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Show M U MU T'o MU'NDIFY. w. a. [mundus and facio Latin.] Tocleanfe; to make clean clean, do not need any other hand but that of namzmz'tz'o Lat. Brown ture the ; fpirits, ; abforb the | y, F ortification ;: ftrong hold aGtuat ingredien Th AL A Vi€ors under-pin their acquefts jure bclll' tha mtc(tma,l fuperfluities, a;d mun({{/‘}[v{thc blood. Harwv Wls Mcn, in the procuring or muniting of religiou unity, muft not diffolve the laws of charity an Bacon himan fociety French #n. fo [munition Mu~r'rion as are mundified and kgp fuc wounds Simpl cant word tis a city, ftrong and well ftored with "i;'";",i'm an thing partaking of the qualities of dif- { nr 7 v1o brache or hy Shakefpeare Or bobtail tike, or trundie tail ferent natures amungrel war.. rie e Grespen k fon 1s fought an foreig U I Be fi'lt)in . 7;112{12r1_pzl¢2) Mmzrzpfl/z lgll lmg.' I'YJ: I .).,.). SRECS "At[}‘,:iv",' ‘iC(S( lJ: I;IA "S‘ elffl:rj ifémiks"ufe ; generou iberalFIICL T. adj 1%,-1?) mof Is he not ou £ % ou Shakefpea 4 e's Macbeth VMIU'RDER g ( upo whic attenuate tangibl_e parts contraét an th mor |from the noun @w. @ Dryden an force of the fire Bacow's Natural Hiftory 4"'- igterj 1s in danger der b m fro wh ha kille blood thef s unlav_ a ma cri Shalefpeare' Macbeth in mine eyes *'Tis pretty {ure fro French [murer a @ 'To inclofe in walls murus, Latin. Mvu'RENGER overfe dj o M Knollc nollcs A [murus, Latin. nfworth #. f a wall. flflfl Partaking o adj the taft thxt are the frail'ft and fofteft things LQuingy pickl If the feurvy b‘ entirely muriatick, proceedin e o il e O flomie detoral S seare's Othells | MURK rer fhut the dnor '.fhou tell't me there is musd That eyes in ufe Shake[peare acida Not bear the knife myfelf No or nature of brine, from muria, brine o outmy whcn lif A Mu'RDERER. #. /. [fro murde 1 wh ha fhe erh:H: b']()() wall URIA'TICK What cannot be, ""h" work. Shake[peare's Coriol fully; on [mur, French ; murus, Lat. MvuRrE. #n. / to to fall fuc fally out at erve @ were referve uch a Murd'ring impoflibility, to m: ak Mu'rRDER Prior All the gates of the city were mured up, excep Let the mutinou both to avoid vacuum, an to munite themfelves againft th and miffing, fill' In everlafting darknefs muft fhe lie 7o MUuRE word o middl i breat ch Murde e Shake[pea begin, ; and ftop agai And then agai wind claim grof (')10 bake[ps. arel'lsCOzab ello € WAS"'ltalcof é(;(:ji C:):vci(t"m w?t'g"il Enforc'd to fl So thin, that life looks through and will break out Who fhould againft his murd dot Lj"" colou thyCOIOLT and chang thou quak Can'f hanScAL AREIaNE Eomirderlp ufe Hea m%ht }tqhe Eorls{f S}}x)d&;fp Thence into Egypt, till the murd'rous kin To deftroy; to put an end to Shak [peare's Coriolanus D The inceffant care and labour of his min Hath wrought the mure, that fhould confine it in mrxgall Thou doft kill me with thy falfehood, and i and nghts are founde ohn paac Bease grieves me not to die; but it grieves mie that tho WIONT TS . g [mapio, Latin. To } . =i doer Sidney y 7 fortify5 to ftrengthen A word not i I am his hoft Record ; writin [fro adj of their children had, in the acthclguflt.ot mirdery as the °fi""," Kill men i' th' dark! wher thieve Our fteed the leg," the tongue our trumpeter With other muniments and petty help Dryden Strike the proud a\hrs to the fiery fu Jhacich v the a& of kill unlawfully The killin £onntiof God REYER d,f;:erf;'ou foldie uppoit In this our fabrick (4 hol flron Fairfas mm‘t/er. S"E)fl] gl‘lr(ril com lio If he dies, I murder him, not they "NU'NIMENT. 7. fo [munimentum, Latin.] of the murderment meflag To her cam buisellaeesthoniwordaffe L Ax}d‘ m:lks-s.a maiT.xcre'w]mt. was a war generoufly Fortificatio uie Bloody ; guilty of murder; addicted t bl?od Upon thy eye-balls murd'rous tyrann Slaughter grows murder when it goes too far "TuN1FICENTLY. 2dv. [from munificent.] clean.sh data import.tsv out README i No unlawfully {_}e act of kllhn ‘4"'{(']‘" monden, | Mu'RDEROUS 1. To kill 2 man unlawfully Atterbury i# k 7z daff [fro o M}}‘lk D D¥vden Too e terrible for th' ear. wifeft counfellor, and moft potent protector Liberally i £ 1 benefaétor rYac With infant bloPd tbc fh'.eets of Bct?}lgl\em. Milton .If fhe has deform'd this eam_:hly life With mzzr('i)roz.': rapine and feditious ftrife [munificus, Lat.] munmificen I for a' mura CZ_,mIS'? to idols had the gul]ff?f 1d91"g) Saxon; murdrum, law Latin: the etymology reqmres that it fhould be written, as it anciently often was, murther Ing @ ma s "‘";b'ql)'jj_" TNIT I am dead= Blood hath been fhed ere now, import.tsv th' olden time Ere human ftatute purg'd the general weal Ay, and fince too, murders have been parform' ;{}=3§113}-"-‘\{ invaded "git‘lhl.ike Vliolmfcf S O murd'refs Fr Their importune fwa sa fcorn ","j , o Then fhall my ghoft come to thy bed s veftal arms R fhall fee in worfe And thee feign' K monly, 5and its % derivatives univerfally The att Ofk.l"})een written with .d' as‘ ‘i;flf'.ese‘nl]';"";f;' Dfi‘i)c;;n; 'I:f);;;";i:;:ln"‘};""qg‘g Sfoillc"' th Were dead, who fought his life 2 fif ftrength, from munitione ortification o Sacere When b ing criminally juft prince how far his prerogative extends. Dryden b; ry 2 that commits murder woma Art thou the murd'refs then of wretched Laius Ewelyn' better th municipal -and ftatute laws, may honeftly inform A & pruning Bees | . The murdrs mother, "andicontumize {‘E breach, returning whence it ro Milton later you Savift Diana's vengeance on the vi€or fhown rd A foldier would venture his lif DO e [mor\bofi =. / MU'RDER to'a cor oranor; longi Agcougnfdlox, bre JP"p in the knowledge of th Lm""{fi","", #. / [UNI'FICENCE ml/m'fi[enfia, Latin. \eiv s a6 o P 55 L murderer. [fro . / MUu'RDERESS And ‘CP"" A er muira th .I:&;E‘/Ihmgfl mungre mi D/).[-?m e = in the temple terrore Wiatheaa gui with equale terrors, notfotat equa T Hemurdsr dreams of all the7 blood hes { dererr.dream 3 I‘} the nectarine and th]c l'te dCIXCJ}C"';""/f}S'; Howvel Vi ngrel'curs bawl, fnarle and frap, where th fox flies before thml, and clap their tails betwee the legs when an adverfary makes head againf : thel}l. a mix themfelves elfe into fuc Latin. murus [fro to a wall tamm IShakelbon o half wild, they '<\'oul people are grow precipitat no Er Mimgr aLesarfy s limmnrabisyyardsy Lats and the fon and heir of a mungre pander coward M bafe-born degenerat art the compofition of a knave, beggar Tho #z. / This ftranger having had a brother killed by th V'mey paid to keep walls in repair dif Katae Generate adj Mu'NGREL Mu'RAGE 2 OF S.0F.-hafi e Dryden S And dares the world to tax him with the old anays The upright pofts, that divide the feveral light R .in a windowSAE frame MJXJ? are called munnions fcrent. c_‘aufes otaparcnis gri mungrel/ grim greyhound Maftiff d, mungre afuil, greyhou Hound or fpaniel Lampaz thin kinds differen betwee generate writte An ee MoNGREL. mongr To underprop this action? Shakefpeare's K. Fobn in everyW hol o The kingi of Tripoli Shut upF his men, ' munition and his treafure Fairf S Ch S gt does appeat tiohiet s e S Whoi confpirator, and having fought in vzlin' for an opportunity of revenge, chanced to meet the W}?;;tfcnn}i/ lt]ath I'?\'om? b?l‘nc i Vhat men provided, what munition fent Latin. {M.J/ [f'om munus Tu'NERARY HaVlng the natare of a "lf [frec ucnt J qu'NGREolL. S 7 bog S materials for war A Philips fcent Exhale mundungus ill perfumin 5 e tobacco Stinkin z. / wAunpu'NGuUs caities, g]‘}"/‘y armies {tandin 1?":\""" ' f';}\-g o Di& t‘e. wc_)rld throug grm Wa Who fhut their coward gates on atomies Should be call'd tyrants, butchers, murderers Shak v'Ly'}'?v dre Thé very horrour of the fact had ftupified al curiofity, and fo difperfed the multitude, that E eve e olas e i Tol i re lcl ?file'[f;'r;rc 1'13‘(01_ r:]'.fi }:tt '];a;\ucr:)L/C'dPCJ. Wotton re ghty A 08 svest o pifor)) WhichHe broq"; - il he cor }tltlt"u(.l ion "<.> thry mml: t not t13( : 0(}1' b} NT. a j} 3 [})1"1 1ndi adivagus, 1 b 1;1 AuN D:j‘ AGA Nh W P MU e ea"U" ith fuccefs, but tempered wit oot 7. f arknefs [morck wan o Danifh light D]rrLYe nt. twic . ; i'n Olom ent t ‘R'[m 1n Moi"LH"f'a e h*xél‘ Nen ".h&d hi LSR L dark. oA Hufks of froit. dinfawortb IMurk. # / |, " Mu'rkY. adj. [morch, Danifh.] 4 Dark; cloudy; \\nntmy light The zurkicf dth The moft opportune 'p ce, the ftrong'ft fugge "1* Shall never melt mine honour into luft So feented the grim fer ure, and up-turn' \t His noftril rky air Sagacious of his quarry DMiltow's Paradif |