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Show LI Salmoneus, {uff'ring cruel pains I foun ‘For emulating Jove; the rattling foun Of mimick thunder, and the glitt'ring blaz . Of pointed /ightnings, and their forky rays. Dryd No warning of the approach of flame Swiftly like fudden death it came Like travellers by lightning kill'd I burnt the momert 1 beheld Li'curz Exckiel, xxXie 2 His fon, or one of his illuftrious name How /Jike the former, and almoft the fame Dryden's Zneid Granville As the earth was defigned for the being of men why might not all other planets be created fo the Jike ufes, each for their own inhabitants Bentley This plan, as laid down by him, looks Zike Romeo and fuliet proved a /ightning before death. Addifon's Spectator Licurs. n. /. [fuppofed to be called f from their lightnefs in proportion t their bulk. The lungs; the organs o breathing: we fay, /ights of other aniand Jungs of men The complaint was chiefly from the lights, part as of no quick fenfe, fo no feat for any fhar difeafe LicursoME ads Luminous no 1 [from Jight. no dark Hayward ligh itfelf the fun whic obfcure not any thing fenfible is tha i th cauf tha thing ar lightfome, though it make itfelf, and all things elfe vifible; but a body moft enlightened, by whom th neighbouring region, which the Greeks call zther the place of the fuppofed element of fire, is effectRaleigh ed and qualified White walls make rooms more Jightfsme tha Bacon black Equal pofture, and'quick fpirits, are require to make colowrs /ightfome. Bacon's Natural Hiftory The fu His courfe exalted through the Ram had run Through Taurus and the /ight/ome realms of love Dryden the power to ex 2. Gay; airy ; havin hilarate 1t fuiteth fo fitly with that lightfome affeCtio of joy, wherein God delighteth when his faint praife him Hooker The /ight{ome paflion of joy was not that whic now often ufurps the name; that trivial, vanithing fuperficial thing, that only gilds the apprehenfion South and plays upon the furface of the foul LicuarsoMENESs. #. [. [from light/ome. 3. Luminoufnefs no opacity ; not ob fcurity ; not darkfomenefs It is to our atmofphere that the variety of colours, which are painted on the fkies, the /ightfomerefs of our air, and the twilight, are owing Cheyne's Philofophical Principles 2 Cheerfulnefs ; merriment ; levity LicnNa'LOES. 7.[. [lignum aloes, Latin. Aloes wood The vallies fpread forth as gardens by the river's fide, as the trees of /iginaloes which the Lor hath planted, and as cedar trees befide the water Numb. xxiv. 6 Li'e~Eous adj. [ligneus, Latin 5 ligneux French.] Made of wood; wooden {fembling wood re It fhould be tried with fhoots of vines, an roots of red rofes; for it may be they, being of more ligneous nature, will incorporate with the tre Bacon's Natural Hiftory itfelf Ten thoufand feeds of the plant harts-tongue bardly make the bulk of a pepper-corn: now th covers, and the true body of each feed, the parenchymous and /igneous part of both, and the fibres o thofe parts, muitiplied cne by another, afford; bundred thoufan million o forme how many more we cannot define LIGNUMVIT.E. n. /. [Latin. cum ; a very hard wood Vor. 1I a 2 univerfa Equal atoms bu Grew Guia art than a diftin&t logick of the fame quantity Baker More clergymen were impoverithed by the lat war, than ever in the /ike fpace before Spratt 3. [For /likely. Probable credible The trials were made, and it is /ike that th experiment would have been cffe€tual Bacon 4. Likely ; in a ftate that gives probabl expeltations This is, I think, an improper not opake Neithe The joyous nymphs, and lightfaot fairies ‘Whom art thou /ike in thy greatnefs We were once in hopes of his recovery, upo a kind meflage from the widow; but this onl mals A precious ftone LIKE. adj. [lic, Saxon ; /iik, Dutch. 1. Refembling; having refemblance How oft when men are at the point of death Have they been merry ? which their keepers cal Shak n. / The third row a /igure, an agate, and an amethyft Exodus 2. Mitigation ; abatement. [from to /ighsen, to make lefs heavy. A lightning before death LIT LI1I though frequent ufe If the duke continues thefe favours toward you, you are /ike to be much advanced Shakefpeare's Tawelfth Night He is /ike to die for hunger, for there is no mor bread Fevemiah, xxxviii. 9 The yearly value thereof is already increafe double of that it was within thefe few years, and i like daily to rife higher till it amount to the price of our land in England Dawies Hopton refolved to vifit Waller's quarters, tha be might judge whether he were /ike to purfue hi purpofe Clarendon Many were not eafy to be governed, nor /Jik to conform themfelves to fri& rules Clarendon If his rules of reafon be not better fuited t the mind than his rules for health are fitted to ou bodies, he is not /ike to be much followed Baker on Learning Like. #. /. [This fubftantive is feldo more than the adjetive ufed elliptically; the like for the like thing, or lik perfon. 1. Some perfon or thing refembling another He was a man, take him for all and all I fhall not look upon his /ike again Shakefpeare Every Jike is not the fame, O Cefar Shakefp Though there have been greater fleets for number, yet for the bulk of the fhips never the /ike Bacor's War with Spain Albei an eagle did bear away''a lam i he talons, yet a raven endeavouring to do the /ike wa held entangled Haywward One offers, and in offering makes a ftay Another forward fets, and doth no more A third the /ike Daniel's Civil War His defir By converfation with his /i4e to help Or folace his defets Miltow's Paradife Laft Two likes may be miftaken L' Efrange She'd ftudy to reform. the men Or add fome grains of felly mor To women than they had before This might their mutual fancy ftrike Since ev'ry being loves its /ike Sewift 2. Ufe with bad near approach like to another ftate a ftat A fenfe common but not juft: perhaps 4ad is a corrup tion for avas Report being carried fecretly from one to another in my fhip, bad like to have been my utte overthrow Raleigh LikE. adv 1. In the fame manner; in the {fame man ner as: it is not always eafy to determine whether it be adverb or adjeive Which thither came to hear their mufick fweet, Now hearing-them fo heavily lament Like heavily lamenting from them went Spenfer Like as a father pitieth his children, fo the Loz pitieth them that fear him Pfal. ciiiv 13 Are we proud and paffionate, malicious an revengeful? Is thi to be /ikc-minded with Chritk who was meek and lowly Tillotfonn What will be my confufion when he fees m Negletted, and forfaken /Zike himfelf Philips ‘T'hey roar'd /ike lions caught in toils, and rag'd The man knew what they were; who heretofor Had feen the like lie murther'd on the fhore Waller 2. In fuch 2 manner as befits Be ftrong and quit yourfelves /ike men 1 Sante iVe Q 3. Likely; probably A popular ufe no analogical 1 like the work well; ere it be demanded As like enough it will, T'd have it copied. Shakefp Zo Lixe @. a [lican Saxon /liken Dutch. 1. To chufe with fome degree of preference As nothing can be fo reafonably fpoken as t content all men, f{o this fpeech was not of them al liked Knolles He gave fuch an account as made it appea that he /Jiked the defign Clarendon We like our prefent circumftances well, an dream of no change Atterbury 2. T tion approve to vie not fondnefs Thoug with approba they did not /ike the evil he did, ye they /iked him that did the evil Sidney He grew content to mark their fpeeches, then t marvel at fuch wit in fhepherds, after to /ike thei company Sidney He proceeded from looking to /iking, and from liking to loving Sidrey For feveral virtue I have /it'd feveral women; never an With fo full foul Shakefpeare's Tempef I look'd upon her with a foldier's eye That /it'd, but had a rougher tafk in han Than to drive /iking to the name of love. Shakefp Bcarce any man paflfes to a /liking of fin i others, but by firft pra&ifing it himfelf South Beafts can /ike, but not diftinguith too Nor their own /iking by refletion know Dryden 3. T pleafe ; to be agreeable to No difufed Well hoped he, ere long that hardy gueft If ever covetous hand, or luftful eye Or lips he laid on thing that /i/#d him beft Should be his prey Spenfer's Fairy Queen Say my fair brother now if this devic Do like you, or may you to /ike entice. ~ Hubberd This defire being recommended to her majefty, i Iiked her to include the fame within one entire leafe Bacon He fhall dwell where it /izerh him beft Deut There let them learn, as /ikes them, to defpif God and Mefiiah Milton's Paradife Loff 7o Like. @. 2 1. To be pleafed with: with of befor the thing approved Obfolete Of any thing more than of God they could no by any means /ike, as long as whatfoever the krew befides God, they apprehended it not in itfelf without dependenc upon God Hooker The young foldier did with fuch cheerfulnef Jike of this refolution, that they thought two day a long delay Kanolles 2. To chufe to lift to be pleafed The man /ies not to take his brother's wife Deuteronomy He that has the prifon doors fet open is perfeétly at liberty, becaufe he may either go or ftay, a he beft fikes Locke L1'RELIHOOD |