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Show VI fn a defigned or accidental wift, let fome on k, which may be agrceable, a init 1d rea Wats e A @ifits,! or not t b If this woman would make fewe always talkative, they woul fin neither of the z L o g l r t w e c f a b t r h it half f Liabl yysiTaBLE. adj. [from wifit reformation th ar wifitable by the king or lord Chn,]»',c')k-/l,][;; :s goes to fee another whe « ftranger South the @ifitant comes again, he is no mor Edward the firft, who had been a wifitant i Spain, upon adtion in the Holy Land, fixed bot our pounds by the meafures of the Eaft Arbuthnot on Coins Griev'd that a wifitant o long fhould wai ' Unmark'd, unhonour'd, at a monarch's gate Inftant he flew Paope's Odyffey Acquainted with the world, and quite well bred Young « Drufa receives her wifitants in bed begu a goo i takin wifitation thi int youred a reformation White . The bifhop ought to vifit his diocefe every yea in perfon, unlefs he omit th fam becauf h his churches; and then ough ¢ 4 Judicial evil fent by God ; ftate o fering judicial evil theday of a great calamity ¢ ¥ Communication of divine love In St fpaciou In intrails, heart, or head, liver or reins a maf woul [from wifor. adj [Italian. whe Peter's Throughout the fluid mafs The dart flew on, and pierc'd a wital part. Pope 5. So-difpofed as to live th unde ftand hollo o th cupola make tha s wiffas cpens J- [from wifit. and its alleys geaen Pythagoras and Hippocrates not only affirm th birth of the feventh month to be wital, that o the eighth mortal; but the progreffion thereto t be meafured by rule Brown 6. Effential; chiefly neceflary Know, grief's wital par Confifts in nature, not in art Vira'vity. n /[ [from «ital. of fubfifting in life Vi'rarry. adv. [from wital a manner as to give life informed by the foul, is the workmanthip ofa mof wife, powerful, and beneficent maker EBentley Viravns. n. / [Withou Pares eflential to life Bacon's Natural Hiftory the fingular. By fits my fwelling grief appears In rifing fighs, and falling tears That fhow too well the war defires, The filent, flow, confuming fires Which on my inmoft witals prey And melt my very foul away Philips AR N [from witellus, Lat. INHGPREL The: place where the. yolk of the egg {wim in:the white A greater difficulty in the doftrin ho the fper of th coc of eggs is, attainet into ever egg ;5 fince the witellary or place of the yolk is ver high Browwn's Pulgar Errours To VI'TIATE.. @, a. [witia, Latin.] T Thomfon's Spring covered fight v e In fuch The organical firu¢ture of human bodies; whereby they are fitted to live and move, and be wita/ An eye thruft forth fo as it hangs a pretty diftance by the wifwal nerve, hath been without an pawer of fight; and yet, after being replaced, re Bp. Corbet Power Whether that motion, witality and operatio were by incubation, or how elfe, the manner i only known to God. Raleigh's Hiftoryof the World For the fecurity of fpecies produced only by feed providence hath endued all feed with a lafting witality, that if by any accident it happen not to germinate the firft year, it will continue its feecundit twenty or thirty years Ray on L. adj. {wifuel, French.] U!ec} i exercifing the power of fight Little ufed, an rather Latin than Englifh b Mafked Milr. Paradife Loff 4. Being the feat of life View ; profpet a ma And wital virtue infus'd, and wira/ warmt of the beautifuleft viffas that the eye can paf through Addifor on Italy The finifh'd garden to the vie Ayliffe's BParergon fitmong"}'lnptlves of this degree entertain their o -m:;'}t frrange rambling difc urfes of their in §0ing here and there, Harwey fuc dome, if he looks upwards, he is aftonifhed at th thin Spirits that live throughout Vital in every part; not as frail man as neareft th through an avenue e , mo yo ». VISTA madum finplicis ferusinii, as being bifhop's vicar Vifitors Shake[peqre fee this confluence, this grea fiood of wi bal S ake peare. 3. Containing life Hence with thy brew'd enchantments; foul deceiver Haft thou betray'd my credulous innocenc Milton With wifor'd falfhood and bafe forgery that an archdeacon does o fommon right execute this vifitatorial powe in hi ~a'°hdeac_0m‘y: but others fay, that an archdeaco 3 2 vifitatorial power only of commo right pe gf;n(:| lcek up honefty ,‘ and.P ho:nourWA fro mad V1'sorED longomeing t0 2 judicial vifitor will have it «wifor Swarms of knaves the wizor quite difgrace Youn And hide fecure behind a naked face Laylor Ve who comes to fee anot ere's ado t Shakefp CAre On the rock a fcanty meafure plac Of wital flax, and turn the wheel a-pace, Dryden ufe a headcruelty, might, perhaps, in their Broome's OdyfJey wizor piece, o Vlsin\TO"RIAL. adj. [from wifitor.] Be i With edge of penny cord, and vile reproac wizard I know him by his bearing Shakefpeare The Cyclops, a people of Sicily, remarkable fo Hooker 7z 1 prefe vifor And that is Claudio {uf The moft comfortable wifitations God hath fen men from above, have taken efpecially the time of prayer as their moft natural opportunities Vi oSITER Let not Bardolph's wital thread be cu is varioufl One wifor remains readeft, thou fhalt underftand in the day of th .y« Wfitation, For many fecrets of religion are no Perceived till they be felt, and are not felt buti wifar Sl'!/flgy Cannot but by annihilating die. ~ Milt. Par. Loft On the watry cal His brooding wings the fpirit of God out{preads I would effay, proud queen, to make thee blufh Shakefpeare . That which thou doft not underftand when tho wijard his limits with thi 2. Relating to life Not in ufe wor beyon All nature laughs, the groves are frefh and fair Pope The fun's miid luftre warms the wital air Spenfer But that thy face is, wizor-like, unchanging Made impudent with ufe of evil deeds clean.sh data import.tsv out README 1o fend his arch-deacon, which was the original o ; the argh:deacon's vifitation Aylif e [Thi fo fa fafe his wital fpirits Twelve gods do fit around in royal ftate And Jove in midft with awful majefty To judge the ftrife between them ftirred late #. / and afi'u(f with unkindnef excefs of comfort, as it was able no longer to kee grateful unto me; and my weaker governmen fince, makes you pull off the wifor Sidney ‘This loutith clown is fuch that you never fa fo ill-favoured a wifar; his behaviour fuch, tha he is beyond the degree of ridiculous Sidney By which deceit doth mafk in wifor fair And caft her colours dyed deep in grain To feem like truth, whofe fhape fhe well can fain Judicial vifit or per work Face; countenance [witalis, Latin, heart, broke fbretche tion n. /. [corrupted from phy/ing 1 fear, indeed, the weaknefs of my governmen metropolitica Hi Shakefpeare ~ your religious confideration; and you have endea would not burthe nomy. adj 1. Contributing to life ; neceflary to life t Shakefp. Winter's Tale My early wifitation, and mylaf. Milton's Par. Loff Vi'sxomy before you injunQion Latin @ifus, and concurring with wiJage, a kindred word : wifiere, French. A mafk ufed to disfigure and difguife See Vizarbp O flow'rs i VI'T'AL happens when the axis of the vifive cones from the obje&, fall not upon the fam but that which is conveyed into one ey depkefled or elevated than that which enather Brown's Vulgar Errours wizor What would you with the princefs _ =--Nothing but peace and gentle wifitation Your grace Thi diffufe plane is mor ters th written ~ 'Tis not a wifitation fram'd, but forc' " 3 [Zifitation, Fr. ambulation the orthodox ; they, with out fcruple or thame, poffefled themfelves of thei colleges Wotten VI'SOR . Lik to his father's greatnefs; his approach So out of circumftance and fudden, tells us Then purg'd with euphrafy and ru The wifual nerve 5 for he had much to fee. Milton Each to be known, but Jove above them all By his great looks and pow'r imperial Spenfer He comes no _ 2, Objeét of vifits No where fo clear, fharpen'd his wifual ra Milton's Paradife Lo To objeéts diftant far Each of the gods by his like wifunom " Vasita'TiON. #. /i [wifito, Latin. 1. The att of vifiting wifiters expelle Formed in the aét of feeing Milton By need and accident 2. [Vifiteur, Fr, An occafional judge one who regulates the diforders of an fociety Vi'stive. adj. [vifif, French ; wifus, Lat. who to Eve an acquaintance; an The air Saift to Gay S«vift's Project for the Adwvancement of Religion While the great wifitant approach'd, chus fpake Ri with a bottle of wine ties, might be reformed by ftri the wifitors and heads of houfes To find where Adam fhelter'd, took his way One vifit begin to find one wifiter, if 1 were not able to hire hi Your charter claims him as your wifiter Garth Whatever abufes have crept into the univerfi He alon Not unperce'.v'd of Adam Wor thinke my hurt offends me; for my fir Chagman Can foone repofe in it the wifzal fire To him you muft your fickly ftate refer yysitanT. 7. /i [from wift.] One wh T have a large houfe, yetI fhould hardly prevai Th to be vifited All hofpitals b_uilt finc NI v deprave ; to {poil ;- to mak lefs pure The {un in his garden gives him the purity o vifible objeé ) s, ) an o true natur befor witiated by luxury Ewe The organs of fpeech are manage {he mufcles, that fpeech is not eafily deflic yed, tho often {fomewhat witiated as. to fome particulir ters |