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Show PO Where there are affections of reverence, ther utth S So reve erence { of re i 1l be poffure wx'i'he];afiure of a poetick figure is the defcriptio an action I th meanef marbl 5. o0 go to Por devoured life together John's read th fee on faces, pofturesy 2irs, and drefs of thofe that lived f . State; difpofition lord Hopto Th lef before h Arundel-caftle had put it into the good pofure he intended Clarendon 1 am at the fame point and poffure I was, whe in this abject poffure have ye fwor ' Milton T* adore the conqueror The feveral poffures of his devout foul in all con L[ Braok the direction of the chirurgeons principles Po'sTuREMASTER a very fhort text t enlarg upon; I fhould as foon expeét to fee a critick o the pofy ofa ring, as on the infcription of a medal 2. A bunch of flewers derivation Addifon O With ftore of vermeil rofes To deck their bridegrooms poffes unknow Spenfer We make a difference between fuffering thiftle %0 grow among us, and wearing them for pofes Saift Eo®. 2. / [ pot, French, in all the fenfes and Datch; porte, Iflandick. 1. A veflel in which meat is boiled o the fire Toad that under the cold fon Swelter'd, venom fleeping got Boil thou firft i' th' charmed pot Shakefpeare Gigantick hinds, as foon as work was done To their huge pors of boiling pulfe would run Fell to with eager joy Dryden 2. Veflel to hold liquids The woma way left her water pots and went he Fobn B Vgfiel made of earth Whenever potters meet with any chalk or mar mixed with their clay, though it will with the cl hold burning, yet whenever any water comes ne any fuch pors after they are burat, both the chal and marl will flack and fpoil their ware Mortimer 4. A {mall cup. o Suppofe your eyes fent equal ray _bon two diftant pors of ale Not knoyvmg ‘which was mild o ftale as th tid {wellin H in, i Milton's Paradife Loft unde the nam o to puth Wher I thought to cruth him in an equal foree True fword to fword ; I'll pozch at him fome way Or wrath or craft may get him Shakefpeare Pocker, | B To poach; to boi Itis commonly written poach Shakefp ‘Which nor our nature nor our place can bear Our potency make good Shakcfpeare By what name fhall we call fuch an one, a exceedeth God in potency Raleigh 2. Efficacy; ftrength Ufe can mafter the dgvil, or throw him ou With wond'rous potency PO'TENT adj Priar A foldigr drinks his poty and then offers payment. WWift Pora'ro word. n. /. [I fuppofe an America An efculent root [potens, Laun. ftrong; efficact ous There is nothing more contagious than fom kinds of harmony ; than fome nothing more firon and potent unto good Hooker I do helieve Induc'd by potent circumftances, tha You ate mine enemy Shakefpcare's Henry VIII Tere's anothe More potent than the firft. Skakefpeare's Macketh One would wonder how, from fo differi g. matter combined with them; but the Ruffian i ftronger than the Swedith5 potafh is o to the manufaturers of foap an glafs, to erarsa; the Ruf\fi and to dy fiann potapota/ fb isis ggt eatly p ferable Chefhire rock-falt, with a little nitre, al and potafp, is the flux ufed for the running o plate-glafs Waoodward. teach them, fho and to addi¢t the Shake Skakefpeare's Hamlet 1. Powerful ; forcible home-made potafh, made from fern 4. Th Swedith, and g. Ruflian kinds, with a volatile aci ciple I woul thin potations Shakefpeare's Coriclanus Thou haft fought to makeus break our vow To come betwixt our fentence and our power 2. The Spanifh called barilia, made by burnin fpecies of kali, which the Spaniards fow 3. Th IfI had a thoufand fons, the fir ftradling anima Arbutbnot and Pope Be curfes to yourfelves pearlafhes Roderigo Whom love hath turned almoft the wrong fide out To Defdemona hath to-night caronz' Potations pottle deep Shake[peare's Othello himfelf a forke If he fhould fill malignantly remai Faft foe to the plebeians, your voices migh pickle Pora'rion. z. /. [potatio, Latin. 1. Drinking bout 2. Draught fin At place of potency and fway o> th' ftate Potafp, in general, is an impure fixed alcalin {alt, made by burning from vegetables: we hav five kinds of this falt now in ufe 1 e Getfol wil Now arrivin n. /. [potaffe, French. potafh Porcompa'nion. z./. A fellow drinker a good fellow at caroufals Porency. n.[, [potentia, Latin. 1. Power; influence ; authority What lord of old would bid his cook prepar Mangos, potargo, champignons, cavarre King ma &elly. In great wounds, it is neceffary toobferve a fpar diet, as panadoes or a potched egg; this much availing to prevent inflammation Wifeman's Surgery An Indian dith or potager, made of the bark o a tree, with the fides and rim fewed together afte the manner of twiggen-work Grew's Mufzum Po'rasu an | o Hav paunch flightly Bacon A Weft India n..[ 1. To thruft Po'raBLENESs [from potable. . Drinkablenefs Po'racer u [ [from pottage. porringer #./ G/«'/" To PorcH. . a. [ pocker, French, to thraf out the eyes as with the thumb. ‘Where folar beam Parch thirfty human veins, the damafk'd mead Unfore'd difplay ten thoufand painted flow'r Ufeful in potables Philips Pora'rco I butter I'll defpife nor potatoe prize and a gotbelly The faid porable gold fhould be endued with capacity of being agglutinated and affimilated t the innate heat Harvey root EOT‘TB BELLY. 2 comet en mifles the fhoul infe th fam conglufion were it not not + t 1 it the confpira tion of interef were too porent for the diverfity of judgment Decay of Piety When b Mofes once more his potent ro Over the fea; the fea his ro ent charm comman extend w Milton ufe and virtue to infufe Valler te cannot urge obedience upon fuc s the minifier can urge difobe South of @ magnet can be {o rare an ugh a plate of glafs withou 3. Species of drink ! But thag I think his father loves him no ‘have him poifon'd with a pot of ale an Rivers run potable gold Po'sy. #./. [contratted from poe/y. 1. A motto on a ring You have chofe Dryd Such as may. be drank will fill with water freth and potab/e When the ftudents have accomplithed themfelves in this part, they are to be delivered int the hands of a kind of pofturemafter Spettator That fhe did give me, whofe pofy was Like cutler's poetry Love me and leave me not Shakefpeare mark Po rBELLIED. adj. [pot and belly. ing a fwoln paunch Mortimer low-wate € Wi hile fhe s turnips Nor lecks, nor oatmeal Ewelyn Latin. com Oats for their feafts the Scottif fhepherds grind Sweet turnips are the food of Blouzgelind Preferving life in med'cine potable Shakefpeare Dig a pit upon the fea fhore, fomewhat abov the high-water mark, and fink it as deep as th maffer.] One who teaches or pratife artificial contortions of the body A paltry ring Bull Thou beft of gold art worft of gold Other lefs fine in carrat, is more precious an [poffur Hiftory of Fob ate the maf Leek to the Welch, to Dutchmen butter's dear r Of Irifh {wains potatoe is th ; drinkable Addifon 7. / Arbutbnot' bilis Calumnies often refuted, are the poffulatums o i pe the lawyer PO'TABLE. adj. [ potable, French ; pota tion afflumed without proof e | b int fand Pofi fcribblers, upon which they proceed as upon firf wen Acorns, maft, and other feeds may be kep well, by being barrelled or ported up with moif The gill-fins are {o poffured, as to move fro Grew back to belly and e contra POSTULATUM. n. /. [Latin. L' Eftrang bulbs He was raw with poffuring himfelf according t an and all little enough to kee mone white potatce 1ow in ufe, and were or brought from Virginia into Eurspe r On choiceft melons and fweet gr they dine And with potatoes fat their wanton {w ne. Walier The families of farmers liv in filth and nainefs upon buttermilk and potatoes Savift Potthem in natural, not forced earth; a laye of rich mould beneath, and about this natural eart to nourith the fibres, but not fo as to touch th 7y Po'sTurE. @. a. [from the noun. To put in any particular place or dif s next 2. T'o inclofe in pots of earth Atterbury pofition b t Potted fowl and fith come in fo faft That ere the firft is out, the fecond ftinks And mouldy mother gathers on the brinks ditions of life, are difplayed with great fimplicity The red an mo Zo Por. w. 4. [from the noun. 1. To preferve feafoned in pots King Charles they forced me to leave Whitcha_ll o pockets; then fohn began to borrow money upo the bank ftock, now and then a farm went to pot Addifon many ages before us be deltroye low phrafe after them the oxen Dryden ftatue T The fheep went firft to pot of fuch or fuc performanc of his heroes in th RO P-Q minutio o thei force an 7 asto turn a magaetick needle throug Cyclop, fince hu Now drain th L |