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Show P R The fmiling pendant which adornshher fo ntil Autumn on the bough fhoul grow e Waller To make the fame pendan faft a twice a g undulatio ever or mak it did Obf;ole:e A pendulum 3 hal i i o the time it did, make the line, at which it hangs double in geumetrical proportion to the line a Digby on the Soul which it hanged before 4. A fmall flag in fhips Pe'NDENCE Latin. pendeo [fro 7. / Slopenefs; inclination The Italians give the cover a graceful pendence o flopenefs dividin breadt whol th nin int arts, whereof two fhall ferve for the elevation o Zorten the higheft top or ridge from the loweft Pe'NDENCY 2. / pendeo, Latin. [fro Sufpenfe; delay of decifion The judg pronounc fhal i principa th caufe, nor can the appellant allege pendency of fuit Ayliffe Pe‘NDENT [pendens adj {om Latin write pendant, from the French. 1. Hanging Quaint in green fhe fhall be loofe enrob' With ribbons perdent, flaring about her head Shake[peare I fometimes mournful verfe indite, and fin Of defperate lady near a purling fiream Philips Or lover pendent on a willew tree 2. Jutting over And mock her eyes with air 3. Supported above the ground Shakefpeare They brought, by wond'rous ar Pontifical, a ridge of pendent-yroc _ Over the vex'd abyfs adj Milton's Paradife Loft [pendent lite. De A perfon pending fuit with the diocefan fhall b defended in the poffeffion Ayliffe PeNbuLo'siTY n. /. [from penduPe'NpurousnEss Jous. 'The ftat of hanging; fufpenfion . His flender legs he encreafe by riding is, the humour their pendulofity defcende having no fuppor upo tha or fuppedaneous ftability Brown' Vulgar Errours PE'NDULOUS. adj. [ tendulus, Latin, Hanging; not fupportéd below All'the plagues, that in the pendudous ai Hang fated o'er men's faults, light on thy daughters del(:_/‘/.ml"g‘ Bellerophon's horfe, framed of iron, and place between two loadftones with wings expanded, hun penduloys in the air Brown T!le grinders are furnithed with three roots and in the upper jaw often four, becaufe thefe ar Pffldukus Ray 7. / [fendulus, Latin ; pen aule, French. Any weight hung fo a that it may eafily fwing backwards an forwards, of which the great law is, tha its ofcx].lanons are always performe equal time i That the vibration of this pendulu Shall 'mall.e all taylors yards of on Danimous opinion PE'NETRABLE adj Hudibras [ pengtrable Fr Latin. 1. Suchas may be pierced; fuch as ma admit the entrance of another body 2 And let me wring your heart, for fo I fhall If it be made of penetrable ftuff Shake[peare PENETRABI LITY. 2. /. [from penetrable. Sufceptibilit other body of impreflio .Let him try thy dart Aéxd pierce his only penetrable part fro an . There being no mean between penetrability an impenetrability, paflivity and aivity, they bein contrary; therefore the infinite rarefaGion of th one quality is the pofition of its contrary Cheyne Pe'~NeTRAIL. 2. /. [penetralia Interiour parts Not in ufe Th hear refift purulen penetrails to infinuate fom Latin. fumes int whof time muft be allowed Harwvey Pe'NETRANCY. 2. [ [from penetrant, Power of entering or piercing The fubtility, altivity and penetrancy of its efluvia no obftacle can ftop or repel, but they will mak their way through all bodies Ray PE'NETRANT adj Having the powe fharp; fubtile [penetrant Fr. to pierce or enter If the operation of thefe falts be in convenien glaffes promoted by warmth, the afcending fteam may eafily be caught and reduced into a penetran {pirit Boyle The food, mingled with fome diffolvent juices where it is furthe fo fluid and pemetrant tha the finer part finds its way in at the ftreight orifices of the lacteous veins Ray 7o PEENETRATE penetrer, French. pierce @. a. [penetro, Lat Dryden Sufceptive of moral or intelle@ual impreflion drown'd to ente beyon face; to make way into a body the fur Marrow is, of all other oily fubftances, the mof penetrating Arbutbnot on Aliments 2. To affeét the mind 3. To reach the meaning Ther things fhall w Swift's Mifcellanies 3. Having the power to imprefs the mind Would'ft thou fe Thy mafter thus with pleacht arms, bending dow His corrigible neck, his face fubdu' 3 Shake[peare To penctrative fhame Pe'NETRATIVENESS. #. /. [from penetrative | 'The quality of being penetrative Pe'~vcuin. o /. [anfer magellanicus, Lat. 1. A bird. This bird was found with thi name as is fuppofed coverer clearl by th of America firft dif and pengui fig nifying in Welfh a white head, and th head of this fowl being white, it ha been imagined that America was peopled from Wales whence Hudibras Britith Indians nam'd from penguins Grew gives another account of th name, deriving it from pinguis, Latin Jat but is,I believe miftaken The pernguin is fo called from his extraordinary fatnefs: for though he be no higher than large goofe, yet he weighs fometimes fixtee pounds; his wings are extreme fhort and little altogether unufeful for flight, but by the hel whereof he fwims very {wiftly. Grew's Mufwum 2. A fruit The penguin is very common in the Weft Indies where the juice of its fruit is often put into punch being ofa fharp acid flavour : there is alfo a win mad of the juice of thi fruit keep good long bu i wil no Miller PENI'NSULA. n. /. [Latin, fene infida peninfule, Fr. A piece of land almof {urrounded by the fea, but joined by narrow neck to the main Afide of Milbrook lieth the perizfida of Infworls fee the ufe of thef which here were too fubtile for us to pene trate Ray 70 PE'NETRATE. @. 2 1. To make way on whofe neckland ftandeth an ancient houfe. Careqy. Pewi'NsurLaTED adf Almoft furrounde [from peninfula. by water PE'NITENCE. #. /. [ penitence, French panitentia, Latin.] Repentance; for row for crimes ; contrition for fin wit Court virtues bear, like gems, the higheft rate Born where heav'n's influence fcarce can penetrate Though the fame fun with all diffufive ray amendment affe@tions Smile in the rofe, and in the diamond blaze We praife the ftronger effort of his pow'r Death is deferr'd, and peniterce has roo To mitigate, if not reverfe the doom Drydes And always fet the gem above the flow'r Pope 2. To make way by the mind If we reached no farther than metaphor, w rather fancy than know, and are not yet penctrate into the infide and reality of the thing Locke Penerra‘TiON. 70 f from penetrate. [penctration Fr 1. The a& of -entering into any body With gentle peretration though unfee entranc int an AMilicn thin ab 3. Acutenefs ; fagacity Watts PE'NETRATIVE. adj. [from penctrate. 1. Piercing fharp fubtile Let not air be too grofs, nor too penctrative, no fubjet to any foggy noifomenefs from fens, Z¥stton 2. Acute; fagacious; difcerning French Much it joys m To fee you become fo penitent themitlves Sl:a/szpe,zrc or penirent befough DMiltoan Provoking God to raife them enemies From whom as oft he faves them pe Miiton The proud he tam'd, the penitcnt he chear'd Nor to rebuke the rich offender fear'd His preaching much, but more his pradtice wrought A living fermon of the truths he taught. D PE'NITENT. #. 1. One forrowful for fin Canceale h The proudeft admirer of his own parts migh confult with others, though of inferior capacity an penctration [penitent The God of their forefatbers The univerfe, and to each inward par 2. Menta ftrufe adj penitens, Latin. Repentant; contrit for fin ; {orrowful for paft tranfgrefliions and refolutely amending life Humble It warm ¢ Shoots invifible virtue even to the deep PE'NITENT of life or change of th Nor in the land of their captivit A penetration into the abftrufe difficulties an epths of modern algebra and fluxions, is not wort the labour of thofe who defign cither of the thre learned profeflions Hatts Upon the bench I will fo handle em O thou, whofe penetrative wifdom foun The fouth fea rocks and fhelves, where thoufand Peace 1. T pending; remaining yet undecided penctrabilis But penetrable to your kind entreaties. Shakefpeare fubtilized and rendere With trees upon't, that nod unto the world ENDULUM I am not made of ftone is evacuated into the inteftines A pendent rock A forked mountain, or blue promontor ¢ PE'NvinG PE PE th induftr impartia the earth treafures fhall be'brought into ufe b of converted penitents laws-fhai whofe carcafe dedicate to the worms o Bacon The repentance, which is formed by a gratefu fenfe of the divine goodnefs towards 'imn: is refolved on while all theappetites are in their frength the penitont conquers the temptations of fi full force z. Oae under cenfures of the church admitted to pennance by Th bi |