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Show Ws'U SU makes a man fufibefl much, more tha little; and thercfore men fhould remed procuring to kno b %eeio Bacon more : wz:lngtshen Jufpect our happy frat iton A Milton 'Asl;‘g:rxfic;re}xand I cduld fufpec? no ill agine guilty without proof | ,£ ToThi oug many poets may Jupect themitlves fo ¢hepartiality of parents to their youngc,‘.'r childrgn ‘ ‘I kgow myfelf too well to be cver fatisfied wit Dyyden ‘ my own conceptions ~‘ome would perfuade us that body and exten ' fion are the fame thing, which changc:s ic figni' fication of words3 which I would not fufpect rl}c " ofy they having fo feverely condemne fophy of others the Plullu Locke " 4 Tohold uncertain ; to doubt 1 cannot forbear a ftory whic is fo well atteft *¢d, thatI have no manner of reafon to fufpec? th tn;th ; lr' Addifon ¢ Susee'cT. @. 2. 'To imagine guilt eff without caufe, let me be your jett w 5 [fi"/} Susee'cT. part. adj Shakefpeare [ fu/pec French. bm;‘ clean.sh data import.tsv out README Doubtful t ) [ tlons are not like to rende + 1 A2 o partial your reports fi/»/;b‘c'f G c:n"u‘f le Wk gyspe'ct. 7. /i [from the verb.] Sufpi~ cion; imagination without proof. Obfolete . No fancy mine, no other wrong fufpec? Make me, O virtuous fhame, thy laws negleét 4 Sidney The fale of offices and towns in France & If they were known, as the fufpeé? is great . Would make thee quickly hop without a head sy e n Shake[peare My moft worthy mafter, in whofe breaf Doubt and fufpef?, alas are plac'd too late 'gi « You fhould have feard falfe times, when you di feaft Shake[peare _ There be fo many falfe prints of praife, that ‘man may jutly hold a fu/pect Bacon Nothing more jealous than a favourite toward the waining time and Jufpect of fatiety Wotton They might hold fure intelligenc " Among themfelves, without [u/pe¢? v offend. Dan ;« If the king ends the differences, and take . away the fufpe?, the cafe will be no worfe tha when two duellifts enter the ficld Suckling " ToSusee'nn. . 4, L/fufpendre, Fr. fufpen o, Lat - T.-o hang; to mak thing Lu;'ogw' ith] W t han by an Sufpends uncertain vi¢tory Qur fouls, which, to advance ou ftate €€ gone out, hung 'twixt her and me. Don e It is reported by Ruffinus, that i t t m l of Serapis t ere was an iron chariot fufpende b oadftones; which ftones removed the chariot fel an was dafhed to pieces Brown 2. Tomake to depen upon fGOd hath in the {cripeure Jufpended the promif o e:? mal life upon this condition, tha , withou obedience and holinefs of life, n m n fhall eve f; the Lord Tillotfon 3 To interrupt; to make t time The Sufpended heeil)l; and took with ravifhmen thronging audien: ce Milton € guard nor f; gots no flies ; their fate fo near © Atonce Jufpend heir courage and their fear Denbam OI:\E :iBritifh dame, fam'd fo refiftlefs grace ) o fn S 10t now but fo the fecond place For we'ef"[p""dfds we neglet the fai ' Whom w intent Shakefpeare His anfwer did the nymph attend Her looks, her fighs, her gettures all did p ay hi But Godfrey wifely did his grant f fpend He doubts the worft, and that a while did ftay bim bum'd, to gaze adorin here 1"zlirfax To themfelves T left them For I fufpend their doom Mjlton The reafons for j}gpw:dfr,g the play wer il founded Dryden . This is the hinge on which turns the libert o Granwille & 'gff}f:}a}'i to hinder from proceeding "WVog, II.your iadignation againft my brother, til 4 A them Locke 5. To keep undetermined A man may fufpend his choice from being determined for or againft the thing propofed, til he has examined whether it be really of a natur to make him happy or no Locke 6. To debar for a time from the executio of an oflice or enjoyment of a revenue Goo me fhoul not be Jufpende of their miniftry livelihood for ceremonie an fro deprive th of thei which are on all hand acknowledged indifferent Sander[on The bifhop of London was fummoned for no Jufpending Dr. Sharp Swift SusPe'NSE. . /o [ fufpens, Fr. Jufpenfus Lat. 1. Uncertainty ; delay of certainty or determination; indetermination Till this be done, their good affection toward the fafety of the church is acceptable; butthe wa they preferibe us to preferve it by, muit reft i ufpenfe Hooker Such true joy' fufpenf What dream can I prefent to recompenfe ? Waller Ten days the prophet in Julpenfe remain'd Would no man's fate pronounce ; at laft conftrain' By Ithacus, he folemnly defign' Me for the facrifice Denbam z. A& of withholding the judgment In propofitions, where though the proofs i view are of moft moment, yet there are fufficien grounds to fufpect that there is fallacy, or proof as confiderable to be produced on the ¢ ntrary fide there fu/penfe or diflent are often voluntary. Locke Whatever neceflity determines to the purfui of real blifs, the fame neceflity eftablithes Jufpenfe deliberation and ferutiny, whether its fatisfactio mifleads from our true happimefs Locke 3. Stop in the midft of two oppofites For thee the fates, feverely kind, ordai Poge SUSPE'NSE. adj. [ fufpenfus, Lat. 1. Held from proceeding of his race, though fteep, [ufpenfe in heav' Held by thy voice Milton's Paradife Lof 2. Held in doubt; held in expe@ation The felf-fame orders allowed, but yet eftablithe in more wary and fu/penfe manner, as being to ftan in force till God fhould give the opportunity o fome general conference what might be beft fo every of them afterwards to do ; had both prevente all oceafion of juft diflike which others might take and referved a greater liberty unto the author themfelves, of entering unto further confultatio afterwards Hooker This faid, he fat; and expeation hel His looks fufpenfe, awaiting who appear' To fecond or oppofe Suspe'Ns1ON Jufpend. Milton #. /i [ fufpenfion, Fr. fro 1. At of making to hang on any thing z. A& of making to depend on any thing 3. Act of delaying Wit Had we had time to pray thoufand vows and tears we fhoul fought o balancing th judgment In his Indian relations, wherein are containe incredible accounts, he is furely to be r:.\d. wit Jufpenfion5 thefe are they which weakened his authorities wit former ages, fo he is feldo men tioned without derogatory parenthefes B The mode of the will, which anfwers t tation, ma be called f in the fastaftic the intellz¢tual ; and that whic will is obftinacy, is conftancy i Grew cfore Clarendon 6. Temporary privation of an office : a5 the clerk incurred fufpenfion SUsPE'NSORY penfus, Lat. hangs adj [/}g};cfife:'re, Fr fig/ That by which any thin There are feveral parts peculiar to brutes whic are wanting in man mufcle of the eye as the fevent or fufpenfor Ray SUSPI'CION. n. /. [ fufpicion, Br. fufpicio Lat.] The ac of fufpeiting ; imagination of {fomething ill without proof This fufpicion Mifo for the hoggifh fhrewdnef of her brain, and Mopfa for a very unlikely envy ftumbled upon Sidney Sufpicionsamongft thoughts are like bats amon birds, they ever fly by twilight; they are to b reprefled, or at the leaf cloud the mind wel guarded for the Bacon Sufpicion all our lives fhall be ftuck full of eye For treafon is but trufted like a fox Who, ne'er fo tame, fo cherifh'd and lock'd up Will have a wild trick of his ancetors Shakefp Thoug wifdom wake, Jufpicion {leep At wifdorn's gate; and to fimplicit Refigns her charge, while goodnefs thinks no il Where no ill feems Milton's Paradife Lof Susei'crous. adj. [ fufpiciofus, Lat. Inclined to fufpeét, inclined to imagin ill without proof Nature itfels, after it has don an injury, wil for ever be fufpicicus, and no man can love the perton he fufpeéts South 2. Indicating fufpicion or fear A wife man will find us to be rogues by ou faces: we have a fufpicious, fearful, confraine countenance, often turning and flinking throug narrow lanes Savift 3. Liable to fufpicion; giving reafon t imagine ill ‘They, becaufe the light of his candle ts0 muc drowned theirs, were glad to lay hold on fo colour The great light of day yer wants to ru Muc of withholdin intelleGtual beings, in their fteady profecutio o true felicity, that they can Jufpend this profecuti In particular cafes, till they have looked befor A cool fufpenfe from pleafure or from pain As'twixttwo equal armies fat you can derive from him better teftimony of his exercif . Sordid interefts or affe@ation of ftrange rela S hav That fad decree's fi/pen/on to have wrought, #alle able matter, an as an author o ding forward to traduce hi fufpicious innovations Hooker I py a black fufpicious threat'ning cloud That will encounter with our gloriou fun Author ;\Ac/?y;/:id:;;s nor greedil Shak to be fwal lowed, who pretend to deliver antipathies, fympathies, and the occult abftrufiti ies of things Brown's Pulgar Errours His lif Private, una@ive, calm, contemplative Little fu/picious to any king Miltoa Many mif mak us people of meri s are daily at work t fu/picious of each other, Pope Susri'ciousLy. adv. [from Jufpicious. 1. With fufpicion 2. So as to raife fufpicion His guard entering the place, found Plangu with his fword in his hand, but not naked, bu franding fufpicionfly enough to one already fufpi Clous Suspi'cl0USNESs 7. [ Tendency to fufpicion To mak by reafo Sidney [fromfig@z'cimu. my eftate known feemed impofiible of the fufpicioufnef young miftrefs I' of Mifo, and m Sidney Suspi |