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Show o 8o in our little world this fou That blind rafeally boy, that abufes ‘every one's of) our r w p r v d c j o r v d o u t D j f t v d é f e h a And f eyes becaufe his own are out, let him be ju deep Tam in love Sh and to one bodAy ty'd Peing only one A b'mmf Jaft year, twenty years ago the fubftantive goes before i whofe virtue in this inftance r o o u f i t i t n i t f f h a t o T Be ours, who e'er thou art a n D k e G t e r F fays another : whip him out, fays the third Has, to refift his forces, call'din ours. ) D{J'([({/ The fame thing was done by them in f_"_‘"g i their coutts, which is now done by us in fuing i i r w c r r _ urs Reading furnifhes the mind only with material of knowledge, it is thinking makes what we rea eurs: it is not enough to cra ourfelves wit great load of colleétions; unlefs we chew them ove Lm‘A:‘_' again, they will not give us firengrh Their organs are better difpofed than ours, fo receiving grateful impreflions from fenfible objets A'!lnz'rm;y [the plu OursE'LVES. reciprocal pronoun ral of myfelf. 1. We; not others: it is added to ave b way of emphafis or oppolfition We ourfelves might diftinétly number in word would w a great deal farther than we ufually do find out but fome fit denominations to fignify the Locke by 2. Us; not others, in the oblique cafes Safe in ourfelves, while on ourfelves we ftand The fea is ours, and that defends the land Dryd Our confeflion is not intended to inftru&t God . . who knows our fins much better than ourfelve ~ do, butitis to humble ourfelves, and therefore w muft not think to have confeffed aright till that b done Duty of Man Ourse'LF is ufed in the regal file To make fociet The fweeter welcome, we will keep ourfel Till fupper-time alone Shakefpeare's Macbeth We ourfelf will follo In the main battle Shakefpeare Not fo much as a treaty can be obtained, unlef we would denude ourfelf of all force to defend us Ouse, 7. / Tanner Clarendon bark; rather oo ¢ Ou'ser. u./. [orle, Saxon. Ainfworth bird A black The merrylark her mattins fings aloft - The thruth replies, the mavis defcant plays The oufe/ fhrills, the ruddock warbles foft So goodly all agree, with fieet confent To this day's merriment Spenfer "The aufel cock fo black of hue With orange tawney bill Shakefpeare Thruthes and on/els, or blackbirds, were commonly fold for three pence a-piece Hakewill 2 OusT. @. 4. [oufler, iter, French. i ilo vacate; to take away Multiplication of acions upo the cafe were rar ormerly, and thereby wager o l w oufted, whic difcouraged many fuits Hale 2. To depri e; to eject Though the deprived bifhops an c e g wen ?";. Upon account of the oaths yet this made n chifm. No not even when the w . %mred and aufled by ak of parliament re actually de L f e T. adfz_;. [uz, Saxon; #yt Dutch. 1 Not within s The 80wn with ftif embroid' ry fhining T(Loks c a'rfnmg with a flighte lining Ty ©outy if Indian figures fta ¢ Infide mut be rich an n d plain 2. Itis gfinerally o pofed to iz Vo Prior Fruits and grains are half a year in concoting whereas leaves are ont and perfect. in a month Bacon 6. From the inner part 7. No to fanétify the people at home as, whe 17 Shak Out, alas! no fea 1 find Is troubled like a lover's mind 21 Out on thee, rude man tho do fham mother th Shake[peare Out varlet from my fight Shake[p. King Lear Outy you mad-headed ape! a weazel hath no fuch a deal of fpleen Shakefpeare's Henry I Out of my door, you witch ! you hag Outy -outy out Shakefpe Merry Wives of Windfor Out, out, hyena; thefe are thy wonted atts To break all faith 11. Not in any fport or party The knave will ftick by thee: he will not ouz he is true bred Shakefpeare's Henry IV I am no fo as I fhould be But I'll ne'er oute Shak [peare's Anto and Clespatra I never was ozt at a mad frolick, though this i Dryden Milton's Agoniftcs z. It has fometimes zpon after it Out upon this half-fac'd fellowfhip. Shake[pcarc Out upor it, 1 have lov' Three whole days together And am like to love three more If it prove fair weather Suckling Ovur of. prep [Of feems to be the pre pofition, and oxs only to modif fenfe of of: 1. From; noting produce Hear me oz He reap'd no fruit of conqueft, but thefe bleffings Dryden You have ftill your happinefs in doubt Or elfe 'tis paft, and you have dream'd it out th So many Neroes and Caligulas Out of thefe crooked fhores muft daily rife. Spenfir Thofe bards coming many hundred years after could not know what was done in former ages, no Diyden The tale is long, nor have I heard it.ounz Thy father knows it all Addifor's Cato deliver certainty of any thing, but what they feigne out of their own unlearned heads Spenfer without reftraint Pope 14. Net in the hands of the owner If the laying of taxes upon commodities doe affeét the land that is our at rack rent, it is plain i does equally affect all the other land in Englm;, too ocke Alders and afhes have been feen to grow ou of fteeples; -but they manifeftly grow out of clefts Bacon Juices of fruits are watry and oily : among th watry are all the fruits owz of which drink is exprefled; as the grape, the apple, the pear, an <cherry Bacox He is fofter than Ovid; he touches the paffion more delicately, and performs all this cut of hi own fund, without diving into the fciences for fupply Dryden Thofe lands were out upon leafes of four years after the expirasion of which tenants were oblige Arbutbnat 15. In an errour As he that hath been often told his fault And ftill perfifts, is as impertinen As a mufician that will always play And yet is always onz at the fame note. Rofcommon You are mightily out to take this for a token o eftcem, which is no other than a note of infamy L'Efrange Kettleavell think, are much out in this point According to Hobbes's comparifon of reafonin with cafting up accounts, whoever finds a miftak in the fum total, muft allow himfelf ou7, thoug to verbs o fion not in office This T have noted for the ufe of thofe who It is added emphaticall difcovery 1. An expreflion of abhorrence or expul So we'll live and hear poor rogue Talk of court news, and we'll talk with them too Who lofes, and who wins; who's in, who's oxz Shakefpeare to renew Suckling Our. interjess Swift At all T laugh, he laughs no doubt The only difference is, I dare laugh out notin If ye will not/do fo, be fure your fin will find yo ott Num. xxxiie 2 a drop before; bear up and board them. Shakefp Large coals are propereft for drefling meat; an when they are out, if you happen to mifcarry in an 13. Loudly as, out of pocket 20. It is ufed emphatically before alas is cuz we will drink water, no 1z. To the end fo as to confume Upon the great Bible, he was ont fifty pounds and reimburft himfzlf only by felling two copies Fell 9. In a ftate of being exhaufted the maddeft I ever undertook Evidences fivore 19. Deficient lofs Glofter's eyes being out 10. Not in employment lik opportunities of morning devotion, and fleep ozt th care for their fouls Taylor called dith, lay the fault upon want of coals ‘as th Let all petfons avoid nicenefs in their cloathin or diet, becaufe they drefs and comb oxz all thei To let him live; where he arrives he move All hearts Shakefpeare's King Lear This candle burns not clear; "tis I muft fnuff it Then ozt it goes Shakefpeare's Henry VIII 3id thy ceremony give thee cure Think'{t thou the fiery fever will go cu With titles blown from adulation Shakefpeare Her candle goeth not ouz by night Prowerbs the but a mercurial The parts bein With torn cloaths out, that is, not covered 18. Away 8. In a ftate of extinéion Whe ; fuc ‘Who Lither coming oxt at heels and knees For this had titles Drydet was out It was great ign'rance you Ezckiel, xlvi yo Shakefpeare's Coriolanus cace hath feldo own; and could make his ow part, if at any time he chanced to.be oute LBacon This is the place where the priefts fhall boil th trefpafs offering ; that they bear it not out into th utter court to a ful Thi Out with the dog, fays one; what cur is that r w p a u e n M b o f a l Tax Eve 5. From the place or houfe Dawvies o that fhe is by double title thine €are Nature her cuftorn holds Let thame fay what it will, when thefe are gon The woman will be oxz Shakefpearc e a S s o b a f y l f i d a m c c m S 16. At alofs; in a puzzle Like a dull a&or now I have forgot my part, and T am ouf 4. Not in confinement or concealment is written ours Edmund ho 3. In a ftate of difclofure Davies y d e f y w i i b m f r v t Our foul i 5. Whe oOuU our after repeated trials he may not fee in which articl Savift ‘he has mifreclioned 2. Not in; noting exclufion abfence difmiffion or derelition The facred nymp Was out of Dian's favour as it then befel Fairy Queen Guiltinef Will fpeak, though tongues were ot of ufe Shakefpeare The cavern's mouth alone was hard to find Becaufe the path difus'd was ozt of mind. Dryden My retreat the beft companions grace Chiefs out of war, and Ratefmen ot of place. Pope Does he fancy we can fit To hear his out of fathion wit Bu |