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Show wWI When all that is aithin him does condem Itfelf for being there Shakefpeare's Macketh By this means, not only many helplefs perfon will be provided for, but a generation of men will b bred up, zwithin ourfelves, not perverted by any othe Sprat hopes Till this be cured by religion, it is as impofiibl WirH1N, adv |y Tn the inner parts nally Thi T illotfon 2. In the compafs of; not beyond: ufe both of place and time Language feems too low a, thing to exprefs you excellence; and our fouls are fpeaking o muc auithin, that they defpife all foreign converfation Dryden's State of Innocence Thefe as thy guards from outward harms are fent Ills from wvithin thy reafon muft prevent. Dryder A beet-root and a radith-root, which had al their leaves cut clofe to the roots, within fix week Bacon night WiTHINSIDE Bounding defires wirhin the line which birth an fortuna have marked out, is an indifpenfable duty Arterbary 3. Not reaching to any thing external Were cvery action concluded avirhin itfelf; an drew no confequences after it, we fhould undoubtLacke edly never err in our choice of good 4. Not longer ago than Within thefe five hours Haftings liv' Untainted, unexamin'd, free at liberty Within thefe three hours, Tullus Shakefp 5. Into the reach of When on the brink ths foaming boar I met The defp'rate favage rufh'd avithin my force And bore me he:dlong with him down the rock Otavay 8. In the reach of of outwar force, within himfel "The danger lies, yet lies awithin his pow'r Againft his will he can receive no barm. Milton ¥ bave fuffer'd in your we Nor fhall be wanting aught cwithin my pow' Dryden For your relief Though Aurengzebe return a conqueror «Both be and the are ftill within my pow'rs Dryden 7. Into the heart or confidence of Whe by fuch infinuations the have once go are able to driv him on fro avithin bim an one lewdnefs to another, no wonler if they rejoic South to fee him guilty of all villany 38, Not exceeding Be informed how much your hufband's reve riue amount to, and be fo good a computer as t Savift keep within it g. In t&i inclofure of No interwoven reeds a garland made To hide his brows wizhin the vuigar fhade But poplar wreaths around his temples fpread. Add Sedentary and within-door arts, and delicate manufadtures, that require rather the finger than th anm, have a contrariety to a military difpofition Bacon's Natural Hiftory th frone is repre fented a little open, that the teeth ma feen wwithinfide Witao'ur be bette Sharp prep. [préuzan, Saxon. Many there are, whofe deftinies have prevente their defires, and made their good motives th wards of their executors, not without miferabl Hall fuccefs , 1 5 flate of abfence from Haft fo much wit, and mirth, and fpleen abou thee There is no living with thee, nor awithout thee Tatler 3 In the ftate of not having Th virtuou bezoar is taken fro that feedeth upon the mountains out virtue content without the beaf and that zvith from thofe that feed in the vallies Bacon Infallibility and inerrablenefs are affume an inclofed by the Romith church, ewithouz any inerHammond rable ground to hold it on there was a tim thofe principles and then they will not be innate, bu from fome other original 4 T & adv ‘ 1. Not on the infide : Foxi)m'mg trees and fhrubs into fund ¥ thapes, one by moulding them within, an cut in without cutmgj;t::: Wife men ufe ftudics 5 for they teach no the'; own ufz; butthat is a wifdom wi‘hout them am \ B,m, Thefe were from without the growing miferies Milton Haying gone as far as they could avithous l:ho began to obferve them within GiRrew z. Out of doors . Thereception of lightinto the body of the build ing was very prompt from avithvut and from within Watton, Their doors are barr'd againft a bitter flout' Snarl, if you pleafe, but you fhall fnarl witbeus Drydem 3. Externally; not in the mind Wirso'urT except 'cngunc'? Unlefs5 if not Not in ufe, except {ation conver I find my love fl_xall be proved no love, withu I leave to love, being too unfit a veflel in who 1. Not with If the ideas be not innate when the mind was withou Alone I fought in your Corioli walis And made what work I pleas'd. Sbak. Coriclanus Secur The forceps for extralin Addifon able confufion and fi:{z. [withi In the interiour parts Within fome while the king had taken up fuc liking of his perfon, that he refolved to make hi Wotton a mafterpiece The invention of arts neceffary or ufeful t human life, hath been ewithin the knowledge o Burnet men As to infinite fpace, 2 man can no more have pofitive idea of the greateft, than he has of th leaft fpace. For inthis latter, which is more wwith" in our comprehenfion, we are capable only of comparative idea of fmallnefs, which will always be lefs than any one whereof we have the pofitiv "Locke idea This, with the green hills and naked rock awithin the neighbourhood, makes the moft agree adv be be can logk upon without defire, pgafs b bea gog above them, won by obfervation 2. In the mind Next day we faw, within a kenning before us thick clouds, which put us in hope of land. Bacos Bacon had fair leaves Moft birds come to their growth ewirhin a fort is yet the outward, faireft fid Of death, and many are the ways that lea To his grim cave; all difmal! yet to fenf More terrible at th entrance than within. Milton a ftream, till within about a quacter of a mile fro Addifon Geneva Other vthingsiy, s acknowledged Witno'vr Death thou haft fee In his firft fhape on man; but many fhape The river is afterwards wholly loft avithin th waters of the lake, that one difcovers nothing lik purfues Yet fure, tho' the fki Be clos'd without, the wound fefters wvithin Careaw tented ithin himfelf, as it is for a fick man to b at eafe inwardly Of our defign.. ¥ithin refts more of fear Danicl More dread of fad event yet undefcried to be happy, that is, pleafed and con for a ma inter be derive Locke 4. Beyond ; not within the compafs of E iternity, before the world and after, is vithou reach: but that little fpot of ground that lie ou betwixt thofe two great oceans, this we are to culBurnet's Theory tivate Suppofing the negation or omiffion of Without the feparation of the two m:marchies the moft advantageous terms from the French muf end in our deftruction. Addifon 6. Not by; not by the ufe of; not by th help of Excefs of diet, in coftly meats and drinks fetched from beyond the feas, would be avoided: wif men will do it qvithout a law ; I would there migh be a law to reftrain fools Bacon There is in a manner two forts of virgin mercury; the one running out and difcovering itfel without labour ; the other requiring fome way o extraétion and feparation, though not fo high a one as by fire Brown's Trawels 7. On the outfide of Witheut the gat Some drive the cars, and fome the courfers rein Dryden 8. Not within _ When the weather hinders me from taking m diverfions uithout doors, 1 frequently make a littl party with felect friends Addifon 9. With exemption from The great lords of Ireland informed the king that the Irithry might not be naturalized awithout damage to themfelves or the crown Dawies's Ireland Happine(s under this view every one conftantl fo high :l?oughts thould'be engraved Sidney You will never live to miy age, without you kee yourfelves in breath with exercife, and in hear Sidney with joyfulnefs WitHou TEN. prep. [piSuzan, Saxon. Without Obfelete Her face fo fair, as fiefh it feemed not But heavenly pourtrait of bright angel's hue Clear as the fky, withouten blame or blot Through goodly mixture of complexion's dew Spenfer ToWiTHSTA'ND. w.a. [withand fand. To gainftand; to oppofe; to refif The violence of forrow is not at the firft to be firiven withal; being, like a mighty beaft, foone tamed with following, than overthrown by witt-Sidney Sanding The wonderful zeal and fervour wherewith y have avithfford the received orders of this church was the firft thing which caufed me to enter into confiderat'on, whether every chriftian man, fear Hooker ing God, frand bound to join with you It is our frailty that in many things we all d amifs, but a virtue that we would do amifs in nothing, and a teftimony of that virtue, that when pray that what otcafion of fin foever do ofi'e{ itfelf ffand it t abov fro ftre gthe b e ma w it Hookers They foon fet fail; nornow the fates withfland Their forces trufted with a forcign hands Diyden When Elymas withftood Paul and Barnabas, ?n avji grea l hat h Ale and r o fay Pau whe flood our words, do we think the aitbflanding ther Asterbury was without fpeaking WitHsTA'NDER A #. / [from aithfland opponent ; refiftin power ?f vmlenc theg )?er il defi e b Warprfa quxrb fflfl‘d "_" agai f com an fove eig unde efl;n.t th bein refi tanc an auth rity force parts thereof WiTawI'ND 7. /i [convolvults, Latin. An herb Wi'tuy. 7 /o [piorg, Saxon. A tree Wallow ng Wi'TLESS. adj. [from aviz.] Want ; Wwantin derftanding ; inconfiderat thought f‘; hle mt: f ma ef awit l fho the h That nothing is but that which he ha ‘SP.""I" 1' f l t 1 have eve t And held in idl eflln;ss'e 1 lefs b Where youth WI |