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Show OP fet upon; to begin the noun. Not ufed T 2 Se #. /. [0z and flay A NSLAUGHT SLauGHTER.] Attack; ftorm; onfet Not in ufe N They made a hal "To view the ground, and where t' aflault *Then call'd a council, which was beft By fiege or onflaught to invef The enemy; and 'twas agree Hudibras By ftorm and onflanght to proceed OnToLoGIST. 2./. [from ontology.] Ou who confiders the affetions of being i general ; a metaphyfician ONTOLOGY. 7./. [4rra and Adyoc.] Th {cience of the affeltions of being i general; metaphyficks """ The modes accident 'to-various beings and relations that belon are copioufly treated of in meta phyficks, or more properly ontology. Watts's Logick __ ®O'NwARD. adv ' [ondbpeand, Saxon. My lord Milton's Paradife Loft Of his cool bow'r Milton's Paradife Loft Not one looks backward, onaward ftill he goes Yet ne'er looks forward farther than his nofe. Pope 2. In a ftate of advanced progreffion Philoxenus came to fee how onward the fruit were of his friend's labour Sidney You are already fo far onward of your way, tha you have forfaken the imitation of ordinary conyerfe Dryden 3. Somewhat farther A little oneward lend thy guiding han o To thefe dark fteps, a little farther on Milron O'NycHA. 2. /. Itis found in two diffe rent fenfes in fcripture.-The odorife 1ous {nail or fhell, and the ftone onyx. The greateit part of commentators explain it by the onyx or odoriferous fhell The onyx is fithed for in the Indies where grows the fpicanardi, the food o this'fi{h and what makes its fhell {o aro matick Calmet , Take fieet fpices, onycha, and galbanum. Exod O'nyx. a. [ [$t. The onyx 1s a femipellucid gem, of which there are feveral fpecies, but the blueith white kind with brown and white zones, is the tru onyx legitima of the ancients Hill Nor are her rare endowments to be fol F'Jr glittering fand by Ophir thown lhc‘ I"'UC-(‘I)"d faphir, or rich onyx {tone Sandys B :1h0 onyx isan accidental variety of the agat kind it is o_f a dark horny colour, in which is a plate o a bluifh white, and fometimes of red: when o one or both fides the white there happens to li a0 a plate of a reddith or frefh colour, the jeweller call the flone a fardonyx OOZE Wordward on Foffils #. /. [either from caux French; or bzr, wetnefs Vor. 1L feem 3 70 Ooze @w [fro th waters Saxon. an [opacus Latin. Da cloudy {till direét -like bodies } a [open hole Op i ufe Greek ¢ws Iflandick PEN T flow by ftealth; to run, gently; to drai th fall LTI0F noun. adj Shot upwar to b The liquor of a tanner's vat o The onl i poetry eve when one {yllable is more convenien than two. 1. To unclofe; to unlock; to put int A wat'rifh humour fwell'd and oox'd agen. Dryden The lily drink The latent rill, fcarce ooming thro' the grafs fuch a ftate as that the inner part may be feen or entered: the contrar away Whe the contracted limbs were cramp'd the ¥ T hom|[on O'ozy. adj. [fromooze. flimy Old father Thame to jhut ‘I'he world's mine oyfter Which I with fword will open Miry; muddy Befor From his wzy bed advanc'd his rev'rend head The Pope 70 OPA'CATE ‘v. a. [gpaco Latin. T [opacité, French; opaCloudinefs; want o Brown fhadow or opacity we fhould never have had any determinate conceit o darknefs Glanville How much any body hath of colour, fo muc hath it of opacity, and by fo much the more unfi meafure tranfparent and th are in fom opacity of thof Whe bo z. T Th diffufion through the whole place that it irradiates he can have no difficulty to allow air, that is diaphanous and more fubtile far than they, an confequently divifible into lefler atoms; and havin pores, gives lefs fcop to our eye light to mif Digty Upon the firm gpacous glob Of this round world whofe firft convex divide The luminous inferior orbs, inclos' From chaos, and th' inroad of darknefs old Satan alighted Milton's Paradife Loff The opa O'raL. n. /. [opalus, Latin. is a very elegant and fingular kind o ftone; it hardly comes within the ran of the pellucid gems, being much mor opake, and lefs hard. Itisin the pebbl fhape fro th hea of a pi to th bignefs of a walnut It is naturall bright, and fhows all its beauty without the help of the lapidary: in colou it refemble the fineft mother of pearl its bafis feeming a blueifth or greyit white, but with a property of refleitin all the colours of the rainbow ed differently to the light Thy mind is a very opal as turn Hill Skak. Tavelfth Night open a pit an no cove Fairfax it, and an o firft you gpe your doors Dryden and pafling by The fad ill-omen'd objet meets your eye My old wounds are gpen'd at this view And in my murd'rer's prefence bleed anew When the matter is made, the fide muf Arbuthnot o ed to let it out Dark When he perceives that gpacous bodies do no hinder the eye from judging light to have an equa lefle and woe And where Numicus gpes his holy fource dies arifeth from the multitude of reflexions caufe in their internal parts Neawton Ora'covus. adj. [opacus, Lat. obfcure; not tranfparent us har againft the bridge in the middle, opens it Browsm Our fleet Apollo fends Where Tufcan Tyber rolls with rapid force Ray The leaft parts of almoft all bbdies to wor S _;z'.u]l'w.uv: Adam, now cpe thine eyes; and firft behol Th' effets which thy original crime hath wrough In fome to fpring from thee. AMi/to if Loft The draw-bridges at Amfterdam part in th middle, and a veflel, though under fail, may paf them without the help of any one on thore; fo the maft-head, or break-water of the fhip bearin Can any thing efcape eyes in whofe opticks ther is it to tranfmit the fpecies ope this letter fall therein, the owner of the pit fhall make i good Exodus, xxi. 23 Let us pafs through your land, and none fhal do you any hurt ; howbeit they would not spen unt him 1 Mac. v. 4 Open thy mouth for the dumb in th caufe o all fuch as are appointed to deftrution. Prowerbs corpufcles upon the unftopping of th is no opacity Had there not been any night fight confen If a ma thade; to cloud ; to darken ; to obfcure Ora'ciTy. 2. / citas, Latin. tranfparency yo Shakefpeare ‘To ope the gates, and fo let in our foe Boyle Him thro' the fpicy foreft onzvard com Adam difcern'd, as in the door he fa Thi 7 not tranfparent;t glafs, did gpacate that part of the air they moved in "When you went onzvard on this ended aétion 1 look'd-upon her with a foldier's eye. Shakefpeare Satan was now at hand, and from his feat ‘The monfter moving onward, cameas fal ga w5 {pring Ora'QuE From his firft fountain and beginning cozie Down to the fea each brook and torrent fAows The- fam e, 2o Forward; progreflively "With horrid ftrides flow the meaning in Prior This for.a while was hotly onfetted and a reafonCarezv able price offered, but foon cooled again R Old father Thames rais'd up his rev'rend head Deep in his he fought his fedgy bed And fhrunk 15 back into his Dryden Sof fame with th f [fro ki w. a hav A G0 O'nsET W Wi Shake[pearc Lavinia will T make my emprefs Sh Some carried up into their grounds the falt water mud, and found good profit ther I will with deeds requite thy gentlencSs And for an onfet, Titus, to advanc Thy name and honourable family oome is bedded fhow Englit north parts of Amer 3 To divide Drydern Dryden be gpenAliments to difcover d adventure far for to gpen th a. Abbot's Defe of the; World to break The wall of the cathedral church was opened b an earthquake, and fhut again by a fecond. 4. To explain to difclofe Some things wifdom epeneth by the facred book of feripture, fome things by th nature Paul reafoned with them ou opening and alleging,' that" Chrif {uffered and rifen again from th After the earl of Lincoln wa glorious works o Hooker of the fcriptures muft needs hav dead. 4, xvii flain, the kin opened himfelf to fome of his council, that he wa forry for the earl's death, becaufe by him he migh have known the bottom of his danger Ba Gramont, governor of Bayonne, took an exqu fite notice of their perf behaviour, and gpere himfelf to fome of his to be gentlemen of muc habits bewrayed mor wort than thei Wotto A friend who relates his fuccefs, talks himfel into a new pleafure; and by opening his misfor tunes, leaves part of them behind him Co/ier 5. To begin tion fays Nicholfon, 1s ftill retained in Nort umberland, where on/et means a 7u/% In circuit With opal Of living f S ter; {lime My fon i th to make the initial exhibi You retained him only for the opening of you caufe, and your main lawyer is yet bebind, Dryder Gg Home $4% e 1. Soft mud P h? empyrea - S TyR== i ornamenta fenle Thi appendage of wa or /¢ on b 2. Something adde of wa mire at the botto |