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Show L LOE expelin An huge geeat dragon, horrible in fight Bred in the loathly lakes of Tartary n e Q i F n v r o ' r With m The people fear mej for they do obferv r t n o h r b h a J a s i h Unfathere Shakefpeare Sour-ey'd difdain and difcord fhall befto The union of your bed with weeds fo /oathly Shakefpeare's Tempef That you fhall hate it lw U . r b r [ v a ‘Lo' aTuLry n i a i c i o n k l o t w l n l Th uppe mak ftream their part of embracing tha hav t haft fuc the nether 1?";0,"55' Sidaey lothly, muft needs give place unto them Lothly oppofite 1 ftoo r Le n K e a p e a S e o r p To his unnatura ay it l t l r t n o f y th This fhe e n D y d ci if ar a That fuffer no Whic fhould bow Sl'flkk;/:bfd/'f deteftable The frefh young fl r f d h e b f t a f d Pid mu e f w t f e i u h o h o f o h a l T Spenfer l r f t a ' h r t n r p e r p e t W f L f d r P ' o l M f n c To loathfome f op a u h a l c f i e Ifiwe confi h a t v l n i n w i i n voking c h u S g ' b j e t t was permi f n u i i f f o e t f i n " 2. C Shakefp And in the tafte confounds the appetite e o h a l r [ / 2 S E E O H Lo' A of raiiin hatred abhorrence Th catacorab muf hav bee difguit o full of ftenc e t i la th ie bo de th i s nc am th le an Addifon were left to rot in' open nitches Loaves plural of Joaf Democritus, whe of new bread to b into them; and f odour till a feaft wa he lay a dying, caufed loawe opened, poured a little win kept himfelf alive with th Bacon paft # LoB. ». / 1. Any one heavy, clumfy, or luggifh Farewel thou /4 of fpirits I'll begone o a he m c e el he al an e q Qu Shakefpeare 2. Lob' pound ; prifon Probably s a g b d a f o r l i f o i p Crowdero, whom in irons bound Thou bafely threw'ft into /ob's pound Hudibras 3. A big worm For the trout the dew worm, which fome alf eall the /b worm, and the brandling, are the chief Walton's Angler 90 Los. v. a. To let fall in a flovenly o lazy manner The horfemen fit like fixed candlefticks And their poor jade hips an hid th droppin heads thei Lok dow Shake[peare Lo'ssy . / King A ftratagem in war is no deceit LoBE. #n. / [lobe, French A di a€s. vifion ; a diftin& part: ufed commonl for a part of the lungs Nor could the Zbes of his rank liver fwel To that prodigious mafs, for their eternal meal Dryden Air bladders form lobuli, which hang upo the bronchia like bunches of grapes; thefe lobul conflitute the lobes, and the Jobes the lungs Arbuthnot on Aliments From whence the quick reciprocating breath The lobe adhefive, and the fweat of death. Seawel ‘Lo'esTER 7. / [lobycen Saxon. cruftaceous fith [lanke Bacon Natural Hiftory and craw fifh the grea *claw of onc fide longer than the other. - Brown LO'CAL. adj. [Jocal, French; locus, Lat. 1. Having the properties of place By afcending, after that the tharpnefs of deat was. overcame, he took the very /ocal pofleflion o and that to the ufe of al glory that arc his, eve as himfelf before had witnefled, I go to prepare Hooker place for you A higher flight the vent'rous goddefs tries Prior Leaving material world, and Joca/ fkies 2. Relating to place The circumftance of /ocal nearnefs in them unt us, might haply enforce in us a duty of greate feparation from them than from thofe other Hooker Where there is only a /ocal circumftance of worthip, the fame thing would be worfhipped, fupStilling flect pofing that circumftance changed 3. Being in a particular place German. A opening before a room His lobbies fill with *tendance Rain facrificial whifp'rings in his car h A o m T p e a S u r f hi e e re fa Mak o ft h le ta th o f in ri ' k d th r Bef As of a duel, or of the /ocal/ wound Milfon's Paradife Eoff Of head, or heel How is .the change of being fometimes here fometimes there, made by /ocal motion in vacuum, without a change in the body moved Digby on Bodies ExiftLoca'Lity. #zJ. [from local. ence in place; relation of place, o diftance That the foul and angels are devoid of quantit and dimenfion, and that they have nothing te d with grofier /ocality, is generally opinioned. Glanw Lo'caLLY. adv {pe&t to place With re [from local. Whether things, in their natures fo divers a body and fpirit, which almoft in nothing communicate, are not effentially divided, though not loca/l Glanwille diftant, I leave to the readers Loca rion. a. /. [locatio, Latin.] Situation with refpeét to place; act of placing; ftate of being placed To fay that the world is fomewhere, means n more than that it does exift; this, though a phraf borrowed from place, fignifying only its exiftence Locke not location LocHu. #. / A lake Scottifh A lake or loch, that has no freth water running into it, will turn into a ftinking puddle Cheyne's Philof. Principles Lock. . /. [loc, Saxon, in both fenfes. 1. An inftrument compofed of fprings an "bolts, ufed to faften doors or cheils No gate fo ftrong, no /ock fo firm and fait But with that piercing noife flew open quit or braft Fairy Queen We have /ocks, to fafeguard neceffaries And pretty traps to catch the petty thicves A there feveral inventions in Jocks, in'contriving thei Moxon wards or guards z. The part of the gun by which fire i ftruck A gun carries powder and bullets for feven charge and difcharges: under the breech of the barreli one box for the powder; a little before the /ock, another for the bullets; behind the cock a charger which carri¢s the powder to the further end of th Grea lock Dream not of their fight The fweeteft hone s Zoathfome in its own delicioufnefs Qualit Wotton divers attending him ‘I'ry your backftairs, and let the /obéy wait It happeneth often that a /ubffer hat [from Joath. Lo aTHsoME. adj Abhorred o where wer lobby between that room and the next crab Should we be taking leave v l t v h w y a r t As long e a p e a S r p d The lothnefs t e t r f t o a f After they h i { ' u ' e f t f n t J a n l { a gener l f t o o them; a o v f . i r till he fhould pafs through a kin Thofe that caft their fhell, are the lobfler, th The fair foul herfel e n i e o a f n r J Wei end the bea Un Joath. [fro UL Lo aTunEss. # / willingnefs LO Shakefpeare there are Jocks for feveral purpofes, fo ar 3. A hug a grapple They muft be practifed in all the Jocks and gripe of wreftling, as need may often be in fight t tugg or grapple, and to clofe. Milton on Education 4. Any inclofure Sergefthus, eager with his beak to pref Betwixt the rival galley and the rock Shuts up the unwieldy centaur in the /ock of hair or woo 5. A quantit Dryden hangin together the hanging of her hai fome forgotten. Sidney bowing her fair hea fhe looked into it, an that running river SidneysHis grizly locks, long growen and unbound Difordered hung about his fhoulders romnd. Spenfer The bottom was fet againft a /ock of wool, an Bacon the found was quite deaded Well might he perceiv in locks, fome curled, an A goodly cyprefs, wh over the water, it feemet drefled: her green Jcks b They nourith only a lock of hair on the crown o Sandys's Trawel their heads A lock of hair will draw*more than a cable rope Greav Behold the /ocks that aré grown whit Beneath a helmet in your father's battles. 4ddiforn Two Jocks that gracéful hung behin In equal curls and well-confpir'd to dec With thining ringlets her fmooth iv'ry neck. Pope 6. A tuft I fuppofe this letter will find thee picking o Addiforedaifies, or fmelling to a‘lock of hay 7o Lock. @. a. [from the noun. 1. To fhut or faften with locks The garden, - feated on the level floor Sheleft behind, and /Jocking eviry door Thought all fecure 2. To fhut up or confine Dryden as‘with locks I am /lockt in one of them If you do love me, you will find me out. Shakefp We do /loc Our former fample in our ftrong-barr'd gates Shakefpeare Then feek to know thofe thing bleft And having found them, /ock the The frighted dame The log in fecret lock'd If the door to a council be kep which make u in thy breaft Denbam Dryden's Owid by armed men and all fuch whofe opinions are not liked kept out the freedom of thofe within is infringed, and al their aéts are as void as if they were /Jocked in Dryden One conduces to the poet's completing of hi work; the other flackens his pace, and /ocks him up like a knight-errant in an enchanted caftle Dryden's Dedication to the Encid The father of the god Confin'd their fury to thofe dark abodes And /lock'd em fafe within, opprefs'd with moun Dryden's Arneid tain leads If one third of the money in trade were /ocke up, muft not the landholders receive one third lefs Locke Always Jock up a cat in a clofet where you kee your china plates, for fear the mice may fleal i Savift and break them Your wine /ock'd up Plain milk will do the feat Pope's Horace 3. To clofe faft Death blafts his bloom, and /¢&s his frozen eyes Gay tj, |