadfulas hermits dreams in haunted fhades Pope 21 Orbright as vifions of expiring maids . A fancied vifion . Reftlefs and impatient to try every overture o prefent happinefs, he hunts a phantom he can neve o OVEItAKE Kogers + As Pallas will'd, along the fable fkies To calm the queen, the phautom fifter flies Pope (HARISAICAL. adj. [from pharifee. ~ Ritual ; externally religrous: from th s fe@ of the Pharifees, whofe religio confifted almoit wholly in ceremonies .s The canfes of fuperftitio are pleafing and fen _,Jf!nal tites, excefs of outward and pharifaical ho. linefs, over-great ‘reverence of traditions whic » cannot but load the church Baton 1y Suffer ws not to be deluded with pharifaica wathings inftead of chriftian reformings. &7 Charies IHARMACE'UTICAL. | adj. [paspu-wevrixd: "HARMACE'UTICK. § from Pogpex:sw. Relating to the knowledge or art o pharmacy, and preparation of medicnes .y HARMACO'LOGIST. 7. /. [ posgpuerov an Myu.] One who writes upon drogs T}".c ofteocolla is recommende by the pharma clean.sh data import.tsv out README caogiffs as an abforbent and conglutinator of broke | 'buncs W oodward on Foffils #HARMACO LOGY. #. / ‘ Agya‘:]' The krowledg 5/ medicines [0douar of drug HARMACOPOLI‘A, n. /. [pdppan @utw; pharmacopée, French. Pgnfatory a book containing rule the com"p(?fition of medicines an an an diffo /HBRMACO POLIST. 7. /. [pognarm an " @uhivs pharmacopole, Fr. An apothe ¢ary; one who fells medicines ,"dlf AMACY. 7. [ [from geigpaxcn, 2 meSICIES pharmacie, Premch. The ar : :':agzaé}lce of preparing medicines ; th g Me9¢ of an apothecary He augmented and repaired the port of Oftia built a phares ot light-houfe . Arbuthnot on Coins Puarynco'romMy mépe. = / [¢ezvv 3015322 }?g:@a;?? goddefs weighs with watchful eye tin impious pharmacy Garth an The aét of making an incifie 1nto the wind pipe, ufed whe fome tu mour in the throat hinders refpiration Paa'sevs. n. f. [phafedliy Lat.] -Frenc beans they be but phdntajms or apparitions. Rflal g PH PH PH Ainfworth Pua'sis #. / [¢da - ol phafe exhibite I th plura French. phafes Appearanc by any body; as the change of the moon All the hypothéfes yet contrived; were built upo too 1 rrow an infpection of the phafes¢ of th B Glanwil He o'er the feas fhall love or fame purfue Ar other months another phafi vie Fixt to the rudder, he fhall boldly fteer And pafs thofe rocks which Tiphys us'd to.fear Creech Paasm. #. /. [pdopa.] - Appearance phantom ; fancied apparition Thence proceed many acreal fitions and phafms and chymeras created by the vanity of our ow hearts or feduction of evil fpirits, and not plante in them by God Hammond Pur'asant. n. f. [ fuifan, Fr. phafianus from Pha/is, the river of Cholchos.] kind of wild cock The hardeft to draw are tame birds ; as the cock Peacham on Drawing peacock, and pheafant Prezch as I pleafe, I doubt our curious me Willchufe a pheafant fill before a hen Pope See FeEr Spenfer 70 PHEESE. w, 4. [perhaps to feaze.] T comb; to fleece; to curry Pueer A companion #./ An he be proud with me, I'll phecfe his pride Shake[peare #./. [Qomuzinee®: 5 phee PHENI'COPTER nicopterus, Lat. A kind of bird, whic is thus defcribed by Martial Dat mibi penna rubens nomen fed lingua gulofi fi garrula lingua foret Noftra fapit ; qui He blended together the livers of guiitheads, th brains of pheafants and peacocks,. tongues of phenicopters, and the melts of lampres Hakewill Pur'nNix. n. [. [@émé; phaenix, Lat.] Th bird whic is fuppofe to exift fingle and to rife again from its own athes There is one tree, the pherix throne ; one pheni At this hour reigning there. Shakefpeare's Tempeft Milton To all the fowls he feems a phenix Having ‘the idea ofa phenix in my mind, th firft enquiry is, witether fuch a thing does exift Locke Paeno'MenoN [@obvopsvor 5 pheno 7 f mene, French : itis therefore often written phanomenon; but being naturalifed it has changed the = is not i whic the Englith language, toe. But if i has the original plural termination phe nomiena, it thould with 2. I think writte b 1. Appearance ; vifible quality Short-fighted minds are unfit to make philofo phers whofe bufinef it is to defcribe in compre herfive theories, the phenomena of the world an Burnet their caufes Thefe are curiofitiés of little or no moment t the undertanding the phenomenon of nature. Newton The moft confiderable phenamenon, belonging t terreftrial bodies, is gravitation, whereby all bodie in the viGinity of the earth prefs towards its centre ;,H‘A‘i;s' } #./. [from Pharos inEgypt. Bentley's Sermons o A lxgr_xt-houfe ke lantern | 2. Any thing that firikes by any new ap7om the those 1o diret failors pearance Pur'ar. #. /. [ phiala, Latin; phiile, Fr. A fmall bottle Upon my fecure hour thy uncle ftol With juice of curfed hebenon in a phial S He proves his explications by experiments mu with a ghial of water, and with globes of glafs WNeavto with water PuiLa'~taROPY. 2. /. [ @2fw and &iS;wwoz. ] Love of mankind; good nature Suc a tranfient temporary.goo is no natur that philanthropy, that love of mankind, which de ferves the title of a moral virtue Puirr'ppick Addifon z. /. [fro the invellive of Demoithenes againit Philip of Macedon. Any inveltive declamation Pr1LOLoGER 7. f. [@néreye. On whofe chief ftudy is language; a grammarian a critick Philologers and critical difcourfers, who look beyond the fhell and obvious exteriors of things, wil not be angry with our narrower explorations. Brozwn You expeét, that I thould difcourfe of this matter like a naturalift; not a philologer Boyle The beft philologers fay, that the original wor does not only fignify domeftick, as oppofed to fo reign, but alfe private, as oppofed to common Spratt's Sermons Purvroro'cicar adj [from philolegy. Critical; grammatical Studies, called philological, are hiftory, language grammar, rhetorick, poefy, and criticifm Watts He who pretends to- the learned profeffions, i he doth not arife to be a critick himfelf in philological matters, thould frequently converfe with di¢tionaries, paraphrafts, commentators, or othe criticks, which may relieve any difficulties. Wutts Puiro'LocisT. #./. See PHILOLOGER A critick; a grammarian PHILO'LOGY =z. _/ ['D;Ao?wyia [252'[0 logie, French. Criticifm ; grammatical learning See PHiLoLoGIcAL Temper all difcourfes of philology with interfperfions of morality Walker Pur'LoMEeL n. f PHILOME LA [fro change Philomela into a bird. The nightingale Time drives the flocks from field to fold When rivers rage, and rocks grow cold And philsnel becometh dumb Sh Ji:'g/])fal‘iw Admires the jay the infe@s gilded wings, Or hears the hawk, when pbilomela fings Pur'romor. a4j morte [corrupte a dea leaf. dead leaf Pope from feuill Coloure lik Ore of them was blue, another yellow, aad another philomot; the fourth was of a pink colour the fifth of a pale green Addifom Prrro'sopHEME. 5. /. [@irooépnpa.] Principle of reafoning; theorem. An unufua word You will learn how to addrefs yourfelf to ch for their benefit, and derive fom phemes for your own entertainment ufeful bilofophe French. A man deep knowledge, either moral or natural Jophers "The philofopher hath lon cording to the divers nature evidences for them bej and tha of an undifciplined wit no They all our fam' An would our faith I}" the philofspher thei obfervation an fincer i thofe, wh call themfelve hav ou been pb acquaintance about us had been yet muc 1 greater th r reports a ‘s, ough t bodie |