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Show PE 1 and all other Icgnl'thC White the fourth commandment and obfervations The king in Pc;:fon vifits all around Comforts the fick, congratulates the found And holds for thrice three days a royal featt. Dryd g¢. Exteriour appearance Shake[peare It bezgar'd all defeription reprefented in a fiti All things are lawful unto me, faith the apoftle fpeaking, as it feemeth, in the pm;/_‘m of th chriftian gentile for the maintenanc things indifferent of liberty i Heoker Thefe tables Cicero pronounced, under the perfo of Craffus, were of more ufe and authority than al Baker on Learning the books of the philofophers Character 'P¥igl yo i From his firt appearance upon the ftage . g Sew P"J'T"' of a fycophan or jugler former perfon of a prince Ty ) ! derifio wh S flocke abou where the owl was he wa an of the courtier en hi inftead of hi to th expofe people the commo tha him kno migh Bacon by the flight of birds He hath put on the perfon not of a robber an murtherer, but of a traitor to the ftate. Hayzvard ¢1. Chara&er of office I ther did vfe the perfon of your father The image of his power lay then in me And in th' adminiftration of his law While I was bufy for the commonwealth Your highnefs pleafed to forget my place. Shakefp How different is the fame ma himfelf fro ‘25 he fuftains the perfin of a magiftrate and tha South - ofa friend of th The qualit 12. [In grammar. noun that modifies the verb Dorus the more bluthed at her {fmiling, and fh blufhing; becauie he had of that plight he was in the more fmiled at hi with the remembranc forgot in fpeaking of himfelf the third perfon. Sidney If fpeaking of himfelf in the firlt perjon fingula ~ has fo various meanings, his ufe of the firt perfo Locke plural is with greater latitude Pe'RSONABLE. adj. [from perfon. o graceful 1. Handfome ap good pearance Were it true that her fon Ninias had fuch a ftaturg, as that Semiramis, who was very perfunable could be taken for him; yet it is unlikely tha fhe could have held the empire forty-twa years afte Raleigh by any fuch fubtilty ma tha On 2, [In law. . any plea in a judicial court maintai Ain/worth Pe‘RsONAGE. n. f. [perfonage, French. 1. A confiderable perfon ; man or woma " of eminence It was a new fight fortune had prepared t _thofe woods, to fee thefe great perfonages thus ru one after the other Sidney ~ Itis not eafy to refearch the actions of eminen perfonages, how much they have blemifhed by th envy of others, and what was corrupted by thei ‘own felicity Wotton 2. Exteriour appearance ; air; ftature She hath made compar Between our flatures, the hath urg'd his height And with her perfonage, her tall perfonage She hath prevail'd with him Shakefpeare . The lord Sudley was fierce in courage, ' courtl in fafhion, in perfonag ftately, in voic cent, but fomewhat empty of matter 3. Charatter aflumed magnifi Hayavard "The great diverfion is mafking; the Venetians naturally grave, love to give into the follies of fuc . fea{ons, when difguifed in a falfe perfonage. Addifon 4. Chiraéter reprefented Some perfons muft be found out, already know }by hiftor):,v{hom we may make the actors an per Jemages of this fuble ERSONAL. adj ' Jonalis, Lfltin; Vo, I [perfonel, French [ to me Broome per or women not t things; not real Every man fo termed by way of perforal differ ence only Hooker 2. Affeéting individuals or particular peoplc;.pe(‘uliur For her own perfon . Man or woma tious dialogue L'y B.clongin prope to hi or her T Pr'rR3ONATE. w. a. [from perfona Latin. 1. To reprefent by a fiitious or aflume charaéler, fo as to pafs for the perfo reprefented This lad was not to perfonate one, that ha been long before taken out of his cradle, but youth that had been brought up'in a court, wher Bacon infinite eyes had been wpon him relating 10 one's private ations or charaiter For my part I know no perfonal caufe to fpurn at him But for the general Shakejpeare's Fulius Ceefar It could not mean, that Cain as elder had natural dominion over Abel, for the words ar conditional; if thou doeft well: and fo perfonal t Cain Locke Publick reproofs of fin are general, though b this they lofe a great deal of their effect; buti private converfations the application may be mor perfonal, and the proofs when fo direéted com home Rogers If he imagines there may be no perfonal pride vain fondnefs of -themfelves, in thofe that ar patched and dreflfed out with fo much glitter of ar or ornament, let him only make the experiment Law 3. Prefent not alting by reprefentative When he was perfonal in the Yrifh war., Shakefpeare This immediate and perfonal fpeaking of Go Almighty to Abraham, Job, and Mofes, mad not all his precepts and diétates, delivered in thi eternall moral 3. To pretend hypocritically reciprocal pronoun corporal ney; not real, as land This fin of kind not perfonal Perfon belongs only to intelligent agents, capable of a law, and happinefs and mifery : this perJonality extends itfelf beyond prefent exiftence t what is paft, only by confcioufnefs, whereby i imputes to itfelf paft aétions, juft upon the fam ground that it does the prefent Locke which any kind of impiety is difguifed fign or aét I am thinking what I fhall fay; it muft be perfonating of himfelf; a fatyr againft the foftnef of profperity Shaksfpeare I will drop in his way fome obfcure epiftles o love b th colou z. / an is neithe in a proper literal fenfe the fam o hi [fro beard th perfonate. Counterfeiting of another perfon Thi being one of the ftrangeft examples of perfonatio tha eve was it defervet t be dif covered and related at the full Bacon Personirica'rion z. /. [from perJonify.] Profopopeeia; the change o things to perfons: as Confufion heard his voice Milton 7o PERSO'NIFY. w. a. [from perfon.] T change from a thing to a perfon PE‘RsPECTIVE. n. /. [ per/pedtif, French per/picio 1 glaf Latin. throug viewed whic thing ar If it tend to danger, they turn about the perJpetive, and fhew it fo little, that he can fcarc difcern it Denbam It may import us in this calm, to hearken t the ftorms raifing abroad; and by the beft perJpedtives, to difcover from what coaft they break You hold the glafs, but turn the per/pec y 57, 2i And farther off the lefien'd object drive Dryden Faith for reafon's glimmering light fhall giv Her immortal per/pective Prior 2. The {cience by which things are range in pitture, according to their appearanc in their real fituation Medals have reprefente their building ing to the rules of perfpective 3 View vifto accord Addifon on Medals Lofty trees, with facred fhades clean.sh data import.tsv out README And per[peciives of pleafant glades 3. With regard to numerical exiftence was before wherein thape of his leg, the manner of his gait, th expreflure of his eye, forehead, and complexion he fhall find himfelf moft feelingly perfonated. Shak cularly is ‘perfonall i Out of ufe 7. To defcribe 2. With refpe@ to an individual; parti ma a Shakefpeare Addifon converte of Whofe eyes are on this fovereign lady fixt Onedo I perfonate of ‘Timon's frame ‘Whom fortune with her iv'ry hand wafts to her Shake[peare's Henry VIII She bore a mortal hatred to the houfe of LanBacon cafter, and perfonally to the king Shakefpeare 6. To make a reprefentativ Out of ufe pifture bu There ‘are many reafons, why matters of fuc a wonderful nature fhould not be taken notice o by thofe Pagan writers, who lived before our Saviour's difciples had perfonally appeared among them Th Glanville's Secpfis The lofty cedar perfonates thee alfo when others do it in their names Hooker 1 could not perfonally deliver to he What you commanded me, but by her woma I fent your mefiage Hammond Thus have I played with the dogmatift in a per Approbation not only they give, who perfonall voice i Littl to feign Piety is oppofed to that perfsnatod devotion unde Pe'rRsoNALLY adwv [from perfonal. 1. In perfon; in prefence; not by reprefentative b counterfeit 4. T ufe Dawvies one affen Sawift Persona'rion 6. [In grammar.] A perfonal verb is tha which has all the regular modificatio of the three perfons; oppofed to imperfonal, that has only the third Persona'LiTy = /[ "[from perfonal. The exiftence or individuality of an thei feét amongft us 5. [Inlaw.] Something moveable; fomething appendant to the perfon, as mo declar .th fevera th o member themfelve Jrmat This heroick conftancy determined him to defire in marriage a princefs, whofe perfonal charm were now become the leaft part of her charalter Addifon But real and hereditarywwas wit It has been the conftant practice of the Jefuit to fend over emiffaries, with inftrutions to per for fome o them were perfmal, and many of them ceremonia and judicial White 4. Exteriour Herfelf a while fhe lays afide, and make Crafbaw Ready to perfonate a mortal part 5. To refemble In deputation left fimply an z. To reprefent by action or appearance to act [fonated {cepticifm The fav'rites that the abfent kin manner P P E h born nor created a-ne Rogers ‘Where nymphs of brighteft form appear PE'RsPECTIVE adj Relatin Dy derr t fcience of vifion ; optick; optical R th W |