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Show Being barber'd ten times o'er, goes to the feaft And for his ordinary pays his hear For what his eyes eat only Shakefpearc g. A place of eating eftablifhed at a cer tain price They reckon all their errors for accomplifhu e pic hav the wor od th al an ments in a coffee-houfe, or a gaming ordinary, are proSwift duced as flowers of ftyle @. a. [ordinatus, Lat. Finding how the certain right did fand With full confent this man did ordinat Daniel The heir apparent to the crown and land Re O'RDINATE. adj. [ordinatus, Lat. gular; methodical Ordinate figures are fuch as have all their fide Ray on the Creation OrpiNA"TION. z. f. [ordinatio, Latin from ordinate. 1. Eftablithed order or tendency, confequent on a decree Every creature is good, partly by creation, an Perkins partly by ordination Virtue and vice have a natural ordination t the happinefs and mifery of life refpectively Norris 2. The a& of invefting any man with facerdotal power by Aria ordaine Thoug bifhops his ordi Stillingflect nation was never queftioned St. Paul looks upon Titus as advanced to th dignity of a prime ruler of the church, and entrufted with a large diocefe under the immediat government of their refpetive elders; and thof South deriving authority from his ordination O'rp~ance, #./. [This was ancientl written more frequently ordinance; bu Canordnance is ufed for diftin¢tion. guns grea non Have I not heard great ordnance in the field And heav'n's artillery thunder in the fkies ? Shak ‘When a fhip feels or rolls in foul weather, th breaking loofe of ordnance is a thing very dangerous Raleigh There are examples of wounded perfons tha have roared for anguifh and torment at the difcharge of ardnance, though at a very great diftance Bentley Dif ORDO''NNANCE. =. /. [French. pofition of figures in a piéture O'rRDURE. #. /. [ordure, French Dung Skinner. Jordes, Latin fro filth Gard'ners with ordure hide thofe root That fhall firt {pring and be moft delicate. ~ Shak Working upon human ordure, and by long pre paration rendering it odoriferous, he terms it zibett Brown occidentalis We added fat pollutions of our own T' encreafe the fteaming ordures of the ftage. Dryd Renew'd by ordure's fympathetick force As oil'd with magick juices for the courfe Pope Vig'rous he rifes Ore [ope 7. / or opa oor Saxon Dutch, amine. 1. Metal unrefined; metal yet in its fofli ftate Round about him lay on every fide Great heaps of gold that never would be fpent o Of Mulciber's devouring element The woul have brought the Spcnfir th gol or aboar th A hill not far That in his wom rrh Wor O was hid metallic ore fuil)hul‘ /Wi//cn' 1"["'(1(1 L':/i She could not produc that hath more vita of marble in three parts o Brown We walk in dreams on fairy Jand Where golden ore lies mixt with commo OrGa'NICALLY Al 2. Metal The liquid ore he drain'd Firft his ow tools the wrought Fufile, or grav'n in metal elf b ifm of bodies Every man's fenfes differ as much from othersi their figure, colour, fite, and infinite other peculi arities in the organization, as any one man's from itfelf, through divers accidental variations Glanville's Seepf That being then one plant, which has fuch organization of parts in onecoherent body, partsking of one common life, it continues to be th _ For a mean and organ, by which this operativ virtue might be continued, God appointed th light to be united, and gave it alfo motion an heat Raleigh The aptnefs of birds is not fo much in the conformity of the organs of fpeech, as in their attenBacon Wit and wil Dawies z. An inflrument of mufick confiffing o pipes filled with wind, and of ftop touched by the hand. [Orgue, French. a prodigiou number of fingers playing upon all the organ pipe in the world, and making cvery one found a particular note Keil While in more lengthen'd notes and flow OrGa'NICAL folemn organs blow Pope % adj. [organique, French ORGA'NICK organicus Latin. 1. Confifting of various parts co-operatin with each other He rounds the air, and breaks the hymnick note In birds, heav'n's chorifters, organick throats ‘Which, if they did not die, might feem to b A tenth rank in the neavenly hierarchy Donne He with ferpent tongu Organick, or impulfe of vocal air His fraudulent temptation thus began Milton The organical firu€ure of human bodies, whereby they live and move, and are vitally informed b the foul, is the workmanfhip of a moft wif powerful, and beneficent being ch‘/gy 2. Infirumental; alting as inftruments o nature orart to a certain end Read \vit.h them thofe organick arts which enabl me t difcourf fame plant, though that life be communicated new particles of matter, in a like continued ugs and write perfpicuoufly #1arion Lot Zo O'RGANIZE. v. a. [organifer, French from organ.] To conftrutt fo as tha one part co-operates with another; t form organically As the foul doth organize the body, and give un to every member that fubftance, quantity, and.fllapc which nature feeth moft expedient, fo the in grace of facraments imay teach what ferveth bef Can judge and chufe, without the body's aid Tho' on fuch objeéts they are working fill The deep, majeftick the parts aref difpofed as to be fubfervient to ex other Shakefpeare an 7. /. [from organizs, Conftruction in whic The ever lovely organ of ber lif Shall come apparell'd in more precious habit of a vaft extenfion Bql OrcGaniza'TION When he fhall hear fhe died upon his words han Greaw's CJM An organif? ferves that office in a publick chojr violence, if the robbery was committe in the day-time Ainfworth O'rGaL. z. /. Leesof wine O'RGAN. #./. [organe, French;5 Zpyeror. 1. Natural inftrument; as the tongue i the organ of fpeech, the lungs of re{piration are real O'rcanist. . /. [organiffe, French from organ.] One who plays on th organ Carew's Surwey of Cornwall flood O'r¥GILD. 7. /. The reftitution of good or money taken away by a thief b As thro" the body's organs are convey'd and minerals _ How admirable is the natural ftruCture o grgg ing upon therocks unde O'rEwooD. high water mark, or broken from th bottom of the fea by rough weather and caft upon the next by the wind an tion metals cal ftruture either grow Than when fhe liv'd indeed ftones ORrRGA'NI ke ALNESS. 7 /. [from organi cal. State of bemg organical O'rGaxrism. 7 /. [from organ.] Organi Milton's Paradife Loft A wee O'REWEED. ] #. / migh wha rom organ; getables3 that is, grow organically f well as plants Hirs feeg‘s,; Re Garth Where metals ripen in vaft cakes of ore adv By means of organs or infirumfn:lszfa{ organical difpofition of parts Dryden Thofe profounder regions they explore a monfte A 07 thi They who want the fenfe of difc; Pl e o e ing, are by confequence deprived o any xpmediatc organical indifpofitio, fpeech, o 1, but for Wan of difcipline Thofe who unripe veins in mines explore And know it will be gold another day e rgenical s th fand Dryden On the rich bed again the warm turf lay Till time digefts the yet imperfect ore ¢ fittefy ftyle of l 3. Refpetting organs ores 1 have yet {een, for ordinarily it contains in i half quick-filver, and in two parts of ore, one pai of quick-filver, and fometime orey two parts of quick-filver to th mean, or lowly To fearch the treafures of the Roman ftore Or dig in Grecian mines for purer ore # Rofcom. Quick-filver ore of this mine is the richeft of al Our courteous Antony and all their angles equal gantly, and accordin Who have labour'd mor 4. Regular price of a meal 75 O'RDINATE To appoint OR OR OR ele clean.sh data import.tsv out README Hoki for their outward form " A genial and cherifhing heat fo adls uponth hasboure wa i where matte iou obfeq an fi amatte difpofe tha fafhio an z as to organ B nature ow it o cie exige cording to th Thofe nobler faculties in the, mind, matera Creatit th o Ra e produ neve coul nize p in cc_mfifi ma fam th o The identi ticipation of the fame continued life, by _C""{mdl4 umtcd;: vitall io fucce i e partic fleetin fame organized body O'RGANLOFT. 2. /. [organ and Joft.] Th loft where the organs ftand :e he m f al fr n o e Five young lad w 1 g u w s e n great feverity of m their lovers but to an organloft in 2 chureh they had a cold treat and fome lfcw opera fo;if!-[ O'roanpIpE. 2. /. [organand ipe hunder ] Th The ' n % O P é i n g o hat dee fl { T The n;m-lle of z O'RGANY herb OrGA‘sM Hinf*, F n. / Sudden v u e n c a s n l This rupture of t e i a ting of blood,' ufua o moderate motio N1 |