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Show PR PR r h o t i w s a r e d l u y t - One o i ' l m m t o n n a l t a t are at work; f n f d A e u f f n m i t i i u e not at all p t u f p e i a A ftate of gre PRE'LUDE ludium 1 Th digni[ ecclefiaftic Prelacie p(' o 2 To his inf her' o }:\Z'CIQY as that of the pox1tific;1t§,'n p;\u‘mrf]uhj\g A bifhoprick and bifhoprick a i 7 togeth Colletively It befeemed not the perfon of f{o grave a prelate, to be either utterly without counfel, as th reft were, or in a common perplexity to thew himfelf alone fecure Hooker Hear him but reafon in divinity And, all-admiring, with an inward wift vious to the prelation or preference of the eldeft daughter.to double portion Hale PrE‘LATURE [ prelatura } 75 / PRE‘LATURESHTID Latin ; prelature Fr.] The ftate or dignity of a prelate Dig To Previous dulory; proemial #. / VIous5 preparator Preparative P Mre Fr Somethin a& intro pre preparation A/ DNo¥ tes on Liafs A c to «. a 7 Her foes conclufions were not found From premifes erroneous brought And therefore the deduction's nought. Swvift's Mijfz 2, In low language, houfes or lands : as I avas upon the premifes haft Pre'miss 2 [1/:‘)‘5'77:{‘[/‘3{/‘72, Lat'.n, tecedent propofition They kno plied T con whe the major or minor yo pronounc which is other premif th the conclufion Pre"Mrum An This word is rar in the fingalar #. /. [ pramium 2, Lat. thing give gain me to invite a loan or a bar No body cares to make loans upon a ne je€t; whereas me er fail to bring i Dryden PrEME DITATE @. 2 To hav formed in the mind by previous mediation ; to thin Decay of Piety She ftudy'd well the point, and foun [ premed; With words premeditated thus he faid antecedently fuppofed o conclufion ‘Where I have come, great clerks have purpofe To greet me wit premeditated welcomes Shakef money u tereft allow X i whe the premiu fuite t proor beforehand Of themfelves they were rude, and knew not f much as how to premeditate ; the {pir ve the PREMEDITA'TION The third conf fts o the ceremonies of the oat on both fides, an d th preliminaries to the combat. Voruth to ceive beforehand fpeech and eloquent utterance JCfi'Ck' mien diftovers him to be the !-'cing. Dryden PRt_LI MINARY wit tor, Latin; premediter, French. contrive or form beforehand; t My_ mafter needed not the affitance of 'tha ?!'u{mzmmy Poet to prove his claim his own ma foon [premiffa, Latin; pre in all outward ceremonies between the people o God, and them which are not his people Hooker This is fo regular an inference, that whil® th premifes ftand firm, it is impofiible to fhake th [from premature. 70 PREME'DITATE The firm belie of this, in an innocent foul, i Latin. Fr or done Not in ufe They infer upon the premifes, that as great difference as commodioufly may be, there fhould b hafte ; unfeafonable earlinefs PRrELXBA TION. n. /. [from prelibo, Lat. T'afte beforehand; effufion previous t tafting bre limine to dow French. proved ripenefs PREMATU RENESS. } n. [. [from premaPrREMaTURITY ture.] Too grea Hale [ preliminaire early n 1. Propofition [premature believed PREMATU'RELY. adv . He that is defirous to profecute thefe afyftata o infinitude, let him refort to the prelections of Faber a high prelibation of thofe eternal joys mifles Hammond's Fundamentals Latin. Pre‘m1ses *Tis hard to imagine, what poflible confideratio fhould perfuade him to repent, till he depofite that premature perfuafion of his being in Chrift without an PrELe'cTiON. 7. J- [preledio Reading; letture; difcourfe faid to la And the premifed flames of the laft da Knit earth and heav'n together Shakefpeare Pre hafty ference ; fetting of one above the other equally fucceeded as in co-partnerfhip foo previouily O let the vile world end prematurus, Latin. Ripe too foo formed before the time; too early PRELA'TICAL. adj. [from prelate.] Relating to prelates or prelacy Dic Preva‘T1ON. 7. /i [pralatus, Lat.] Predaughters Prelude Prelufive drops, let all their moifture flow. Thom/fon In whom we feek the German faith in vain. Dryd explai [ praemiffus, Latin. 2. To fend before the time Softly thaking on the dimpled poo Yet Munfter's pre/ate ever be accutft @. a Cleaveland PrELU's1VE. adj. [from prelude. vious; introdutory; proemial adj PREMI'SE ff{!'fl'ffim This Menelaus.knows, expos'd to fhar With me the rough pre/udium of the war. Dryden PREMATURE Firft; chief Pre faid one day to king Lewis XI: of France; Sir your mortal enemy is dead, what time duk Charles of Burgundy was flain Bacon left onl [Latin. [French. The apoftle's difcourfe here is an anfwer upon ground taken; he premifeth,. and then infers Burnet I premife thefe particulars, that the reader ma know I enter upon it as a very ungrateful tatk [from prelude. n./ adj premifes introductory PRELU'DIUM Dryden I'h 1. T The cloud The archbithop of Vienna, a reverend prelate adj 7 to be previous to That's but a preludious blifs Two fouls pickeering in a kifs Shakefpeare Prer; MINARY PrRELU DE . V. a. [;refzm'ci‘, F rench praludo, Latin. To ferve as an introAnd folding up their wings, renew'd their notes As if all day, preludin to the fight They only had rehears'd, to fing by night. Dryden You would defire the king were made a prelate In cafe the fathe ari PrELU'DIOUS. adj o Spaniard challengeth the premier place, i reg rdo of his dominions n's Remai Thus families, like r 2alms, with e 1 ual fate Are funk by premier n I fters of ftate Scvift Either fongfter holding out their throats PRE'LATE. n. /. [prelat, French; preAn ecclefiaftick of th Jatus, Latin. higheft order and dignity conceflion to a man is buta duétion' a fruits Firf gatherings PRE'MIER On other [primitie A charger, yearly filled to th at their feflivals, as the premice goo . f French. mices firf judicious men, have efpecially beftowed their pain about the matter of jurifdic¢tion. Hovker's Dedication Pre'MICES to fub ha Divers of the reverend prelacy, and other mof h od Dt iroi terms convertible 3. Bifhops wa ‘ Dryden poper reprefen /-headed hifling c How many are there, that call themfelves proan an 1'd his ma The prefbyter, puff'd up with fpiritual pride Shall on the necks of the lewd nobles ride His brethren damn, the civil power defy teftants,«who put prelac rebel 2. Epifcopacy; the order of bifhops And parcel out republick prelacy > pre ludes of the greater benefices be terme hi thi Somethin introdu@ory fomethin that only fhews what is Q) TC llow of the higheft order ma of mufick playe {la and points out their pre But founds a prefude 7. Bl [fi'om‘ pref The ftate of being prejudicial Of fligh My PREjUDI CTALNESS mifchievoufnefs Pre' fhor prameditation, difpelled with eafe and perfeét c nefs all the fophifms that had been brought a him Verfe is not the effe¢t of fudde efore a full concert i i u e p t o i i s o t t various tem o t d u t w n m t l e f 1n that i dicial. . /. [ prelude; French ; pre Latin. 1. Som PR 7. / Latin premeditation, premeditate. A& o Hooker [preneditatio French ;. fro meditating be torehand Are all th" unlook'd-for iffue of their bodie To take their rooms ere T can place myfelf D OAR A cold premeditation for my purpofe Hope "isa pleafant premeditation of enjoyment as when a dog expeéts, ‘till his mafter has don picking of the bone More He amidft the difadvantage of extempore aga tempted to len t; and it con rernment, > which they y 7 PREMO'NISH Lat. 4 war v o by great ha trufte s M [[ v :3}37/:('0 a admonii betore hand PREM nifb. NISEMEN [fro evious information iP m e After thefe pro compartition itlelf PreMoNIrion Previou 3 notice wil Wotton' 2. / pre com to t Archi [from premonifh. previous intelligence Wha |