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Show Fa WE W What paet would not mourn to {c S'w:if} is brother write as avell as h_c _ Not amifs; not unfuccefsfully ; not ereoufly : 'ost:)lymanycommended them for a plot fo wel/ b th‘em laid, more than he did the viétory of other got by good fortune seafon not grounded upon any goo Knolles The foldier that philofopher e/ blam'd . Who long and loudly in the fchools declaim'd Denbam >Tis almoft impodible to tranflate verbally an Dryden ell it ot infufficiently ; not defe&ively The plain of Jorda was awe// watere ever Genefis .-where We are wwe// able to overcome it. Numb. xiii. 30 The merchant adventurers, being a ftrong com pany, and we// underfet with rich men bravely 6. To a degree that gives pleafure 1 like evelly in fome places frames of carpenteis work held ou Bacon fair columns upo SBiion 7, With praife ; favourably Pope All the world fpeaks we// of you 8., Wellis fometimes, like the French éicx a term of conceflion The knot might wwe// be cut, but untied it coul Sidney not be Conveniently ; fuitably Kno In meafure what the mind can qvel/ contain, Milt 10. To a fufficient degree : a kind of fligh fenfe A private caution I know not awel/ how to. fort unlefs I fhould call it political, by no means t Wotton build too near a great neighbour ok o 11. It is a word by which fomething is ad mitted as the ground for a conclufion Well, let's away, and fay how much is done Shakefpeare Well, by this author's confeffion, a number fuperior are for the fucceffion in the houfe of Hanover Saift 12, 4s well as than 'Together with ; not lef Long and tedious, as awel/ as grievous and uneaf _ courfes of phyfick, how neceflary foever to th cure, much enfeeble the patient, and reduce hi to a low and languithing ftate Blackmore Coptos was the magazine of all the trade fro Athiopia, by the Nile, as e/l as of thofe commodities that came from the weft by Alexandria Arbutbnot on Coins 13, Wellis him or me5 bene cf?, he is happy Well is bim that dwelleth with a wife of underftanding, and that hath not flipped with his tongue Ecclys. xxv. 8 14, Well nigh Nearly ; almoft T freed aell nigh half th' angelick name. Mirton 15. Well enough tolerably In a moderate degree prefs any thing right, laudable, or no defedtive underftandin hi not to be awell affeéted to his affairs, provided for his own fafety 2 Mac. iv. 21 There may be fafety to the zvell/-affected Per fians but to thofe whic do confpir againft us a memorial of deftruétion Efth. xvi. 23 Should a whole hoft at once difcharge the bow My well-aim'd fhaft with death prevents the foe Pope g 8 N What avel/-appointed leader fronts us here W E Such mufic How fweet the produlls of a peaceful rei The heaven-taught poet, and enchanting ftraia Before was never made But when of old the fons of morning fung An Whil(t the Creator grea His conftellations fet the wel/-balanc'd world on hinges hung Milton Learners muft at firt be believers, and thei mafter's rules having been once made axioms t them, they miflead thofe who think it fufficient t excufe them, if they go out of their way in a we//beaten trazk Locke He chofe a thoufand horfe, the flow'r of al His warlike troops, to wait the funeral To bear him back, and fhare Evander's grief A avell-becoming, but a weak relief Dryden Thofe oppofed files Which lately met in the inteftine thoc And furious clofe of civil butchery Shall now in mutua} well-befeeming ran March all one way Shakefpeare's Henry I O'er the Elean plains thy wwe//-breath'd horf Impels the flying car, and wins the courfe. Dryd More difmal than the loud difploded roa Of brazen enginery, that ceafelefs ftorm The baftion of a awel/-built city Philips He conduéted his courfe among the fame zve//chofen friendfhips and alliances with which h began it Addifon My fon corrupts a we//-derived natur With his inducement Shakefpeare If good accrue o 'tis conferre the bafe and infamous mof commonl and only happenin fometimes to ewe//-deferverse Dryden It grieves me he fhould defperately adventur the lofs of his zve//-deferving life Sidney What a pleafure is awel/-direted fudy in th fearch of truth Locke A certain fpark of honour, which rofe in he ae/l-difpofed mind, made her fear to be alone wit him, wit who alone fhe defired to be Sidney The unprepofiefied, the wwe//-difpofed, who bot together make much the major part of the world are affe€ted with a due fear of thefe things South's Sermons A clear idea is that, whereof the mind hat fuch a full and evident perception, as it does receive from an outward object operating duly on aell-difpofed organ Lacke Amid the main two mighty fleets engage A&ium furveys the wel/-difputed prize Dryden The ways of evel//-doing are in number even a many as are the kinds of voluntary ations: f that whatfoever we do in this world, and may d it ill, we thew ourfelves therein by wel/-doing t be wife The confcience of well-doin ma Heoker pafs for L' Eftrange recompence Beg God's grace, that the day of judgment ma not overtak well-doin us unawares but that by a patien we may wait for glory, honour, an immortality Nelfon will judge every ma Go accordin to hi works; to them, who by patient continuance iy avell-doing endure through the heat and burden o the day, he will give the reward of their labour Rogers's Sermons 16. It is ufed much in compofition, to exAntiochu Well-apparell'd April on the hee Shakefpeare limping winter treads. Shak. Romeo and Fulict The pow'r of wifdom march'd before And, ere the facrificing throng he join'd Admonifh'd thys his wel/-attending mind Pope As far the fpear I throw As flies an arrow from the we//-drawn bow. Pope Fairnymphs and we//-drefs'd youths around he thone Pope But ev'ry eye was fix'd on heralone Such a do&rine in St. James's ai Should chance to make the awe//-drefs'd rabble ftare Th defire of efteem, riches, or power Pope m;}kc men cfpoufe the we//-endowed opinions in fafhion Locke We ought to ftand firm in eve//-eftablifhed prin- ciples, and not be tempted to change for every difWatts ficulty m bl er ve e fa Echenu d ng fu ag fe pr th n m gh ta //wv Who ope di ou }} dt it iq an tr th o e Some reliq er co di pi ha ma m ey Jl Y on Irddand The awel/-fill'd palace, the perpe A land rejoicing, and a people bleft Pope Turkifh blood did his youn From thence returning with deferv'd applaufe Againft the Moors his we//-flefh'd fword he draws Dryden Faireft piece of wwe/l-form'd earth Urge not thus your haughty birth Waller A rational foul can be no more difcerned in awell-formed than ill-fhaped infant Locke A aell-formed propofition is fufficient to com municate the knowledge of 2 fubjeét Watts Oh! that I°d died before the awe//-fought wall Had fome diftinguifh'd day renown'd my fall All Greece had paid my folemn funerals Pope Good men have a well-grounded hope in another life; and ‘are as certain of a future recompence, as of the being-of God Atterbury Let firm, ewe//-hammer'd foles proteét thy fee Through freezing fnows Gay's Trivid The camp of the heathen was ftrong, an wwell-harnefled, and compaffed round with horfemen 1 Mi ive 7 Among the Romans, thofe who faved the lif of a citizen, were drefled in an oaken garland; bu among us, this has been a mark of fuch we//-ntentioned perfons as would betray their country Addifon He, full of fraudful arts This wwell-invented tale for truth imparts. Dryd. He, by enquiry, got to the wwe//-known hoaf of Kalander Sidney Soon as thy letters trembling I unclofe That wel/-known name awakens all my woes Pope Where proud Athens rears her tow'ry head With opening ftrects and fhining ftruétures fpread, She paft, delighted with the we//-known feats Pope From a confin'd eve//-mansag'd for You both employ and feed the poor MWaller A noble foul is better pleafed with a zealous vindicator of liberty, than with a temporizing poer or wwel/-mannered court flave, and one who is eve decent, becaufe he is naturally fervile Dryden's Dedication to Fuwveral Well-meaners think no harm; but for the reft Things facred they pervert, and filence is the beit Dryden By craft they ma prevail on the weaknefs o fome eve//-meaning men to engage in their defigns Rogers's Sernmons He examines that we//-meant, but unfortunat lye of the conqueft of France Arbuthrat A critick fuppofes he has done his part, if h proves a writer to: have failed in an exprefiion and can it be wondered at, if the poets feem: refolyed not to own themfelves in any error? for a long as one fide' defpifes a gue//-meant endeavour the other will not be fatisfied with a moderate approbation Pope's Preface to bis Works clean.sh data import.tsv out README Many fober, ewe//-minded men, who were rea lovers of the peace of the kingdom; were impofe upon Clarendon Jarring int'refts of "themfelves creat Th' according mufick of a we//-mix'd ftate. Pope. When the blaft of winter blows, Into the naked wood he goes And feeks the tufky boar to rear, With eve//-mouth'd: hounds and pointed fpear. Th Dryden applaufe that other people's reafon give to virtuous and eve//-ordered actions, is the proper guide of children, till they grow able to judge fo themfelves Locke The fruits of unity, next unto the wve//-pleafin of God, which is all in all, are towards thofe tha are without the church ; the other towards thof that are within Bacon The exercife of the offices of charity is alway vell-pleafing to God, and honourable among men. Atterbury My voice fhall found as you do prompt mineear+ And I will ftoop and humble my intent To your svell-pradtis'd wife direCtions, S, Hen VI Th |