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Show PR PR <hange, an Monarchy after it has been divided by corrofiv liquors into invifible parts, yet may prefently b : precipitated, fo as to appear again in its own form Grew's Cofmal 9o PRECI'PITATE. @. 1. To fall headlong Thoug pitous o th fide did their forces increafe whic might haften him to precipitate and affailthem. Bac PreCI"PITATE. adj. [from the verb. 1. Steeply falling 3 1. Exa& cife natura A corrofive medi in blind hurry It may happen to thofe who vent praife o cenfure too precipitately, as it did to an Englif poet, who celebrated a nobleman for ereing Dryden's monument, upon a promife which he forgot till it was-done by another Savift Not fo bold Arnall; with a weight of fcul Furious he finks, precipitately dull. Pope's Dunciad Precreita'rion . [precipitation French 5 from precipitate. 1. The a& of throwing headlong Let them pile ten hills on the Tarpeian rock ‘That the precipitation m ywn-firetc Below the beam of fight, I fil Be this to them Shake[peare's Coriolanus 2. Violent motion downward 3 That could never ha from any other cauf than the hurry, precipitation, and rapid motion o the water, returning at the end of the deluge towards the fea Weoodward Tumultuou hurry ; blind hafte Here is none of the hurry and precipitation, non of the bluftering and violence, which muft hav attended thofe fuppoficitious changes Foodward 4. In chemiftry fublimation fubfidency: contrary t Separation is wrought by precipitation or fublimation ; that is, a calling of the parts up or down which is a kind of attra The pre rtton o the deluge Bacon vegetative matter, afte and the burying the ftrata under neath amongft the fand, was to retrench the luxur of the pr ions o earth, which had bee 10 ungre tefully abufed by its former inhabitants Woodward PrECI'PITOUS adj 1. Headlong 5;, fteep [pracipites, Latin. havin ftri& an limit defcribed and pre but a latitud is in 2 Formal; finical; folemnly and fuperftitioudly exa& wa carrie to fo grea a t PrEecr'ston. =. / whic which we are comHooker He knows He cannot fo precifely weed this lan As his mifdoubts prefent occafion His foes are fo enrooted with his friends Shake[p Where more of thefe orders than one fhall be fe in feveral ftories, there muft be an exquifite car to plac the columns grecifely one over another Worton's Arebitefiure In his tra my wary feet have ftept I'ji;v u:idc‘:lviucd ways grec ifely kept Sandys Ihe rule, to find the age of the moon, canno thew precifily an exat account of the moon, becaufe of the inequality of the motions of the fu and of the moon Holder Meafuring the diameter of the fifth dark circle I found it the fifth part of an 'u;ch prn*if‘f/)'.Newton's Opticks 2. With fuperftitiou formality; with to much {crupulofity ceremony Preci'sewEss altrefs wit troublefom # /. [from precife. rigid nicety I will diftinguifh the cafes Ex thoug e windoy ' Dpr,':,-fl": mlfi Exa He that thinks of being in general, thinks nexe of any particular fpecies of being; unlefs he ca tjnink of it with and without Precifion at the fam time Locke I have left out the utmoft precifions of fraltion in thefe computations as not neceflary; thef whole numbers fhewing well enough the differenc of the value of guineas I was unabl Lacke to treat this part more in detail without facrificing: perfpicuity to ornament, wit out wandering from the precifion or breaking th chain of reafoning Pope Preci'stve. adj. [from precifus, Latin. Exattly limiting, by cutting off2H tha is not abfolutely relative to the prefen purpofe Precifive abftralion is when we confider thof things apart, which cannot really exift apart when we confider mode, without confidering it fubftance or fubjeét Watts Zo PrECLU'DE. @. a. [precludo, Latin To thut out or hinder by fome anticipation This much will obviate and preclude the objections of our adverfaries, that we do not determin the final caufe of the fyftematical parts of th world, merel cie as they have refpect to the exigen or conveniencies of life Bentlzy If you once allow them fuch an acceptation o chance, you have precluded yourfelf from any mor reafoning againft them Bentley tha I fear there will be no way left to tell you the leaft, are unholy do tha 4 [ precifion, Fr. limitation I entirely efteem you; none but that which bills can preclude, and no king can prevent. Pape PRECO'CIOUS. adj. [precocis, Lati precoje When the Lord had once precifely fet down form of executing that wherein we are to ferve him the fault appeareth greater to do that which w not t A profane perfon calls a man of piety Hooker tha love ufe reafon for hi Will pluck down all the church extravagance the Lord hath not himfelf precifely inftituted are not manded '}‘;Na men, for all the world, like o preri/ia;u'b Who for fome crofs or fai t they in t it follow, that all things in the church the greatef 2. One who is fuperftitioufl r g r y "Thef PrECI'sELY. adv. [from precife. 1. Exaltly ; nicely ; accurately fro admits him nqt for his counfello , ls ngfi;";.'mh that it almoft put all Chriftianity out of countenancee Addifon Dot good Thoug The raillery of the wits in king Charles th Second's reign, upon every thing which they calle precife but with fom 1. One who limits or reftrai s pre dulged Taylor The reafonings muft be precife, though the practice may admit of great latitude Arbuthnot The precife difference between a compound an colle¢tive idea is this, that a compound idea unite things of a different kind, butz colletive, thing of the fame kind Watts As the efcar feparated, 1 rubbed the fuperexcrefcence with the vitriol ftone, or fprinkled i with grecipitate Wifeman Haitily firit ; nice In human aétions there are no degree cine made by precipitating mercury 2 French Of fpeculation ; for the hour precif Exacks our parting Milton's Paradife Loff Mr. Gay died ofa mortification of the bowels it was the moft precipitate cafe 1 ever knew, havin cut him off in three days Arbuthnot precipi [precis Means more durable to preferve the laws of Go from oblivion and corruption grew in ufe, no without precife direction from God himfelf. Hooker You'll not bear a letter for me; you ftand upo your honour; why, thou unconfinable bafenefs it is as much asI can do to keep the term of min honour precife Shake[peare The ftate hath given you licence to ftay on lan fix weeks, and let it not trouble you if your occafions afk farther time; for the law in this poin is not precife Bacon Let us defcend from this to Clarendon Precr'prTaTELY. adv. [fro tate. 1. Headlong; fteeply down adj mfim"'% PrEci's1an, 7./o [from precife determinate limitations rafhly hafly 2./ Pprecifenefs conftancy Dryden cifus, Latin. Hafty; violent PrECi'PITATE heady PRECI'SE The archbithop, too precipitate in prefling th reception of that which he thought a reformation 3 Rafh Advice unfafe, precipitous and bold When the full ftores their ancient bounds difdain Precipitate the furious torrent flows In vain would fpeed avoid, or firength oppofe Prior paid dearly for it fo audacious as to hav n When you have fixed proper ho lar fifdifes,bkeep to them, ngt wlf}?? ff;efm" of fome have been preci their enquirie with too much precifenefs Thus fram'd for ill, he loos'd our triple hold Barcephas faith, it was neceffary this paradif thould be fet at fuch a height, becaufe the fou rivers, had they not fallen fo precipitate, coul not have had fufficient force to thruft themfelve under the great ocean Raleigh 2. Headlong; hafty an attempt How precious the time is, how precipitous th occafion, how many things to be done in thei juft feafon, after once a ground is in order. Ewelyn did the rebels fpoil the country, neithe othe a precipitous fall as the King Charles Brown's Vulgar Errours 2. To fall to the bottom as a fedimen i chymiitry §. To haften without juft preparation th leave, in the handling of them could not but b loft themfelves in attempts above humanity, ye have the enquiries of moft defeéted by the way Shakefps King Lear By ftrong water every metal will precipitate. Bac with me 2. Hafty; fudden So many fathom down precipitat Thow'dft thiver like an egg togethe dafhed in pieces by fuc intended Had#t thou been aught but gofs'mer feathers Neithe give m Ripe before the time Fr. Mauny precocious trees, and fuch. as have thei fpring in the winter, may be found in moft part Brown Preco'city #n. / [fro prmfiw- Ripenefs before the time Some impute the caufe of his fallto a;;{m""fi {piri and valour in him ; and that therefore fom H"‘Zf"] infectious fouthern air did blaft him Z [ preacogitt w@. PRECO'GITATE r f b m h { o e i n c T Lat. hand PrEcogNUTION Latin. 1 cognii n. [, [pre an " Previous knowledge; antec dent examination PrecoNcEl'T. n. fo [pre and concet An opinion previoufly_forme(?-h k A thing in reafon impofiible, whi "n., ap ul n'a r{ pr ne hi fa mi i th ou ftanding th peared unto them no lefs certain, ‘?afi had written it in the very foreheads 0 tures 2 and con Z5 PRECONCEL'VE. @. 4. [B efo To form an opmlog b ceive. n h r f b i a i t han e 10nge th feemet wa th plai In. a dea caufe the eye hath preconceived it {hos er tha 2 t |