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Show U- His highnefs is return'd And ysconftrain'd! But with what chang Of countenance did he receive the meflage Denban 2. Indifputable Such a patron has frankly, generoufly, and z# South confhrainedly relieved me 2 / Freedom fro tion, admi Since thi judgment o might fafel lefs That dumb things would be mov'd to {ympathize Milton O'er barren mountains, o'er the flow'ry plain Extends thy uncontroul'd, and boundlefs reign Dryden Hope never comes That comes to all, but torture without en Still urges, and a fiery deluge fe With ever-burning fulphur zaconfun''d Miltcw's Paradife Loff Fixednefs, or a power to remain in the fire unconfumed, is an idea that always accompanies ou Lacke complex ideas, fignified by the word gold No adj Unconsu'MMATE mated Shall wave her double crofs t" extremeft clim Terrific, and return with odorous fpoilse Phillips 2. Not convinced ; not refuted That Julius Cafar was {o born, is an uncontroule Hayward report night Drydn Which of the peer Have uncontemn'd gone by him, or at leaf Shakefpeare's Henry VIII Stood not negleéted UnconTEWTED mind Not defpifed adj UnconTEMNED No 2dj Unconve'RSABLE "To lead this uncontented gift away 7z UncoNTE'NTINGNESS power to fatisfy Faith and devotion are traduce UxconTe'sTED. adj. Not difputed ; evident >Tis by experience #ncontcfred found Bodies orbicular, when whirling round Still fhake off all things on their furface plag'd Blackmore The apoftle reminds the Ephefians of the guil and mifery of their former unconverted eftate, whe Rogers aliens from the commonwealth of Ifrael 2. Not religious; not yet induced to liv a holy life. 'Thus Baxter wrote a Cal to the Unconverted Unconvi''ncep. adj. Not convinced b an uncontrite finner abfolvin To loofe a thin a @ p o' Un cannot make him contrite bound with cords Hammond's Pratical Catechifm DwcontrovE RTED. adf. Not difpated; | UNCORRE'CTED. adj. Inaccurate ; no One reafon of the uncontrowerted certainty of ma¢hematical fciencesds, beeaufe *tis built upon clea Glanville and fettled fignifications of names UnconTrRO'ULABLE miftake in matter of fact adj 2. Refifllefs; powerful beyond oppofition. Gaza mourns And all that band them to refit His nncontwonlably intent Milton. § UncorrUPT 2dj. Honeft; upright ; no tainted with wickednefs; not influence by iniquitous intereft Th pleafure of fin, and this world's vanities are.cenfured with. wncorript judgment Flooker Lack 2. To deprive of clothes Thou wert better in thy grave, than to anfie with thy uncovered body, this extremity of it fkies Shakefpeare's King Lear, 3. To ftrip of the roof Porches and fchools Uncover'd, and with fcaffolds cumber'd ftood Prior 4. To fhew openly; to ftrip offa veil, or concealment He cover'd ; but his rob Uncowver'd more : fo rofe the Danite ftrong Milton's Paradife Loffe Shorn of his ftrength There will certainly come fome day er other, to Pope's Letters uncover every foul of us 5. To bare the head, as in the prefence o a {uperiour Rather let my head dance on 2 bloody polé Than ftand uncover'd to the vulgar groom. Sha UxcOUNSELLABLE. adj vifed Notto bea It would have been uncounfellable to have march ed, and have left fuch an enemy at their backs 'Clamxdm UNco'UNTABLE 2dj Innumerable Thofe uncountable, glorious bodies were not e in the firmament for no other end than toadom it Raleigh Uxco'UNTERFEIT {purious 4dj Genuine; no True zeal is not any one fingle affection of th holyvafi‘e&wns, man o mixtur ftron bu foul filling the heart with all pious intentions; 'afl, no only uncounterfeit, but moft fervents Spratt's Sertt 7, Unco' upLE. @, a. To loofe dogs fro their couples Uncouple in the weftern valley, 80 Difpatchli I fay, and find the forefters Sbak‘f?‘"'f The hunt is up, the morn is bright and gra The ficlds are fragrant, and the woods are B";" Uncouple here, and let us make n‘.bay- Sb‘{ ‘ff. The land on which they fought, th' appoint place In which th' uncoupled hounds began the ChDag,'{ 7 I have written this too haftily and too loofely it comes out from the firt draught, and wncorDyyden reéted Haroeg very inftant it is uncovered, may be fhewn to be4 Unco urTEQUS. adj. Uncivil5 unpo hz.e In behaviour fome will fay, evexr fad, forely ‘,t:l ber, and fomewhat given to mufing b"ts;}:‘j. polithed to exactnefs not liable to debate ching an objeét feveral millions of leagues,.tg A way not to be introduced into the-feminarie of thofe, who are to propagate religion, or philofophy, amongft the ignorant and wnconwinced. Locke Not religioufly pe @. a the curtains to air it Addifen on the Chriftian Religion ner After you are up, uncover your bed, and ope miracles, accounted for them after the fame man of the truth of all that he holds, or of the falthoo of all he condemns Laocke prieft Rogers Salvation belongeth unto none, but fuch as cal upon the name of our Lord Jefus Chrift ; whic nations as yet unconverted neither do, nor poffibl Hooker can do, till they. believe The wnconverted heathens, who were prefied b the many authorities that confirmed our Saviour' Where is the man that has unconteffible evidenc adj ridiculed UNCONVE/RTED. adj Dryden 1. Not perfuaded of the truth of Chrifti Want o anity Indifputable UnconTE sTABLE. adj not controvertible Th an Integrity; up 1. To diveft of a covering Not {uitable t converfation ; not focial "The decreed uncontentingnefs of all other goods is richly repaired by its being but an aptnefs t Boyle prove a rife to our love's fettling in God nitent adj Decay of Picty as morofe, unconverfable qualities Permit me, chief Uncoxtr1TE no relu@ance of humanity is able to mak head againft it; but it commands wzcontronledly contented not fatisfied 70 UNCO'VER without oppofition Mankind avert killing, and being killed; bu when the phantafm honour has once pofiefied th . In doctrine, thew uncorruptnefs, gravity, fince rity Titusyiivg UncoNTRO ULEDLY. adw. Without con troul T rightnefs The Britith navy, uncontronl'd Acron came to the fight left his fpoufe betroth'd, and wnconfummat Wh confum I wifh we had more of them, and mo:e UncorRRU'PTNESS. 2. / adj Should I try the wncontrouled wort Of this pure caufe, twould kindle my rapt fpirit To fuch a flame of facred vehemence deftroyed by any wafting power goo wzcorruptud. ruled Not wafted ; no a native bent di antiquity 1. Unrefifted; unoppofed; not to be over Sidney wit Nothing is more valuabli thair)nm;%'ee re?o%?" Brown's Vulgar Errours of doubt light was to reft within them, and th it wholly to remain in themfelves, the and uncontroulably pretend it greater o South UNCONTRO ULED mewards, had made borrow fo much of her natura modefty, as to leave her more decent rayments adj But from the uncorrupted blood orf‘l.z::;%f, Man, yetnew IZodrul_e }l;ut uncorrupted reafon knew n Uncontroulably, and under general confent, man opinions are paffant, which, upon due examina that eafinefs, that air of freedom and wuconfiraint which is more fenfibly to be perceived than deFelton on the Clafficks fcribed Un~consu'MEeD Such a hero never fpr UNCONTRO ULABLY. adv 1. Without poflibility of oppofition 2. Without danger of refutation Mr. Dryden writ more like a fcholar 5 an ~ though the greateft mafter of poetry, he wante It was the fair Zelmane, Plexirtus's daughter whom anconfulting affection, unfortunately born t Uncorru'prep. adj. Notvitiated Swifs 5 No depraved Swift perfon conftraint ; eafe Unconsv'LTING. adj. [inconfultus, Lat. Heady; rafh ; improvident ; impradent Hayward thole, wh This makes appear the error o think it an uncontroulable maxim, that powen i always fafer lodged in many hands, than in one thofe many ate as capable of enflaving as a fingl Dyyden Which raife a flame that will endur For ever #ncorrupt and pure of England's uncontroulable title to England We unconfirain'd, what he commands us, do UnconsTrRATNEDLY. 2adv. Without forc fuffered irrefragable Men alledge they ne'er ca Thofe beauties in a meale miud,fi The penfion was granted, by reafon of the Kin Made for his ufe, yet he has form'd us fo UnconsTrRAINT uN UNCOUTTE0LS Un;wxll adv SLY URTEO C U PO'I‘.‘ te}y Sou un ek ancourteosfly h Though fomewhat merrll}yj, beggary extrem objetin railed upon England and mere barbaroufiefs untoit / UNCO'URTLINESS Afebar 'g{:::[ef U‘nfmtt of manners to a coust 3 inelegances o |