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Show NU NE Llace of the wild country, and there neftle *till fuc Bacon ~ours came A cock got into a ftable was #¢f/ing in the ftra ‘ . L'Eftrange mong the horfes The king's fifher wonts commonly by the water" Uy, \de, and neftles in hollow banks L' Eftrange Flutt'ring there they neffle near the throne Dryden ind lodge in habitations not their own The floor is ftrowed with feveral plants, amongf Addifon " vhich the fnails 7#¢/?/e all the winter Mark where the fhy directors creep " "Wy lor to the thore approach too nigh M, The monfters neftle in the decp Saifi's Mifcell My o feize you in your paffing by tg. NE'STLE. @. a ... To houfe, asin a neft Poor heart /1 hat labour'ft yet to ueffle thee L Donne " %, 2 forbidden or forbidding tree Cupid found a downy bed nd z¢fi'd in his little head Prior To cherith, as a bird her young o this Minerva, that her hand is ever in his deeds Chapman's lliad tae, like his mother, nefles him A bir ‘STLING. #./. [from mefle. ait taken out of the neft T. #n. /. [nati, Gothick; nev, Saxon. A texture woven with large interftice r mefhes, ufed commonly as, a fnar or animals Poor bird ! thou'dft never fear the zet, nor lime Shake[peare's Macketh 5203 ¢ she pitfall nor the gin b 4w Impatienceintangles us like the fluttering of a bir a ety but cannot at all eafe our trouble. Taylor thin ' " "An wit mad interftitia va "nities ¥V He made rets of chequered work for the chapiters 1t Kings, vile 17 ¥on the top of the piliars The vegetative tribes rapt in a filmy zet, and clad with leaves. Thomjfon w+ THER adj zeder [neodep, Saxon It has the form of a comparaYutch "¥iye, but is never ufed in exprefled, bu "nly in implied comparifon ; for we fa usie 1e mether part, but never fay this par nor is any pofitiv nether than that ufe _in wor thoug it feem comprife Nether is no beneath i no ez 1uch in ufe. Jei'Lower; not upper No man fhall take the zether or the upper mill__one to pledge; for he taketh a man's life to pledge Dauteronomy, xxiv. 6 principal errors, the en wf OF 1 U In his picture are tw the complexion and hair, the other in the mouth s ji¥hich commonly they draw with a full and zethe Peacham eat lip {WE This odious offspring hine own begotten, breaking violent wa 08 that with fear and pai ore through my entrails #544 iftorted, all my mether fhape thus gre Milton's Paradife Loft nsform'd " The upper part whereof was whey Hudibras he nether, orange mix'd with grey ‘e' A beauteous maid above, but magic arts Tith barking dogs deform'd her nezber parts % % Rofcommon w5 As if great Atias from his heigh 0u7d fink beneath his heav'nly weight & 2 0d with a mighty flaw, the flaming wail o ; this nether ball g # Tw poles turn round the globe he firft fublime in heaven Dryden the laft is whirl' _"zlow the regions of the nether world Dryden .+ Being in a lower place ik 4/ This thews you are above fou juftices, that thefe our zether crimes o peedily can venge. 3. Infernal low Shakefpearc's King Lear. alienated belonging to the regions be oppofite to heav'n Milton The gods with hate beheld the nether fky The ghofts repine Dryden's Aneid NEe"ruerMosT Lowett adj [{uperl of nether. Great is thy mercy toward me, and thou haf to ou the ver of Go fin S fun wa th concave fight, appears uppermoft an t nethermoft NE TrnNG Keil ag gamf 3. In no degree a Burnet A reticulated picc to fee, let it be placed: in mever fo clear alight, and never {0 near him Atterbury That prince whom you efpoufe; although neve fo vigoroufly, is the principal in war, you but fecond Savifte Milton's Paradife Loft whe 1 work NETTLE. # / [necel, Saxon, flinging herb well known The ftrawberry grows underneath the settle. Shak Some fo like to thorns and nettles live That none for them can, when they perifh, grieve Waller fting ; to irritate T to provoke The princes were fo nettled at the fcandal of thi affront, that every man took it to himfelf. L'Effr Although at every part of the Apoftles difcourfe fome of them might be uneafy and #nettled, ye a moderate filence and attention was ftill obferved Bentley An Ne'rwork. z. /. [#et and awork. thing reticulated or decuffated, at equa diftances wit intérftice betwee th interfections Nor any fkill'd in workmanfhip embofs'd Nor any {kill'd in loops of fing'ring fine Might in their diverfe cunning ever dare Spenfer With this fo curious zetevork to compare A large cavity in the finciput was filled wit ribbons, lace, and embroidery, wrought together i a curious piece of netzvork Addifon Whoever contemplates with becoming attentio this curious and wonderful zet-evork of veins, muf be tranfported with admiration Blackmore NE'VER. adv. [ne ever, neppe, Saxon ne ®pne, not ever. 1. At no time Newer, alas, the dreadful nam Cogvley That fuels the infernal flame Ngwver any thing was fo unbred as that odiou man Congreve By its own force deftroy'd, fruition ceas'd Prior And always weary'd, 1 was newver pleas'd Death ftill draws nearer, zewer feeming near. Pope 2. Itis ufed in a form of {peech hande down by the beft writers, but lately ac cufed, I think, with juftice, of folecifm as, he is miffaken though never fo wife It is now maintained, that propriety re taken though ever [o avife Whofvever has a friend to guide him, may carr his eyes in another man's h=ad the worfe that is, be i miftaken. how avife foever he be. 'Th common mede can only be defended b fupplying a very harfh, and unprecedented ellipfis5 bg is miffaken thoughJo wife as zever was any: {uch however 1s th common ufe of the word amongft th beft authors. and yert fee newe South. 4. It feems in fome phrafes to have th fenfe of an adjeétive Notany; but i reality it is not ever He anfwered him to newer a word, infomuchtha the governour marvelled Zo Ne"TTLE. @. a. [from the noun. them to chang never fo flow degrees Duyty of Mar He that fhuts his eyes againft a fmall light, woul not be brought to fee that which he had no min delivered my foul from the sethermoft hell. Pflalms Undaunted to meet there whatever pow'r Or fpirit, of the nethermoft abyf All that can be faid of a liar lodged i netbermoft hell, is this, that if the vengeanc could prepare any place worfe than hell fo hell itfelf would be too geod for him Heraclitus tells us, that the eclipfe of th a {mall thing perfuadet their opinions Hooker Afk me newer fo much dowry and gift, and will give according as ye fhall fay Genefis In a living creature, though newer fo great, th fenfe and the affeéts of any one part of the body inftantly make a tranfcurfion throughout the whol body Bacon They deftroyed all, were it newver fo pleafant within a mile of the town Knollis Death may be fudden to him, though it comes b No lefs defir To found this zether empire, which might rife In emulation wie teach the worl to believe, yet if once their affections begin to b "TI'wixtupper, nethery and furrounding fires.. Milton quires it to be exprefled thus, Ae is mi/ jphou'd gape immenfe, and ruthing down o'erwhel Be it newer fo true whic Hov'ring on wing under the cope of hell after the manner of a boat This 1thacus, fo highly is endear' 807 Numberlefs were thofe bad angels, fee Might in that noife refide U Thou think'ft by hov'ring here to get a part NE 5. It ig muc ufe Matthezv, xxviie 14 in compofition : as never-ending, having no end ;. of which {ome examples are {ubjoined Nature affureth us by newer-failing experience and reafon by infallibl demonftration, that ou times upo the eart hav neithe certaint durability no Raleigh. But a fmooth and ftedfaft mind Gentle thoughts and calm defires Hearts with equal love combin'd Kindle never-dying fires Ye myrtles brown Carests with ivy zever fear I come to pluck your berries harfh and crude. AZi/t. Your never-failing fword made war to ceafe And now you heal us with the aéts of peace. W aller So corn in fields, and in the garden flow'rs Revive and raife themfelves with mod'rate fhow'rs But over-charg'd with sever-ceafing rain Become too moift Our heroes of the former days Wallero Deferv'd and gain'd their #ever-fading bays Ro_/;'m:mcn, Not Thracian Orpheus fhould tranfcend my lays Nor Linus crown'd with zever-fading bays. Diyd. Dryden. Leucippus, with his zever-crring dart Farewel Dryden. ye ncwer-opening gates He to quench his drought fo much inclin'd « May fnowy. fields and nitrous paftures find Meet ftores of cold fo greedily purfu'd An be refreth'd with never-walting food Blackmerso r-bluthing head Norton hung down hi An as toliy' all was hufh'd felf lay dead Popee What the weak head wit! ftrongeit bias rules Pu Is pride, the zewer-failing vice of fools Thy bufy newer-meaning face Thy fcrew'd up front, thy ftatc grimace NEVERTHELE'SS. adv Notwithftanding that The plead that eve church of Rom Swif? [neuer the lefs. fuch ceremonie of th as contain in them nothing whkici is not of itfelf agreeable to the word of God, ough Hooker newerthelefs to be abolithed Many of our men were gone to land; and our fhip ready to depart; mewerthelefs the admiral, with fuc thips only as could fuddenly be put in readinefs Bacon. made forth towards them Creation muft needs infer providence ; an making the world, irrefragably proves tha verns it too; o that a being ofa dependen s independent upon hi semains nevert refpect God' He gonatur in tha S NEU'ROLOGY. 7./2 [we0opor and Ady&-. | defcription of the nerves NeEu‘ROTOM |