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Show VE VE VERMICE'LLI. n. /. [Italian.] A paft rolled and broken in the form of worms With oyiters, eggs, and wermicell Prior She let him almoft burft his belly VERMUCULAR, adj. [wermiculus, Lat. A&ing like a worm ; continued fro one part to another of the {fame body By the wermicular motion of the inteftines, th groffer parts are derived downwards, while the fine are fqueezed into the narrow orifices of the lactea Cheyne veflels To VERMI'CULATE @. a French; wermiculatus [ wermiculé Latin, T in lay ; to work in chequer work, or piece of divers colours Bailey VerMicura'rion. 7 /. [from wermicujate. ] Continuation of motion fro one part to another y the motion of palMy heart moves naturallb pitation; my guts by the motion of wermiculation Hale VE'RMICULE Latin. 7. fi [vermiculus wermis A little grub, worm I faw the fhining oak-ball ichneumon ftrike it terebra into an oak-apple, to lay its eggs therein and hence are many wermicule outfide of thefe apples feen towards th Derbam Vermi'cuvrous, adj. [vermiculofus, Lat. Full of grubs ; refembling grubs VE'RMIFORM. adj. [wermiforme, French wermis and formo, Latin. Having th fthape of a worm Ve'rRMi1FUGE. 2. /. [from wermis an JSugo, Latin.] Any medicine that deftroys or expels worms V rRMIL n. ) [wermeil, vermillon VerM1'Lion. § French. 3. The cochineal; a grub of a particula plant 2. Fadtitious ornative cinnabar ; fulphu mixed with mercury. This is the ufual though not primitive, fignification The imperfet metals are fubject to ruft, excep mercury, which is made into wermillion by folu tion or calcination Bacon The faireft and moft principal red is wermillion called in Latin minium 1t is a poifon, and foun ‘where great ftore of quickfilver is Peacham. 4. Any beautiful red colour How the red rofes fluth up in her cheeks And the pure fnow with goodly wermil ftain Like crimfon dy'd in grain Spenfer There grew a goodly tree him fair befide Loaden with fruit and apples rofie red As they in pure wermillion had been dy'd ‘Whereof great virtues over all were read. Spenfer Simple colours are ftrong and fenfible, thoug they are clear as wermillion 7o Vermi‘LioN "To die red Dryden's Dufrefnoy @. a. [from the noun. A fprightly red wermilicns all her face And her eyes languifh with unufual grace. Granw YE'RMIN . /. [vermin, French; wermis Latin. 1. Any noxious animal for {mall creatures Ufed commonly What is your ftudy =How to prevent the fiend, and to kill wermin Shake[peare The head ofa wolf, dried and hanged up in dove-houfe, will fcare away wermis, fuch as weaz and polecats Bacon An idle perfon only lives to fpend his time, an eat the fruits of the carth, like a wermin or a wolf Taylor A weazel taken in a trap was charged with mifdemeanors, and the poor wernin ffood much upo Aer inpocence L Eftrange NE Great injuries thefe wermin, mice and rats, d Mortimer's Hufbandry in the field He that has fo little wi To nourith wermin, may be bit AS:fwz'ff z. It is ufed in contempt of human beings Hudibras The ftars determin You arc my prifoners, bafe wermin Zo VE'RMINATE. @. z. [from wermin. To breed vermin VERMINA'TION. 7 /. [from werminate. Generation of vermin 2, [Perfet, Fr. of a book Thus far the queftion proceed up ftrution of the firft earth ;Pin the fo})lo?vi;t:eorne they proceed upon the demolition of that earth of ferpent Derbain to the werminatio relatin Ve RMINOUS. adj. [from wermin.] Tending to vermin; difpofed to breed vermin A wafting of children's flefh depends upon fom obftruétion of the entrails, or werminous difpofitio Harwey of the body VERMI'PAROUS. adj. [wermis and pario Producing worms Latin. Hereby they confoun mipareu the generation of wer animals with oviparous Brown's Vulgar Errours VERNA'CULAR. adj. [ wvernaculus, Lat. Native ; of one's own country London weekly bills number dee in confump tions; the fame likewife proving infeparable accidents to moft other difeafes ; which inftances d evidently bring a confumption under the notion o Harwey a wernacular difeafe to England The hiftories of all our former wars are tranfI do no mitted to us in our wernacular idiom find in any of our chronicles, that Edward th third ever reconnoitred the enemy, though he ofte difcovered the pofture of the French, and as ofte 3. Poetry ; lays Burnet metrical language Verfe embalms virtue and tombs and throne of rhyme Preferve frail tranfitory fame as muc As fpice doth body from air's corrupt touch Redi difcarding anomalous generation, tried ex periment and fleth A fe&ion eor Paragrap If envious eyes their hurtful rays have cafla," Mere pow'rful werfe hall free thee from the blag Dryden Whilft fhe did her various pow'r difpof Virtue was taughtin werfe, and Athens' glory rofe, 4 Pn.af You compof In fplay-foot @erfe, or hobbling profe E riors This werfe, my friend, be thine Pope 4. A piece of poetry 7o VersEg. . a. [from the noun.] To tef in verfe ; to relate poetically In the fhape of Corin fate all day Playing on pipes of corn, and werfing love 7o be VE'RSED Shat 7. [werfor, Latin.] T be fkilled in ; to be acquainted with She might be ignorant of their nations, who was not werfed in their names, as not being prefen at the general furvey of animals, when Adam affigned unto every one a name concordant unto it nature Brown's Vaulgar Errours This wers'd in death, th' infernal Knight relates And then for proof fulfill'd their common fates Dryde Be VEe'rRsEMAN. 7. [. [verfe and man] poet; a writer in verfe. In ludicrou language Or fight of wernal bloom, or fummer's rofe. Milt Prior fun From limbs of this great Hercules are fram' Whole groups of pigmies, who are werfemen nam'd Harte vanquifhed them Ve'rNAL. adj. [ wernus longing to the {pring Latin, Addifon With the yea Seafons return ; but not to me returns VE'RNANT. adj. [vernans, Latin. rifhing as in the {pring Flou Elfe had the fprin Perpetual fmil'd on earth, with wernant flow'rs Equal in days and nights Milton's Paradife Lof? Vernt'LiTY. n /. [verna, Latin.] Servile carriage; the fubmiflive fawnin Bailey behaviour of a flave VErRsABI'LITY. )7 /. [werfabilis, Lat. VE'RsaBLENESS. § Aptnefs to be turne D:&ionary or wound any way Ve"rsav. adj. [a cant word for univer/al. Total ; whole Some, for brevity Have caft the werfal world's nativity VE'RSATILE adj Hudibras [wer/atilis, Latin. Th' advent'rous pilot in a fingle yea Learn'd his ftate cock-boat dext'roufly to fteer Vir/atile, and fharp-piercing like a fcrew Made good th' old paffage, and ftill forc'd a new Harte variable One colour to us ftanding in one place, hath contrary afpeét in another; as in thofe werfatil reprefentations in the neck of a dove, and folds o fearlet Glanwille 3. Rafily applied to a new tafk VE'RSATILENESS, ) 7 /. [from wer/fatile. VersaTi'LiTY ing verfatile Ve'rsicrE. n /o [werficulus, Latin. little verfe The quality of be VERSE. n. fo [wers, French; werfus, Lat. 1. A line confifting of a certain fuccef fion of founds, and number of {yllables Thou haft by moonlight at her window fung With feigning voice, werfes of feigning love, Shak VERSIFICA'TION. n. /. [ werffication French, from wer/ify.] The art or prac tice of making verfes Donne alone had your talent, but was not happ - Drydex to arrive at your werfification Some objec to his werfification; which is i poetry, what colouring is in painting, l_aeautlful ornament But if th proportions are juft, thol.lgh the colours fhould happen to be rough, the piec Granwille may de of ineftimable value VERSIFICA TOR. | 7. /. [verfificateurs Fr werfificator VE'RSIFIER 1. That may be turned round 2. Changeable The god of us werfemen, you know, child, th La.tln. verfifier ; a maker of verfes with o without the fpirit of poetry Statius, the beft werfificator next Virgil, koe not. how to defign after him Dryden In Job and the Pfalms we'fhall find more fub lime 1deas, more elevated language, than inan of the heathen werfifiers of Greece or Rome. Watts on the Mind To Ve'rsiFy. v. werfificor, Latin [werfifiers Frensh To make verfes You would wonder to hear how foon even_cl."l ' Sidney dien will begin to wer/if follow rather the Goths in rhyming, tha the Greeks in true werfifying, were even to ea acorns with fwine, when we may freely eat whea T 11l werfify in fpite bread among men an do m Afeba belt To make'/;{ymuc}g wafte paper as the reft. D'fi{" 7o VE'RSIFY . 'To relaten verie Unintermix'd with fitious fantafie I'Il werfify the truth, not poetiz Daniel Ve rRs1ON, m fi [werfion, French; werfio Latip. 1. Change |