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Show PO is as vain as that of Rabelais, to fqueeze out win Savift from the pofferiors of a dead afs He cannot live, 1 hope after; oppofite to priority Although the condition of fex and pofferiority o creation might extenuate the error of a woman Brown yet it was inexcufable in the man bodies ou Hale compounded body, to thefe more fimpl of which it is conflituted Po'stuumous. adj. [pofthumus, Latin pofthume, Fr.] Done, had, or publithe after one's death tors It was faid In our prefent miferable and divided condition how juft foever a man's pretenfions may be to It thould not ftand in thy pofferity But that myfelf fhould be the fathe Shake[peare's Macbeth Of many kings great or blamelefs reputation, he muft, with regar to his poffhumous charatter, content himfelf wit fuch a confideration, as induced the famous Si Since arms avail not now that Henry's dead Shake[peare Pofferity await for wretched years Pofierity inform'd by thee might know. Milton Their names fhall be tranfmitted to pofferity and fpoken of through all future ages. Smalridge wher th othe look to it Po'sTerw woul hav trembled gate Pope but i daring let the And in that windew made a poffern wide. Fairfax Thefe iflued into the bafe court through privy poftern, and fharply vifited the affailants wit Hayward halberds Great Brifain hath had by his majefty 2 ftron It hath been obferved by many holy writers commonly delivered by poffillers and commentators Posti'vion. n. /. [poftillon, French. 1. One who guides the firft pair of a fe of fix horfes in a coach Let the poflilion nature mount 2. One who guides a poft chaife adj [ poftiliminium PostrLimi'N10OUS Latin.] Done or contrived {fubfequently The reafon why men ar in governing, is, becaafe mof them accidentally, and com pliance with their pre-conceiv' to comply fubfequently, an As Simonides has expofed the vicious part o women from the doftrine of pre-exiftence, fom of the ancient philofophers have fatirized the viciou part of the human fpecies, from 2 notion of th Addifon Toul's poftexiffence things as the Postua'cknEY. 7. fo [ poft and backney. Hired pofthorfes length, without either preface or pofifeript. Addifin Your faying that I ought to have writa pgf Jeript to Gay's, make lefs than a whole letter South thi letter, as h believe Po‘sTtirasTER-GENERAL z. A H wh prefides over the pofts or lerter-carriers adj [ pofmeridianus PostMERI DIAN o Latin. Being in the afternoon Over-hafty digeftion is the inconvenience of poffBacon's Natural Hiftory meridian fleep Po'sTorriCE. n. /. [poff and office.] Offic [pofuls, Lat a To beg or affume with poftuler, Fr. out proof They moft powerfully magnify God, who, no from poftulate an inferences, entrea precariou a courtesus aflent, but from experiments and unBrown deniable effeéts Po'sturLaTe. #n. /. [poftulatum, Latin. Pofition fuppofed or affumed withou proof This we fhall induce not from poffilates and in treated maxims, but from undeniable principles. Br Some have caft all their learning into the metho of mathematicians, under theorems, problems, an ) Watts poftulates PosTuLA TION. #. J. [poffulatio, Latin Th po iu at . f o Fr pofpulation al of fuppofing without proof; grétuitous affumption t i t aff m eli i t A fecond peffulatio l H it veracity of him that report Po'sTuLATORY. adj. [from ;(y?ulat:.] 1. Affuming without proof 2. Aflumed without proof Por a o.f ph to no th pe uf Whoever fhal :}Z rea mIC ve et bl ho ob er and ftri&tl forced into animal reprefentations, may percene femblancs is but pofulatory Po'sTuRE Reeil #. /. [pofture, Fr tyra, Latin. 1. Place; fituation; dx{pofiuo gard to fomething elle b Pa i Wi BE ‘;fi: : pl af { n no ar fr di th f Althoug templations phyfical or mathematical, ¥¢ recompence with the excellency of U?w 1 farelation to man, and his nobleft poffure a0 Hale that happ revolution had never been effected, he prays to b made poftmafter general Speciator me not content to writ Pepe w To PO'STULATE I came yonder at Eaton to marry Mrs. Ann Shakefpeare Page; and 'tis a poffmafter's boy Withou Po'stuorsE. #. [ [poff and horfe. horfe ftattoned for the ufe of couriers by poffliminious after-appli paragraph added to th vate opinion ; and therefore is willing his propofal thould with freedom be examined: thIu under Y 8Bt ftand his pofffeript One, when he wrote a letter, would put ha which was moft material in the pofifeript. Bacn The following letter I fhall give my reader a Po'stmasTER. 7 f. [poft and mafler. One who has charge of puablick conveyance of letters bafte. Hakewill on Providence fall out fo fhort and wea things fall out t not into any comends, but are force to firike in wit cations of them to their purpofes This i though not in poffhafie Coavley to town re commended to a chaplain's place; but none bein vacant, modeftly accepted of that of a poffilion. Tatl [pof and exift The fource of this our watch, and the chief hea Shake[p Of this poftFafle and romage in the land The duk Requires your hafte, poffbafle appearance Shake[peare's Othello us, that the world waxes old and le The coachman art be fet A young batchelor of arts cam Rowe Postua'sTE. #. /. [pof an Hafte like that of a courier text defeats your art, ties nature's tongue Cleaveland [poff and Jeriptum I think he prefers the publick good to his pri Hence you phantaftick poffillers in {ong M Th end of a letter Brown addition; the goffern, by which we were fo ofte Raleigh entered and furprifed, is now made up The confcious prieft, who was fuborn'd before Dryden Stood ready pofted at the poftern door If the nerves, which are the conduits to conve them from without to the audience in the brain be fo difordered, as not to perform their functions they have no poflern to be admitted by, no othe Locke ways to bring themfelves into view A private poflern opens to my gardens Through which the beauteous captive might re coach attending him, made them balk the beate road and teach poffhackncys to leap hedges. Wotton Latin. Locke on Educatip 7. J Po STSCRIPT Bacon notes fhould give way, an b:: poftponed ta this 1 have feen a book of account ef Empfon's that had the king's hand almoft to every leaf b way of figning, and was in fome places poffilled i Shakefpeare Out at the pofiern by the abby wall By broken byways did 1 inward pafs Efpying,the French ambaffador with the king' All other confideration Brown On Po'sTiLLER. z. /. [from poffil. who gloffes or illuftrates with margina with zo Back the margin with the king's hand Rafifi 2. 'To fet in value below fomething lfe Addifon Glofs; marginal notes Latin. 7o Po'sTiL. @. a. [from the noun.] T glofs; to illuftrate with marginal notes good Eglamour PosTex1'sTENCE. # / Future exiftence ence. to the earth pore the one thing neceffary #. /. [pefiille, French; poftilla PO'STIL Ere dawning ligh Difcover'd had the world to heaven wide He by a privy poffern took his flight That of no envious eyes he mote be fpy'd. Spenfer move and his bod Latif Postro NE. v. a. [ 2ofpona poftpofer, French. You would pofipone me to another reign Till when you are content to be unjuft, Dy The moft trifling amufement is fuffered toJ fn to leave hi {ubftitution of mafculine generation a little door Go on to God ift et £ you are‘e fen to the pofleffice with 4 letter f S:wp it in carefully ift 1. "T'o put off; to delay The poftick and backward pofition of the feminine parts in quadrupeds, can hardly admit th A fmal Dutch ; janua poftica, Latin. 7 to's.,z- G have no correfpondent but ydu bequeathed his fou Po'stick. adj. [ pofiicus, Latin. ward pofterne Fr Franci Bacon, after havin fame to foreign nations Waterland [poterne n. f If you : don't . fend to me now a poftffice will think me of no confcqugn?;e_",f th An officer at the pofthoufe in London places ever letter he takes in, in the box belonging to th Watis proper road Poste'riTY. 2. J. [pofferité, French Succeeding generapofferitas, Latin. tions; defcendants: oppofed to ance/ To the unhappy, that unjuftly bleed Heav'n gives pofferity t* avenge the deed They were fallible, they were men pofterity, fallible as they, grow bold an Knolles Po'stuousk. n./. [ poff and houfe.] Poftoffice; houfe where letters are take and difpatched ever o tim i be a pofleriorit muf and muft not die all fpeed to Conftantinople ¢ pot a pofthoufe Till George be pack'd with goffhorfe up to heav'n Shake[peare Xaycus was forthwith befet on every fide an taken prifoner, and by pofthorfes conveyed wit Poster10RITY, 2. /. [pofleriorité, Fr The ftate of bein from pofferior. Ther where letters are deliver ed to the pof . He fay under a tree, while his fervants wer Sidney getting frefh pofthorfes for him pounds To raife one hundred and ten thoufan POo R 2 tion in this world, a ftate of regulated !Oc{e[);:w t; l(; aff ir ou o po ur th t Accordin tur ha co l campaign, this princ lance on either fide Voluntar collocatio of thefi}:fi:‘s ot er ea t re pe wi the bod He ftarts Then lays his finger on his temple 3 fi":m Springs out into faft gait; then ftops aie cafts hard, and then ano Strikes his breaf p ang a if? L S% ft mo .i mo n His eyes againft th |