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Show LINe difproportioned fubftances fhow' - t W l n a [ j a r UnaNEe' t u d n f i T n r l b t ou a& upon eac wther, no man's learning yet could tell him Una'tTERABLE. adj. Unchangeable ; im vivified South 1mmutably Reetain wnalterably firm hi UNANUMITY. 7 [, [wnanimité, French. Agreement in defign or opinion A Paradife Lof No changed infinvations no ther My humble mufe, in anambitions frains Paints the green forefts, and the flow'ry plains I'(/{).-,' I am one of thofe umambitious people, who wil love you forty years hence Pope UxaME'NDABLE tin. adj. [inemendabilis, Fia Not to be changed for the better He is the fame man fo is every one here tha you know : mankind is unamendable Pope to Swift U~na'M1aBLE adf Notraifing love Thofe who reprefent religion in an waamiabl light, are like the fpies fent by Mofes to make difcovery of the land of promtife, when, by thei reports, they difcouraged the people from enterin upon i Addifon's Spe6iator Thefe men are fo well acquainted with the usamiable part of themfelves, that they have not th confidence to think they are really beloved Addifon's SpeCator Nor are the hills unamiable, whofe top To heav'n afpire P.(zfli/,vs Una'NaL¥sED fimple parts Som adj large cryftal No of refine refolved int an #nanalyfe nitre, appeared to have each of them fix flat fides e Una'mcuorep A port ther Where fhip adj f)'_rl)'/c Dryden is,. inclog'd on either fide may reft, unanclor'd, and nnty'd Paope Not pacified. = Beyon Una"PPLICABLE. adj. [fromapply.] Suc as cannot be applied Gratitade, by being confined to the few, has very narrow province to work on, being acknow ledged to be wnapplicablz, and fo confequently inHammond effectual to all others Their beloved earl of Manchefter appeared no as unapplicable to their purpofes as the other Clarendon Unarprene'~NDED. adj. Not underftood They of whom God is altogether unapprebendtd con are but few in number and for grofinefs of wi fuch, that they hardly feem to hold the place 'o It will put their little logick hard to it, to prove that there can be any obedience where there is n Hodkir human being UNAPRREHE NSIVE And thercfore it unanfzoerably follows [from appre adj hend. that the abettors of the forementioned principl plead confcience in a direét and: bare-faced contradi&ion to God's exprefs command South 1. Not intelligent; not ready of concep tion Ura'NSWERED. adj 1. Not oppofed by a reply The fame temper of mind makes a man ##ap prebenfive an Unanfaver'd 1efk thou boatt Miltons Par. Laf Muft I tamely bea infenfible of any mifery fuffered b South others 2. Not fufpe&ing traitor Inacceflible &dj HED RO'AG ‘UNAP Addifon God is light, All thefe reafons, they fay, have been brought and were hitherto never anfwered ; befides a num ber of merriments and je@s unanfavered likewife Hooker And never but in unapproacke Dwelt from eternitys Not daunted ; no ligh Milton's Paradife B 'Usappro'vED. adj. [from approve.] No approved 3. Not {uitably returned imprefled by fear adj The fingling out, and laying in order thofe irtermediate ideas, that demonftratively fliew th equality or inequality of unapplicable quantities, ha Locke produced difcoveries which are eftablifhed by many other reafons tha are unanfwerable Addifon's Speciator As to the excufe drawn. from the demands o creditors, ifl it be real, it is unanfzverable Atterbury's Sermons 2d; How foon the tyrant with new loveisfeiz'd ! Dryd do at leaft confirm, thefe two great points Unar v Pa'LLED Raleigh's Effays That fo the thadows be not unappeas'd Shakefp His fon forgot, his emprefs wnappeas'd Raleigh I fhall not conclude it falfe, though I think th emergent difficulties, which are its attendants, znanfwerable Glanwille The pye's queftion was wifcly let fall without reply, tointimate that it was unanfwerable. L' Efir ‘Thefe fpeculations are ftrong intimations, no only of the excellency of a human foul, but of it independence on the body; and if they do not 2. Not confuted one rebeilion upon another Sacrifice his flefh Shak. Hamlet This arrogance unanfwer'd2 Thou 'rt The unappeafeable rage of Hildebrand and hi fuccefiors never left perfecuting him, by raifin UNAPPE™ASED This is a manifett and #nanfwerable argnment command Are reconcil'd at length, and feas to fhore - Thy anger, unappeafable, ftill rages by Eternal tempeft never to be calm'd - Milvens UNa'NSWERABLE. adj. Not tobe refuted adv Not to be paci To pray'rs than winds to feas; yet winds to-fea Cut off, ev'n in the bloffoms of my fin Una'vsweraBLY futation. Milsen I fee thou art implacable; more de Thus was I, fleeping, by a brother's han prove the unapparent deep UnNaPPE ASABLE. ad) fied ; implacable tion Quench, Corydon, thy long unanfrwer'd fire Mind what the common wants of life require. Dr Not anchored Of nature, fro The ftate of beirrg unanimous UNANO INTED. adj 1. Not anointed 2. Not prepared for death by extreme unc Doy Thy potent voice he hears, And longer will delay to hear thee tell His generation, and the rifing birt Una'N1MOUSNESS. 2. /- [from unarnimous. Unhoufel'd, unanointed, unanel'd UxarPa'RENT. adj. Obfeure ; not vifible This particular is #nanimoufly reported by aiFth ancient Chriftian authors Addifon on the Chriflian Religion UNa®aZED. adj. Not aftonithed ; fre from aftonifhment from ambi Of bodies,.they from blifs are banithed Una'NiMOUSLY. adw. [from unanimous. With one mind fome which could not be matched by any fpecie of thell-fith now found upon the fea-fhores Woodward's Natural Hiffory Fre Till our fouls be napparelle All bred in arms, unanimous and brave wer Though at the voice much marvelling; atlengt Not unamaz'dy fhe thus in anfwer fpake Miiton In Peru, though they were an unapparelled people, znd had fome cuftoms very barbarous, yet th government of the Incas had many parts of ciyility Bacow's Holy War Milton's Par. Loft Hymning th® eteynal Father With thofe which Minio's fields and Phyrgi gave To thew the truth of my unalter'd breaft Know, that your life was giv'n at my requeft Dryden Since thefe forms begin, and have their end On fome unalrer'd caufe they fure depend. Dryden Grains and nuts pafs often through animals waalter'd Arbuthnot Amongft the fhells that were fair, unaltered, an adj UnaPPa'RELLED. adj. Not dseffed; no cloathed Unanimous, as fons of one great fire Thy coming hither, though I know thy fcope I bid not, or forbid Milton Uxamsi'rious tion Smith's Phedra and Hyppolitys So oft in feftivals of joy, and lov our Saviour, with uaalter'd brow- fuch minera wnanimity ‘T'hey wont to- mee to alter any thing; in us intolerable, that we fuffe any thing to remain unaltered Hovker fro wit Unchangeably ; UNA'NIMOUS. adj. [unanime, Fr. unaBeing of one mind nimis, Latin. love intire agreeing in defign or opinion It was thought in him an unpardonable offenc fre ain Addifon they are unalterably conftituted by thofe motions Holder on Time To who honeft party of me Fixt on that awful face, I ftand the charge Amaz'd, not fearing are of infinitely greater confequence, than the fam party aiming at the fame end by different views The dayand year are ftandard me fures, becauf ad] As alion, unappall'd with fear Springs on the toils, and ruthes on the fpeat. p,. Does this appear like guilt, when thys 'fercng2e With eyes ereét, and vifage unappall'd Dryden formed unanimated matter Immutabi Miiton' UNA'LTERED changeable Sat'ft unappall'd in calm and finlefs peace, Mt lt dués of a hatty mufe: like the frogs in the Nile part kindled into life, and part a lump of unin This bappens from the unalterablencfs of the corpufcles which conftitute and compofe thofe bodies Whaodward @dv Some bent at thee their fiery darts ; while tho Look on thofe half lines as the imperfect pro Settling the fame effeét on the fame caufe. Creech ‘The truly upright man is inflexible in his uprightnefs, and unalterable in his purpofe. Attcrbury Infernal ghofts- s{d'.'gy Environ'd thee; fome howl'd, fome yell d, fome fhriek'd Una'niMaTED. adj. Not enlivened; no The fixt unalterable laws Uxa'sTerABLY .Sbak. Hamlet Unhoufel'd, unanointed, zzanel'd The law of nature, confifting in a fixed, unalterable velation of one nature to another, is indif Una'LTERABLENESS. 7. / lity 5 unchangeablenefs Totha firange troke,whic conquer'al d sy funr. Can thoughts fill thinking fo rz,fi m;;,'f},y_f;f" fin Cut off, ev'n in the bloffoms of m mutable If my, memory muft thus be thealle "Thus was I, fleeping, by a brother's han Collier on Pride penfable UN UN May come and go fo unapprov'd, an No fpot behind UNA'PT Evil into the min‘;l adj [from apt. ‘1. Dull; not apprehenfive leav Mi 2. No |