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Show UN¥ UN sted literally;, his genius is too ftrong to bear a Dryden He was fiee from any rough, ungovernable paffions, which hurry men on to fay and do very offen UnGO'VERNED. adj 1. Being without government n'de Shakefps Rich, 111 The eftate is yet h God above Ic And all good men of this ungovern'd ifle. Shakefp 2. Not regulated ; unbridled ; licentious Seek for him Left his ungovern'd rage diffolve the lif That wants the means to lead it. Shzk. K. Lear s they vilify' To ferve ungowern'd appetite Milt, Paradife Loft Nor to bid, or what forbid, he knows TR ungovern'd tempell to fuch fury grows. Dryd From her own back the burthen would remove rn'd love the load on his Uxscra‘cerur. adj wanting beauty Dryden Wanting elegance Raphael a nfwer'd heav'n Nor are thy lips u Milron ul, fire of men A folicitous watchfulnefs about onc's behaviour inftead of being mended, it will be conftrained, unealy, and ungraceful Locke He enjoyed the greateft ftrength of good fenfe and the moft exquifite tafte of politenefs. Withou th firft learnin is bu a without the laft is ungraceful Uxcra'ceruLness awkwardnefs incumbrance # / an Addifon Inelegance To attempt the putting another genius upon him will be labour in vain; and what is fo plaiftered on will have always hanging to it the wngracefulnefs o conftraint Locke Uxcra'cious adj 1. Wicked; odious hateful He, catching hold of her ungracious tongue, Thereon an iron lock did faften firm and ftrong Spenfe I''ll, in the mature time With this ungracious paper ftrike the figh Of the death-practis'd duke. Shakefp. King Lear Do not, as fome ungracious paftors do Shew me the fteep and thorny way to heav'n Whilft he, a puft and recklefs libertine Himfelf the primrofe path of dalliance treads And recks not his own rede Shakefp. Hamlet To the gods alon Our future offspring, and our wives are known Th' audacious ftrumpet, and ungracious fon. Dryd 2. Offenfive ; unpleafing Show me no parts which are angracious to th fight, as all pre-fhortenings ufually are Dryden Neither is it rare to obferve among excellent an learned divines, a certain ungracious manner, or a unhappy tone of voice, which they never have bee able to thake off Saift 3. Unacceptable ; not favoured They did not except againft the perfons of any though feveral were moft ungracious to them. Clar Any thing of grace towards the Irith rebels, wa as ungracious at Oxford as at London. Clarendon UncraMmMa'TICAL. adj. [from uz an grammatical. Not according to grammar UnGra'NTED adj No yielded ; not beftowed given no this ungranted, all rewards are vain Dryden UNGRA'TEFU L. adj 1. Making no returns, or making ill returns for kindnefs N perfo 3. Unpleafing ; unacceptable It cannot be ungrateful, or without forne pleafur is remarkably ungrateful, who wa not alfo infufferably proud to pofterity, to fee the moft exalt relation of a Clarendon aétion fo full of danger What is in itfelf harfh and ungrateful, muf make harfh and wngrateful impreflions upon us Atterbury UNGRA'TEFULLY. adv 1. With ingratitude When call'd to diftant war His vanquifh'd heart remain'd a vi¢tim here Oriana's eyes that glorious conqueit made Granwille Nor was his love ungratefully repaid ‘We often receive the benefit of our prayers whe yet we ungratefully charge heaven with denying ou petitions Wake 2. Unacceptably; unpleafingly UNGRATEFULNESS 7. / 1. Ingratitude; ill return for good Can I, without the deteftable ftain of ungratefulnefs, abftain from loving him, who, far exceedin the beautifulnefs of his fhape with the beautifulnefs of his mind, is content fo to abafe himfelf a to become Dametas's fervant for my fake? Sidney 2. Unacceptablenefs; unpleafing quality UnGra'VELY. adv. Without {erioufnefs His prefent portanc Gibingly, and angrawely, he did fathion Uncrou'~NDED. adj tion Ignorance with ‘a Shakefp Having no founda indifferency for truth i nearer to it than opinion with #ngrounded inclination, which is the great fource of errour Locke This is a confidence the moft zngrounded an irrational For upon what ground can a man promife himfelf a future repentance, who ¢annot promife himfelf a futurity South UnNGRU'DGINGLY. 2dv. Without 1ll-will willingly ; heartily ; cheerfully If, when all his art and time is {pent He fay *twill ne'er be found, yet be content Receive from him the doom ungrudgingly Becaufe he is the mouth of deftiny Dornne UxGUA'RDED. adj 1. Undefended Proud art thou met Thy hope was to hav reach' Abandon'd Miltow's Paradife Loft All through th' unguarded gates with joy refort To fee the flighted camp, the vacant port. Denh No door there was th' #nguarded houfe to keep On creaking hinges turn'd, to break his fleep. Dryd 2. Carelefs ; negligent ; not attentive t danger All the evils that proceed from an untied tongue and an unguarded, unlimited will, we put upon th accounts of drunkennefs, Taylor The {py, which does this treafure keep Does fhe ne'er fay her pray'rs, nor fleep Or have not gold and flatt'ry pow' To purchafe one unguarded hour Prior With an #nguarded look the now devour' My nearer face; and now recall'd her eye And heav'd, and ftrove to hide a fudden figh. Prior It was intended only to divert a few young ladies fenfe and goo humour enough to laug South 2. Making no returns for culture Moft when driv'n by winds, the flaming fteri Lig long files deftroys the beauteous form Of th at their own Ar w no Pope encompafle b multitudes wh watch every carelefs word, every unguarded aétio of our lives Rogers U'NGUENT. . /. [unguentum, Lat.] Ointment Pre-occupation of min ever requireth prefac of fpeech, like a fomentation‘to make the unguen enter Bacon There is an intercourfe between the magnetic unguent and the vulnerated body | UNG. UE'SSED. adj Glanwille Pope Not attained b Jjelture He me fent, for caufe to me ungiefs'd Uncur'pep. adj gulated Not directed Con Spenfer NOt re The blood weeps from my heart, w In forms imagingry, th' un?guided,da};znldo And rotten times that you fhall look upo When 1 am fleeping with my aneefors "Sbak Can unguided matter keep itfelf to fuc cxa confarmities, as not in the leaft fpot to vary fro the fpecies Clami They refolve all into the accidental, un;:)i,d, motions of blind matter Locke Nature, void of choice Does by unguided motion things produce Regardlefs of their order Blackm. on the Creatigy ad) {iubabitable Py inbabitabilis, Lat.] Not capable tofup port inhabitants; uninhabitable Th night an day was always a natural da of twenty-four hours, in all places remate fro the unbabitable poles of the world, and winter an fummer always meafured a year Holder Though the courfe of the fun be curbed betwee the tropicks, yet are not thofe parts diredtly fubje to his perpendicular beams, wnbabitable, or extremely hot Ray Unna'ckEep. adj. Not cut; not hewn not notched with cuts With a blefied and unvex' With unback'd fwords, ard helmet We will bear home that lufty bloo Part with unback'd edges, an retire all unbruis'd again. Shak bear bac Our targe undinted. Shakefp. Antony and Clespatra 70 Unua'LLow @. a To deprive o holinefs; te profane; to defecrate Perhaps the fac Is not fo heinous now, foretafted fruit Profan'd firft by the ferpent, by him firf Made common, and unballow'd, exe our tafte. i L'Effrangs The vanity unballows the virtue This one ufe left fuch an indelible facrednef upon them, that the impiety of the defign could b no fufficient reafon to anballow and degrade the Scuth to common ufe Unua'LLowEeD. adj Unholy; profane Thy currifh fpiri Govern'd a wolf; who hang'd for human flaughter The throne of God unguarded, and his fid of goo With unguents fmooth the luc d Marble fhop Unua'BITABLE not only at their fex's little znguarded follies, bu This only from your goodnefs let me gain An But the wild olive fhoots, and fhades th' ungrateDryden 1/zzl plain Atrterbury five things And lay Nor will the wither'd ftock be green again Ev'n from the gallows did his fell foul fleet And while thou lay'ft in thy unballow'd da ntct of Ver Infus'd itfelf in thoe. Shake[p. Merch I had not thought to have uniock'd my lip In this unballoww'd air, but that this juggle Would think to charm my judgment, ;s mmeeg'fl garb.on falfee r rules, pranck °d in reafon's gMiI rudinging fal Obtru Nor fhall prefume to violate thefe bands Or touch thy perfon with znballyw'd hands. Drya Here ceafe thy flight, nor with unballiw'd 12 Touch the fair fame of Albion's golden days. Pope 7o UNua'ND hand v. a Usua'NDLED ‘adj To loofe from th ' l c Sti E S t a n D r t a t touched Not handled; no s i C a A race of t r P o Fetching mad bou Cardinal Campeiu t wufe o Hath left t Unna'NDSOME. adj 1. Ungraceful; not beautiful f f 1 was glad I had tlewoman n o like fort helped e d outfhn. ref th fa f tha Sh Sylvia the fair, while fl}e was kind Seems only not unbarndforie ROW Sidwgj s |