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Show MI MI of thefe plants growing upon it, it is cut off, an preferved by the curious in their collections o curiofities If fnowe do continue, fheepe hardly tha Crave ziftle and ivie for them for to fpare natura Miller far Tuffer and detefted vale, you fee it is The trees, though Summer, yet forlorn and lean mofs, and baleful miffilo. Skakefpe O'ercome wit ab trees, appl Mifféltoe groweth chiefly upo trees, fometimes upon hazles, and rarely upon oaks i ina medi ver te cou i eo whe zo mifJe th is ever green Winter and Summer, and bearet A barre a white gliftering berry5 and it is a plant utterl differing from the plant upon which it groweth Bacon All your temples firo Gay With laurel green, and facred mifletoe M1'sTL1KE. "adj. [mif fembling a mift Good Romeo Re like. an hide thyfelf -Not I, unlefs the breath of heart-fick groan Mifilike unfold me from the fearch of eyes Shake[peare MisTo LD Mistook particip. pafl. of miffell particip. pafl. of miffake Look nymphs, and fhepherds look What fudden blaze of majefty Milton Too divine to be miffock M1 STRESS. n.[. [maifireffe, maitreffe, Fr. t iv ela cor rn gov wh a wo 1 Jubjedt or to fervant Here ood he in the dark, his fharp fword out Mumbling of wicked charms, conj'ring the moo To ftand 's aufpicious miftrefs. Shake/p. King Lear Let us prepar Some welcome for the miffrefs of the houf Shake[peare Like the lily "That once was miffrefs of the field and flourifh'd P11 hang my head and perifh. Shakefp. Henry V1 He'll make your Paris louvre fhake for it Were it the miftrefs court of mighty Europe Shake[peare I will not charm my tongue; I'm bound t fpeak My miftrefs here lies murther'd in her bed Shake[peare's Otbello The late queen's gentlewoman! a knight' daughter en qu en qu th fs ir mi ref mif he b T Shake[peare Rome now is miflrefs of the whole world, fe Ben Fonfon's Catiline and land, to either pole Wonder not, fov'reign miftrefs! if perhap Thou can'ft, who art fole wonder; much lefs ar Thy looks, the heav'n of mildnefs, with difdain Milson Thofe who affert the lunar orb prefide ©'r humid bodies, and the ocean guides Whofe waves obfequious ebb, or fwelling ru With the declining or encreafing moon ‘With reafon feem her empire to maintai Blackmore As iftrefs of the rivers and the main What a miferable fpeétacle, for a nation that ha Arbuthnot on Coins been wmiftrefs at fea fo long 2. A woman who has fomething in poffe{fion There had fhe enjoyed herfelf while fhe wa bu t ug th e ot n ha an f fe he o mifpref fuch as might arife out of quiet fenfes. Sidney Ages to come that fhall your bounty hear Will think you miftrefs of the Indies were e fi co di tu fo yo nd bo ht ei ft g Tho In your large heart was found a wealthy mine Waller 3. A woman fkilled in any thing A letter defires all youn wives to malce them Selves miffreffés of Wingate's Aritbmetick. Addifon 4. A woma teacher Eret publick fchools, provide and ableft mafters and miffroffés MI wit the bef Savift A woman beioved and courted They would not fuffer the princeto confer with ep e t f r f m h e or very rately to f n d e a G y r m i h r f tended he fhoul Nice honour ftill engages to requit h i f f h i f t w o Falfe mifirefjés and p Granville In vain do men take fan&uary in fuch ifurde Sood expreflions as thefe ; and from a falf perfua fion that they cannot reform their live go about it 4 ijc This Look you pale, mifbrefs e h o e t a g t v e r p Do y Shake[peare Will any man allege thofe human infirmitiesy# o ft fr mi b ul fh ng th f th w fo re a Haooker doubted of By a divine inftin&t, mens minds mifbruf Enfuing danger; as by proof we fee The waters fwell before a boifterous ftorm Shakefpear Fate her own book #iffrufled at the fizht Cowley On that fide war, on this a fingle fight The relation of a Spartan youth, that fuffere a fox concealed under his robe to tear out hi Brown Pope MisTRU STFUL. adj. [miftruft and full. Diffident; doubting 1 hold it cowardic To reft miftrufiful, where a noble hear Hath pawn'd an open hand in fign of love Shalkcfpeare Here the miftruftful fowl no harm fufpetts So fafe are all things which our king protects Waller mi/ MisTrRU 'STFULNESS. 7 /. [fro trufiful.] Diffidence; doubt Without him I found a weaknefs, and a miffruftfulnefs of myfelf, as one ftrayed from his bef Sidney ftrength, when at any time I mift him Mi1sTRU'STFULLY fil. moft exaét rules an .Ifmfl‘)fia;(/ ; fom With fufpicion; with miftruit [from miftruf. MisTRU STLESS. adj Mi'sty. adj. [from mift. 1. Clouded; overfpread with mifts The morrow fair with purple beam Difpers'd the fhadows of the mifly night, Fairy K Loud howling wolves aroufe the jades That drag the tragiclt melancholy night ‘Who with their drowfy, flow, and flagging wing Clip dead mens graves; and from their miffy jaw Breathe foul contagious darknefs in the air. Shak Parents overprize their children, while they bebold them through the vapours of affection, whic alter the appearance, as things feem bigger in mift Wotton mMOrnings Now fmoaks with fhow'rs the mifly mountai ground And floated fields lie undiftinguifh'd round 2. Obfcure dark underftand. take [mis an 'To mifconceive; to mif Th words of Tertullian alledged are nzéfinn?'w]'lbw[ He Pope not plain 70 MisunpERSTA'ND @ a as they are by the Hooker failed in\ diftinguifhing two regions at leaft will miftake their mealr{ bot called Eden, and.altogether mifunde fload two of th four rivers Raleigh Rogers's Sermaps underfand. #. /. [from mif 1. Diffenfion ; difference Ther i grea difagreemen mifunder/}am{ing betwixt th; corpufcular philofophers and the chemifts Servant miftake B, and fometimes occafion ;z,f undarftandings among friends 2, Error; mifconception Seve the conftrutio Suif of the injury from th point of contempt; imputing it to mifunderflandis or fear Misu'sacE. #./. [from mifufe. 1. Abufe; ill ufe 2. Bad treatment o Misu'sE. w. a. [mefufer, Frenchy mi To treat or ufe improperly and »/z. to. abufe You ifufe the rev'rence of your place, As a falfe favourite doth his prince's nam Shakefpeare's HenryIV In deeds difhon'rable It hath been their cuftom fhamefully to mifi the fervent zeal of men to religious arms, b converting the monies that have been levied fo Raleigh fuch wars to their own fervices Bacchus, that firft from out the putple grap Miltm Cruth'd the fweet poifon of mifufed wine Machiavel makes it appear, that the weaknel of Italy, once fo ftrong, was caufed by the corrupt praltices of the papacy, in depravisg an Seuth mifufing religion Misu'sE #. /. [from the verb. 1. Evil or cruel treatment Upan whofe dead corpfe there was fuch miif Such beaftly, thamelefs transformation By thofe Welthwomen done, as may not b Shakefpeart Without much fhame retold 2. Wrong or erroneous ufe take How name Confident; unfufpeéting Where hegdoth in ftream miftruftlefs play Veild with night's robe, they ftalk the fhor Careaw abroad precepts are fubject to be' ,,,'S MisUNDERSTA'NDING [from mifirufi adv Locke The example of a good man is the beft dirc&iz th dut ou o per orm nc th we can follow i ing t u t a i [ a v s ' Zo Mistr t w r g r t t u d t e f f T diffidence bowels, is miffrufted by men of bufinefs The gen'rous train complies Nor fraud miffrufts in virtue's fair difguif Were they only defigned to inftrué the ¢ fucceeding generations, they are in no danoerlc being mifunderftood AZ{,]‘ 7. A whore; a concubine t a t a i [ / 7 MisTru's ; fidence ; fufpic To the direGio ju Not then That I fh Milton will make the réu;b very much miftake and mifunderftand his meani?nge s e d a o 6. A ter He needs not t if it be negleted for things miflead theu derftanding, the attentive reading of philofophic writers woul and that in words littl difcover Lecie fufpected of any fuch mifufe 3. Mifapplication ; abufe We have reafon to humble ourfelves bcfo{e Gu th punif fhoul h let prayes an by faftin tf co th i p f b s i r m ou o uf mi Auterouny them T n e a a i [ 7 E To Misw t l f O . f r f d t misj °" f_ a f o k u r m g i t m Latter t Wh F e z i c m f m e t w l then fho Fairy Q Miswe'ND Saxon. penda n. [mis an To go wrong Qbfolete Every thing begun with reafon e h t u a m a r b Will com But things mifcounfelled muft needs mi?:bbd} n w f m a i { In this maz ]e ln f« t e n c t e For heaven dec ifcrean.t moorere to feel bisHAEH Fairfi g To magke the xmf Mi'sy. #, / A kind of mineral "f1;ro0:nt J o a t b i t v n n a n c Mif i b n f o l r n m f t a b a ver a e u c r f b i f o u col golden marcafitess g; Hil |