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Show RA That which ferves for gain And follows but for form Will pacle when iz begins to rain Shakefp. King Lear And leave thee in the ftorm gy Rain as rain To pour dow @. a 8. Toere@ Tak Rain facrificial whifp'rings in his ear Make facred even his ftitrop. Shak. Timon of Ath Ifrael here had famifh'd, had not Go Rain'd from heav''n manna. Milton's Paradife Loft The moiftur #./. [nen, Saxon. Raix from the clouds that fall ftones 4 T With ftrange rains, hails, and fhowers were the Wifdom xvie 16 The loft clouds pou Into the fea an ufelefs thow'r And the vext failors curfe the rain For which poor farmers pray'd in vain #. /. [rain and bow. Th Cafting of the water in a moft cunning manner makes a perfe¢t rainbow, not more pleafant to th eye than to the mind, fo fenfibly to fee the proo of the heavenly iris Sidney To add another hue unto the rainbow. Shakefp The rainbozv is drawn like a nymph with larg wings difpread in the form of a femicircle, th feathers of fundry colours Peacham They could not be ignorant of the promife o neve t drow the world and the rainboz before their eyes to put them in mind of it. Brozwn This rainbozv never appears but where it rain in the fun-fhine, and may be made artificially b clean.sh data import.tsv out README dpouting up water, which may break aloft, an {catter into drops, and fall down like rain ; for th fun, fhining upon thefe drops, certainly caufes th bow to appear-to a fpe@ator franding in a true pofition to the rain and fun: this bow is made by refraction of the fun's light in drops of falling rain The dome's high arc And forms a rainbow o Gay rainbowv filks he And nought of Lyce bu Rar'Npeer #./ JSer; Latin. Newton refleéts the mingled blaze alternate rays Pope mellow charms infold herfelf is old Young [ppanay Sax rangi deer with large horns which, in the northern regions, draw fledges through the fnow Rarniness. #. /. [from rainy. Th ftate of being fhowery Rain-waTER. #. /i [rain and avater. Water not taken from fprings, but fall- Ing from the clouds Court holy water in a dry houfe, is bette the rainzvater out o' doors tha Shakefps King Lear We took diftilled rain-zvater Boyle Rain-water is to be preferred before fpring-water Rarny adj [fro Mortimer rain. Showery wet Our gaynefs and our gilt are all hefmirch'd contentious woman, are alike. Prowerbs, xxvii. 15 «. 4 [re/a, Swedith; reifer Danifh. 1. To lift; to heave The elders went to raife him up from the carth 2 Sam Sucha bulk %s no twelve bards could raife 2. To fet upright; as, he railed a maft YOI.; 11 19 rais'd And foon they worfhipp'd what at &t they prais'd 8, To advance Prior to promote pefts 1o. T Rat'ser raifes Rav'sin RAKE 1 Corinthiansy Xve 253 Raife not a falfe report Exodus, xxiiis 1 Latin; raifin Boyle Dutch. 1. An inftrument with teeth, by whic the ground is divided, or light bodie are gathered up At Midfumme dow brakes with the brembles an And after abroad with thy forkes and thy rakes O that thy bounteous deity wou'd pleaf Tuffer To guide my rake upon the chinking foun Of fome vaft treafure hidden under ground. Dryd raife again for our juftification Romans, 1ve 2.5 It is fown in difhonour, it is raifed in glory; i is fown in weaknefs, it is raifed in power [racemus n. /. [raffrum, Latin; nace, Sax racche 15. To bring from death to life an the founders an much like the rajfins themfelves infernal facrifices, were raifed. ~ Sandys's Fourney Thefe are fpectres the underftanding raifes t itfelf, to flatter its own lazinefs Locke offences Bacon dried? grapes of every kind, preferved in thi manner, are called raifins, but thofe dried in th fun are much -{weeter and pleafanter than thof dried in ovens; they are called jar raifius, fro their being imported in earthen jars Hill Dried grapes or raifins, boiled in a convenien proportion of water, make a fweet liquor, whic being betimes distilled, affords an oil and fpiri The fpirits of the deceafed, by certain fpells an ou tha Raifins are the fruit of the vine fuffered to remain on the tree till perfeétly ripened, and the They fhall not awake, nor be raifed out of thei fleep Fob fo z. / French. to ftir up delivere H raifers of a family, doth confefs that he hath lef virtue Taylor Raifer of human kind ! by nature caft Naked and helplefs Thomfon's Autumn Shakefpeare They neither found me in the temple difputin with any man, neither raifing up the people. 4 ZEneas then employs his pain In parts remote to raife the "Tufcan fwains. Dryden He wa raife. He that boafts of his anceftors He firft rais'd head againft ufurping Richard the ftate o [fro moft indulgent towards their children Neptune raifing his tem 14. To call into view fro feparate fpirits #. / They that are the firt raifers of their houfes, ar Jove encouraging them One hath ventur'd from the deep to raif New troubles Milton God vouchfafes to r«ife another worl From him Milton To form pafte int Daniel, xi Milton 12, ‘To give beginning to : as, %e raife the family 13. 'T'o bring into being And drinke the dark-deepe water of the fpring Bright Arethufa, the moft nourifhin Raifer of heards Chapman Then fhall ftand up in his eftate a raifer of taxes Pope To roufe be by an eaf Mifs Liddy can dance a jig, and raife pafic Spectator up 11 that ma 23. 70 Raist paffe pies without a difh Pfalm, cvii. 28 excite to war or tumult; to fli Miltos figure referred to local elevation He might tain Th* animal fpirits, that from pure blood arife with his thunders, an Higher argumen Remains, fufficient of itfelf to raif That name, unlefs years damp my wing do fomethin 9. Toexcite; to put in alion Gods enceuntering gods Mifron from low to high, from mean to illu{trious, from obfcure to famous, or t to prefer Thence raife diftemper'd thoughts Have rais'd inceflant armies 21. 'To procure to be bred or propagated as, he raifed fheep; he raifed whea where none grew before 22. Yo raife is, in all its fenfes, to elevat This gentleman came to be raifed to great titles Clarendon He raifeth the frormy wind to levy 20. To give rife to The plate picces of eight were raifed three-penc in the piece Temple's Mifcellanies The Perfians gazing on the fun Admir'd how high twas plac'd, how bright i thone But as his pow'r was known, their thoughts wer To collet ; to affemble He out of {mallelt things could without en 6. To increafe in current value H examine his face in the fiream rueful locks with a rake 2 comb hi Garth [Racaille, French, the low rabble; o rekel, Dutch, a worthlefs cur dog. loofe, diforderly, vicious, wild, gay thoughtlefs fellow; a ma addiéted t The common ferryman of Egypt, that wafted over the dead bodies from Memphis, was made b pleafure the Greeks to be the ferryman of hell, and folem greateft rake in the place, but {fo much the mother' arling, that fhe left her hufband for the fake o this gracelefs youth Addifon Rates hate fober grave gentlewomen. Arburkbnot Men, fome to bus'nefs, fome to pleafure take But ev'ty woman is at heart a rake Pope The fire faw fmiling his own virtues wake The mother begg'd the blefling of a rake Pope To dance at publick places, that fops and rak ftories raifed after him. Brown Wantonnefs and prid Raife out of friendfhip heftile deeds in peace. Hilr 17. To fet up ; to utter loudly All gaze, an found xii Twelve ftarv'ling bards of thefe degen'rate days Pope i Milton 16. To occafion ; to begin With rainy marching in the painful field. Shakefp A continual dropping in a very rainy day, and Zo RAISE wil That eyelefs head of thine was firft fram'd fefh To raife my fortnnes Shakefpeare's King Lear Zaller iris; the femicircle of various colour which appears in thowery weathes Go neveramplif Bacon 7. To elevate ; to exalt very fmall parts afcending in the air, till encountering the cold, it be condenfed into clouds, an Ray defcends in drops Gay exalt to a ftate more great or illuf Counfellors may manage affairs, whic thelefs ate far from the ability to raife an an citate Thou fo pleas'd Cantt raife thy creature to what height tho Ofunion Rain is water by the heat of the fun divided int Rai'nsow Fofbua, viii trious Shakefpeare IfI had means, and could but rzifz five pound his carcafe down from the tree, caft it a 5. To amplify ; to enlarge When fhall we three meet again In thunder, lightning, or inrazin perfecuted T fhould not thus be bound to build up the entering of the gate, and raife thereon a heap o It rain''d down fortune, fhow'ring on your head S/Jflktlf])fu/'c R A A all- admire, and raifec a fhoutin Dryden Soon as the prince appears, they raife a cry. Dry 18 To collect; to obtain a certain {fum.: Britain once defpis'd can raif As ample fums, a5 Rome in Ceedar's days, Arbuth Th nex might admir cam wit 3 fon wh wa th the finencefs of her fhape, and th beauty of her motions o he Lazv T |