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Show MA i\{ ,i‘\k&‘[ Ma'vorin lant # f MA [ageratum Lat. The flowers of the maudlin are digefted into loof ' umbels 'WMaA'UGRE Miller adj [malgré French. I It i no fpite of; notwithftanding out of ufe Stakefpeare d b % th flrength place, youth, an nence Thy valour, and thy heart; thouw art a traitor ' emi Shakefpeare I through the ample air, in triumph hig Shall lead hell captive; maxgre hell ! and tho The pow'rs of darkne(s bound. Milton's Par. Loft a Maugre all which 'twas to ftand faft As long as monarchy {hould laft H which prophefie of th futcef Hudibras of his gofpel after his death, immediately took root, an fpread itfelf every-where perfecution tAa'vis #. f thrufh word maugre all oppofition o Burpet [mauvis or bir French. like a thrafh A ol The world that cannot deem of worthy things clean.sh data import.tsv out README Whe I do praife her, fay I do but flatter So doth the cuckow, when the mawis fings + Begins his witlefs note apace to clear Spenfer In birds, kites have a refemblance with hawks and black-birds with thrufhes and mawifes r Bacow''s Natural Hiftory 2 Mavr .2 [m @. a. [from malleus, Latin. Tobeat to bruife to hurtin a coarf . or butcherly manner Will he who faw the foldier's mutton fift And faw thee max/'d, appear within the lift .. To witpefs truth Drydew' Fuwenal Onceev'ry week poor Hannibal is maul'd ‘The theme is given, and ftrait the council's cali'd yo RIS Whether he fhould to Rome directly go Dryden I had fome repute for profe t And, till they drove me out of date fm s Could maw/ a minifter of ftate Savift's Mifcel But fate with butchers plac'd thy priefily ftall 20 " . Meek modern faith to murder, hack and maul Pope "lavi #. /. [malleus, Latin.] hammer ; commenl A heav written Mall A man that beareth falfe witnefs is a maul, fword, and fharp arrow Prov. xxv. 18 " lavuND. #. f. [mand, Saxon; mande French. A hand-bafket 2% grumble ; to murmur He made me many vifits, maundring as ifI ha done him a difcourtefy in leaving fuch an opening o B Wifeman's Surgery IA"UNDERER & murmurer 7. /. [from maunder. a grumbler lavnpy-THURSDAY. 2. /. [derived b # Spelman from mande, a hand-bafket, i which the king was accuftomed to giv ' ,alm to th mandati poor by others from die the day on which our Saviou gave his great mandate i1 love one another. That we fhoul The Thurfda ¢ fore Good-friday AAUSOLE UM ». / be [Latin ; maufolée ¢ French A name which was firfl give to a flately monument erefted by hi s quee Artimefi t (folus, king of Caria. mera To crammed waws a fprat new. ftomach brings Sidney We have heats of dungs, and of bellies an maws of living creatures, and of their bloods Bacon Though plenteous, all oo Iittle feems her hufban Mau A pompous fu monument Jaw. n. /. [maza, Saxon ; maeghe, Dut. The ftomach of animals, and of hu .+ man beings, in contempt this vat unhidebound COrps Milton Or fome of you fhall fmoke for it in Rome Maugr So oft in fealts with coftly changes clad To fuff this maw This, maxgre all the world, will I keep fafe MA "he ferpent, who his maw obfcene had fill'd The branches in his curl'd embraces held. Dryden 2. The craw of birds Granivorous birds have the mechanifm ofa mill their maw is the hopper which holds and foften the grain, letting it down by degrees into the fiomach, where it is ground by two firong mufcles in which ation the whic ar affifte by fmai they fwallow for the purpofe ftones Arbuthnor Ma'wkisH. adj. [perhaps from maw. Aptto give fatiety; apt to caufe loath This alfo tendeth to no more but what the kin may do: for what he may do is of two kinds what he may do as juft, and what he may do a pofiible Bacon Make the moft of life you may Bourne 5. A word exprefling defire May you live happily and long for the fervice o your country Dryden's Dedication to the A neis Mavy-2e Perhaps ; iz may be thar May-be, that better reafon will affuag The rath revengey's heart, words well difpos'd Have fecret pow'r € appeafe inflamed rage Fairy Quecn May-be the amorous count folicits he In the unlawful purpofe Shake[peare "Tis nothing yet, yet all thou haft to give Then add thofe may-be years thou haft to live Dryden What they offer is bare may-be and fhift, an fcarce eve amounts to a tolerable reafon Creech mg May Flow, Welfted! flow, like thine infpirer beer So fweetly mawkifb, and fo fmoothly dull Pope 1. The fifth month of the year; the con fine of Spring and Summer Ma'wkisaness. 7. /. [from mawhkifp. Aptnefs to caufe loathing Ma'wMET. n. /. [or mammet; from ma or mother. A puppet, anciently a idol Ma'wmisH. adj. [from mawm or mawmet. Foolith idle . [, [maw and worm. Ordinary gut-worms loofen, and flide off from the intern tunick of the guts, and frequently cree into the ftomach for nutriment, being attraéte thither by the fweet chyle ; whence they are calle ftomach or maww-wworms Harwvey on Confumptions MA'X1LLAR Ma'X1LLARY adj. [maxillaris, Latin. Belonging to the jaw bone Th greatef quantity of hard fubftance conti nued is towards the head; there is the fkull, th teeth, and the maxillary bones Bacon Ma'xim 2. [ [mmaxime Fr maximum Lat.] An axiom ; a general principle a leading truth This maxim out of love I teach Shakefpeare It is a maxim in ftate, that all countries of ne acqueft, till fettled, are rather matters of burde than ftrength Bacon Yet, as in duty bound, they ferve him on Nor eafe, nor wealth, nor life itfelf regard For 'tis their maxim, love is love's reward. Dryd That the temper, the fentiments, the moralit of men, is influenced by the example and difpofition of thofe they converfe with, is a reflexio which has long fince paffed into proverbs, and bee ranked amon dom Mavy the ftanding maxins of human wifRogers auxiliar verb preterit might [magan, Sax. maghen, Dutch. 1. To be at liberty ; to be permitted to be allowed: as, you zay do for m [per me ILicet] all you can He that is fent out to travel with the thoughts o a man, defigning to improve himfelf, may get int the converfation of perfons of condition Locke on Education z. To be poflible in the words may &e It may be, 1 fhall otherwife bethink me 3. To be by chance Shak Be the workmen what they may be, let u of the work Bacon's How old may Phillis e, you afk Whofe beauty thus all hearts engages To anfwer is no eafy tafk For the has really two 4. To have power Ma [Maius, Latin. muf be draw with a fweet and amiabl countenance, clad in a robe of white and green embroidered with daffidils, hawthorns, and blue bottles . Hail Peachamebounteous May that doft infpir Mirth and youth, and warm defire Woods and groves are of thy drefling Hill and dale doth boaft thy bleffing naufeous It is one of the moft naufeous, mawmif mortifications, for a man to have to do with a punétual finical fop L'Eftrange Maw-worwm n. / Prior Milton 2. The early or gay part of life On a day, alack the day Love, whofe month is ever May 'Spied a bloffom paffing fair Playing in the wanton air Shakefpeare.Maids are May when they are maids But the fky changes when they are wives Shakefpeare My lieg Is in the very May-morn of his youth Ripe for exploits Shakéfpeare's Henry V I'll prove it on his body, if he dare Defpight his nice fence, and his a&ive praice His May of youth, and bloom of luftihood Shakefpearee 7o MaY . z. [fro th noun. T gather flowers on May morning When merry May firft early calls the morn With. merry maids a maying they do go. ~ SidneyeCupid with Aurora playing As he met her once a maying Milton Mavy-suc # / chaffer Maxy-pay. z. f firft of May [Ma [Ma an an bug. Ainfaw day. Th *Tis as much impoffible Unlefs we fwept them from the-door with cannons,To fcatter'em, as 'tis to make 'em flee On May-da morning May-rLOWER A plant The plague 7. /. [Ma the and flower. report, hat a feent of tl B Narural Hifforye May-flozer Mavy-rry Shakefpearc 2./. [Ma fe&t and f3. An in He loves the' May-fly, which is bred of the cod TED 7 worm or caddis pration ss «£ Ang ° May-came 7. verfion ; fport [May and ga):‘:s". fuc Di as are ufed on th firft of May The king this while, though he' feemed to ac-count of the defigns of Perkins but as a Adaygame, yet had given order for the watching of beacons upon the coafts Lik Were long t When once the With deuble heat renew their fire Mavy-vL1LY. 2 [ [aphemerosn: with lily.of the valley ag Th {am May-roLE |