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Show ST S¢T 1. Stones are bodies infipid no hard dutile or malleable, nor foluble in waWoodw. Meth. Fof ter Of th are, the fofter and the harder Stone fofter ffones are, 1. The foliaceous or flaky, as talk 2. The fibrofe, as the afbeftus, 3. The granulated as the gypfum. Of the harder ffones are, 1. Th 2. The femi-pelluopake ftones, as limeftone 3. The pellucid, as cryftal and th cid, as agate gems Hills Materia Medica Five fharp fmdoth ffores from the next brook h chofe And fits them to his fling Cowley Relentlefs time, deftroying power ‘Whom fore and brafs obey Parnel 2. Piece of ftone cut for building And fee the holy edifice of flone And not bethink me ftraight of dang'rous rocks Shakefpeare The Englith ufed the ffones to reinforce the pier Hayward precious ftone I thought I fa Wedges of gold, great anchors, heaps of pearl Ineftimable flones, unvalued jewels. Shake Rics I11 4. Any thing made of ftone Lend me a looking-glafs If that her breath will mift or ftain the ffore Shakefpeare Why then fhe lives 5. Calculous concretion in the kidneys o bladder; the difeafe arifing from a calculus A fpecifick remedy for preventing of the ffore take to be the conftant ufe of alehoof-ale, Temple 6 A gentlema fuppofe proceeded fro the fore his difficult in urinin Wifzman's Surgery The cafe which in fome fruits contain the feed, and is itfelf contained in th fruit To make fruits without core or ffosse is a curio fity Bacon 7+ Lefticle 8. A weight containing fourteen pounds A ftone of meat is eight pounds Does Wood think that we will fell him'a fon Sawift of wool for his counters 9. A funeral monument "Glance on the flone where our cold reliques lie Pnf)u 10. It is taken for a ftate of torpidnef and infenfibility I have not yet forgot myfelf to flone Pope 1s ufed by way of exaggera tion What need you bz fo boift'rous rough 1 will not ftruggle, I will ftand flone fill Shakefpeare's King Fobn And there lies Whacum by my fide Stone dead, and in his own blood dyed. Hudibras "The fellow held his breath, and lay flone ftill, a L' Eftrange if he was dead She had got a trick of holding her breath, an L' Eftrange lying at her length for flone dead The cottagers, having taken a country-danc together, had been all out, and ftood fone fill wit I'a/)‘, amazement 12. 70 leave no STONE unturned. 'To d every thing that can be done for th produétion or promotion of any effet that /eft no flone unturn' Women In which the caufe might be concern'd Brought in their children's fpoons and whiftles To purchafe fwords, carbines, and piftols. Hudib He cri nes invented, feft unturn'd no flon To mak my guilt appear, and hide his own. Dry StonE. adj Thefe people be almoft ready to floze me Exod. xviis 4 Crucifixion was a punithment unknow Jewith laws, among whom the fonin was the punifiment for blafphemy to th to deat 2. To harden Oh perjur'd woman! thou doft flone my heart And mak'ft me call what I intend to d A murder, which I thought a facrifice Shakefpeare's Othello STo''NECRAY. 2./. A diftemper in hawks A fort of tree Sto'NECROP. 7. / Stonecrop tree is a beautiful tree mon Made of ftone Prefent her at the leet Becaufe fhe bought fore jugs, and no feal'd quarts Shakefpeare but not comMortimer Sto'NECUTTER. 7. /. [from ffore an cutter.] One whofe trade is to hew ftones A fonecutter's man had the veficulz of his lung fo ftuffed with duft, that, in cutting, the knif went as if through a heap of fand Derbam's Phyfico-Theology My profecutor provided me a monument at th Jfronecutter's, and would have erected it in the paSavift rith-church dinfavoreh STO'NEFERN. #./. A plant STo'NEFLY. 7./. An infe&. Ainfaworth Sto'NnEFrRULIT. 7. f. [flone and fruit. Fruit of which the feed is covered wit a hard fhell enveloped in the pulp We gathered ripe apricocks and ripe plams upo one tree, from which we expeét fome other forts o Boyle Sronefruit Sto'NEnAwWK n. f. [lithofalco Latin. Ainfaworth A kind of hawk STO'NEHORSE. 7. /. [ fone and berfe.] horfe not caftrated there is moft arable land, Aonehor/e o geldings are more neceflary. Mortiner's Hufbandry Stro'NEPIT quarry #. [ [JPome" and pit 1 a pit where ftones are dug Woodward Sto'NeP1TCH. 2 /. [from fone and pitch. Hard infpiffated pitch Th Egyptia mummie hard as flonepitch STO'NEPLOVER are reported to be a Bacon's Natural Hiftory 2.[0 [ pluvialis cinerea. A bird Ainfworth STO'NESMICKLE. #. /. [mafcinata bird Ainfaworth Sto'NnEwork. # [ [ fone and work. Building of ftone They make two walls with flat ftones, and fil the fpace with carth, and fo they continue th frenewwork Mortimer Sto'NI1NESS. 7 [ [from fony. 1. The quality of having many ftones "The name Hexton owes its original to the foninefs of the place Hearune Small gravel or ffoninefs is found therein. Mort 2. Hardnef of mind He hath fome flonynefs at the bottom. Hammond Sto'Ny. adj. [from fone. 1. Made of ftone Nor flony tower, nor walls of beaten brafs Can be retentive to the ftrength of fpiri Shake[peare's Fulius Ceefar With love'slight wings did 1 o'erperch thefe walls For flony limits cannot hold love out Shake[peare's Romeo and Fulict Nor flept the wind Within their flony caves, but rufh'd abroa From the four hinges of the world, and fel ' flony {nake retain'd the figure fhl his oy D _They fuppofe thefe bodies to be onl watg‘;" trificd, or converted into thefe fparry o Sy cles oodward 2. Abounding with ftones _ From the flony Mznalu Bring your flocks, and live with us 3. Petrifick Miltr Now let the flony dart of fenfelefs col Pierce to my heart, and pafs through every fide 4. Hard; inflexible; unrelenting Sperfer The ffony hardnefs of too many patrons heari; not touched with any feeling in this cafe. Hugkr Thou art come to anfwe A flony adverfary, an inhuman wretch Uncapable of pity Shakefp. Merchant of Verice Eight yards of uneven ground is threefcore an te milea a-foo villains know it with me and the flony hearte Sbakefi:wm At this fight My heart is turn'd to ftone; and, while tis mine 1t fhall be fony SkakefpeaHenr re'sV I will clear their fenfes dark . What may fuffice, and foften flony hearts To pray, repent, and bring obedience dues Milt Indiff'rence, clad in wifdom's guife All fortitude of mind fupplies For how can fony bowels meit In thofe who never pity felt Swif Stoop The preterite of To fand Adam, at the news Heart-ftruck with chilling gripe of forrow flood Miltsn STOOL. #. /. [ ftols, Gothick; yeol, Sax Jfocl, Dut. 1." A feat without a back, fo diftinguifie from a chair If a chair be defined a feat for a fingle perfon fea i foo the it t gin belo bac wit for a fingle perfon witheut a-back. Fatts's Logick Tho fearful fool Why takeft not'of the fame fruit of gold Ne fittet down on that fame filver flod To reft thy weary perfon in the fhadow cold Spenfer Now which were wife, and which were fools Poor Alma fits between two_/}wlr; The more fhe reads, the more perplext Prir s n c d m i a r p b o t 2. Evacu There be medicine tha move /loa/:, andthr;? ' l ‘ l fl no a e i u h o m f urine that purge by ffoo/, are fuch as enter not at :'fh little, into the mefentery veins but elth{:;' :hclt firt are not digeftible by the ftomach, and. fore move immediately downwards to thefg.': g l‘ Cfl m th b e c j r d a r t a or elfe ar the t r w w d f w k l r veins, and fo t Bacon's Natural Hff) : g a C e a g r o o t m c The periftalt g e lo th t n i o t t l d O contraétion a : [ralamnieheding Ot ! elfee one wo; uld hav i a contin to flool 1 Stool Cutt O 3 S/Zroox, of Repentance the kirk analogou above th there ma of Scotland to the pillory congregation be a feat In1t is 'fmlnez{ Itise evla'cc In fome 'Penebut 115 t rally without therein, who has tion o u le lb eea ca noon; and afte by nam kirk 1 " g0 0% a. P 4 it As in fpires he ftood, he turn'd tory;{ Th Ainfwort A bird Wher Here the marfl'ly grounds approac ;';ulfllgi:l':d And there the foil a flony harvett yields Ainfworth An herb cana. angli [ Jaxifrag n. f STO'NEBREAK On the vext wildernefs, whof Though rooted decp as'high: :nglfi pines ok Bow'd their ftiff necks ,)lwoadcn w otmyal?lf&. Or torn up fheer iltor's Parad Stepbens's Sermons There is one found in a flonepit Should fome relenting ey 1 . Ston 1. To pelt, or beat, or kill with ftones STONECHATTER. 7 /. [rubetra, Latin. Should I go to church 3. Gem 7o STONE. . a. [from the noun. |