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Show Sy H: SExa'NGLED S H | adj. {from few and an Sexa'Ne ULAR.} gulus, Latin.] Havin fix corners or angles ; hexagonal The grubs from their fexangular abod Crawl,out unfinifh'd like the maggot's brood Dryden SEXA'NGULARLY. adw. [ from fexangular.] With fix angles ; hexagonally SEXE'NNIAL. adj. [ fex and annas, Latin. Latting fix years ; happening once i lix years SE‘XTAIN 7. [fl'om Sextans, _/f'x,' Lat. So the firetch'd cord the fhackled dancer tries As prone to fall as impotent to rife Sua'ckies # /. wanting th Smith fingular [yeacul, Sax. fchaeckels, Dutch.] ~Fetters; gyves; chains for prifeners Himfelf he frees by fecret means unfeen His fbackles empty left, himfelf efcaped clean Fairy Queen A fervant commonly is lefs free in-mind than i condition; his very-will feems to be in bonds an Jhacklesy and defire itfelf under durance and captivity South The forge in fetters only is/employ'd Our iron mines exhaufted and deftroy' In fhackles Dryden's Fuwenal A ftanza of fix lines Se'xTaNT. n [ [ fextant, French.] Th fixth part of a circle Se'xTarvy. m [ [ fextarius, Latin. pint and a half SE'XTARY. ) #../. The fame as facrifty SE'XTRY. Dié SHap. 7z [ [clupea.] A kind of fith SHADE. 7./ [ycadu, Sax. /chade, Dutch. 1. The cloud or opacity made by interception of the light Se'xTILE. adj. [ fextilis, Latin.] In fuc a pofition or alpe of two planets, whe 2. Darknefs ; obfcurity at 6o degrees diftance, or at the diftanc of two figns from one another, and i marked thus clean.sh data import.tsv out README Harris Planetary motions and afpects In fextile, fquare, and trine « Milton The moon receives the dufky light we difcern i its fextile afpet from the earth's benignity Glanwville SE'xToN A . /. [corrupted from facriffan. unde officer of the church, whof bufinefs is to dig graves A ftool and cuthion for the fexton Shakefpeare When any dies, then by tolling a bell, or befpeaking a grave of the fexton, the fame is know to the fearchers correfponding with the faid fewton Graunt Se'xToNsHIP. #. /. [from fexton. office of a fexton Th They may get a difpenfation to hold the clerkfhip and fextonfbip of their own parifh in commendam Swift SExTU'PLE. adj. [ fextuplus, Latin.] Sixfold; fix times told Man's length, being a perpendicula fro th Y0 Suas. . n. To play mean tricks : low barbarous cant word Sua'se1LY. adv. [from /habby.] Meanly reproachfully; defpicably ;. paltrily. cant word Sua'BR1NESS. 7. /. [from fbabby.] Meannefs; paltrinefs his gay /habbinefs of clothes, fi for a much younger man, to warm ones that woul be decent for a much older one Spectator Saa'BBY. adj. [aword that has crept int converfation and low writing, but ough not to be admitted into the language. Mean; paltry The dean was {o fhabby, and lool'd like a ninny "That the captain {uppos'd he was curate to Jenny Saift 20 Sua'cxLE @. a. [from the noun fac kles 5 fehaeckelen, Dutch. fetter; to bind To chain ; t It is great To do that thing that.ends-all other deeds Which fbackles accidents, and bolts up change Shakefpeare You muft not fbackle-and tie him up with rule about indifferent matters Lecke No triyial pric Should fet him free, or fmall fhould be my oraif Vo lead him fhackled But all funfhine Milton The weaker light unwillingly declin'd And to prevailing fbades the murmuring world refign'd Rofcommon 3. Coolnefs made by interception of th fun Antigonus, when told that the enemy had fuc vollies of arrows that hid the fun, faid, That fall out well; for this is hot weather, and fo we fhal fight in theljbadc Bacon That high mount of God, whence light and /pad Shine both Milton 4. An obfcure placg, properly in a grov or clof cluded wood, by which the light is ex Let us feek out fome defolate fhade and ther Weep our fad bofoms empty Shake[peare Regions of forrow, doleful fpades Milton Then to the defart takes his flight Where ill from fpade to Jhade the Son of God After forty days fafting, had remain'd Milton The pious prince then feeks the fbad Which hides from fight his venerable maid. Dryd 5. Screen caufing an exclufion of light o heat; umbrage Let the arched knife vertex unto the fole of the foot, is fextuple unt his breadth, or a right line drawn from the ribs o one fide to another Brown He exchange Spring no obftacle found here ner fhade, Philip Well fharpen'd, mow affail the fpreading fbade Of vegetables, and their thirfty limbs diffever Philips In Brazil are trees, which kill thefe that fit under their fbade in a few hours Arbutbnot 6. Protetion ; fhelter 7. The parts of a piture not brightly coloured *'Tis ev'ry painter's art to hide from fight And caft in fhades, what feen would not delight Dryden 8. A colour ; gradation of light White, red, yellow, blue, with their fevera degrees or fbades and mixtures, as green, come i cnly by the eyes Locke 9. The figure formed upon any furface correfponding to the body by which th light 1s intercepted; the fhadow Envy will merit, as its /pade, purfue Pape 10. The foul feparated from the body ; f called, as fuppofed by the ancients to b perceptible to the fight, not to the touch A {pirit a ghoft ; manes To Trachin, fwift as thought, the flitting /bad Thro' air his momentary journey made. Dryden Ne'er to thefe chambers, where the mighty reft Since their foundation came a nobler gueft Nor e'er was to the bow'rs of blifs convey' A fairer {pirit or more welcome fhade 70 SHADE. v. a. [from the noun. 1. To overfpread with opacity Tickel Thou fhad'f The full blaze of thy beams, and through a clon Thy fkirts appear Milton, 2. To cover from th overfpread A feraph fix wings wore £ fhad His lineaments divine H And,after thefe, came arm'q wit An hoft fo great as coverd all the ég;:‘ wd o And all their foreheads, like the khighé bef ¥ ";;y.t'l" With laurels ever green were J aded o'er, 1;‘"" T went to c op the fylvan feenes, s And/bade our altars with their lea y gm: o Sing, while befide the fha ed tomb 'I'mc:urfipd‘. An g with frefh bays her rural fhrine adorn, f@, A 3. To fhelter; to hide Ere in our'own houfe I.do fud my The good patricians muft be \{Ibfited. y Sb:;gf'Pm, 4. To proteét l . to cover; to fcreen Leave not the faithful fid That gave thee being, ftill /bade thee and proteds 5. To mark with different gridatinjzl fl;; colours The portal fhone, inimitable on cart By model, or by jbading pencil drawn Milton 6. To paint in obfcure colours : SS. 7 /. [from Jpady.} The f SHA'DIN t of being fhady; umbrageoufnefs Sua'pow. z. /. [ycabu, Saxon; Jehaduuy Dutch. 1. The reprefentation of a body by which the light is intercepted Poor Tom ! proud of heart, to ride over four inch' bridges, to courfe his own Jbadew for traitor, Shakefpeare Life's but a walking fbadsw; a poor player That ftruts and frets his hour upon the ftage And then is heard no more Shakefpeares Such a nature Tickled with good fuccefs, difdains the fhadm ‘Which he treads on at noon Shakefpearz The body, though it moves, yet not changin perceivabl diftang wit fome other bodies, th thing feems to ftand fill, asin the hands of clocks and Jhadows of fun-dials 2. Opacity; darknefs Locke fhade By the revolution of the fkie Night's fable fbadorvs from the ocean ife. Denbas His countrymen probably lived within the fhak of the earthquake, and fhadow of the eclx 3. Shelter made by any thing that inter cepts the light, heat, or influence of th air In fecret fpadow from the funnyrayy On a f\veetjg'ed of lilies foftly laids Ffm]_-‘zl,'flflHere, father, take the fhadow of ,thlscm'fi Shake[pear's King Bear For your good hoft 4. Obfcure place " 'Fo the fecret fhadews 1 retire e y D r p e a y m ti n n p To pay m 5. Dark partof a pifture ) fpadow is a diminution .of the firft andf cond/fight The firft light is that w}lch"fl? dl Y, b ; e h h o f e a d m i ceed c :. an i on fe T . beams of the fu i f ree f;: m o ai th in l f i i a light, fpr arl w o a S er ot th ceeding fro e e t an w a a / gl fi i f the fi and is proper to the plain furface, "fecrond o wholl pofiefied of the light Tneh Tb ; e w uf i i an double fpadow bl Jo uo c 1 2 ey u y gins once to forfa third fpadow is made by croffing over ythir 4 part ado a b{ e e r d i w again n ch Pe s a f d b fi m i th fo It is ufe e; av bc an ls we fs gu i the light, a de Dr gr b f m r th ht li a gr Afte 6. Any thin a gho A A th t l o l i p perc ] irit, or flladg h;c Unreal mook'ry tcrribleflado‘w ! i M's f ‘"fl 7 A hence ‘ |