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Show PR P'R' a y u t f g i t o e i l v t0 our minds the L i a e p d D a e e o t w e t f w i to kil hCl'fC!f 2. To mak Peacham every thin pu t ready things in order cannot be evenly attrafted on all fides, but muf preponderate fome way or other of Noah 1 Pf"" while the ark was a preparing _ To make one's felf ready ; to put him {elf in a ftate of expetation No meafures previou pnration Pre the verb. PrePA'RE. 2./. [fro Locke By putting every argument on one fide and th other into the balance we muft form a judgmen which fide preponderates Watts i PrEPONDERA'TION derate. ufe In our behal Go levy men, and make prepare for war The bifhop of Ely, the fitteft prepare mind to receive fuc a doleful accident vifit her & g, That which fits for any thing Codde preparero grain ar o improve a of he came t Wotton land an it for other crops. Mortimer's Hufbandry PrEPE'NSE. | adj. [ prepenfus Forethought = PREPE NSED, Latin. precon ceived; contrived beforehand as, ma ~ Jice prepenfe "G5 PrREPO'NDER. w. a. [from prepondeNot nfed rate.] 'To outweigh Though pillars by channelling be feemingl ingrofied to our fight, yet they are truly weakned and therefore ought not to be the more f{lender but the more corpulent, unlefs apparences preWatton's Architeciure ponder truths ni]* PREPO'NDERANCE. }n /- [from prepon XREPO'NDERANCY derate. Th fate of outweighing; fuperiority o weight L As to addition of ponderofity in dead bodies ‘comparing :them unto blocks, this occafional pre 3 ;mdcramy is rather a appearanc than reality Brown's Vulgar Errours The min fhoul examip all th ground o probability, and, upon a due balancing the whole a¢jedt or receive proportionably to the preponderanc «of the greater grounds of probability Locke Little light boats were the fhips which peopl ‘"(Cd, to the fides whereof this fith remora faftening might make it fwag, as the lealt preponderance o cither fide will do, and fo retard its courfe. Greww ' 90 PREPO'NDERATE . a. [prepon dero, Latin. 1. To outweigh ; to overpower by weight An inconfiderable weight, by diftance from th centic of the balance, will preponderate greate magnitudes ' Glanwille The trivialleft thing, when a paffion is caft int ‘the fcale with it, preponderates fubftantial bleflings Gowernment of the Tongue 2. To overpower by ftronger influence ToPREPO'NDERATE. . 7 1. To exceed in weight That is no juft balance, wherein the heavieft fide will not preponderate lkins d"He that would make the lig ter feale prepont;" m' will not fo fogm doit, b adding new weigh v ¢ emptier, as if he took out o what he adds to the lighter the heavier Locke Offx‘:fsfti}: very mathcr.natical cen er of gravit P 1y fyftem be f_i:\:ed in the ver mathematica Mter of the attradtive powe of all the reft, the prepon 'The at or ftate of outweigh In matters, which require prefent practice, w muft content ourfelves with a mere preponderation o prebable reafons Watts [from prepared. Prepa REDLY. adv By proper precedent mea_fu‘res Prepa'REDNESS. 2. /. [from prepare. State or act of being prepared: as, be' _ in a preparednefs for his final exit clean.sh data import.tsv out README Prepa'RER. 7./. [from prepare. f. One that prepares; one that previoufl fits [fro ing any thing < hake[p She preparedly may frame herfel Shak. Ant. and Cleop To th' way fhe's forc'd to 7. / rous. me th othe no coul member lid[.-Night' roufl prep hav woul ma D al an liver placed; ther be a like configuration of par Bentle/ y's Scrmotfs two individuals PrEro'sTEROUSNESS [fro 2. / fre Abfurdity; wrong order o pofterous. method Pre'rorency. . [. [ prepotentia, Lat. bupcrllor power prr:(_fommancc If theére were a determinate prepotency in th right, and fuch as arifeth from a conftant root i nature, we might expedt the fame in other animals Br"&‘.'i'fi' a par PrEPU'CE. n./. [ prefuce, French; preputium, Lat. That which covers th A prepofition fignifies' fome relation, which th thing fignified by the word following it, has t {omething going before in the difcourfe ; as, Cefa glans; forefkin The prepuce was much inflamed and fwelled Wifemar prepofitio Lat. I grammar ticle governing a cafe came to Rome Clarke's Latin Grammar Prero'siTOR. #.f. [prepofitor, Latin. A fcholar appointed by the mafter t overlock the reft 70 PREPOSSE'SS. @. a. [ pre and poffefs. To fill with an opinion unexamined to prejudice She was prepoffeffed with the fcandal of fulivating Wifeman Preposse'sston 1 adv T'hofe things do beft pleaf That befal prepefProufly. Shak Upon this fuppofition, one a its lungs where anothe PrEPO'SE. w. a. [prepofer, French prapono, Lat. 'To put before Di& PrEPOsI'TION. 2. /. [ prapofition, French [from grepofteIn a wrong fituation ; abfurdly PrEPO'STEROUSLY In matters of probability, we cannot be fur that we have all particulars before us, and tha there is no evidence behind, which may outweig all that at prefent feems to preponderate with us day th i 1d fo fa ¢ was ordain'd. Ska Prepofierous afs ! that To know the caufe why m Bentle 2. To exceed in influence or power analogous to weight Go.in, firrah, bid them prepare for dl.I‘.nCl‘. Shak The long fuffering of God waite PR #. /. [from prepofefs. Preoccupation firft poffeflion God hath taken care to anticipate and preven every man to give piety the prepofiffion, befor other competitors fhould be able to pretend t him; and fo to engage him in holinefs firft, an then in blifs Hammond's Fundamentals 2. Prejudice; preconceived opinion Ha the poor vulgar rout only, wh wer hel under the prejudices and prepoffeffions of education been abufe into fuch idolatrou fuperftitions, i migh bee fo muc hav pitied but no won dered at South With thought, from prepsffeffion free, reflet On folar rays, as they the fight refpect. Blackmore PREPO''STEROUS adj Latin. 1. Having that firft whic laft 7 PRE'REQUIRE quire. w a [pr an re 'To demand previoufly Some primary literal fignification is prerequire to that other of figurative Hammond PRERE'QUISITE. adj. [ pre and requifite. Something previoufly neceflary The conformation of parts is neceffary, not onl unto the prereguifite and previous conditions o birth, but alfo unto the parturition Brozon Before the exiftence of compounded body, ther muft be a preexiftence of a&ive principles, necef{arily prerequifite to the mixing thefe particles o bodies Hale PRERO'GATIVE. . Jf. [prerogative, Fr prerogativa, low Lat. An exclufiv or peculiar privilege M daughter an th fai Partheni migh far better put in their claim for that prerogative Sidney Our prerogativ Calls not your counfels Imparts this but our natural goodnef Shake[peare How could communities he primogeniture, and due of birth [prepofierus Prerogative of age ought to b choice and confirmation of the kings of Aflyria The method I take may be cenfured as prepofferous, becaufe I thus treat laft of the antediluvian earth, which was firft in order of nature Woodwward's Natural Hiffory 2. Wrong ; abfurd ; perverted Put a cafe of a land of Amazons, where th whole government, publick and private, isin th hands of women : is not fuch a prepofferous government againft the firft order of nature, for wome Bacon to rule over men, and in itfelf void Death from a father's hand, from whom I firf Receiv'd a being | *tis a prepoflerous gift An aét at which inverted nature ftarts Denbam And bluthes to behold herfelf {o cruel Such is the world's prepofterous fate Amongft all creatures, mortal hat Denbam Love, though immortal, doth create The Roman miffionaries gave their liberal contribution, affording their prepoflerous charity t make them profelytes, who had no mind to b Fell confeffors or martyrs By this diftribution of matter, continual provifion is every where made for the fupply of bodies quite contrary to the prepoflercus reafonings of thof men, who expected fo different a refult. #oodwvard 3. Applied to perfons: foolifh; abfurd fceptres and crowns But by degree, ftand in authentick place ? Shaksfp The great Caliph hath an old prersgative in th Knolles They are the beft laws, by which the king hat the jufteft prerogatiue, and the people the bef liberty Bacon Had any of thefe fecond caufes defpoiled Go of his prerogative, or had God himfelf confiraine the mind and will of man to impious aés by an celeftial inforcements Raleigh They obtained another royal prerogative an power, to make war and peace at their pleafure Dawvies The houfe of commons to thefe their prerogative ove the lords fent a erde to th lieutenan o the Tower, that he fhould caufe him to be executed that very day Clarendon For freedom ftill maintain'd alive Freedom an Englith fubje's fole prerogatize Accept our pious praife Dryden All with the dire prerogative to kill Ev'n they wou' hav the pow'r, wh want th wil Dryden It feems to be the prerogativ of huma under ftanding, when it has dittinguifhed any ideas, f as to perceive them to be different, to confider i wha circumftances the ar capabl t be com pared I will not confider only the prerogatizes of above other animals, but the endowmen i 3 na |