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Show UN t i m o f b r t a f w i r The fov t m l u w i o t a g r t a t 4 perfuafion _Addifon's Freebolder and wncircumferibed Usci'rcuMsPECT Not cautious adj ~ pot vigilant ha Their uncircumfpect fimplfcit efpecially in matters of religion UNCIRCUMSTA'NTIAL ant, A bad word The like particulars bee ufed Hayward Unimport adj they fee althoug #n circumflantialy are oft fet down in holy feripture Brown's Vulgar Errours N G Lat. Fr [incivil adj Uncrvit incivilis npolite ; not agreeable to rule of elegance, or complaifance Your undutiful, wncivi/, and uncharitable dealingin this your book, hath deteted you. Phitgift They love me well, yet I have much to do Shak¢fpeare To keep me from unciwil outrages My friends are fo unreafonable, that they woul Spettator have me be uncivil to him Uncr'VILIZED. adj But we, brave Britons, foreign laws defpis'd And kept,unconquer'd, and wnciviliz'd ~Fierce for the liberties of wit, and bold Pope - We #till defy'd the Romans, as of old 2, Coarfe; indecent Several, who have been polifhed in France, mak ufe of the moft coarfe, unciwiliz'd words in ou language Addifon Uscr'vitLy. adv. Unpolitely; not complaifantly Somewhat in it he would not have done, o defired undone, when he broke forth as defperately, as before he had done wncivilly Browns Vulgar Ervours 4 = i UNCLA'RIFIED Not purged ; no ad) purified One ounce of whey wnclarified5 one ounce o oil of vitriol, make no apparent alteration Bacon's Phyfical Remains ToUncLa'sp. v. a. To open what is thu with clafps Thou know'ft no lefs, but all I have unclafp' To thee the book, ev'n of my fecret foul Sha . Prayer can unclafp the girdles of the north, fay Ingto a mountain of ice, Be thou removed hence andcattinto the fea i Uncra‘ssick Tuaylor's Worthy Communicant adj Angel of dulnefs, fent to fcatter roun "Hcr magick charms o'er all unclafick ground. Pope ther's or mother's brother The fa Hamlet punifhes his zncle rather for his ow death, than the murther of his father Shakefpeare Ilufirated (Uscie'an. adj 3 Foul; dirty ; filthy A fordid god= down from his hoary chi Alength of beard defcends, uncomb'd, wnclean Dryden Priefts are patterns for the reft _The gold of heay'n, who bear the God imprefs'd But when the precious coin is kept unclean he fov'réign's image is no longer feen {‘flthey be foul, ‘on whom the people truft ell may the bafer brafs contraét a ruft z, Not purified by ritual practices Dryden 3. Foul with fin Wgefides, how vile, contemptible, ridiculous at act more execrably ynclean, profane ? Milt OmCh"‘t agonies muft he endure, what difficultie pollut?me' before he can cleanfe himfelf from th oby oS of fin, and be a fit inhabitant of tha 7 place, where no unclean thing fhall enter Uncre'awvriness. linefs #. / 1. Foul Want of clean Rogers's Sermons 4 Lewd; unchafte ¢t them all encircle him abou And, fi;l;y-like 00, pinch the wnciear night Milton's Paradife Loft ded light Can make to-moirow cheerful a dom from gloom The love I would perfuade, mzkes nothing mor conducive to ity than the great uncloudednefs o *'Tis pity that thefe harmonious writers have eve indulged any thing wncleanly or impure to defil their paper Watts Uncro'uny incontinence 7o Uncru'rcH In St, Giles's I underftood that mof of th vileft and moft miferable houfes of wncleannefs were 2. Want of cleanlinefs ; naftinefs Be not curious nor carelefs in your habit; b not troublefome to thyfelf, or to others, by unhandfomenefs, or uncleannefs Taylor's Guide to Dewotion 3. Sin ; wickednefs I will fave you from all your uncleanneffes Ezekicl, xxxvi« 2g 4. Want of ritual purity Uncre'ansep. adj. Not cleanfed Pond earth is a good compoft, if the pond hav been long uncleanfed: fo the water be not too hunBacon's Natural Hiftory w. a. Toopen the clofe The hero fo his enterprize recalls His fift #nclenches, and the weapon falls adj Free from a cloud Now night in filent flate begins to rife And twinkling orbs beftrow th' wncloudy fkies Her borrow'd luftre growing Cynthia lends Gay . / Graunt tration of the ob Jjek; which is fuch, that reft reafon is th moft advantageous light it can defire to be feen by Boyle Shake[peare 2, Indecent ; unchafte Pope UncrLo'upEDNESS. 7./. Opennefs; free the eye, and the perfecteft i The very uncleanly flux of a cat 7o UncLE'NCH hand All great, all royal, thine ly Bleft with temper, whofe zncl nafty BIY Blaz'd forth unclouded deity True virtues, wit Civet is of a bafer birth than tar 1. Lewdnefs The Father unfolding brigh Tow'rd the right hand his glory, on the So adj filthy Clarendon UncrLo'upeDp. adj.. Free from clouds clear from obfcurity ; not darkened _ This profane liberty and ungleanlinefs, the archbifhop refolved to reforma Clarendon UncLE'anvy through thofe unclsfe parts, have done them little harm Adultery of the heart, confifting of inosdinat and unclean affetions Perkins § v.a To open If the terrors of the Lord could not melt hi bowels, unclutch his griping hand, or diffeize hi of his prey; yet fure it muft difcourage him fro grafping of heaven too Decay of Piety 70 Unco'tF v. 4 To pull the cap of Yonder are two apple-women fcolding, and juf ready to wuncoif one another Arbuthnot to Pope 7o Unco'tL. @. a. [from coil.] To ope from being coiled or wrapped one par upon another The fpiral air-veflels are like threads of cobweb a little uncoiled Derbam's Phyfico-Theolsgy Uxco'inep adj Not coined While thou liv'ft, Kate, take-a fellow of plaism uncoined conftancy Shakefpeare's Henry V An ounce of coined ftandard filver, muft be o equal value to an ounce of wncoined ftandard filver Garth Locke T UncoLLEcTED. adj. Not collefted ; no recolleted If I fhould pay you for 't as 'tis extoll'd t would unclew me quite Shakefpeare's Timon Atfham'd, confus'd; I ftarted from my bed And to my foul yet uncolleed faid Into thyfelf, fond Solomon! return Refleét again, and thou again fhalt mourn. Prior To UNcLEw undo v. a. [fro U~ncri'ppep adj Whole clew. not cut 70 UncrLo'aTH v.4 To ftrip to mak naked The boughs and branches are never wuncloathe and left naked Raleigh's Hiftory of the World Poor orphans' mind are left as uncloath'd an naked altogether, as their bodies Atterbury Cover the couch over with thick woollen clothes the warmth whereof will make it come prefently which once perceived, forthwith uncloarb it Mortimer's Hufbandry Charon The king's army would few'd And girded on our loins, may cover roun Thofe middle parts; that this new comer, fhame There fit not, and veproach us as unclean. Milton As foon as there began a diftin&ion betwee clipped and unclipped money, builion arofe. Locke Not claflick clean.sh data import.tsv out README UNCLE. n. /. [oncle, French. him, why that hour of fairy revel fo facred paths he dares to tread profane, Shak. Merry Wives of Windfor tree, whofe broad, fmooth leaves togethe UNCLE ANNESS 1. Not reclaimed from barbarity ‘ And at In thei In fhap Som UN o To a diftin& knowledge of things, we muf uncloath them of all thefe mixtures, that we ma contemplate them naked, and in their own nature Watts's Logick 7o Uxcro'e 1. T w. a to-exonerate difencumber Could T meet 'e But once a-day, it would unclog my hear Shakefpeare Of what lies heavy to 't 2. To {et at liberty Then air, becaufe unclog'd in empty fpace Flies after fire, and claims the fecond place. Dryd To UncrLo1sTER w.a Tofetatlarge Why did I not, uncloifier'd from the womkf Take ;ny next lodging ina tomb 7o UncLo'sE @, a Norris 'T'oopen Soon as thy letters trembling 1 unclofe That well-known name awakens allmy woes. Pope Uncrosep clofures adj Not feparated by in UxcoLoureDp adj No ftained wit any colour, or die Out of things uncalonred and tranfparent, we ca reprefent unto you- all feveral colours Bacon Whether to deck with clouds th' zncolour'd fky Or wet the thivfty carth with falling thow'ss Rifing, or falling, ftill advance his praife. Milton Unco'mBeD. adj. No jufted by the comb parte o ad They might perceive his hea To be unarmed, and curled, zacombed hair Upftarting fiff Spenfer Theirlocksarebeds of uncombed (nakes, thatwin About their fhady-brows in wanton rings. Crafbawv Thy locks uicomb'd, like a rough wood appear Dryden Unco'MEATABLE. adj. Inacceflible ; uaattainable A low, corrupt word Unco'mMELINESS. 7z /. Want of grace want of beauty The ruined churches are fo unhandfomely patched, and thatched, that men do even fhun the places for the uncomelinefs thereof Spenfer's Ireland He prais'd women's modefty, and gave orderly well-behave reproof to all wncomefinefs Shakefp Thofe arches which the Tufcan writers call ter@o, and di gquarto acuto, becaufe they alway concur i imbecilit an acute angle, both for the natura of the angle itfelf;, and likewife fo their very unconielinefs, ought to be exiled from judicious eyes Forgettin Wotton's ArchiteEure that duty of modef 3 concealmen whic |