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Show y1. Wealthy or independent perfon: t this fenfe fome refer the following paffage of Shake/peare,others to the fenf next foregoing There woul this monfter make a man; a6 ftrange beaft there makes a man. Shakefp. Ter qu poor man would not carry a bxc.l* burthe Wha Tillotfo of gold to be made a man for ever When a perfon i we fay, he 1s not hi S movcable piece a 4.. Man of war xz an not in his fin‘c own man. dinfw chefs or draughts fhip of war Flemith man of war lighted upon them overmafered them. Carew's Surwey of Cornav To Max. @. a. [from the noun. To fornifh with men to fecure the feas And forces fent It hath been agreed fend certai is mann' Daniel's Crv*/ War that either of the fhoul and apparel fl'll"a to fea well manned Hayward led to fight Thei ~prs go as long voyages as any, and are fo Rnlugb 5 Efjays their burdens as well winisd H ha manne i a great number of tal wit foldiers, more than for the proportion of the caftle Bacon They man their boats, and all their young me Waller arm The Venetians could fet out thirty men of war a hundred gallies, and ten galeafes; though I cannot conceive how they could man a fleet of hal Addifon on Italy the number a2 Timoleon forced the Carthaginians out, thoug they had manned out a fleet of two hundred men o Arbuthnot war To guard with men See, how the furly Warwick mans the wall Shake[peare The fummons take of the fame trumpet's call To fally from one port, or max one publick wall Tate . To fortify; to ftrengthen Adyife how war may be beft upheld Mann'd by her two main nerves, iron and gold Milton In all her equipage Theodofius having manned his foul with prope reflexions, exerted himfelf in the beft manner h .Addifon's Spect could, to animate his penitent To tame a hawk Another way T have to man my haggard To make her come, and know her keeper's call Sbakffpmn That is, to watch her :': to wai To attend; to ferv$ man or fervant whorefo Tho on as thou art fi**er to b mandrake worn in my cap than to wait at my heels : 1 wa 5bau@t1rf never manned with agate tiil now They diftil their bufbands lan In decoions, and are mann' With ten empiricks in their chamber Lying for the fpiric of amber. Ben Fonfon's Foreft 6. To dire& in hoftility; to point An obfolete word aim t Man but a ruth againft Othello's breaft Shakefpeare's Othello And he retires MA''NACLES. #. /. [manicles, French Chain fo manice, from manus, Lat. the hands; fhackles For my fake wear this glove Sbul:fl:(‘me s Cymbeline It is a manacle of love Tho Mauft as a foreign recreant be le With manacles along our fireets. Shakefp. Coriolanys Doékrine unto fools is as fetters on the feet, an Ecc/ufs xxi. 1g like mandcles on the right-hand The law" good, men count their ornament an protection5 others, their manacles and oppreion King Charle 7o Ma'nacLE @, 4. [fro To chain the hands the noun. | Ma'NAGEABLE to fhackle I ‘We'll bait thy bears to death And manacle the bearward in their chains. Sbake/p 'l manacle thy neck and feet together. Skake/pIs it thus you ufe this monarch, to manacl and flndd( him hand and foot? Arbuth and Pope To MA'NAGE. w. a. [menager 1. To conduét; to carry on Th father ha manage fafy in the ufe wielded or moved Bacon' by reafon of their length U as t caule apt to be ')r*, And fl'wcr' by bend Ver of ido long tube C(I'lln Ll tre trivane 1c are An MA'NAGEABLENESS tell the nations in no vulgar ftrain and what wreaths I gain 2. To train a horfe to graceful a&ion u an naging his horfe lance dow gallantl mounted o A fcarce to b Newton the objet o Som 7o Ma'NaGce @ z 'T H 1 deference cunning practice ftick to you ha they hav and fome to t'other fide. Dryd grea managements with ecclefiafticks i z. f. [from manage. condu o direétio fuperinten South any underftanding The manager open his {luice every night, an Addifon diftributes the water into the town An artful mgnager, that crept betwee His friend and fhame; and was a kind of fcreen Pope 2. A man of frugality; a good hufband Fr. princ of great afpirin thoughts i th main, a manager of his treafure, and yet bou ntiful from his own motion, wherever he difcerns merit Tem ‘/11. The moft fevere cenfor cannot but be p'm{n with the prodigality of Ovid's \nt, though h could have withed, that the mafter of it had bee Dr W"J a better manager Ma'vaGERY. 7. /. [menagerie, French. my liege 1. Condu& dire&ion; adminiftration They "ho moft ex.l&ly defcribe that battle give fo ill an account of any condu& or difcretio in the managery of that affair, that pofterity woul receive . little benefit in the moft particular relatio of it Clarendon aétions, embrace more than they can hold, and fti more than they can quiet Bacon The plea of a good intention will ferve t fan&ify the worft alions; the proof of which i tha wit A {kilful manager of the rabble, fo long as the have butears to hear, needs never enquire whethe Ere further leifure yield them further means Shake[peare Young men, in the condut and marage o fro Fr. of any thing The manage of my ftate Shake[peare's Tempeft This might have been prevented With very eafy arguments of love ‘Which now the manage of two kingdoms muf With fearful, bloody iffue arbitrate Shakejpeare For the rebels which ftand out in Ireland manifef introduce One who has th r o him pu to argumen Ma''NAGER Leave them to manage for thee, and to gran ‘What their unerring wifdom fees thee want. Dryd bu [menagement Addifon on Italy affairs ; to tranfa& Expedient manage muft be made il #. / the view of being advanced to the pontificate Addifon Ma'NAGE. 7. /. [mefnage, menage 1. Conduét; adminiftration Boyle Praice ; tranfaétion ; dealing Notwithftanding it was fo much his intereft t manage his proteftant fubjeéts in the country, h to France of the inftru Mark with what management their trides divide the lefs he car' his principaliL manageablenz( adminiftration Prudence 6. To treat with caution or decency: thi is a phrafe merely Gallick, not to b imitated ove imputed to the greate ment Locke on Ed cation The wrong management of the earl of GodolSwvift phin was the only caufe of the union To manageloathfome life, when love was the reward Dryden mad to Qaf\ ufe will procure more credit than the profoundef fcience with a rough, infolent, and noify manage There is no more to manage ! If 1 fall It fhall be like myfelf; a fetting fu Should leave a trak of glory in the fkies. Dryden The lefs he had to lofe 7./f. [from manage employed Conduét 1 T'o wield ; to move or ufe eafily to mak o MA'NAGEMENT Let us ftick to our point, and we will manag Arbuthnot's Fobn Bull Bull I'll warrant you 5. To hufband caution ble. Newton 2. Tra&ablenefs ; eafinefs to be governed to make tratable an lefs exaltnef ment Young Long tubes are cumberfome eafily managed \)1 con- (mku ab Ee ; tractable wma and charging and difcharging hi Knolles wherea man This difagreement may b They vault from hunters to the manag'd fteed 3. To govern able. 1. Accommodatio Prior 61.- b T What wars I manage not difficult to b The conditions of weapons and their improvement are, that they may ferve in all we that the carriage may be light and mana French. the charg adj. [from manage. latry againft the heathens Stilling fleet Le her at leaft the vocal brafs infpire He rod Your thips are not well mans'd Your mariners are muliteers, or reapers. Shakefp There ftands the caftle by ynnd tuft of trges Manr'd with three hundred men. Shak. Rich. 1 A navy M A MA MA 2. Hufbandry; fru.fia.xt fcandalous doétrine o Th the jefuits concerning the direétion of the intention, and likewife from the whole manage of th South Lu'c rebellion court of Rome has 5, in other dnftances well attefte its good , that it is not cre dible crowa are co s Manne . Ufe; inftrumentality f Dex ay of Pi ot of ufing No expert general will brin To think to make gold of quickfilver is not t be hoped; for quickfilver will not endure the maBacon nage of the fire untrained men into the field, bu {kirmifhes, inftru& them in th and teach them the ready managery o 3. Government of a horfe In thy flumber I heard thee murmur tales of iron wars Speak terms of manage to the bounding fteed \Lam/j) qre [:': "c/‘a‘t B The horfe you muft draw in his career with h Peack manage and turn, doing the curvetto ne Lzu. 4. Dif up]me ; governance ‘Whenever we takea ftrong bias it is not out o a moral incapacity to do better, but for want of careful manage apd difcipline to fet us w ht at firft ‘./:h nge CRel MaNCHINEE |