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Show MU M U imminent, that with impervious gloo Addifon Oppos'd itfelf to Cynthia's filver ray mur mure, French. i. A low thrill noife Flame as it moveth within itfelf, or is blow by a bellows, giveth a murmur or interiour found Bacon's Natural Hiftory When the wingd colonies firft tempt:the fky Or fetting, feize the fweets the blofloms yield Pope Then a low murmur runs along the ficld Black Melancholy fits Deepens the nurmur of the falling floods And breathes a browner horror on the woods. Pape 2. A complaint half fupprefled plaint not openly uttered a com Some difcontents there are; fome idle murmurs Bacon difh They employ it in certain proportions, to ting their glafs both with red colour, or with a purplit Painted glafs of a fanguine red in powder above a murrey. Brown' Cornelius jumps out, a ftockin and a waiftcoat of murrey-coloure v, 2. [murmuro, Lat. rur 7o Mu'RMUR murer, Fr. The murmuring furge That on.th' unnumber'd idle pebbles chafes *Can fcarce be heard fo high Shake[p. King Lear Amid an'ifle around whofe rocky fhor The forefts murnur, and the furges roat A goddefs guards in her enchanted dome Pope The bufy bees with a foft murn'ring ftrain Dryden Invite to gentle fleep the lab'ring fwain to utter fecret and ful len difcontent with s before things and again/? before perfons The good we have enjoy'd from heav''n's fre will Dryden And fthall we murmur to endure theill Murmur not at your ficknefs, for thereby yo will fin againft God's providence Wake The good confequences of this {cheme, whic will execute itfelf without murmuring againft th government, are very vifibie Sauift Mu'RMURER 2. / [from murmur. One who repines; one who complain fullenly grumbler repiner complainer Heav'n's peace be with him That's chriftian care enough ; for living murmurer There's places of rebuke. Shakefp. Henry VIII The murmurer is turned off to the compan of thofe doleful creatures, which were to inhabi Gowernment of the Tongue the ruins of Babylon Still might the difcontented murmurer cry Ah haplefs fate of man ! .ah wretch doom'd onc to die Blaskmore on the Creation Mvu'rN1vVAL. 7. /. [mornefle, Fr. from mornery to ftun.] Four cards-of afort Skinner and Ainfworth Mvu'rraiv this wor wor anfwe Latin die. / [Th etymolog is no clear mmr 2 .o an -ol for a catarrh, which might wel to the glanders ; muriana, lo Skinner derives it from mori, t Th plague in cattle Away ragg'd rams, .care I what murrain kill Sidney Some trials would be made of mixtures of wate in ponds for cattle, to make them more milch, t fatten, or to keep them from murrain Bacon A hallowed ban Cou'd tell what murrains, in what months begun Mvurre #./ A kind of bird Garth Among the firft fort we reckon coots, meawes murres, creyfers and curlews Carcw Mu'RREY. adj. [morée, French Irzlian; from moro, a moor. XCd an morello Darkl mu/ fibres {malle of othe M" clofe attention, . ? ab o Q ith admiration and dee Of things fo high and firgnzz{}' Mil 2. 'T'he power of poetry Begin my mufe ( The mufe-infpired trai Triumph, and raife their drooping heads ag in h Vally z long oblivion af : Lodona's fate, i The mufe hall fing, and what the fings fhal g Py T MUSE wv # Pfalie wlix mufe of underftanding Her face upon a fudden glittered, fothatIv afraid of her, and mufid what it might be branche o al thof re fibres whereof evera contrallin ar th themfelves th mov th parts of the body Locke 2. A ‘bivalve fhell-fifh Of fhell-fith, there jare wrinklers, limpers cockles and wmufcles Carcev's Surwey of Cornaval It is the obfervation of Ariftotle, that oyfter and mufcles grow fuller in the waxing of the moon Hakewill Two pair of {mall mufcle fhells was found in limeftone quarry Woodward on Feffils Muscosity #. /. [mafeofus, Lain. Moflinefs Muv'scuLar. adj. [from mufeculus, Lat. Relating -to mufcles; performed b mufcles By the mufeu/ar motion and perpetual flux of th liquids, a great part of the liquids are thrown ou of the body Arbuthnot Muscura'rity. n. [ [from mafeular. The ftate of having mufcles The guts of a fturgeon pieces, will {till move take whic ma out and cut t their great thicknef(s and mufeularity depen upo Greaw 15| Luky i On thefe he mus'd within his thoughtful mi Drydss ‘ We mufe fo much on the one, thatwe a‘rcipl \ to overlook and forget the other. Atterbury's th th mufcles Stabfpen, he were the Chrift or not limbs of animals, faftened to two bones The inftruments of motio All men iufed in their hearts of John, whekr which muft be diftributed to every fibre the one moveable, the other fixed ; an therefore, when the mufcles contra& they draw the moveable bone accordin to the diretion of their fibres. Quincy 2 Efdras, %2 veflels the two ends of each muicle o extremities of the fibres are, i My mouth fhall fpeak of wifdom; and mybext bladders, into whic wveins, arteries, an ceive ‘When he hath mus'd of taking kingdoms in Beftow'd his lips on that unworthy place in mufcl {mall veficles o we fuppofe th for ever Cefar's father oft As it rain'd kiffes to open If he fpake courteoufly, he angled the people hearts; if he were filent, he mufed upon fim dangerous plot Side St. Auguitine, fpeaking of devout men, mud how they daily frequented the church, how ate tive ear they give unto the chapters: read careful they were to remember: the fame, anit mufe thereupon by themfelves Hikr clofed likewife by a common membrane: each lefler fibre confifts of ver nerve [mufer, French; r,,,f; Jen, Dutch 5 maffs, Latini 1. To ponder; to think clofe; to fud in filence 1. Muj/cle is a bundle of thin and paralle plates of flethy threads or fibres, inclofed by one common membrane : al the fibres of the fame plate are paralle to one another, and tied together at extremely little diftances by fhort an tranfverfe fibres: the flethy fibres ar compofe ra"fmiffion the verb. thought Wit Latin; muycula, Saxon. culus [fro A As in great mufe, ne word to Credture fpak nux mofcata, or from mufca French #. / That ftill he fat long time a&m‘;macfged Make Plenty of grain [mufcle 250 The tidings ftrange did him ab Mvu'scaper. ) adj. [maufcat, maufcadel Mu'scADINE. } Yrench ; mofcatello, 1tal either from the fragrance refemblin #. / has a my culou fence of mind ; brown fludy Ainfa MU''SCLE braw contraét thac rox{nd hollé?‘gie:n&ca"difih: 1. Dee And in their bafket-hilts their bev'rage brew''d King Shak uve Musk Their beef they often in théir murrions frew'd He quafit off the mufcadel And threw the fops all in the fexton's face Lan}{. ] [m%"b""' of light Mu'rr10N. 7. /. [often written morion Funius derives it fro See Mor10N A helmet; a calque murus, a wall. armour for the head the nutmeg the eye, for the better moderating th a fly ; flies being eager of thofe grapes. A kind of {weet grape, {weet win and fweet pear 1. To give a low fhrill found 2. To grumble Th Arbuthnot MurtH ¢f Corn. n./ z. Pertaining to a mufcle, will not afcen Vulgar Errovrs upon his head fatin upon hi body a4 1, Full of mufcles Buyle or murrey How idle murmurs The doors are all fhut up; the-wealthier fort With arms acrofs, and hats upon their eyes Walk to and.fro before their filent fhops. Dryden mufculofus Man fuperiour walk Amid the glad creation, mufing praife iy Thomfu's Spriee | And looking lively gratitude Lat 2. [. [murmur Mvu'scuLovs Leaves of fome trees turn a little murrey ot red A murky ftorm deep low'ring o'er oar head MU RMUR MU . To be abfent of mind; to be attenti to fomething not prefent; to beit brown ftudy Wh hat tho loft the frefh bloo in lh cheeks And given my treafures and m)ii rlg:lts :}f:ly" ' T and curs thiicck-ey'7d mufin a You fuddenly arofe and walk'd about Mufing and fighing with your arm | S Acrols Shakefpir The fad kin g i e i f l c a o r t e d f Fee d u f u p e f s f m l ft Lifts not to eat To wonder to be amzllzed ced o p l e d f u t Mufe not that For what I will, I will Do not mufe at me Sbaltffiw Mackt Sba,&?earu ik e P i w s n p m f f m Full o n g r i d l n c a The lofs of reafon 1 have a ftrange infirmity e D f m r [ j a Mu'S u t g o t l n l f ing Mvu'sgr. #. / [from mtlfi-]tbf b t mufes |