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Show UN g 'fte‘jg for -any other origin of the world, or to pre- send that it might arife out of a chaos by the mer Jaws of nature Neavton's Opticks U NPUTY1NG. adj, Having no compaffion To thame, to chains, or to a certain grave Lead on, unpitying guides ! behold your flave UypHILOSOPHICALLY. adv. In a man- { UNr cep reafon righ o rule thi t contrar ne They forget that he is the firft caufe of al things, and difcourfe moft un/f/)[/ufip.{fim/é‘, ab f;n'dry, and unfuitably to the nature of an infinit being 3 whofe influente muft fet the firft wheel agoing South Incon # / UnpHILOSO PHICALNESS gruity with philofophy I coul difpenf wit th o m:p/vi[rf.;,l;;‘;(;[;;g/ *this their hypothefis, were it not unchriftian Norris de T 2 w 80P HIZE g, UspH1L ‘grade from the charalter of a philofo. pher by Pope A word mad us, an Pope unphilofepbize s into mere mortals Th no Not penetrated adj unpierc'd fhad imbrown' th noontid Milton bow'rs True Witney broad-cloth, with its thag unthorn Un;icrc'd is in the lafting temp Uxp1'LLARED. adj Gay worn Deprived of pillars See the cirque falls ! th® unpillar'd temple nods Streets pav'd with heroes, Tiber choak'd with gods Uxpi'LLOWED Pope adj dependance Unplac'd adj Wanting a pillow Perhaps fome cold bank is her bolfter now Or 'gaint the rugged bark of fome broad el Leans her unpillozv'd head, fraught with fad fears Milton 9o Unpi'N. @.a. To open what is fhu or faftened with a pin My love doth fo approve him That even his ftubbornnefs, his checks and frowns {Prythee unpin me) have grace and favour in them Shake[peare Unpin that fpangled breaft-plate which you wear That th' eyes of bufy fools may be ftopt there Who is the honeft man He that doth fill and ftrongly good purfue Donne To God, his neighbour, and himfelf moft true Whom neither force nor fawning ca Unpiny or wrench from giving all their due. Herbert Havin Gabriel's pumps were all unpink'd ©* th heel Unei'Tiep adj No Shakefpeare compaffionated not regarded with {fympathetical forrow Richard yet lives; but at hand, at han Infues his piteous and wnpitied end Shak. R. TIL Rich in the world's opinion, and men's praife And full in all we could defire, but days He that is warn'd of this, and fhall forbea To vent a figh for him, or fhed a tear May he live long fcorn'd, and unpity'd fall And want a mourner at his funeral ! Bifbaop Corbet But he whofe words and fortunes difagree Abfurd, unpity'd, grows a publick jeft. Rofcommon Hethat does not fecure himfe offa ftock of re putation in his greatnefs, fhall moft certainly fal unpitied in his adverfity L'Eftrange _As the greateft curfe that I can give Unpitied be depos'd, and after live. Dryd. Aureng _As fome fad turtle his loft love deplores T‘]"Sa far from Delia, to the winds I mourn Alike unheard unpity'd, and forlorn Paffion unpity'd, and fuccefslefs love Plant daggers in my heart, and aggravat My o'ther griefs NPITIFULLY without mercy adv Pope Addifon's Cate Unmercifully He beathim moft pitifully =Nay, that he did not; he heat him moft unpitiSully no place o unpenfion'd NPLA‘GUED adj Not tormented Pope Unplagued with corns, we *Il have a bout with you Shakefpeare UxrrLa'srep. adf Not planted; {pon taneous Figs there unplanted through the ficlds do grow TSuch .\slficrcc Cato did the Romans thow. #aller Uxrra'usiBLE adj Not plaufible ; no fuch as has a fair appearance an that meeting being, upon very unpopular an unplaufibl reafons immediatel five fubildies were exated to that purpofe Shake[peare diffolved as if an thof had pafie Clarendon ¥, under fair pretence of friendly ends And well-plac'd words of glofing courtely Baite Unrpra'usive adj Milton "Tis like he'll queftion me Why fuch unplaufive eyes are bent on him Shak delighting part of the earth into {ome other, the moft barren and unpleafant Woodward's Natural Hiffory UxrrEa'sanTLY. adv ly; uneafily Not delightful We cannot boaft of good-breeding, and the art o life; but yet we don't live unpleafuntly in primitiv fimplicity and good humour Pope Want of qua As for unpleafantnefs of {ound, if it doth happen the good of men's fouls doth deceive our ¢ars, tha we note it not, or arm the with patience to enHovker dure it Man London peopl canno at all endure th air o not only for its unpleafantnefs, but for th {uffocations which it caufes. Graunt's Bills of Mort All men are willing to fkulk out of fuch company; the fober for the hazards, and the jovial fo the unpleafantnefs of it Gowernment of the Tongue UxrrEa'sED. adj lighted Not pleafed ; not de Me rather had, my heart might feel your love Shak Than my wunpleas'd eye feel your courtely Condemn'd to live with fubjets ever mute A falvage prince, unpleas'd, though abfolute Dryden UNPLE ASING. adj. Offenfive ; difgufting; giving no delight Set to drefs this garden How dares thy tongue found this unpleafing news Shake[peare Henc the man miftakes mor that, being fo har a whic hav tha inftrument th an pcnf-.!l workin can yet leave frokes of f fo unpliant fiuff upo glor Wotterr gentle appearance Unrro'wep adj Not plowed found land, that hath lain long unplowed Mortiner Zo UnprLu'ME. v. a. To fteip of plumes to degrade I te--moft ordinary phznomen in nature, w fha!l find enough to fhame confidence, a dogratizing Unror'ricar Unrer rrck Jadi. Not fuc comes a poet a Nor, for an epithet that fails Bit oft your unpoetick nails Unjuft ! why fhould you, in fuch veins Reward your fingers for your brains ? B. Cordet UNPO'LISHED. adj 1. Not {fmoothed ; not brightene trition by at in an old arch at Ve the material cut in fine forms and fome unpolifped, doth conclude outwar fac that the anci of thei marbles or free-ftone, without any fculpture, till they wer Upon Adam's difobedience, God chafed him ou paradife, the moft deliciou hat ents did leave th Their fkilful ears perceive certain harfh and wnpleafanr difcords in the found of our commo prayer, fuch as the rules of divine harmony, fuc as the laws of God cannot bear Hooker O fweet Portia Here are a few of the unpleajant't word That ever blotted paper Shaks Merch. of Venice Wifdom is very unpleafant to the unlearned Ecclus. v. 20 o chife rona fomne part-o Not approving Unrrea'sant. adj No troublefome ; uneafy Th Palladio, having note with reafons not unplaufible Win me into the cafy-hearted man And hug him into fnares Unrri'ant., adi. INot eafily bent; no conforming to the will Goo Ladies, that have your fee Uxei'NkED. adj. Not marked with eylet | UnrPLEASANTNESS. 7. / holes lities to give delight Granwille There was a mention of granting five fubfidies Our paffions, our interefts flow in wpo UsrpiE'RCED ,pierced N mad learning fo unpleafing and fo unfuccefsful, Miiton If all thofe great painters, who have left us fuc fair platforms, had rigoroufly obferved it in thei figures, they had made things more regularly true but withal very unpleafing. - Dryden's Dufrefnoy Howe'er unpleafing be the news you bring I blame not you, but your imperious king, Dryd laid in the body of the building Wotton He affirins it to have been the ancient cuftom o all the Grecks, to fet up unpolifbed ftones, inftea of images, to the honour of the gods. Stilling fleet z. Not civilized; not refined Finding new words Such as of old wife bards employ'd to mak Unpolifp'd men their wild retreats forfake. Waller Thofe firft unpolifp'd matrons, big and bold Gave fuck to infants of gigantick mould. Dryden U~roLi'TE Lat. civil adj [impoli Fr impolitus Not elegant ; not refined ; no Difcourfes for the pulpit fhoul be caft int plain method, and the reafons ranged under th words, firft, fecondly, and thirdly; however the may be now fancied to found unpoalitey or unfafhionable Watts .on the Mind. UnNPOLLU TED No adj [impollutus Lasin. corrupted; not defiled Lay her i° th' carth And from her fair and unpoliuted flef May violets fpring Shakefpeare's Hamlet Till oft converfe with heav'nly habitant Begin to caft a beam on th' cutward thape The unpolluted temple of the mind And turn it by degrees to the foul's effence Till all be mad imimortal Milton Though wnpolluted yet with acual ill She half commits, who fins but in her will. Dryd U~xro'purar. adj the people Not fitted to pleaf The praétices of thele wen, under the covert o feigned zeal, made the appearance of fincere devotion ridiculous and unpopular. Addifon's Freeholder UNPO'RTABLE. adj Not to be carried Ha [u and portable. their cables of iron chains had any grea length, they had been urportable; and being fhort the fhips muft have funk at an anchor in an fiream of weather or counter-tide R;I/;'fgl: Unrosse'ssED. adj not enjoyed Not had; not held He claims the crown, ~-Is the chair empty? is the fword unfway'd Is the king dead ? the empire unpoffefs'd Such vaft room in nature unpoffif' By living foul, defert, and defolate Only to fhine, yet fcarce to contribut Each orb a glimpfe of light The cruel fomething wnpo/ifs' Corrodes and leavens all the reft gel Shak Miltoss Prior. Unros |