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Show TW TW Dryden 4 Contortion ; writhe Not the leaft turn or zzvift in the fibres of any on animal, which does not render them more prope for that particular animal's way of life than an Addifon other caft or texture 7o TWI'TTER. V. 7 1. To make a fharp tremulous intermitte noife This muft be don Dryden Swallows tavitter on the chimney-tops They twitter chearful, till the vernal month Invite them back T bomjon 5. The manner of ltwifting Jack fhrunk at firft fight of it; he found faul with the length, the thicknefs, and the rwiff. Arb 1. On 2. Th wor lines who twifts ; a ropemaker inftrument of twifting. To thi I have annexed fome remarkabl which explain zawif in all its fenfes a twifter a twifting will twift him a twift Whe 2. To be fuddenly moved with any inclination #. /. [from taift. Twi'sTeER TWITTER as, a violen twine 9o Twit a twif of th ~The ancient errant knight ‘Won all their ladies hearts in fights And cut whole giants into fritters To put them into amorous twitters Hudibras The moon was in a heavy twitter, that he cloaths never fitted her L'Eftrange 2. An upbraider TwitTLETwa TTLE. 2 /. [A ludicrou reduplication of tawartle.] Tattle; gabble A vile word " Infipid twirtletwvattles, frothy jefts, and jinglin witticifms, inure us to a mifunderftanding of things Wallis v. a. [edbprean, Saxon. T fneer; to flout ; to reproach fhowers And footh to faine, nought feemeth fike firife That fhepherds {o taiten each other'slife. Spenfer When I proteft true loyalty to her She twits me with my falfehood to my friend Shake[peare /A fop minds men of their errors, without revizfor what's amifs Two 7 TWITCH T @ for whic a Between twohawks, which flies the higher pitch Between tawo dogs, which hath the deeper mouth Between zvo blades, which bears the better temper Between tzvo horfes, which doth bear him beft Between tawo girls, which hath the merrizft eye Saxon. vellicate ; to pluck wit a quic motion ; t fnatch 1 have fome fhallow fpirit of judgment to pluc wit They la By rwo and twwo acrofs the common way Nex to frefh woods, and paftures new Milton fleeve, he mouth With a furious lea She fprung fro bed, difturbe it more an Dryden in her mind £nd fear'd at ev'iy itep atwitching (pright behind Dryden Thrice they rzvitch'd the diamond in her car TwitcH 1 » / Pfl]fi.‘ [from the verb. Hudibra 2, A contration of the fibres Other confed'rate pair Contra&k the fibres, and the rwitch produce Which gently pathes on the grateful foo "To the wide ftomach, by its hollow road, Blackm Mighty phyfical their fear is nea is Their heart defcending to their breeches Muft give their ftornachs cruel taitches Prior mmation and pain eccafioning convulfive tzvitches Sharp 7. Twitchgrafs is a wee one page containing the names of her living. an the other of her deceafed members I'woEDGED. adj. [twoand edge. A plant that keeps fom Havin an edge on either fide lan //[ two of the fame kind things coexifting Pope Double or two differen Our prayer againft fudden death importeth twofold defire, that death when it cometh ma give us fome convenient refpite, or if that be denied us of God, yet we may have wifdom to provide always before-hand Hooker Through mirkfom air her ready way fhe makes Her twofald team, of which two black as pitch two were brown, yet each to each unlik Did foftly fwim away O thou the earthly author of m , Ti Lime and d plpl ace tak k n for dift D deo,m in g i h b tions of fpace and duration, have each o t_hep,ortwofold acceptation L:?k Now dropp'd their tzvofold burdens P,.;"' Ewes, that erft brought forth but fingle lamb: Holinefs ma be taken in a twofold fenfe ; fot.' that external holinefs, which belongs t perfo:'xs o things, offered to God 5 or for thofe internal g ace which fan&ify our natures Atterb TwoFoLp adv. Doubly A profelyte you make #wofold more the chilg o hell than yourfeives Two HANDED adj att. xxiii, 1 [tw an Ban Large; bulky; enormous of magnitude With huge twobanded fway Brandifh'd aloft, the horrid edge came down Wide wafting Milton's Paradf/'el,oj}; If little, then fhe 's life and foul all ‘ RE An Amazon, the large tevobanded whore. Dryden, Two'pEnce at twic Yo z / A {mall coin, valye i a penny all fhew like gilt ravopences to me. Sba'kejfi 70 TyEe. w.a 'Tobind. SeeTiz, Tye. »n. /. See Tie A knot; a bondi% or obligation gi Lay you Command upon me; to the which my dutie Are with a moft indiffoluble 7y For ever knit Shekpeare 1 have no #y2 upon you to be true But that which locfen'd your's, my love to you Drydan The noble mind's diftinguifhing perfection That aids and firengthens virtue whi eme rts her And imitates her a&ions where fhe is not tought notto be fported with Addifen Lend me aid, I now conjure thee, lend By the foft tye and facred name of friend Pope Ty'Ger. 7./. See TiGERr TyxE. n [ [See Tike.] Tyke in Scottith fill denotes a dog, or one as con temptible and vile as a dog; and fro thence perhaps comes teague Bafe tyke, cail'ft thou me hoft? now By this hand, I fwear I fcorn the term TY'MBAL #. / [tymbal Shakefp French.J kind of kettle drum Were not thy pow'r exerted in my breaft My fpeeches would fend up unheeded pray'r The fcorn of life would be but wild defpair A tymbal's found were better than my voice My faith were form, my eloquence were noife Prior TYMPANI'TES. 2. /. [roumwenils.] Fha particular fort of dropfy that fwells th belly up like a drum, and is often cured ] b'y tapping y'MpaNnum. » /i A drum; a part o the ear, {o called from its refemblanc with tempting grace Two FOLD. adj. [tawo and Jfold. An A fit of the flone is the cure, from the inflam Twi'tcHerASS kin A twoedg'd weapon from her fhining cafe The lion gave one hearty twitch, and got his fee out of the trap, but left his claws behind. L Eftra For foon as noife of comba to the raven's age, the Pylia Clariffa drew A quick pull ; a fudden vellication But Hudibras gave him a tewitc As quick as lightning in the breech Oour taofolfedas wath either fide Yet, gracious charity ! indulgent gueft I Wes longeftliv'd of any tavo-legg'd thing. Dryden A rational animal better defcribed man's effence, than a tevo-legged animal, with broad nails and without feathers Locke The two-fhap'd Eri@honius had his birt Without a mother, from the teeming earth. 44d Her regifter was a tewo-leaved book of record He rofe, and rwitch'd his mantle blue Twirch'd by th more Dryden 2. It is ufed in compofition hafty motion To-morro Shakefp Three words it will three times report, and the the two latter for fome times Bacon's Nat. Hift Fifteen chambers were to lodge us evo and #w together Bacon he was rwitte Baker [tpiccian adj. [twaz, Gothick; Tpu, Saxon. 1. One and one L'Efirange Honour's a facred #ye, the law of kings Milton "This thefe fcofters tavitted the Chriftians with Tillotfon Galen bled his patients, till by fainting the could bear no longer in his own time A contra&tion of berawixz Twilight, fhort arbiter *tawixt day and night ‘We mought with our fhoulders bear off the thar zing the L'Eftrange Twixr ‘When approaching the ftormy ftower fit of laughing, or fit o fretting But if one of the twines of the twift do untwift He #e/ 1. Any motion or diforder of paffion ; fuch intwift The twine that untwifteth untwifteth the twift Untwirling the twine that untwifteth between He twirls with his zziffer the two in a twine Then twice having twifted the twines of the twine He twicheth the twine he had twined in twain The twain that in twining before in the twine As twins were intwifted, he now doth untwine >Twixt the twain intertwifting a twine more be A low word A widow which had a twittering toward a fecon hufband, took a gofliping companion to manag the job L Efirange For the twifting of his twift he three twines dot tween twirling his reviffer, make draws away the virtue of th Mortimer foofe, hollow, an ground About his chin the rwi e ty°d, and foon the frangled foul difmifs'd T Fairy Queen bloo Whofe youthful fpirit in me regenerat 1 Doth now with twofo/d vigour lift me up "T'o reach at vi€tory above my head Add proof unto mine armour with thy prayers And with thy bleflings fteel my lance's point. §ha to a drum The three little bones in meatu auditgm}): b firming the tympanum, are a great help to the hea ing W;ftmfl# Ty 'mpany. n [, [from tympanum, Lat. A kind of obftrutted flatulence that fivell the body like a drum; the wind dropfyHope, the Chriftian grace, mul‘hbcl proportlone 3d and attemperate to the promiie; if it excee temper and proportion, it becomes a tumour flf tympany of hope H;:mn»'M He does not fhew us Rome great fuddeniy As if the empire were a tympany But gives it natural growth, tells how and W }']‘ The little body grew fo large and high. Suckling Others that affec .R"f""'":ha' A lofty ftile, fwell to a tympany Pride is no more than an unnatural fy"'f""')z, rifesin a bubble, and fpends itfelf in a blaft L5%r |