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Show A R Follow, Cominins, we muft follow you "* Right worthy your priority . J. [fro Priorsuir Shakefpeare Peri'sonpase play ‘Th prior. n. /. [from i'>?‘:0r. I. A convent, in dignity below an abbey Our abbies and our prieries fhall pa This expedition's charge. Shakefpeare's King Fobn s, Priarie ar th churche title Is doom' H paralle an equa triangula do t Neavton the three angles of the othetend Here, awful Newton the diffolving cloud Form, fronting on the {un, thy fhowery prifin Thomfon s, v PRISMA'TICK. adj. [ pri/matique, French Formed as a prifm from prifm. iw If the mafs of the carth was cubick, prifimatick, or any other angular figure, it would follow that one, too vaf a part woul be drowned an Derbam another be dry Falfe eloquence, like the prifimatick glafs Its gaudy colours fpreads on ev'ry plac Pope wPRISMA'TICALLY. adv. [from prifmatick.] In the form of a prifm Take notice of the pleafing variety of colour exhibited by the triangular glafs, and deman what addition or decrement of either falt, fulphur or mercury, befalls the glafs, by being prifmatically figured; and yet it is known, that withou that fhape, it would not afford thofc celours as i Buyle does Prismo'tn. #./. A body approachin to the form of a prifm PRI'SON. #. /. [prifon, French. ftrong hold in which perfons are confined; a gaol He hath commiffio To hang Cordelia in the prifon Shake[peare For thofe rebellious here their pris's ordain'd Milton I thought our utmoft goo Was in one word of freedom underftood The fatal blefling came ; from prifon free Ifiarve.abroad, and lofe the fight of Emily. Dryd Unkind! can you, whem only I adore Set open to your flave the prifon door Dryden The tyrant Aolus With pow'r imperial curbs the ftruggling winds Am{ founding tempefts in dark prifons binds. Dryd .I}e, that has hi chain knocked off and th Prifon. doors fet open to him, is prefently at liberty Loc At his firft coming to his little village, it was-a difagreeabl to hi a a prifon an ever da feemed too tedious to be endured in fo retire place, Law T0 Prr'son. o. 4. [from the noun. & To emprifon to fhut up in hold reltrain from liberty 2. To captivate; to enchain t Milton niverfal plodding prifo s nimble fip pirits in) fhe artcr i)es Shakefpeare Then did.the kingenlarg Thfl\fpleen h e prifin'd Chagman's Liad A VQL 11 wit frruggl on flende firing fuc woul bieak he i prifone 2 Hart 2. Alone; not accompanied 3. Being upon the fame terms wit unlefs the probable voice of eve body politick overrule all priwat V There fucceeded an abfolute victory for: th Englifh, the taking of the Spanith general d'Ocamp prifoner, with the lofs of few of the Englith. Bacon He yielded on my word And as my pris'ner, I reftore his fword Dryden He fae To let him breathe between the heav A private man in At What infinite hearte That priwate men enj [hat private h 0, faye ceremony Peter was but a private man, and no Tribune, a guard to feize the emprefs firaight Secure her perfon pris'ner to the ftate Dryden i I am forbid to tell the fecrets of my prifonbouf Shakefpeare #./. [from prifon. finement; emprifonment May be he will not touch young Arthui's life But hold himfelf fafe in his prifonment. Shakefpeare Pri'sTINE. adj. [ priftinus, Lat. ancient; original Firft Now their priffine wort The Britons recollect Philips This light being trajeGed only through the parallel fuperficies of the two prifms, if it fuffere any change by the refraltion of one fuperficies it loft that impreffion by the contrary refraétion o the other fuperficies, and fo, being reftored to it priftine conftitution, became of the fame nature an condition as at firft Prirase pray thee Newton familia corruption or I pray thee, whic the tragic ufed writers hav o I prithee Hin artin Rowe' Fane Shore Clamours our privacies uneafy make Birds leave their nefts difturb'd, and beafts thei Dryd haunts forfake Her facred privacies all open lie Rswve To each profane enquiring vulgar eye French. Privity join Privac in this fenfe is improper Yo fee iFro My end being private is religioufly true to his bar 4. Taciturnity [Spanifh. fecre friend The lady Brampton not exprefled m conceptions in the language of the {chools 5. Iz Pr1vaTE not openly Dighy Secretiy; not publickly In private grieve, but with a carelefs corn In publick feem to triumph, not to mourn. Granv Pri‘vaTe #. / A fecret meflage His private with me of the dauphin's love Is much more general than thefe lines import. Sha PrivaTe'ER. #. /. [from priwvare.] fhip fitted out by private men to plunder the enemies of the ftate He is at no charge for a fleet, further than providing priwateers, wherewith his fubjeéts carry o a pyratical war at their own expence. Swwift's Mifce/ 7o PrivaTE 2R, @. 4. [from the noun. To fit out fhips againft enemies, at th charge of private perfons Pri'vaTeLY. adv. [from private. Secretly 5 not openly There this night We'll pafs the buf And as he fat upon the mount of Ol difciples came unto him privately.) Matt. xxive 3 Pri'vaTENESs 1 #. /. [fro The ftate of 2 man in the fam with the reft of the community 2. Secrecy privacy attending the cou he did content with courtefy, re Ambaflado He drew him into the fatal circle from a re{olve d privat s, where he bent his mind to retired courfe Wotton Priva'rion . / 1 hav )b{curity; retirement privacy PRIVA'DO Pare you prefume to love a queen ? Dryden 4. Particular; not relating to the publick fome o Pri'vacy. #. /. [from private. 1. State of being fecret; {fecrecy 2. Retirement; retreat; place intende to be fecret 3. [Priwanté A primate men injudicioufl Well, what was that fcream for Alas! why com'ft thou a To fhock the peace of my de leave me Away ! I prithe Con captivity to b any way compared with the dukes of his houfe of Antiguit The firft principles of chriftian religion fhoul not be farced with fchool points and pr one is confined Pri'sonMENT the fame body 3. One under an arreft whic op When publick confent of the whole hath éftas blithed: any thing, every man's judgment, bein thereunto compared, were priwvate, howfoever hi calling be to fome kind of publick charge; fo tha of peace and quietnefs there is no So oft as homeward I from her depart I go like one that having loft the field Is prifoner led away with heavy heart hol th reft of the community; particular pofed to publick L'Eflrange Gaol Fancy retire Info her priwvate cell, wh e nature refts. e i s ¢ at whic V 1 1 Priwvate, > or fecret 4 | - er by a man alonie apart from a!l otk #5. Duty of Man Fame, not contented with her broad high way Delights, for change, thro'private paths to ftray A captive; one taken by the enemy 7. / 5L 11 I have fome prizate {chooling for you both., Shak Decay of Piety knowledge; great familiarity Culling their potent herbs and balefu d u s 'l{hcy, as they fung, would take th prifon'd foul n l i i E y i m 2% '{-‘Io confine is tie Pri‘sonHOUSE The face of nature we no more furvey All glares alike, without diftinétion gay You fhall go w Richard 11 he does not know whither to go and well polithed fides, which meet in three parallc lines, running from the three angles of one end PRI'VATE. adj. [ privatus, Latin, 1. Not open; fecret A prifoner is troubled, that he cannot go whithe he would; and he that i3 at large is froubled, tha and three plai ends tha ne Bacos Sardys Shakefpeare' for Portugal at that time, with fome privads o only at his own floth, and who "will pity his thral tw wit a prifoner as one refolut wpiciuc. of glafs is a glafs bounde A prif called grifonbars The moft pernjcious infection, next the plague is the fmell of the jail, when prifoncrs have bee long and clofe, and naftily kept Bacon Joaden with wine, two tuns of wine at his price Cowel French gura To whofe flint bofom my condemned lox n. /. [from prife. . f. [ prifme o Cafar's ill-ereéted tower Prifdge, .now called butlerage, is a cufto whereby the prince challenges out of every bar PRISM kin Pri'soNER. n. f, [prifonnier, French. 1. One who is confined in hold Ayliffe's Parergon Pri‘sacE the others do with their harid given to priors in titulum, or by way o N f commonl ar whic The fpachies of the court jul‘vy every Friday a giocho di canni, which is no other than prifonbaf upon horfeback, hitting one another with darts, a ftate or office of prior " Paiory B PR an Englifh lady, embarke privatio 1. Remova or quality 3 #. / [privation French Latin or deftruftion of any thin For |